Badge by K.L. Savage


“Ifeel like we’ve all been stressed out. There’s always something going on, always trouble, always worry—but in two weeks, we’re throwing a big party. I’m tired of all of us always being busy. I can’t remember the last time we all actually hung out together and had a good time,” Reaper announces in the living room.

I have Faith in my arms and Dad is mean mugging Badge, since he has his arms wrapped around me. It’s been a few days and while Dad has wrapped his head around Badge and me being together, I think part of him still just can’t get on board with the dynamic.

Badge is much older than me, but that’s one of the many reasons I was attracted to him in the first place. Men my age just don’t cut it. Benji is great, but he is too boyish still for my taste.

“Dad, stop it,” I whisper out of the corner of my mouth, and Ruby chuckles, rubbing her hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

He finally looks away in a huff and crosses his arms, which makes me roll my eyes.

What a brat.

Badge takes Faith from me and begins to rock her when she starts making noises. Bullseye grumbles and stands, taking Faith right from Badge’s arms. My mouth drops open as he sits down glaring at Badge.

Everyone notices and chuckles, but Badge isn’t laughing. “Hand me back my kid, Bullseye.”

“She’s my granddaughter and you’ve had her all day. It’s my turn.”

Reaper pinches the bridge of his nose. “Bullseye, you can’t just take a kid because you’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous.”

“Give Faith back to Badge, Bullseye. Now.”

“But…” Bullseye kisses Faith’s head, which warms my heart completely. She’s lucky to have a grandpa that loves her so much. She has great-grandparents too, but they are currently traveling the world.

I hope one day I can do that.

“No buts. Give her back, Bullseye.”

Ruby chuckles and gently takes Faith from Bullseye’s arms, then hands her to me, and Badge is there, pulling her to his chest.

This time it’s Badge glaring at Dad.


Is this ever going to get better?

Now it’s my head that’s pounding.

“Like I was saying, we are having a get-together. Other chapters are invited as well, since we are the ones with the most land.”

Tool groans and Tongue, I swear, he giggles, which is a hilarious sound. It’s dark and raspy.

“All the chapters?” Tool raises an eyebrow with curiosity.

“Especially the NOLA chapter, Tool. After everything they did for Daphne and Tongue, not only are they coming, but they are staying in the East wing that’s just been built for guests.”

Tool groans again and nervously plays with his screwdriver. “Do I have to go? Seer freaks me out.”

“Of course you have to go. You’re my fucking VP. Man up and deal with it. I’m tired of everyone bitching about something or the other—”

“Ooooh, Daddy. You owe me five bucks,” Maizey tsks at him, shaking a finger in his direction.

Reaper, like everyone else in the club, pulls out his wallet and hands her a twenty. “I doubt I’m done.”

“Sweet. I’m going to go put it in my piggy bank.” She runs to her room, her princess heels clicking on the floor.

“She’s going to be rich by the time she’s sixteen just because we all have rotten mouths,” Reaper mutters, staring in the direction Maizey ran. “Zain and the Asylum house is coming too.”

Everyone turns their head to Porter.

He lifts his arms. “What? I like them. They treated me well there. I’m not going to kill anybody.”

“I believe that as much as I believe Tongue never cutting a tongue out again,” Knives states, rolling the ninja star across his knuckles as he stares at Porter.

Porter has been great. I really like him. He has been nothing but helpful, and he and Tongue have become inseparable. But tensions are still a little high around him. Apparently, before I got here, he was known as “The Groundskeeper”, an alter ego of some sort. He led an attack on the club that nearly killed Knives and Tongue, and wounded Dad pretty bad.

Knives is having a hard time letting it go but Tongue doesn’t seem to care that he was buried alive.

“I’d never not cut out tongues. I don’t know why that thought would even cross your mind.”

Tongue didn’t get the joke. He seems to take things literally.

“That’s what I meant,” Knives replies, his tone on the verge of annoyance.

“Okay, enough. Back on track. Jesus.” Reaper claps his hands together. A second later, Sarah comes out from another room and Reaper’s cold expression turns to happy when he sees his daughter. He holds out his arms and Sarah brings Hendrix. Tongue smiles too, placing his hand on Daphne’s small swell. She’s pregnant.

God, so many babies. I hope I’m not pregnant. Badge and I haven’t talked about it, but I don’t think he wants more kids, and I don’t think I do either, especially with Jay downstairs. I’m happy Faith will have a sibling, though. I didn’t ever want her to be alone if something happened to us.

“How is my little sweet potato? Aren’t you so cute? Aren’t you so smart? Yes, you are.” Reaper dances in place and Hendrix smiles up with him while he holds her tiny fist.

It’s funny to see big bad Reaper succumb to Hendrix.

A few guys chuckle and Reaper jerks his head up to see who is laughing at him. “Skirt, please. Don’t act like you don’t sing your Scottish tunes to baby Joey. I hear you. And Knives, I hear you talking to Mary’s belly all the time. None of you act like you aren’t brought to your knees for your kids.”

“I’m going to teach my little one how to hold a knife the first chance I can,” Tongue says proudly, which makes a few of us share an uncertain look.

Kids aren’t supposed to play with blades. No one will be able to tell Tongue that though.

“Anyway, chapters from all over are invited to our get-together, but before then, there is another issue we need to discuss. Badge started his own private investigation company, and he has been investigating a few murders. Most of the bodies have been dumped at Mateo’s hotel. Someone must know that he has a way of… disposing of bodies. None of the women had families or anyone that cared about them—except your first case, right?”

“Right,” Badge chimes in. “She had a family, but she was going to give the baby up for adoption. I think that’s the link. Whoever the killer is, they must have figured out their victims wouldn’t be able to raise their kids. A lot of them seem to be prostitutes around town. They don’t usually have anyone.”

He looks around to everyone holding their babies and all the pregnant women and takes a deep breath. “They… and I’m sorry to say this, but it’s important to know,” he says. “They corner these women when they’re alone, kill them, and cut the baby out. Usually, the baby is left to die in an alley, still attached to the mother.”

Mary clutches her stomach and whimpers, but not from pain physical pain. From the thought of having her baby ripped from her.

“Sounds like a woman to me,” Sarah says out of nowhere.

Badge sits forward, keeping Faith against his chest. “What makes you say that? Serial killers are usually men.”

“Yeah, but this sounds more personal. A woman cutting out a child, maybe she wants the kid for herself? I don’t know. It just sounds more womanly to me. More fucked up.”

“I don’t know. A woman doesn’t match the profile. I’m not knocking it. I guess I haven’t thought about it being a woman. I’ll have to think on it.”

“I’m not saying I’m right. It’s fucked up and crazy, that’s why I think it’s a woman. Women are insane when it comes to children.”

“Maybe it’s a woman who lost a child,” Badge mumbles, rubbing Faith’s back. “I think you’re on to something, Sarah.”

“I can be useful,” Sarah replies proudly.

“You’re always useful.” Reaper takes two strides and bends down to give Sarah a quick kiss. “I don’t think any of us need to worry about our ol’ ladies being victims, since none of them are giving their babies up for adoption.”

Knives growls in displeasure and presses a kiss against Mary’s belly.

“Not that there would be any judgment here if that was the case,” Reaper adds delicately. “What else did I need to go over? I need finances on everyone’s businesses, and I need to talk to Mateo about a few deliveries that are scheduled.” He seems to be talking to himself more than he is talking to us, so I lean back and rub my hand down Badge’s back. His shoulder is still sore from the dart, but it’s healing slowly.

Apparently, it takes time to heal when a chunk of flesh is ripped out.

“NOLA chapter is bringing moonshine from the Baton Rouge chapter—they aren’t coming, but apparently their moonshine is something to light fires with.”

Skirt claps his hands and runs them together. “Pure barry, lads! ‘Tis been tae long since we got mental!” His accent always comes out more when he’s excited.

“My god, I had some issues with moonshine back in my younger days. I’ll be happy not to take a sip.”

All of us are shocked by the words that are coming out of Tank’s mouth. He does not seem like the partying type.

Tank shivers from the thought but doesn’t notice how everyone is staring at him. He continues to play with Tyrant, Chaos, and Yeti since he is sitting on the floor. He tosses the ball and the three dogs trip over one another to run after it.

“Anyway,” Reaper begins. “Boomer and a few others from Atlantic City are coming too. More than usual.”

“Boomer is coming?” Sarah squeals and the high-pitched sound wakes Faith, and she begins to cry. “Oh, crap. I’m sorry, Hope. I haven’t seen Boomer in ages. I got too excited.”

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. She’s been fussy today. Let me take her to the room. She might be hungry.” I take her from Badge and hold her gently, shushing Faith as I walk toward our room. “It’s okay, baby. I’m here. You’re okay.”

She wails louder.

“I know. I know. Life is just so unfair sometimes.” I close the door to the bedroom so we can have some privacy and begin to unbutton her onesie that says “Mommy’s Lovebug” across the front. I check her diaper, but it isn’t wet or heavy, so I sit down and curse when I realize I don’t have a bottle ready.

And I’m not producing milk, so it isn’t like I can breastfeed.

I stand to go to the kitchen when the door opens, and Badge is there with a warm bottle. My face softens from the rush of anxiety I felt and I let out a sigh. “Thank you, baby. I thought I was prepared.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Can I?” he asks if he can feed her instead. “Why don’t you get in the bath? I’m happy to feed her.”

“Is Church done?”

“Yeah, Reaper is wrapping up. I was able to leave to come help you. It’s kind of great that he’s incorporating everyone now to keep everyone in the loop.”

“Really? You don’t mind feeding her?”

“Are you kidding? I’d love to,” he replies, stealing her from my arms. “Go on, go take a bath and relax. When I’m done, I’ll get her to sleep, and then I’ll join you.” His voice deepens, inflicting lust on the last three words he says.

“Oh.” I nearly melt knowing what is ahead.

He sits down in the recliner; his blue eyes darken and swirl with desire as stares at me. He lifts the bottle and Faith sucks on the nipple, sucking the milk down greedily.

In front of him, I begin to strip slowly, taking my time lifting my shirt above my head. I toss it to the side, then reach behind to unhook my bra. My breasts fall free and a grumble of satisfaction escapes him as he licks his lips.

I shimmy out of my pants, then begin to walk away, adding a sway to my hips.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I hook my fingers in the waistband of my panties and tease him as I pull them down, showing just the top of my cheeks before pulling them up again.

“You like being a little cock tease, don’t you?”

My chin hits my shoulder as I peer at him through my lashes. I grin, not saying a word. I flip my hair over my shoulder and turn on the light to the restroom. I don’t turn around as I close the door, leaving him staring after me.

“Damn it,” I hear him curse through the door. “You better hurry up, you little stinker. Daddy has to go to work.”

My heart trips when I hear him call himself her Daddy. My eyes sting with tears and I press my hand against my chest. I wanted to have that talk with him. The one where I say she isn’t his responsibility, or he doesn’t have to feel like her father, or anything of that nature. I don’t want him to feel like he has to be burdened with her just to be with me.

I had no idea how to bring it up to talk about, but maybe I can use what I overheard to start the conversation. I imagine everything with Badge. Every step of Faith’s growth, every year that passes, I want him to be a part of it. But I want it to be his choice.

I nearly yelp when I sit on the edge of the cold porcelain tub. I wasn’t expecting the surface to be chilly. Luckily, the tub in my bathroom is bigger than his. It can fit us both easily. My hair falls forward when I lean down to turn on the water. I pour some bubble bath in, then wait for it to fill.

I inhale the scent of lavender with a contented sigh and stand, throwing my hair up in a messy bun so it doesn’t get wet in the tub. I finish undressing and settle back into the tub, moaning as the hot water wraps around my skin.

The bubbles cover my breasts and I tilt my head back, resting it against the edge of the tub.

As I relax, I think about how different life is now compared to how it was just a few months ago. I had hardly any money, just what people gave me on the streets and what I stole from Patricia. I never thought I’d find Bullseye and actually have something good to live for, but here I am.

I flip the handles and turn the water off when it gets high enough, then close my eyes as I soak in the hot, steaming water.

It only feels like I’ve been here for seconds before I hear the door open, and a rush of cold air follows. I glance up to see Badge standing there naked. His cock is erect. His orbs are pulled tight against his body and from this angle, I can see every inch of just how long and wide his shaft is.

The tip is a pinkish color with a vein that travels from the base along the length. The phantom feeling of what it feels like inside me has me clenching my thighs together. Badge’s eyes fall from my face to the waving water, watching as the bubbles part and move to expose my body.

I sit up and make room for him to snuggle in tight behind me and he doesn’t waste a second. The water splashes over the edge and hits the ground, which causes us both to laugh. It isn’t anything that can’t be cleaned up.

I rest my head against his chest and his arms wrap around me while his hardness presses against my lower back. We don’t do anything sexual yet. We just sit here and enjoy each other’s company.

I never thought I had a home before, but sitting here with Badge, I realize I’m where I’m meant to be. Wherever he is, wherever he goes, I know I’ll find a home with him.