Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Two

Eliand I spend the rest of the day cuddled on the couch, not really talking, just both of us filled with an underlying tension of what is to come later in the day.

I think Eli knows how nervous I am about what meeting the pack means while he is also anxious about my safety.

A knock at the door has Eli jumping to his feet and walking out of the room quickly. As I glance out the window, I notice the sun has lowered and is close to setting. It must be time for the pack meeting. Not that I even know when most meetings are held, though night seems the logical option.

"Hello, Dani. I hope you don't mind but I asked Eli if I could have a word with you quickly before you leave,” Vivienne says, appearing in the room, Eli nowhere to be seen.

I sit up, untucking my feet and meet Vivienne's worried gaze as she sits down in a single seat beside the sofa.

"Sure, what's up?"

I have no idea why she would want to speak to me but she is technically going to be my mother in law once the bonding ceremony is done. I should give her the same respect I show to Tim and Laura, and each of my other mates’ families.

Maybe she wants to talk with me about Eli? Or about how tonight's supposed to go? Or I could be wrong and it’s something completely ridiculous like what I’m allowed to wear to the meeting.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this, so I am just going to tell you. I received word from one of the members in Luke's pack. He plans to attack the packs soon. Whether it be on your birthday or on the anniversary of your mother’s death, I’m not too sure but I would assume he plans to attack you on a day that you’ll be emotionally vulnerable.”

I sigh heavily, leaning forward on the couch. "So basically Luke thinks I’ll be weaker on those days?” I rub my temples feeling a stress headache coming on. "Look, I've got to be upfront here, I hope Luke comes, sooner rather than later. There is no easy way to end this, and the harsh reality is that no matter when he attacks, everyone will be in for the fight of their lives. I feel it in my bones."

Vivienne shoulders slump dejectedly. "Sadly, I think you're right. I've seen it a few times, you in your wolf form with wolves attacking from every direction while others fought to rule us. I just wish I knew where. Maybe then I could warn you better than simply telling you he’s going to attack."

I get to my feet as Vivienne does, and she embraces me in a hesitant hug, quickly letting me go after a moment. "Sorry, Dani, I know I can be a bit abrasive but I just want to protect my son and my pack. And now you. I see it in your heart that you are the one meant to rule us, I just hope the cleansing helps you reach your true potential and guides you on the path you are meant to follow."

"Thank you, Vivienne, I just hope I can live up to your expectations. To everyone’s expectations."

“Of that, I have no doubt you will,” she responds, her eyes glazing slightly.

She shakes herself out of whatever it was she saw and goes to leave the room.

“Oh, um, Vivienne,” I say, stopping her with something on my mind. Ever since Eli mentioned it in my room, I knew I needed to speak to her about it.

She turns back, an eyebrow raised questioningly. "Yes?"

"Tonight when you get a chance, I want you to introduce me to Eli's friends."

The devilish smirk that crosses her lips matches the way I feel at this moment. I want answers about the two who would think to betray my mate, and Vivienne is just the person to ensure I get the time I need with them. "Oh, don't worry about that Dani, I will be making sure we get our time with them. And if one of them sold out my son, they will beg for death by the time I'm done with them."

The smile never leaves my face, glad that Vivienne and I are on the same page. While I don’t want to harm them without proof, I will make it clear that if one of them sold out my mate, they will suffer dearly for it.

Eli must have heard our conversation from wherever he was, because he comes into the room with a warm smile aimed my way.

"Alright mother, it's time for you to leave. You still need to get dressed," Eli points out, trying to shoo her from his home.

Vivienne just laughs and waves off his comment. "I know, I’m going. I’ll see you both down there,” she says winking in my direction, and I feel that maybe Vivienne has accepted me. Sure, we may have issues in the future, just as I’m sure many people do with their in-laws.

Eli walks his mother out and I raise my hands over my head, stretching my limbs after sitting down for so long. When Eli comes back in, his eyes rake over me stretching and I sigh as I let my arms drop. "So, do I need to get dressed as well?" I ask, closing the space between Eli and I, yet not reaching out to touch him as my wolf desires. Being without the constant touch of a mate leaves her feeling lonely. I’m surprised my heat hasn’t arisen because of the separation and forced me to search them out.

"It won’t matter what we wear as we’ll most likely be shifting into our wolves.”

"Oh. Then why does your mother have to change then?"

"Ah, well when we have pack meetings, it’s a chance for my mother to talk among the wolves, to hear their troubles, and to perform any mating ceremonies that are to be done. She’s changing into a silver robe, one that was passed down through our families. It resembles the robe that Queen Malina used to wear when she too used to perform similar ceremonies. But my mom is also wearing it tonight because she is offering you our pack as your own."

I cock my head in confusion. Why would Vivienne be offering me the pack? I thought she wanted the pack to remain hers but an offer like that can only mean she expects me to take the lead, something I am definitely not ready for.

Eli leans forward, cupping my cheek tenderly as he notices the mixed emotions warring in my eyes. "Hey, don't worry, I promise she's not handing over the reins to you right this minute, but she sees the future as I do. We both see a future where the packs are tighter than ever and a true bond is formed with them. My mother knows that we need you, our Queen, to unite us and this is just the first step. She is showing you and our pack that she has complete faith in you. She wouldn't just give anyone full authority over the pack.”

I frown picking at a thread on my shirt and wondering if that’s what happened with Luke? I know when he became Alpha King, most of the packs were forced to give him authority over them. Will Vivienne doing this cause the packs to think I’m more like Luke?

I want to make things right with the pack, not make them think they are trading one tyrant for another. To do that, it is going to take work and a hell of a lot of trust for the packs. I know that even when I take the mantle of Queen, they will still doubt me. I’ll have to do everything in my power to ensure that I am completely open with all packs, and let them have their say without shutting them down.

I break the thread on my shirt and take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Okay, then, as long as she doesn’t expect me to lead the pack right now, then I can deal with that.” Eli smiles at me, his eyes shining with so much hope that it should frighten me but that he has such faith gives me a sense of strength. “Now, are we going to this meeting?” I pause then remember the surprise he mentioned earlier. “And can I have my surprise now?” I grin, giddiness in my smile. Maybe this surprise he has will have me forgetting all about the hard decisions in my life.

Eli chuckles softly, his eyes filled with mischief. “Oh, yes, you’ll get your surprise soon, I promise. Just be patient.” He holds out his hand for me to take. When I grasp it, he starts leading me down the hall and out the back past the kitchen with an eager smile. We reach a small deck that leads down to a path and I pause looking around for shoes. "Don't we need shoes?" I query as we walk down the one lonely step onto the cobbled path.

"Nope, we're following the path to the woods and it's maintained by the pack. No glass, no sharp rocks." At my questioning eyebrow, he continues. "It's safer this way. It's not just the older kids or adults that use the path and go into the woods. But the children too. They run through the forest in human form, learning the scents and recognising them for the time when they shift. It also helps them to form attachments by bonding with pack members. We have this path along the houses so they can find their way back easily."

I nod and remain quiet as I mull that over. I never realised I was missing out as a child but hearing that makes me mourn the loss of a pack. Dad and I were always on the run when I was growing up so I never got to learn with others among the pack. I never got the freedom of just running through the woods and finding new scents. Even if I couldn’t shift, I would have still loved to just have that feeling of being free.

It also leads me to wonder about my mates. If we grew up in the same environment, would things be different between us? Would I have chosen only one when faced with the trials or would I have made the same choices I have now? Would I be on this path or a completely different one?

I guess it doesn't do well to bode on those things now but I can't help but think of the what ifs. Did my father make the right choice in keeping me from everyone? All it has really done is left me uninformed about what the packs are, how they’re run.

Eli grips my hand tightly, obviously sensing my tension at such thoughts. "You okay?"

I give a forced smile, but push it all to the back of my mind. "Yeah, just thinking about some stuff. Nothing important."

“Alright,” he says simply. He doesn't push me to tell him everything, which I think just endears him to me more.

Eli and I continue to follow the path, the sounds of people talking starting to become noticeable. My gaze swings to the left, noticing the mystical way the trees seem to sway when there is nothing but a light breeze. The closer we get to where the meeting is being held, I start to notice the amber eyes peeking among the trees, offering a smile at the wolves who are watching us, despite the creepy way they are going about it.

The path widens as it tapers off past houses and towards the woods. The wolves just watch from the darkness, before slowly withdrawing back into the shadows.

Howls start to ring through the night, followed by excited yips as the wolves begin to play. As we walk through the trees, I can see the glow of a fire lit in the distance. When we finally get close enough to feel the heat of it and the crackle as wood and leaves burn, I see the people among the trees talking with each other. Finally, we step out into a massive clearing. The bonfire so huge in the open space that I worry it will set the trees on fire but then I notice fire extinguishers over by some trees along with a very large ring of stones to keep the flames contained.

People and wolves are milling about the fire, enjoying the company of each other. Some turn and throw us a glance, smiling at us or waving which has all my anxiety flowing away.

Eli is practically bouncing on his feet with his excitement as are the other wolves. As one everyone turns to stare at something just out of my view.

Suddenly Vivienne appears on the other side of the fire, a silver robe wrapped around her. I now know why she wears it. It shimmers and shines in the firelight, and it gives her a regal appearance, almost like that of a queen.

The wolves around me, both human and animal alike all go quiet when she raises her hand for silence. Eli leans close to my ear, his breath tickling my ear as he whispers. "It's time, Dani. Time for you to embrace being Queen."