Daddy’s Timid Girl by Jess Winters










My mind was swimming with everything that needed to be done. Not only did I have unexpected guests, but I was going to have to prepare for a legal battle. Unfortunately, my family was great at twisting the law in their favor and had sunk their influence deep into the small town in which they lived. It was how they got away with shit, such as their all but kidnapping an innocent woman.

I had only met Chloe a couple of times, before today. Her engagement to Eugene had been announced out of the blue two months ago. There were a couple of parties, to which I had been invited out of politeness. Normally, I would have given them an equally polite rejection. But, I was curious about Eugene's bride, when there had been no mention at all about him dating anyone, in person or online.

I understood why when I met her.

Chloe was beautiful, shy, and sweet. She was also absolutely miserable. She practically flinched from Eugene every time he put an arm around her. Angela had told her to cheer up more than once in her sugar-covered but angry voice. It didn't surprise me at all that Eugene had threatened her parents. My nephew was a bully and had always been a bully. It was just like him to find a pretty girl he liked and try to trap her.

We pulled up to my house; a three-story Victorian-style house I had built myself. Even though I rejected my family's rotten legacy, I liked the finer things in life and my house reflected that. Its roof glistened with solar panels and the fountain decorating the front lawn was pumping reclaimed water; but, aside from that, it looked like a symbol of opulence from the outside.

Chloe's eyes widened when she saw it. "Wow," she said. "This isn't a house. This is a mansion."

I chuckled. "Well, it's your home until further notice."

My butler, Jonathan, opened the door for Chloe. If he was curious about why she was wearing a wedding dress, he didn't show it.

"Good morning, Miss," he said.

She bit her lip and smiled hesitantly. "Good morning."

I smiled. She was so adorable.

"Jonathan, I need two rooms prepared for visitors," I said. "Could you please prepare the guest room, next to mine, as well as the one down the hall?"

He nodded. "Certainly, Sir."

After he left, I took Chloe's hand in my own. She let out a small shiver at my touch, but she didn't flinch away as she flinched away from Eugene.

"I'll take you upstairs to my room," I said. "You can change and wash up there. Your parents will be here soon, as well as the belongings from your house."

She bit her lip. "He's probably noticed I'm gone, by now," she said. "They must be so angry."

"Don't worry about them, my darling. I can handle my own family."

Her brow furrowed in a worried line. "I'm sorry. I'm causing so much trouble for you, aren't I?"

"Trust me; anything to get you away from my nephew is worth it."

I led her inside. Even though she took off her shoes as soon as we were inside, she had trouble walking in the dress. It was as if it was actually designed to constrict her movement. She was able to stumble to the stairs, but walking up them was out of the question.

"Do you trust me, Chloe?" I asked.

"Of course, Henry. Why wouldn't—"

Before she could finish that question, I had scooped her up in my arms and was carrying her up the stairs. Even under the heavy makeup, I could see her blush. But, she just leaned into me. I tried not to think about how good her delicate body felt in my arms. She was vulnerable and hurting, not to mention fifteen years younger than I was. I'd be no better than Eugene was if I allowed myself to entertain those thoughts. Once we reached my room, I set her down.

"You can put on some of my clothes until we get your own clothes here. Help yourself to anything in the closet."

She gave a small smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me, my darling."

She bit her lip. "I do have one more favor to ask."


She turned around. "Could you please unbutton my dress?"

I looked down the row of small pearl buttons. There was no way she could get out of them herself. "Of course," I murmured. I reached up and slowly undid the buttons, revealing her soft, creamy skin underneath. My fingers brushed against her skin briefly. It felt just as soft as it looked. She shivered slightly under my touch. "Sorry," I muttered. "That was an accident."

"It's fine," she said. "I know you're not like Eugene. I know you won't try to hurt me."

"You couldn't possibly know that," I said. "We've only met a couple of times."

She chuckled. "Eugene cornered me alone in a room within five minutes of meeting me. Trust me; you've already proven yourself to be more of a gentleman."

My jaw clenched with anger at the thought of him bullying her like that. "Did he . . . did he try anything with you?"

"No, thank God. He's a firm believer in saving it until marriage. Tonight would have been our first time." She shuddered at the thought. "I don't think I can thank you enough for getting me out of there."

"You don't have to thank me at all. I'm happy to piss off my family. I'm just glad I got you out, before Eugene could hurt you."

Finally, all the buttons were undone and I backed away from her. My cock had hardened from undressing her, even innocently. I needed to get out of there, before I did something I regretted.

"I'll give you some privacy," I said. "Your parents will be here, soon. I'll have Jonathan inform you when they arrive."

She turned around and sent me a questioning look at my formal tone, but she nodded. "Thank you."

I left, silently groaning as I went downstairs. I needed to get a grip on myself. She was here because she was in trouble. No matter what she said, if I exploited her, I would be no better than my idiot nephew was.