Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Six

Eli leadsme through the woods, my mates following after us, along with Jake and Rick following along but not crowding me. The further into the trees we get, the more compacted they are which makes it harder for us all to stick close together but Eli doesn’t let my hand go the whole time.

If I had to find this place again though, I don't think I could.

The journey seems to be confusing as hell which makes me question how Eli knows where to go so easily. Even the scents around me are all the same. I think that’s how he knows where to go, but when I realize all the trees smell the same, that even Vivienne’s scent can’t be picked up, I know he must be following another sense to get where we need to go. Unless it’s some kind of muscle memory from going to the springs so many times. But why would Vivienne’s scent not be lingering on the wind?

Suddenly Eli pulls us to a stop at what appears to be a small hill. I stare up at it when the soft scent that reminds me of Vivienne tickles my nose and with that one scent, a bunch of others flood my senses. Running water, salt, and fresh grass. I inhale a few times before my nose crinkles in disgust, another scent overwhelming the rest. Lavender. "Is that lavender?" I ask Eli, unable to keep the grimace off my face.

He smirks over at me. "Yes, it is. Lavender is supposed to help relax you and prepare you for the journey your spirit undertakes. I take it you're not a fan?"

"Heck no! It gives me one hell of a headache when I'm around it for too long. Dad said my mom used to hate it too." Immediately my mood drops at the thought of going through all this without my parents by my side.

Eli gives my hand a gentle squeeze of comfort but doesn't say anything. He knows how much I wish my parents were here for this journey but sadly they aren't. The only thing I can do now is ensure their sacrifices are not forgotten.

We move close to the wall of the small hill and Eli winks at me as he turns to the side and starts to slide through an opening I didn't even see. I do the same, spending a few seconds being stuck between two walls until I emerge into a large cavern lightly lit by flame torches.

The others all slide through after me, their own murmurs of surprise can be heard but my focus isn't on them. It's on the beautiful turquoise colored spring that steams softly under the torchlight.

It's so beautifully mesmerizing that it's not until I take a step towards it, that I notice Vivienne on the other side of the spring. She smiles knowingly at me when I meet her gaze in embarrassment. "It's okay Dani. Your soul wants to be cleansed, that's why you are so drawn to it."

I let go of Eli's hand as she comes around the pool of water to greet me with open arms. She cradles my face and kisses my forehead like a mother would before stepping back and facing the guys.

"Right everyone, listen up. Eli already understands the rules but for the rest of you, it's pretty simple. Remain quiet and don’t interfere. Dani needs as much concentration as possible so if you can't remain quiet, then you need to leave."

All of my mates nod, as do Rick and Jake. They all press themselves into the wall of the cavern and just remain quiet as they wait to be told what to do next.

Vivienne then turns to me once again, a warm smile in place. "It's up to you how you want to do this. You can undress if you would prefer or remain clothed. It doesn't matter either way, but you need to trust your instincts for this process."

I think about her words and ponder it over. I don't exactly wish to be naked in front of all my mates right now. "I'll keep my clothes, I think."

"So be it. Well, when you're ready then, step into the water, and don't stop until you're in the middle. It shouldn't be deep enough that you’ll fully submerge but the water may rise to be just under your chin.”

Oh sure, because I know exactly where the middle is. Still, I walk to the edge of the spring, sitting on the side before sliding into the water. I don't know what I was expecting but the water is nowhere near as hot as I thought. I assumed that with the steam rising over it, it would be much like hot bath water but it's actually very nice. Soothing almost.

I continue to wade into the water until I stand where I assume is the middle and turn to face Vivienne, who watches me with a small crease in her brows. She clears the expression in her eyes before I get a chance to fully determine what it is I saw.

"Close your eyes, Dani."

Taking a deep breath and throwing one last glance to my mates, I do as she says.

"I want you to relax, to know that you are perfectly safe here. When you feel that sense of ease running through your whole body, I want you to think about yourself."

Think about myself? What good will that do?

"Think about everything that has brought you to this moment. Your mother dying, your father raising you alone before he too left this world. Think about James and his sacrifice so you could live. All so you could be Queen. Think about the life you took and what it felt to take that life."

Her words are spoken low but with each one she speaks, the water around me moves, heating up slowly to the point it becomes uncomfortable.

"The water’s getting too hot," I moan painfully, keeping my eyes closed. A little pain is worth it, I tell myself even as the water begins to practically scald me. I take in deep breaths, trying to concentrate on the feelings I need to cleanse from myself. Trying not to feel the pain Vivienne’s words have brought.

Vivienne repeats the same things over and over, her voice droning in my head even as the pain becomes unbearable. "Concentrate, focus on the feelings within yourself. Let your spirit guide you," she demands but whatever it is she wanted to happen, is clearly not.

"It's not working. I can't stand this any longer. The pain is becoming too much." I pant, wanting nothing more than to crawl out of the water and into my mates arms.

"Fight through it, Dani! You are stronger than this!”

“Mother, that’s enough!” Eli says, but his voice doesn’t hold much heat. Instead, he sounds timid and afraid.

Vivienne's tone is angry as she snaps at him. "No, she is to be our Queen. She cannot hold any anger or hate in her heart. Once she lets go of it, it will no longer cause her pain."

"Yes, but this is supposed to be a release for her soul mother. It should not cause her physical pain which means something isn't working. We can try again another day." I haven't yet opened my eyes but Eli's words hold no room for argument. Whatever is happening up there is getting tense, that much is true.

Vivienne, however, ignores him. "What do you say, Dani? Are you still the weak little girl who was kept from our world, or are you the strong Alpha Queen, ready to go through any pain necessary to ensure your rule?"

"I'm fine. I have to do this," I say through gritted teeth, doing my best to hold back a scream. Vivienne is right. I'm supposed to be a Queen. If I can't handle a small amount of pain, then how can I lead the packs into battle against Luke? He won't hold back and I won't let anyone else fight for me. I have to be strong. It has to be me to that steps up and take the throne from him. It has to be me to step up as the Queen. It is, after all, my destiny.

My eyes sting and I have never been so glad that they are squeezed shut. If my mates see the tears in my eyes, they will intervene and I need to do this.

What feels like an hour goes by of me trying my best to concentrate on what Vivienne wants from me but soon the pain becomes too much and a cry of pain escapes me. I stifle it but it's too late. They all heard it.

"Dani!" I wedge open my eyes to see Eli standing at the edge of the pool, holding a hand out. "Get out of the spring, now!"

I don't look at Vivienne as I take Eli's hand and he pulls me from the pool. He cradles me in his arms, and I am grateful because while in the water my body felt light but now it feels heavier than I could have ever imagined. My legs collapse out from under me and my whole body feels like it's on fire. Eli's arms come up under my knees and he lifts me up to carry me. "I don't care how much she wants to prove herself to you, mother, but if you make her do that again, I will challenge you for the right to be Alpha."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Honestly it would kill a piece of me to do it but you should have stopped trying when she wasn't getting anywhere. We all know that sometimes the cleansing doesn't work. You forcing Dani to keep going because you want revenge on Luke does nothing but make this whole process take longer."

I rest my head against Eli's chest, feeling completely exhausted. They continue to speak but my ears start to ring blocking out all noise. My stomach rolls and I lean over to avoid throwing up on Eli. The contents of my stomach spill over the floor of the cavern and the last thought that enters my mind before my world goes dark, is why is Eli shaking me?