My Arrogant Boss by Kylie King

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Hi! You must be Rachel, Finn’s assistant, right? Finn’s told me all about you! I’m Ariel!” Ariel stood on the other side of the door, her hair dark-brown all the way down her back and her skin naturally tan. She had on a face full of makeup and wore a peach-colored dress with sandals.

I hesitated a moment, unsure what to say. “I—I am.”

I heard steps, and Finn was hurrying to the door. When his eyes met mine, instant regret pooled in them.

“Are you guys going somewhere?” she asked. “You look really nice, Rachel. Is there a meeting or something?”

What the hell is she doing here?

“I was just taking Rachel to breakfast to celebrate yesterday’s successful closing,” Finn said, looking at me, hoping I’d go along.

“Oh, babe! You closed?” she squealed, then she threw her arms around his neck and bounced up and down in his arms. All I could see were her breasts rubbing up and down on his chest. The chest I was just laying my head on last night.

I looked away, feeling a familiar tightening in my chest that I didn’t like.

“Is it okay if I come too?” she asked when she let him go.

“Um…actually, I have a few work things to discuss with Rachel, Ariel.”

“That’s okay. I’ll be quiet, I promise.” She pretended to zip her lips and toss the key.

Finn and I locked eyes, and I wanted to scream. Screw this. What the fuck was she doing in Vegas? Did he tell her to come?

“Kay,” Finn sighed.

“Yay! Let me get my bag. BRB, babe!”

When Ariel had rounded the corner, I stepped forward. “Are you fucking kidding me? Why is she here, Finn?”

“I don’t know! She knocked on the fucking door an hour ago, and I’ve been trying to get her to leave since!”

“Did you tell her you were here?”

“No. Apparently, she told Audrey she wanted to surprise me, and Audrey told her where I was. Gave her my room number and everything.”

“Wow.” I shook my head. “There’s no way I’m going to breakfast with you two.”

“Yes, you will. After breakfast, I’ll get rid of her. I promise.”

“Ready!” Ariel sang, popping up next to Finn again. I moved away from the door and turned away, marching toward the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Ariel was closer to Finn than ever, her arm wrapped in his, her head on his shoulder. It was hard not to see them, and everything inside me burned and wept.

Eating with them was much worse. Ariel talked all about the trips they took together and even mentioned how they should have gotten hitched in Vegas just to show her dad that they did love each other. Finn didn’t say much, just focused on his food. When Ariel excused herself to go to the restroom, I picked up my purse.

“I can’t do this, Finn.”

“Rachel, please,” he pleaded. “I’ll get rid of her, I swear.”

“It doesn’t look like she’s going anywhere anytime soon, Finn!”

“Can you keep your voice down, please?”

“Why? So she doesn’t overhear and tell her rich daddy on you? You know what, Finn? This is fucking pathetic. It’s honestly useless. She came here to surprise you, and she’s clearly not going to leave anytime soon, so I will.” I shoved back in my chair.

Finn came out right after me, catching me by the elbow. “Rachel, please don’t leave.”

“I have to go,” I said, shrugging him off. And when I left the restaurant, I didn’t look back, no matter how much it killed me not to.