Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Five

As the nightstarts slowing down, Vivienne holds a mating ceremony between two wolves. I watch on in awe as they both stand at an altar like stone dais in the woods, the moonlight the only light by which you can see. Most of the wolves have shifted to watch but my mates and I are some of the few who remain in human form.

Vivienne talks about the pair, and how the fates that guide us, led these two to be together for the rest of their life as a mated pair. That their love is the beginning of the bond they share and will help them grow stronger in the years to come.

At the end of her talking, they make their own vows to the other about ensuring they always respect the bond and cherish each other until fate takes them from the world. They then each take an ornate dagger offered by Vivienne and slice a cut on the palm of their hand, then she encourages them to join hands. The moment their blood intermingles, I feel the change in the air. A wave of power flows from them and for a second, I could swear I can see their souls. A wolf shadow that seems to appear over each of their forms, and mingle together, greeting each other like they are lost souls meeting for the first time.

Vivienne smiles at the couple, her eyes filled with pride. “It’s time for you to take your mate and seal the bond. Have fun,” she winks as the couple shifts into their wolf form and lets loose matching howls of excitement before taking off into the woods.

After a moment the rest of the pack howls and starts to disappear into the trees, heading in the opposite direction the couple went. At least they get privacy to consummate their mating. I worry a little that people will be watching and it’s different for me with the number of mates I have. Am I going to be expected to have sex with them all in the one night? That seems a little excessive.

Vivienne turns to me, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “Well, Dani, I think it’s time.”

What? Is she talking about the mating ceremony between me and my mates? Panic consumes me at the very thought. I’m not ready for that, not yet!

“It’s time for you to be cleansed.”

Oh, thank goodness.

I glance around at my mates, all of them waiting for me to react before they do. I can tell by the concentrated neutral expressions they each have that they don’t want to get too excited.

My gaze goes to Jake and Rick only a few feet away, keeping their eyes open for any attacks, as is their job. When they catch me looking, they each throw me a reassuring smile. Jake winks, mouthing ‘you got this!’ while giving me a look that screams of nothing but confidence.

I feel like I’m ready, but I can’t help my nerves. I want to be cleansed, I want to be able to bond with my mates. To make our connection binding like the couple I just witnessed. I want to take the throne and rule our people with love and kindness instead of fear and hate. But I can’t help the edge of anxiety and doubt that creeps into my heart. I have no idea what the cleansing will entail but I know that for the good of all the packs, I need to be strong.

I need to rid myself of this anger that seems to be in my heart. Not to mention absolve myself of the guilt that Sonja’s death has been on my conscience. I think the worst part about her death is that I feel guilty, that I don’t feel guilty. What kind of person feels like that when they take a life?

I meet her gaze unwavering, knowing I have to do this. For all the wolves who have suffered or will suffer at Luke’s hands. "I'm ready."

She nods a note of pride in her eyes. "Good. I'll leave you to spend a moment alone with your mates while I begin the preparations. When you’re ready to come to the spring, make your way to the original pool. Eli can guide you.”

Eli's eyes widen in surprise at his mother’s words. “The original spring, mother. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I think the stronger the pool, the better,” she says before turning and disappearing among the trees.

It remains silent after Vivienne has left, and finally I break the silence, unable to stand the look of worry in Eli’s eyes. “What is it? Why is going to the original spring such a big deal?”

If I wasn’t already worried, I am even more so now.

Eli hesitates, glancing between me and my mates nervously.

Cam glares at him, anger growing at his lack of explanation. "If there is something we should know about these pools, you need to tell us. I won't let Dani go anywhere near them if there is a risk to her."

Eli hesitates, his eyes showing mixed feelings. He wants to be honest, but he knows I need to be cleansed. Finally, he relents with a sigh. "Okay, so the first thing you need to know about the cleansing springs is, there are more than one of them. There are four actually. Each one seems to have a different effect on people. Three of them are used by us all because their effects are mild no matter the person that enters them. They are the springs that are commonly used by us all to clear our minds and put us on the right path when we’re having a crisis of conscience, or if we’re dealing with a difficult time in our lives.”

Nate is the one to catch onto his unsaid words. "So what does the original one do then?"

Eli stares at the ground, unable to meet our gazes. "Well, it does the same thing, only it's not advised anyone but a fully fledged Alpha use the original one because sometimes it can be a little... temperamental."

"You talk like it's a person. You know it's not a living being right?" I say mildly teasingly. I mean it’s a pool of water that’s risen from the ground and the underground rivers beneath the earth, not an actual person ready to pass judgement.

Eli, however, looks deadly serious. "That's where you're wrong. It may not be a living being but the springs are sentient. How else could they cleanse your soul? How else do you explain the people who say they were gifted visions upon their cleansing?"

I remain quiet as he speaks, a little shocked that the cleansing springs could actually be some kind of magic being of sorts.

"I'm not saying it is sentient, as in it can actually talk to you and offer you advice, but there is something about the springs. Many people have said they had encounters with loved ones, or mythical beings during their time being cleansed. It’s said they helped make the cleansing easier to bear as they removed the impurities in your soul. Though there are some people that despite multiple attempts, can never be cleansed.” He clears his throat, his gaze flicking between us nervously. “I know because my father tried with Luke, in the original spring. But it rejected him."

Cam stiffens, a slightly shocked look in his eyes. "My father came here to be cleansed? When? Why would he come here? Why didn’t it work? Why are you only just now telling me?" Cam fires off question after question, his need for answers clear in his eyes. His hands are clenched at his side, his body vibrating with anger. No doubt finding out something like this about his father is throwing him a bit. I mean, why didn’t it work? And why is it not common knowledge he came here to be cleansed?

"Yes, your father came here once before," Eli says slowly, his eyes holding an emotion that looks almost like pain. "He came here roughly ten years ago in the dead of night.” Eli’s breath is shallow, and it takes him a moment to continue. Whatever happened that night is obviously painful for him. As much as I want to tell him he doesn’t have to tell us this story, I know Cam needs to hear it. This is one of those times when having more than one mate sucks. I have to choose which one to save from pain, but something tells me no matter who I choose, they are both going to be hurt by whatever it is Eli has to say.

Eli clears his throat, obviously trying to rid himself of any emotion, but as he speaks, I can hear the hurt. “My father and I had come back from a run when Luke stumbled towards our home distraught over something he had done. He begged my father to help him, to cleanse his soul of his sins so he could be a better man." Eli stares off into the forest, the dying fire casting a shadow over his eyes so I can't see the pain he’s trying to hide from us. "That night, my father demanded I go to bed, but I was curious about seeing an Alpha cleansing so I waited until they were out of sight and then snuck out to follow after them.”

Eli pauses, clearing his throat a few times but seeming unable to continue so I go to him and wrap my arms around his waist, offering him the comfort and strength to continue. I smile up at him, trying to convey how much I appreciate him for sharing this story, even though it hurts him to do so.

He takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, his body tightening with tension as he continues his story. Gripping me tighter, he continues his story.

"When I followed my father, I was surprised to see he had taken Luke to the original spring, a place my mother warned me not to go to. She always said that while it was the first spring to be found by our ancestors, it was also the most unpredictable. She told me of our Ancestors story, that when he first swam beneath the waters, thinking of the need to possess Malina, to have her love him back as he loved her, the water changed colors, and magic filled the air.”

As Eli speaks, I’m overwhelmed with images, like the story is playing out in my mind with Eli’s words.

His voice still echoes in my mind as I watch it all play out before me firsthand. A man resembling Eli, but older and more rounded enters a cavern, slowly sinking into the waters. They change colors, the water bubbling angrily. His mouth opens in an open scream and I’m forced to watch on as the water takes him under.

“When the water settled back to their original ethereal turquoise, he had regretted his actions completely. His whole view of the world had changed in that one swim. He no longer desired Malina, to own her as an object. He simply loved her. He no longer harbored ill will towards her husband or the other enforcers. He truly regretted his decision to try and take her for his own and vowed to spend the rest of his life trying to make her proud of his actions. Yes, he was still exiled, refused to come back to the pack but he knew that wasn't his path any longer. For some reason, he knew that his destiny no longer revolved around Malina and so he started saving others of our kind when they took the wrong path in life. And when the curse was laid down upon all of us, only those who had been cleansed in the springs remained able to access the little bits of magic that still survive."

To hear the story of Eli's ancestor is amazing. To know that even though he was exiled, he still chose to be the best that his queen would expect of him. It makes me admire Eli's family and pack all the more. But what I don’t understand is how the hell I saw it all? Is it a by-product of whatever Vivienne did to me?

"What about my father? What happened when he came here?" Cam asks, his voice hiding none of the impatience he’s showing.

Eli turns to my mate with sad eyes. "It was horrible. When he entered the water, it wasn't like any of the other times I had spied. Your father stepped into the water slowly but the way he moved, I would have thought he was walking through thick tar, not water. Finally, when he reached the middle and submerged himself, the water changed to black. In all our history, the water has never changed to such a horrible color and it made my father nervous. When your father re-emerged, I thought it had worked because the water turned back to its perfect turquoise hue. I thought he had been cleansed like all others before him, as did my father. Luke looked at peace, or at least calmer than he had been when he arrived. They both left the spring, my father with a smile on his face. He guided Luke back to the edge of pack land where Luke had left his car.

"My father embraced Luke in his arms, and I could tell my father was the happiest he had been in his long life. I mean, who wouldn't be? He'd cleansed the new Alpha King."

My heart breaks as a lonely tear falls down Eli's cheek. He doesn't wipe it away, refusing to acknowledge its presence as he speaks. "My father let him go and turned to leave when it happened. Quicker than I have ever seen a person move, Luke pulled a knife from the back of his pants, and stabbed my father in the spine. I didn't make a sound, too horrified and shocked speechless by what I saw. The last words that he said to my father were 'Thank you for letting me see who I truly am.'

"Then he pushed my father's body to the ground, climbed into his car and simply drove away. The moment his car was out of sight, I rushed to my father's side, but there was nothing I could do. He died in my arms." He takes in a stuttered breath, closing his eyes as he relives his past pain.

When he opens his eyes again, he's locked it all away, showing only a strength that I've seen since I first met him. "That night was when I learned the springs couldn't help everyone."

Everyone remains silent, digesting everything Eli has said. I hate Luke so much. He seems to have hurt everyone in my life some way or another, like it was his mission in life to destroy me.

“I’m so sorry, Eli.” He doesn’t say anything but his grip does get a little tighter.

I can’t quite believe that Luke came here to be cleansed and it didn’t work. Was it just that his soul was so dark he couldn’t be saved? And if so, does that mean there’s a chance I won’t be cleansed either?

My anger grows at everything that has happened. Everything that Luke has done, and what he might still do if I don’t become Queen.

"I hate all this," I announce into the night, my heart feeling heavy with everything that’s on my shoulders. All gazes snap to mine and I elaborate. "I hate that you have all suffered so much because of Luke. That he ruled over your packs like none of you matter. All I want for the packs is to find peace with one another and to lose that fear they have. I want everyone to feel comfortable coming to me or us with their problems but with everything I hear of Luke, I have to be realistic that it might take years to undo the pain he has caused."

"And that is yet another reason why you will make a great Queen," Rick says from the darkness before he appears from the trees like a damn ninja. I forgot Jake and Rick were patrolling the area, protecting me from any unknown threats. I'm ashamed to admit that Rick's voice makes me jump and causes all the guys to chuckle.

"Shut up," I mumble as Rick leans against the tree closest to us without a care in the world.

He sobers instantly the moment his gaze settles on mine. "I meant it, Dani. Not many Alphas show how much they care towards their people. Many fear the repercussions for showing such devotion but you aren't even a Queen yet, let alone an Alpha of your own pack and the fire that you speak with, it fills me with pride. I couldn't imagine a better Queen to lead us."

Eli nods in agreement. "He’s right. Whatever reason your father had for raising you human, it gave you all the qualities I think we needed in a leader. You may be a wolf at heart, but you grew up with humans. You watched them, learned from them, and I think it has led to you having more compassion than if you were raised with us. All in all, it has made you a stronger woman for it and will aid in making you a stronger Queen."

Each of the others throw me looks with such faith that it makes my heart swell. I can only hope I don't disappoint them.

Eli claps his hands suddenly. "Speaking of you being a great queen, maybe it's time we go to the springs. My mother should be ready by now." Eli holds out a hand for me to take, and I grasp it nervously. Scared that this is really it. Even though I know it needs to be done, I can't help the tendril of fear that has wormed its way into my heart from seeing Eli’s ancestor go into the water and hearing of what Luke went through.

As I look around at my mates and my friends though, I know without a doubt, that it will be worth it. To give them the chance at a happy life, free from the reign of terror that is Luke, I would do anything.