My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Twenty-One


When we landed in Vegas, Finn checked us into our hotel (separate rooms, this time), and then we grabbed a quick bite to eat from a café before going to Viking Hotel to meet with their team.

The meeting was short and swift, and of course, Finn was on top of the deal. He was as smart as a whip and a great speaker. I could always see through his bullshit, but if I were a total stranger and he was a salesman trying to sell lollipops on the street, I was sure he’d swindle me into buying a dozen. He was that smooth.

After the meeting, we went to the mall, where Finn allowed me to shop while he trailed behind.

“I’m not used to this, Quinn,” he muttered.

“Well, get over it, bucko.”

“Does strolling around in a store and browsing through all the clothes on the rack really make women happy? Is that what really brings women joy and makes them feel like they’re in heaven?” he asked sarcastically.

“Oh, yes. Like you wouldn’t believe!” I said, tossing in my own whopping of sarcasm.

“How does it not get boring?”

“Because the stores are always adding new styles, designs—keeps the ladies entertained.” I grabbed a shimmery silver dress from the rack. “Maybe I should wear this while we gamble. Might bring us good luck.”

“Hmm…no.” He stepped forward and plucked the gold dress from the rack. “Gold would look much better on you. Plus, gold is worth more than silver.”

“Okay.” I fought a smile.

He placed the dress over his arm. “I’m buying. Pick out whatever you want.”

“Are you serious?” I guffawed.

“Go shop, Quinn. Before I change my mind.”

I brought a hand to my mouth to cover my smile, but my hand didn’t stay there for long. He reached up and pulled it away from my mouth.

“Why do you hide your smile?” he asked.

“I’m not hiding.”

“Your smile is fucking gorgeous, Rachel.” Our eyes locked, his shimmering beneath the lights. “Don’t hide it from me. I love knowing that I make you smile. Proves you don’t fully hate me.”

Okay. This time I couldn’t not smile. A full-blown grin swept across my face. Gah, what was this man doing to me? He was my boss. He was fucking Finn, for Christ’s sake. I thought I couldn’t stand him but his words…his actions. Ugh. He was making my cold heart melt.

“Anyway.” I cleared my throat and grabbed the dress hanging off his arm. “You’re practically giving me an unlimited shopping budget, so I’m going to take advantage of it and make you regret your decision later.”

He smiled. “You have fifteen minutes.”

“Fifteen? Are you kidding?” I screeched. “That’s the amount of time it takes just for me to try clothes on!”

“Chop, chop!” He clapped his hands twice rapidly. “Better get to it then, Quinn!”

“I knew the asshole was still in there somewhere,” I countered, sticking my tongue out.

I heard him laugh as I wandered down the aisle, suddenly feeling competitive to find as many clothes as I wanted, try them all on, and purchase most of it before his measly fifteen minutes were over.