Flipping the Switch by Brigham Vaughn


Despite the dreary December day, Tony whistled as he left Jarod Keener’s garage. Keira nudged his elbow as they walked toward Tony’s truck. “You sound happy.”

“I am happy,” he admitted. “I thought that meeting went well.”

“It did.” She smiled at him as she went around to the far side of the vehicle. “Jarod seemed to like our plan.”

“Yeah he did.”

They’d done a little bit of haggling about the exact numbers for the sale of the business, but they’d settled on something that Tony was happy with and Jarod seemed pleased with too.

Tony had warned Jarod it wasn’t a done deal. He had to convince his father first, but Jarod had merely nodded.

“Look, I hear ya’,” he’d said. “I probably have the market cornered on shitty fathers so …”

Tony had tried not to wince. He didn’t like thinking of his dad as being shitty but maybe he was. He was more concerned with what he wanted than what would make Tony happy and that was shitty.

But despite that reminder, Tony left the meeting feeling optimistic. Jarod was on board with the idea of buying Christensen’s and he and Keira had gotten along well. He’d seemed pleased by the idea of having her run the business on a daily basis too.

“You happy to work for him?” Tony asked her as he got inside the truck.

“I am. He seems really straightforward and easy to communicate with. And he didn’t get all weird about me being a woman.” She rolled her eyes. “The number of guys who don’t seem to believe I can handle myself in this kind of business …”

“I know.” This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation. She could more than take care of herself but he’d always backed her up with the guys who worked for him and eventually they learned they couldn’t get away with being assholes. The suppliers were the worst though, and he had less control there. He’d supported her with them too but it was a never-ending battle.

She glanced over at him. “So yeah, I feel good about working with Jarod. If we can get your dad to go along with it, I’m all for this. I know Jarod’s not really local but I like that he has put down roots here.”

“I do too.”

“Let’s figure out how to get Uncle Mike on board and go from there.” Her nod was decisive.

“Sounds good to me.” He twisted the key in the ignition and the engine rumbled to life, though he kept the vehicle in park.

Keira tilted her head and studied him. “So, what else is going on with you? You can’t be this happy about getting rid of the business.”

“I am pretty damn happy about that,” he admitted. “But no, that’s not all of it.”

“So …” She playfully nudged his bicep with her elbow, then twisted in her seat. “Talk to me.”

He took a deep breath. “I’ve been seeing these guys …”

Keira listened quietly while he talked but once he was done, a huge smile lit up her face. “Oh, that’s fantastic, Tony.”

“You don’t think it’s weird?” he asked. He’d even told her about the kink thing.

“I think you look happier than I’ve ever seen you.” She reached out and pulled him in for a hug. “And I always hoped you’d find someone—you know, if you wanted that—and hey, two someones is even better.”

He smiled at her. “I am happy. They’re … they’re amazing.”

“Well, I want to meet them then!”

“Yeah, I’ll talk to them about that.” A little flutter worked his way through his stomach as he put the truck in reverse and backed out of the spot. “This coming weekend we’re actually going to this big holiday party Jude’s family hosts every year.”

“Do they know about you guys?”

“No.” He licked his lips. “That’s going to be interesting …”

* * *

“I’m heading out as soon as the home health aide gets here,” Tony said

Mike looked away from the TV. “What? I told you I didn’t want strangers coming here.”

“Dad.” Tony reached for the remote and turned off the TV, then planted himself between his father and the black screen. “We already talked about this. I am going away for the weekend. Mary handled the overnights okay, but you need someone who can do more than just check in on you. Especially because your breathing is getting worse.”

A particularly bad flare-up of the disease last year had left his dad with scarring of the lungs that led to shortness of breath. When the air was cold and dry out like it had been this past week, it aggravated it. Tony had cranked up the heat and had a humidifier running constantly but some days were worse than others.

Tony crouched and stared his dad in the eye. “I know you don’t like this, but you need more care than I can give you. I can’t”—he swallowed reflexively—“I can’t give up my chance at a real life to take care of you either. I know you’re upset at me but I should have done this years ago. A home health care person is on the way and you can bitch all you want but I’m not budging on this.”

“I don’t know why you’re being so difficult all of a sudden,” Mike grumbled.

“I’m not trying to be difficult.” Tony swallowed. “I’m trying to be happy.”

“I just don’t know why it all has to change. We were going along fine.”

“But I wasn’t!” He rose to his feet. “I wasn’t happy and I refuse to keep living this way. I’m going away with Jude and Logan this coming weekend. You need help. It isn’t fair for me to keep relying on Mary when there are home health aides who are trained to do it. Your condition is progressing, and I have to put my foot down to do what’s right for both of us.”

He felt strange as he said those words. Completely unlike himself. In truth, he was channeling Jude and Logan the best he could. Being kind but firm. Creating boundaries. It left him feeling jittery and off-kilter but after a long look out of narrowed eyes, Mike nodded.

“Fine. Go on then.”

Tony blinked. Even with the grudging tone, that was as close as he was going to get to his father’s approval, so he nodded and told him to have a good evening and that he’d see him tomorrow night.

Ten minutes later, when there was a knock on the door, he pulled it open to see Ellen, the home health aide he’d spoken extensively with on the phone. Anxious but excited about the freedom, he greeted her with a smile, directed her to the note he’d left with reminders about what his father would need, then left with a wave and a thank you.

Tony sent a quick text, then drove to Jude’s place. When he arrived, Jude was loading a bag into the trunk of his car. He greeted Tony with a kiss. “Hey you. How’d it go?”

Tony smiled. “Hi. It went okay. I feel good about the person who is staying with my dad and relieved I can have a break. It’s hard though. I know he isn’t happy about it.”

Jude slid his hands down Tony’s back and pulled him close. “I know. But from the sounds of it, you did the right thing. You can’t make everyone else happy at the expense of what you need, Tony.”

He swallowed past the lump in his throat. “I know.”

“And you didn’t abandon him. You found him quality care so you can take some time for yourself. That isn’t selfish.”

“I’m trying to remember that.”

Jude rubbed little circles on Tony’s back that he could feel even through the wool of his new winter coat. “Logan and I will remind you if you need a boost.”

“You’re too good to me,” Tony said thickly.

But Jude just shook his head. “We’re exactly as good to you as you deserve.”

Tony drew in a deep breath and hugged Jude tighter. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Do you know that I really, really like hearing you call me that?” Jude said roughly. “You’re the first.”

Tony smiled at the thought of being able to give Jude something he’d never had before.

They kissed for a long moment before Jude drew back with a little sigh. “Guess we should get on the road, or we’ll be late.”

“I guess so.”

They loaded Tony’s bag into Jude’s car and hung his suit in the backseat next to Jude’s. As Tony slid into the passenger seat, the first flutter of nerves about the party began to build.

“So, are you ready for this thing tonight?” he asked as Jude backed out of his parking spot.

“No.” Jude made a face. “But I am so glad you’re coming with me.”

“And Logan.”

“Of course.” Jude’s expression softened. “But there are going to be fireworks when Dad discovers that.”

“I know.” Tony rested a hand on Jude’s leg. “But we’ll get through it.”

“We will. How did things go with your dad? You said it went okay but how did he react?”

“Better than I expected,” Tony admitted. “He wasn’t happy about letting a stranger into the house, but he didn’t put up as much of a fuss as I expected.”

“Well, that’s a good sign.” Jude gave him a slow smile.

“I hope so.” Tony looked over at Jude and let out a little sigh of contentment.

He still couldn’t quite believe that Jude and Logan were in his life for keeps. Not only did Tony have a Dom—something he’d barely even allowed himself to dream would happen—he had two. He’d been so shocked to hear that Jude didn’t think he deserved him and Logan. It felt like it should be the opposite. But Jude’s fears had been real. He’d been hurting and scared and worried that they didn’t want him.

But how could Tony not want Jude? He was kind and funny. Driven. Talented. Charming. Outgoing. He made Tony feel like he could be all those things too. And he reminded Tony he could have all the things he wanted but had never dared to reach for.

That night, when Tony had broken through his fears about being restrained and whipped, they’d talked and all promised to work together to make a relationship happen. And now Tony felt like he had to pinch himself to believe that it was real. That Jude and Logan could really want to be with him. That he’d get to keep them.

“I wish all three of us could have driven together,” Tony said wistfully as they reached the outskirts of town.

“Me too.” Jude shot him a little smile. “But we’ll see Logan soon. Traffic’s not bad so we should get to his place with plenty of time to relax before the party.”

Logan had gone to Fort Benton ahead of them and they would drive separately to Jude’s family’s home. Tony wondered what Jude’s parents would think about him. Thank God his sister, Katrina, wasn’t going to be able to make it. She lived across the country in Northern California. Meeting the parents was plenty.

“What did your mom say about the picture of us from winter fest? I forgot to ask.”

“Oh.” Jude smiled. “She told me I had good taste and that you were very handsome. She was glad I looked happy. And that I was in big trouble for ignoring her emails.”

Tony chuckled. “Well, that’s good. Will she be on our side?”

“I think so,” Jude said with a thoughtful hum. “Will she be surprised we’re with Logan? Yes. But I think she’ll come around.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

“Good.” Jude reached out and squeezed his thigh. “If I haven’t told you already, I really appreciate you coming tonight.”

“I want to be here for you, Jude,” Tony said earnestly.

“I know. Trust me, you already have been.” Jude reached out and laced their fingers together.

Tony smiled, looking at Jude’s long, elegant hands in his big rough ones. Somehow, their differences seemed so right. The only thing that would make it more perfect was if Logan was here.

* * *

Logan’s condo was in a big building near the river. It was nice, with real wood floors and big windows and, most importantly, Logan.

Tony went into his arms with a happy sigh.

“Is it sappy if I say I missed you both?” Logan said as he gave them deep, lingering kisses.

“Maybe, but the feeling is mutual,” Jude teased. “You are a sight for sore eyes, Mr. Shaw.”

“Hmm, I think I prefer ‘Sir’,” Logan said but his voice was teasing.

“Yes, Sir.” The look Jude shot Logan under his lashes made Tony smile.

“Do you know why I wanted you to get here so early?” Logan asked.

Tony shook his head.

“Because I think both of my boys need some centering before we go to the party. I know we’re all a little on edge about the thought of what will happen tonight but I think some spankings and orgasms might take that away. What do you think?”

“I think I’m lucky to have a Dom like you,” Tony said.

Jude nodded. “We both are.”

* * *

An hour later, Tony hummed happily to himself as he showered in Logan’s big glass-walled shower. Jude had spanked him—not very hard, just enough to make him feel nice—and Logan had spanked Jude—much harder, which was just the way he liked it. Tony’s cock lay limp between his thighs, sated from the blowjobs they’d given each other in an incredibly hot daisy chain of oral sex.

The slide of Jude’s wet skin against his as he reached for the shampoo, and Logan’s grip on his hips as he shifted Tony to the side so he could get under the water felt so right that Tony’s throat tightened.

“What happens when Jude’s restaurant is done?” he blurted out. He’d been wondering it for a few days now.

Jude froze, soap trickling down his neck and shoulders and Logan turned to face them both.

“What do you mean?” Logan asked.

“I mean, you were planning to stay in Pendleton until the restaurant is done. But you live here, right?”

“I do,” Logan said. “And yes, I had planned on coming back here.”

“So, we’d do a long-distance thing?” Tony asked. He flushed, hoping the warm, steamy air would mask his reaction. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry or be pushy I just was wondering what would happen after you leave.”

“No, you don’t need to apologize,” Logan said. He reached out and squeezed Tony’s bicep. “That’s a valid question and I should have realized it’s something we need to discuss.”

“I hadn’t thought about it either,” Jude said. He ducked his head under the spray to rinse. “But with the hours I’ll work, long-distance is going to be difficult.”

Logan cleared his throat. “My original plan was to move back here but that was before we discussed the idea of being in a relationship. I had planned to talk to you both about it eventually, but lately I’ve been considering a permanent move to Pendleton.”

“Oh.” Tony blinked at him.

“There will be some logistics to work out,” Logan said. “But I don’t think this condo will be tough to sell and I can stay in Pendleton in the meantime.”

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to move,” Tony said with a grimace. “I know your company is here and you have to travel a lot.”

Logan smiled at him. “I’m considering my options. I may want to travel less or explore some other projects. Either way, I want you both to know I will make us a priority. Right now, my focus is getting Jude’s restaurant ready for him and helping you figure out how to shift to running your own woodworking business, Tony. I’m in a good position to let Camille run Shaw Construction on a day-to-day basis for now.”

“I can’t believe you’d put me—and Jude—first,” Tony whispered.

“Oh, sweet boy.” Logan smiled softly and pulled him close. “I may not have had any idea it would look like this, but I have been looking for the kind of relationship we have for a damn long time. I told you I would fight for us, and I mean it.”

Jude pressed tightly against them, then laid his cheek against Tony’s. “Things will be pretty crazy for me for a while, but I want that too. I’ll do everything I can to make time for you both.”

Tony didn’t have any words, so he just hugged them both.

Logan kissed his temple. “Now, I think we’d best get out of the shower and get ready. We have a big night ahead of us.”

As they got out of the shower and dressed, Tony thought about a future where this was a normal thing. Where Jude winked at him as he slipped a shirt on and caught Tony staring. Where Logan asked for his opinion on ties. Where Jude made a little growling noise when he caught sight of Tony in a suit.

Where it was just a normal part of his life to have these two amazing guys around in the mornings and evenings. Where they talked about their future with an ease Tony never could have imagined. Where their lives were all intertwined.

“How do I look?” Tony stood in front of the mirror, smoothing a hand down the front of his jacket. He looked much more serious and respectable with his ink hidden away under the simple black suit, pale gray shirt, and coordinating tie. Boring? Or just right for meeting Jude’s family?

“Not bad,” Jude teased. “I guess I don’t mind being seen out with you tonight.”

But his gaze was heated as he stepped closer to Tony and pressed a kiss to the spot just behind Tony’s ear. It sent a shiver through his body.

“Glad to hear it,” Tony said breathlessly as he turned to face him. “Let me see you.”

Jude stepped back and made a full three-hundred-and-sixty-degree turn. Tony looked him over and his mouth watered. The midnight-blue suit fit him perfectly and the pale blue shirt made his eyes pop. He didn’t wear a tie and that seemed perfect for him.

“Not bad,” Tony echoed.

Jude responded with a little laugh and a quick kiss.

They both turned to look at Logan who was staring at them both with a fond expression on his face. He was dressed equally well, in a black three-piece suit with a white shirt and a tie with a subtle pink, purple, and blue diamond pattern on a black background.

Jude grinned. “Is that tie a nod to your bisexuality?”

“Might be.” Logan’s eyes twinkled. “Jackson seems to selectively forget that so I thought I might reinforce the message.”

“I like it.” Jude laughed.

Logan turned to Tony. “What do you think?”

“I think I’m going to have a hard time remembering people aren’t supposed to know we’re dating,” Tony muttered. Holy hell. How had he gotten lucky enough to have these two guys in his life?

Logan reached out and gripped his shoulders. “Not for long. We just have to get through the party and we won’t have to hide.”

“I know.” Logan squeezed his shoulders, which settled the nerves fluttering through Tony’s stomach.

Logan turned to Jude. “Tell me the plan, Jude.”

He straightened. “Tony and I will go to the party. I’ll introduce him to my parents and whoever else is there. After, when we can only hope my dad will be drunk enough to not care, I’ll pull him aside in his study and tell him about the three of us.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to do it?” Logan asked.

Jude nodded. “I’m sure. I appreciate it but I need to fight my own battles on this one.”

“Okay. I respect that.” Logan brushed a kiss over his lips. “Are you ready?”

Jude took a deep breath. “Yes. Let’s do this.”

* * *

The Maddox family home was ridiculous. Tony tried not to stare like an idiot as they pulled up a long driveway to an enormous house framed by Lake Michigan, the surf choppy from the wind.

The house looked like something from out east, all white siding and slate-blue accents, modern but somehow classic. Beautiful but enormous.

“Good lord,” Tony muttered under his breath.

Jude laughed. “Ludicrous, isn’t it? I can’t fault the land or the views but it’s absurd that a family of four lived in a place so big.”

“Just a bit,” Tony agreed. It had to be at least six thousand square feet.

“That’s the Maddox family,” Jude said, his voice weird and bright sounding. “All show and no substance.”

“Your family, maybe,” Tony said as he laid a hand on Jude’s thigh. “But not you.”

“Thanks.” He sighed. “And you’re right. My mom’s not really like that either, but she did marry into this bullshit and she’s gone along with it their whole marriage so clearly she buys into it in some ways.” His mouth turned down at one corner so Tony squeezed his thigh.

Jude shot him a grateful smile as he pulled to a stop in front of the house.

A young man in a valet uniform approached and Jude got out of the car. Tony did the same. Jude handed the keys to the valet, then guided Tony toward the front door. Nerves fluttered in his stomach.

They were greeted by someone who clearly worked on staff but as they handed over their coats and were directed to the living room, Tony heard the quiet clack of high heels.


Jude glanced up and a genuine smile lit up his face. “Mom.”

She strode toward them holding out her arms.

Fiona Maddox was as blonde as Jude but tiny. She was very fit and wore a figure-hugging red dress that looked festive, sexy, and elegant all at once. She pulled Jude into a tight hug. “I am so glad to see your face.”

“Same to you.” Jude bent down to kiss her cheek. “How are you?”

“I'm good. Glad you could make it tonight. I thought I was going to have to show up in Pendleton just to get a glimpse of you.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been very busy.”

“I know.” Her smile was fond. “How are you doing?”

“Better now that I'm seeing you.”

She lightly whacked his arm, but her eyes twinkled. “You always have been a charmer.”

“Where do you think I get it from? And I don’t mean Dad.” He grinned at her, then pressed his hand to Tony's lower back. “Mom. Meet Tony. Tony, this is my mom, Fiona Maddox.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you.” Her gaze swept over Tony and her smile was warm. “It's very nice to meet you, Tony.”

“It's nice to meet you too.” He held out a hand and she gently clasped it.

“Please come in and have a seat. I want to learn all about the man Jude is so smitten with.”