Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Jude ordered a cranberry vodka from the caterer who had a full bar set up in the dining room, not far from where the string quartet was warning up. He got a drink for Tony as well, then hurried to the living room where his mom and Tony were chatting. When he took a seat on the couch, he pressed closer to Tony, needing to feel his touch.

They’d arrived half an hour before the party was scheduled to start, as instructed, so they had a while to catch up. She seemed approving of Tony, which was one weight off Jude’s shoulders.

Jude was just beginning to relax when Jackson Maddox’s voice boomed through the space. “Oh, there you are, Jude. I was beginning to wonder when you’d get here.”

Jude closed his eyes and pulled in a deep breath. He made it sound like he had arrived late.

Fiona looked up, her mouth tightening. “Well, if you hadn’t been holed away in your study you might have seen our son arrive.” Her tone was pleasant, but something lurked under the surface. For the millionth time, Jude wondered why the hell his parents stayed married.

Jackson was good-looking; Jude could say that about his father. He’d aged well. His dark blond hair was streaked with gray at the temples and his tanned skin was creased with wrinkles that made him look distinguished. His smile was gleaming white, and his eyes were the exact shade of blue-green as Jude’s. He was handsome, successful, and powerful-looking in his tailored suit. Jude wished he felt something other than dread at the sight of him.

Jackson raised an eyebrow. “Well, aren’t you going to say hello, Jude?”

Jude pasted a fake smile on his face and stood. “Hi, Dad. I’d like you to meet my date, Tony Christensen.”

Tony rose to his feet and held out a hand. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

“Nice to meet you.” Jackson shook but his expression was doubtful as he looked Tony up and down. “What is it you do?”

“Well, my passion is woodworking,” Tony said, clearing his throat. “I also run my family’s towing and scrap metal businesses.”

“Well, thank goodness for your family’s business. Woodworking is rather difficult to make a good living at, isn’t it?”

Tony flinched and Jude wrapped a protective arm around Tony, knowing that was intended as a dig at Jude as much as it was an insult to Tony.

“Tony’s work is incredible,” Jude protested. “He’s talented and all of the businesses he’s managing are doing incredibly well. I’m proud to have his woodworking skills being put to use in my restaurant.”

Jackson stepped around the couch and settled on it near his wife. “How is Logan coming along with your little project?”

Jude clenched his jaw at the disparaging tone as he guided Tony to sit again.

“The restaurant is coming along very well. Logan’s made great progress. We have a full working kitchen, and they’re focused on the front of house now. I’m hiring staff and putting the final touches on the place.”

Jackson nodded and took a sip of his drink. “Well, it was nice of Logan to help you out. I hope you’ve thanked him adequately.”

Tony coughed quietly, and Jude had to stifle a grin as he took a sip of his own cocktail.

“I have,” he said with as straight a face as he could manage.

“So, how did you and Tony meet?” Fiona asked.

Tony looked at Jude.

“Online,” Jude said.

His father scoffed. “That’s the problem with your generation. You have things too easy. A quick message and you have dozens of people at your fingertips.”

Yes, because having more opportunities to meet people is such a bad thing?Jude tried not to roll his eyes. “As opposed to you and Mom, who met … let me see, because you practically grew up together?”

Fiona laughed. “Jude does make a good point, Jackson. We’ve known each other forever. You were always around. We didn’t have to work hard to find each other.”

Jude wondered if that was why they hadn’t divorced. They’d been in each other’s lives so long they couldn’t imagine being without the other. Although, for all he knew, maybe their marriage was better than he realized. He’d just never seen the kind of warmth between them that he’d wanted in his relationships. He reached out and squeezed Tony’s thigh, feeling grateful. He’d found it. In Tony and in Logan.

Assuming tonight didn’t blow up in his face so badly that they decided to find someone easier to deal with.

“You are enough, Jude.” Logan’s words echoed through Jude’s head and he tried to remind himself that Logan meant every word. He believed in Jude. He’d promised to fight for him. Jude just had to trust Logan.

“Mrs. Maddox?”

Jude glanced up to see an event coordinator hovering in the background. Or at least she looked like all the event coordinators he’d seen around here before. Impeccably dressed blondes with clipboards usually fell into that category.

“Oh, yes, Melissa.” Fiona rose to her feet. “What is it?”

“You said to notify you when your guests began arriving. They’re pulling into the drive now.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right there.” Fiona turned to look at her husband. “Come, Jackson. Let’s greet our guests.”

After they walked away, Jude sagged against Tony and laid his head on his shoulder. “Was that as painful for you as it was for me?” he muttered.

Tony kissed the top of his head. “It was okay, Sir. I’m glad I could be here with you.”

“You’re the best.” Jude sat up and laid a smacking kiss on his cheek. “Come on. If people are here, we’re going to have to start mingling. Hopefully you’ll still be feeling that way by the time the night is over.”

* * *

An hour or so later, Jude took a bite of a mini onion and goat cheese tart. Meh. It was a bit bland. It wasn’t bad, but he would have caramelized the onions more and added a sprinkle of thyme to go along with the sage. Maybe a dollop of whipped feta on top to add a nice salty punch of flavor too. He could definitely do better.

“So, I hear you’re opening a restaurant in Pendleton,” Ann said with a smile.

Jude liked Logan’s ex-wife. She’d always been kind to him, but right now, Jude did not want to be talking to the former spouse of the man he was fucking. Well, more than fucking. But it was a little disconcerting to make small-talk with a woman who had bandaged his scraped knees and given him and Archie a stern lecture when they’d scraped up the side of the Shaw family sailboat when his head was filled with the memory of burying his tongue in her ex-husband’s asshole a few hours ago.

Logan had arrived shortly after the party began. He’d greeted Jude and Tony warmly then kept his distance. Which was exactly what they’d agreed on, but Jude kept sneaking glances at him, wanting to grab him by the hand and drag him out of this torturous party.

“Jude?” Ann tilted her head. “Your restaurant …”

“Oh! Yes. Sorry. I am opening a restaurant in Pendleton,” he said. “Logan has done an amazing job with the renovation.”

“He’s very talented,” she agreed. “I spoke with him earlier and he was glowing when he talked about it. It’s funny, I knew he missed working with his hands, but I had no idea how much.”

Jude was pretty sure she didn’t mean the type of hands-on work Logan had been doing with him and Tony, but that was what immediately sprang to mind. “He’s seemed happy lately,” Jude agreed. He’d like to think he had something to do with Logan’s happiness as well.

“Well, I am thrilled that he’s enjoying himself and I am happy for you too! You have this restaurant project going, and you and Tony seem so sweet together. It sounds like things are really coming together for you.”

“Tony is wonderful,” Jude said earnestly. He wondered if she’d feel as happy for all of them once she knew the truth. “I am hoping to do a soft opening at the restaurant for friends and family in early February,” he continued. “The official opening is the week after that, but I’d like to do a test run so we can work out any kinks. If you’re interested, I’ll send you an invite.”

“Oh, I’d love that. It’s been ages since Marc and I had a night out.”

Jude glanced at her new husband, who stood a few feet away chatting with Jude’s parents. Handsome, but no Logan.

“You’re more than welcome any time,” he said with a smile.

Ann let out a little cry of pleasure and Jude started. Her gaze was fixed on something past Jude’s shoulder, and he turned to see Archie and his wife Jane standing in the doorway to the living room.

“I didn’t know Archie was going to be here,” he murmured.

“Me neither.” Her face lit up. “Oh, what a nice surprise. Excuse me, Jude.”

“Of course.”

He looked around, not seeing Tony anywhere. He’d excused himself to use the bathroom a little bit ago. Jude had given him directions to the rarely used one on the second floor, but it was easy to get lost in this ridiculously oversized house. Who the hell actually needed eight thousand square feet to live in?

The place was a beautiful monstrosity when it came down to it; designed to show the world how important the Maddox family was. Jude had grown up here, but he couldn’t imagine living in a place like it now. He idly wondered what type of home Logan and Tony would like. The condo was nice, but it wouldn’t suit all three of their needs. Tony would need workshop space of course. Logan would need a home office. And Jude would need a big-ass kitchen.

He hummed to himself as he went in search of Tony, thinking through their options. As long as they could make it through tonight, they had good things to look forward to.

Of course, that was assuming his father didn’t strangle them all.

A few minutes later, Jude found Tony on the second-floor balcony area, staring out at the lake. The moon was bright and partially full, streaking silvery light across the dark waters.

“Get fed up with the party?” Jude asked, sliding a hand along Tony’s waist. Tony leaned into his touch.

“Just needed a little break,” he admitted. “I went to the bathroom and got distracted by the view.”

“Understandable.” It was gorgeous. Much as Jude found the house excessive, he loved the location. “Are you having a horrible time tonight?”

“No, not at all. It’s not really my scene, but you were right, the food and drinks are good. And I like spending time with you.”

“I like spending time with you too,” Jude murmured as he turned Tony to face him. “And I am going to reward you when we get back to Logan’s place tonight.”

“I like the sound of that, Sir.” Tony’s smile was soft.

“Assuming this doesn’t all turn into a disaster of course,” Jude said with a little sigh. “I just want to get this over with. The waiting is killing me.”

“I know.” Tony sighed a little. “I keep wanting to reach out and touch Logan. Seeing him across the room and having to ignore him is hard.”

“Ugh, I know. I keep trying to keep my distance but …”

“He is very tempting.”

Jude looped his arms around Tony’s waist. “You know what? I think I may be the luckiest man ever.”

Tony’s gaze was soft, and he cupped Jude’s cheek in his large rough hand. “No luckier than I am.”

Jude snuck a kiss, intending it to be soft and quick, but it lingered, turning sweet.

When Tony ended it, it was with a regretful sigh. “Should we go back?”

Jude nodded. “I suppose.”

* * *

An hour later, Jude was another drink in and losing patience. The party showed no sign of winding down. People were always happy to stick around when there was free food and drinks, and the noise level had risen. Not enough to be tastelessly raucous, of course, but he could see that people’s faces were flushed and they were a bit freer with their gestures. He’d almost gotten a glass of Champagne to the face when one woman gestured a little too enthusiastically as he slipped past her.

His mother had absconded with Tony to show him some of the wood carvings she and Jackson had picked up on their travels, and Jude was trapped in a conversation with two of his dad’s golfing buddies and their trophy wives. Jude would give his father credit for that. At least as far as Jude knew, he’d never cheated on his mom or tried to replace her with a younger model.

That was hypocritical of Jude, he supposed, since he was dating a man seventeen years older than him. He winced. Yeah, it sounded bad when he worded it that way. He snuck a glance at Logan, who was talking to Archie and Ann.

How would Archie react when he found out Jude and Logan were involved? Not well, he’d imagine.

Fuck. This was complicated.

He watched Logan laugh, happiness lighting up his face at something Archie had said and Jude felt a little pang. Logan had sworn he’d fight for him and Tony, but when push came to shove, would he?

If Archie, Ann, and Jackson were all against it, would Logan really be willing to risk it all? Even his son?

You are enough, Jude,echoed through his head again. He wanted to believe that. But was it fair of him to ask Logan to strain his relationship with his son for Jude?

He caught a glimpse of his father, who stared at him with narrowed eyes, a shrewd expression on his face.


He really, really needed to cut out the longing looks at Logan.

“So Jude, what type of restaurant are you opening?”

“New American cuisine,” he said, turning back to face the woman he’d been speaking with, wishing he could remember her name. “A modern twist on the classic steakhouse.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Isn’t steak so … heavy though? We’re all watching our waistlines these days.”

“That’s the beauty of it,” Jude said. “We’re taking a new twist on everything. Lots of vegan and vegetarian options as well. You should see what I can do with a mushroom.”

She laughed and took a sip of her drink. “That sounds positively indecent.”

“Jude does like to go for the shock effect.”

Jude stiffened at his father’s words. He hadn’t realized he’d joined the conversation.

“Well, I think it sounds delicious,” the other woman said. “You must be a very talented chef to own your own restaurant so young.”

Jude had been right. Being a restauranteur was apparently a whole lot more impressive than “just” being a chef. It grated on his nerves that these people had such low opinions of people who worked in the service industry.

“Sometimes I think Jude just went into cooking to thumb his nose at me.” There was a smile on Jackson’s face and his tone was light, but the barb dug into Jude right where it hurt.

“I went into culinary arts because I love it and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life,” he said stiffly. “I couldn’t see myself chained to a desk.”

Jude suppressed a smirk at that mental image. Well, maybe he wouldn’t mind that scenario but only if Logan ordered him to do it for kinky purposes.

“I think it’s admirable to pursue your passions,” the first woman said. Misty, maybe? He couldn’t remember her name either even though they’d been introduced just a few minutes ago.

“Mitsy isn’t passionate about anything but her shopping!” her husband said with a laugh.

Mitsy, not Misty. Jesus, could she be more of a cliché? But Jude saw the flash of hurt that crossed her pretty face.

“I love painting,” she said softly.

“A hobby.” Her husband scoffed. Jude was pretty sure he was named Mike. Mike and Mitsy. Barf.

“Yes, well at least she was sensible enough to marry well so someone else would help support her hobby,” Jackson said. His tone was drier than the Champagne he sipped. “Jude can’t seem to find a man, so it looks like I’ll be on the hook if this restaurant goes belly-up.”

Jude scowled.

“Oh, you’re gay?” Mitsy said with a little smile. “So is my brother.”

“Jude undoubtedly knows him. He’s been quite active in that community.”

Jude’s nostrils flared as he resisted the urge to turn and lay into his father for that dig.

He caught a glimpse of Logan standing a few feet away. From the thunderous expression on his face, he’d heard exactly what Jackson had said. When their gazes met, Logan minutely shook his head. Not worth it, the look said. He was right but oh, it would be so satisfying.

He bit his tongue and when he looked back at his father, he was staring between him and Logan with a calculating look on his face. Fuck, fuck, and double fuck.

Jude cleared his throat and he’d never been happier to see Tony approaching. He reached out and grasped his hand, tugging him close. “Well, I’m certainly taken now,” he said quietly. “This is my boyfriend, Tony.”

Mitsy made a little cooing noise. “Oh, you two are so cute together.”

“Thank you. I think so too.” Jude shot her a little wink, then managed to coax her into a conversation about her art, pointedly ignoring his father.

To Jude’s relief, he eventually wandered off.

“You okay?” Tony whispered a little while later.

Jude shook his head and drained his cocktail. “No. I think I need another one of these.”

“Have as many as you want,” Tony said. “I can always drive.”

“Thank you.” Jude pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

* * *

Ten minutes later, Jude had a drink in one hand and a plate of desserts in the other as he tried to figure out how to juggle both so he could cram as many of the sweet bites in his mouth as quickly as possible.

Death by carb didn’t sound like a terrible way to go. It was either that or boredom and he’d pick carbs any day.

“Party is going that well, huh?”

Jude looked up to see Archie approaching.

Jude smiled and finally got the glass and plate arranged in one hand. “You know how it is.”

“I do,” Archie said with a little laugh.

Jude had a vivid memory from one of these parties years ago when he’d snuck out onto the deck to smoke weed with Archie, Preston, and Blake. Ahh, those were the days. Jude didn’t indulge much anymore and he suspected as a surgeon, Archie didn’t either, but oh, it was tempting to ask if he had any on him.

Fuck carbs, Jude would kill for that mellow haze right now. Of course, with weed being legal in Michigan, there were probably dozens of guests with some discreetly tucked in their purses or pockets. Jude would bet at least a handful of the caterers had some too. Or at least that was who he used to buy it off before it was legal.

He caught a glimpse of Logan and Tony, who were part of a larger group of people standing in a circle and talking. Nah, fuck the weed too. He’d just go home with them and let Logan beat his ass. That worked just as well.

“So, how are you?” Jude asked as he turned to Archie again. “Do you find cutting people open and poking around their innards as satisfying as you thought it would be?”

Archie chuckled and for the first time Jude noticed that he sounded exactly like Logan when he laughed. Weird. Jude popped a bite of dark chocolate cheesecake in his mouth. Now that was good.

“Yeah, I do. Like I told my dad when I saw him a few weeks ago, it’s worth all the lost sleep.”

“How’s Jane? She looks great.”

Archie leaned in. “So don’t tell anyone, but she’s pregnant. We haven’t announced it yet because it’s so early but …”

“Congratulations!” Jude would have reached out to shake his hand, but he’d finally worked out a way to balance the plate and glass and eat at the same time. “That’s fantastic. I am so happy for you both.”

“Thank you. I know Mom and Dad are going to be thrilled to be grandparents too.”

Jude nearly choked on the bite of cranberry tart with salted caramel drizzle he’d just stuffed in his mouth.

Oh hell, that meant Logan was going to be a grandfather. Jude couldn’t decide if he was amused or horrified by the idea that he’d be fucking a grandpa. He considered Logan’s amazing body and hard cock and shrugged internally. Nah, he was okay with it.

“I won’t mention it to Logan,” he promised.

“We’ll be telling him on Christmas anyway,” Archie said. “You won’t have to keep that secret for long.”

Ahh crap, that was only two days away. Jude cringed when he realized what that timing meant. It was going to be an awkward-as-hell holiday for the Shaw and Maddox families once they came out about this. Whoops.

“So, how are you? Dad said you’re opening a restaurant.”

Jude smiled. “I am. I’m really excited about it.”

“That’s fantastic,” Archie said. “I am so glad you were finally able to do it. I know you always talked about it when we were growing up. I’ll have to take Jane sometime if I can ever get away from work long enough. Coming here this weekend was difficult but we wanted to announce the pregnancy in person.”

“Just let me know ahead of time and I’ll save you the best table in the house,” Jude promised.

“That sounds great.” Archie shot him a genuine smile. “I met your boyfriend earlier, by the way. He seems nice.”

“He is nice,” Jude agreed. “I’m pretty crazy about him.”

“And my father, apparently,” Archie murmured.

Jude’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Oh, come on. When we had dinner in Chicago, Dad mentioned he was seeing two guys. I didn’t put the pieces together at the time, but it’s you and Tony, isn’t it?”

Jude remained frozen, heart beating much, much too fast. “I …

“I can’t say I’m excited about this,” Archie said with a wry twist of his lips.

“No, I can’t imagine you would be,” Jude said numbly. He blindly reached out to set his plate and glass on the nearby mantel. The rich desserts churned in his stomach and threatened to come up again. “How did you figure it out?”

Archie shrugged. “The way all three of you keep looking at each other tonight. The way he spoke about you and Tony … it wasn’t hard to put together the pieces, Jude.”

“Fuck my life,” Jude said.

Archie managed a ghost of a smile.

“How much do you hate me right now?” Jude asked. He figured it was a good sign that Archie hadn’t punched him in the face. Of course, he probably didn’t want to risk damage to the long slender fingers that allowed him to do his very important, very prestigious job. Whatever. Jude would take the reprieve if it meant he didn’t get his nose broken. He was too pretty for that.

Archie sighed. “I don’t hate you. It’s weird as hell to think about, but he’s happy. The happiest I have seen him in years, so I am going to swallow that feeling and try to be happy for you two—er, three.” He shook his head. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

“No one has ever treated me better than Logan, you know?” Jude said with a lump in his throat. “Him and Tony both. They’re … they’re incredible.”

Archie’s expression softened. “You deserve to be happy, Jude. I don’t love that it’s with my father and it’s going to take a damn long time for that to stop being strange, but I do want you to know that.”

“Thank you.” A wave of relief washed over Jude. “I … that’s more than I deserve, I suppose.”

“Hey, you’re all consenting adults,” Archie said. “None of you are married to someone else. It could be a lot worse.”

“It could,” Jude agreed. He licked his lips. “Can you keep it quiet for now? It’s just that my father doesn’t know yet and …”

“I don’t want to make trouble.” Archie grimaced. “Your secret is safe with me. And good luck with that.”

“Yeah, he’s not exactly going to be as understanding as you are,” Jude said with a sigh. He picked up his drink and tossed the remainder back.

Archie snorted. “That’s putting it mildly. You must really love my dad to be willing to brave Jackson’s wrath.”

“I do,” Jude said. “I really do.”

And it occurred to him then that he hadn’t actually told Logan and Tony that yet.

He really should.

* * *

After that bombshell, Jude went in search of Tony. He found him deep in conversation with one of his dad’s business contacts. The guy was an avid woodworker, apparently, and they were nerding out about things Jude only cared about because he wanted to support Tony.

Tony looked relaxed and in his element, so Jude excused himself quietly and made a beeline for the bar. He wasn’t drunk yet but he definitely wasn’t sober. Maybe another drink would ease the tension in his shoulders and make the throbbing headache disappear.

He wasn’t surprised when Logan stepped up next to him, close enough that their shoulders pressed together. The bartender was busy, so Jude waited for his turn.

“How is your evening going?”

“Not well,” Jude muttered. “I have a splitting headache already. By the way, your son knows.”

Logan froze. “Knows what?”

“About the three of us. He should have been a detective rather than a surgeon.”

“Fuck.” Logan raked a hand through his hair. A piece stood up and Jude resisted the urge to smooth it down. “How’d he take it?”

“Surprisingly well. He’s weirded out but trying to be supportive.”

Logan’s smile was faint. “I guess that doesn’t surprise me.”

“I don’t suppose we can hope my father will be as understanding?”

“No, I don’t think we can.”

Jude looked around. “God, why is it so damn hard to get a drink?”

“How many have you had tonight?” Logan murmured.

“Possibly more than I should have but fewer than I’d like,” Jude admitted.

Logan’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Jude …”

He sighed. “Tonight has been stressful, okay? And thinking about what we’re going to do after this is making me even crankier.”

“I know that.” Logan’s voice was low but earnest. “But I’m trying to look out for you. That’s my job.”

“I know you are.” The Sir lay unspoken but heavy on his tongue. “I do know that.”

“Good. Then you’ll order a water from the bartender.” The firm tone left no room for argument.

“What’ll it be, sir?” The man appeared in front of them as if Logan’s words had conjured him out of thin air.

“Cranberry and”—Logan’s expression turned disappointed—“soda, twist of lime. And a water.”

“Thought I was going to have to spank you right here,” Logan said under his breath as the bartender walked away.

“And have all these distinguished guests know you’re into kink?”

“I honestly don’t care who knows. I’m proud to be your Dom.”

That sent Jude’s heart aflutter. “You could still bend me over the bar,” Jude said silkily. “I’m sure I’ve been very naughty.”

Logan grinned at him. “Tempting, but my toys are all back in Pendleton.”

“Oh, I have faith you’ll manage to be creative.” Jude grinned back. “You always are.”


He jerked away and straightened as Jackson approached them.

Jude squared his shoulders too. “Dad?”

“Jude.” His father’s gaze swept over him and, as always, left him feeling like he was wanting. “Did you introduce Logan to your boyfriend yet tonight?” There was a bit of a sneer in his voice.

“They’ve met,” Jude said drily. “Numerous times.”

“Yes. Tony is creating an amazing custom bar for the restaurant,” Logan said. “It’s incredible, Jackson. You should see his work sometime.”

“No doubt it costs a pretty penny too,” Jackson said with an ugly twist of his lips. “I warned you not to blow through your inheritance, Jude. If you’re spending it on his hobby …”

Jude rubbed at his temple, the ache intensifying. “I’m not blowing through the inheritance, Dad. I’m investing it.”

“And undoubtedly making your boyfriend rich.”

“Stop it, Jackson.” Logan’s voice cut through the murmur of the crowd, ringing loud and clear and a few people near them grew silent. “Jude doesn’t deserve that and neither does Tony.”

“Stay out of my family business,” Jackson said coldly. “I know you’ve always had a soft spot for Jude, but he doesn’t need to be coddled. What he needs is—”

“What he needs is a father who supports him,” Logan snapped.

“Logan,” Jude warned him, but he appeared to be on a roll, and nothing was going to stop him.

“Who in the hell are you to tell me how to talk to my own son?”

“His other boyfriend.”