Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Three

My heart poundsin my chest, anticipation building along with a wariness I can't place. I feel safe with Eli by my side, but there are so many faces I don't know, that I can't help but worry.

Eli admitted that one of his best friends could have been the reason he was kidnapped but what if it was someone else among his pack? Someone who had been spying on him?

He said his friends and mother were the only ones to know about his whereabouts when he came for me, but it doesn't mean that one of them didn't just follow him when he left and then contacted Sonja.

Besides everyone who was in that restaurant would have known I was his mate. It was vocalized pretty loudly.

Vivienne claps her hands together, her eyes alight with happiness. Her dark hair is tied up in a braid that goes around her head and is filled with white flowers that are coated in dew appearing as if they glitter in the firelight. She looks like what I imagine mother earth would if she existed.

"Welcome everyone." She looks out at the gathered pack members with such love it makes my eyes well with tears. That’s how an Alpha should look at her people, with nothing more than love and admiration. "It has been a long time since we’ve had the pleasure of hosting an Alpha as unique as the young woman who stands beside my son." She pauses and lets the silence fill with murmurs as the people still in human form turn to stare at me, their eyes filled with curiosity and hope. Even the ones in wolf form look at me with intrigue.

"As some of you may have heard, a new Alpha Queen has come forth, one from the original line of Malina. My son, the last heir to the original Enforcer, is her mate. Tonight, I have invited them both here to be formally introduced to our packs so that you may all see your soon to be Queen. Please give a very warm welcome for Danielle Jackson, the last Alpha Queen and the one who will help us overcome our ancestors’ shame."

I expect clapping, or some kind of disagreement but what I'm met with is complete silence filled with tension. When nothing more happens, I wonder if I should say something. Am I supposed to have a speech prepared? Why the hell didn’t anyone tell me? Better yet, why didn’t I ask?

Before I can muster up something on the spot, an older gentleman shuffles forth from the edge of the trees to stare at me. His brown hair is tinged gray with the beginning of old age, but his kind green eyes show a man with a young spirit.

He eyes me warily before flicking his gaze to Eli, and Vivienne who has joined our side. The kindness fades and is filled with contempt and doubt as he looks at my mate and his mother. Eli’s grip on my hand tightens and that seems to anger the man.

"How do we know she will truly end our shame when your son has done the same to her as what the original enforcer has. He stole their queen when she had other mates. How do we know she is not just being held against her will because you hope she will fix the things your family broke in the first place?” He pauses, his eyes going around the rest of the assembled pack. “The only reason the rest of us have suffered so severely is because we, or our ancestors aligned with those of the past. Maybe we should take the long lost queen and return her to her mates, maybe then we will be absolved of our past sins."

Mutters of agreement rise up from the pack and I fear that this is gonna get messy. I need to explain that I am here willingly, so no one gets hurt.

Suddenly Eli drops my hand, growling as he takes a step toward the old man. "You dare accuse me of hurting my mate, Lionel? Of keeping her against her will?"

The man raises his chin arrogantly. "Yes, I do. Your ancestor was not exactly strong willed when it came to matters of his heart, especially when it came to Malina. What makes you any different, Elijah?"

Vivienne bristles, her eyes flashing amber, her wolf close to the edge at such claims but she remains quiet and lets her son handle this situation. Maybe this night was more than about introducing me to the pack but also allowing her son to take on some responsibility as my soon to be mate.

Even as the man spoke, though, I saw the concern in the eyes and of the other pack members around him. They all look tense, ready for a fight, like they truly believe to free me if I am a prisoner among them. It warms my heart to see that they care for me without even knowing me.

Eli sighs dejectedly his gaze dropping to the ground in shame. "Lionel’s right.” The pack bristles, poised for a fight. “My ancestor was an idiot who tried to steal the queen from her future husband and mate. But what you all have to understand is that I am not my ancestor and would never dream of hurting our Queen, or our pack."

He glances around at everyone, an indistinguishable expression in his eyes. He shakes his head, as if sad at what he’s seeing. "But I can see that none of you will believe me without proof so, I guess it's time to reveal the surprise I had planned for my mate. It seems you have all left me no choice but to reveal it early."

Eli turns to face the forest, a loud whistle escaping his lips. It echoes among the trees and I imagine it was loud enough to frighten off many of the predators that would be scoping the woods. After a few seconds, the sound of crunching of dead leaves can be heard, the sound growing louder by the second. Everyone turns in the direction the noise is coming from, people still poised, though this time for an intruder.

Eli glances over at me before turning back in the direction of the forest as the rustling stops. "Time to come out guys."

Eli turns back to me, a small smile on his face but with each second that passes it grows into a grin. "You trusted me and my mother, you came here to be cleansed but I knew it hurt you too much to be parted with your mates. You couldn’t leave the house because of the war in your heart so when I called them to delay their arrival, Jason and I made another plan.”

My heart skips a beat at the mention of Jason and I feel my eyes welling with tears as I look in the direction he called. He didn't? Maybe he asked Jason to come, but he said 'guys' so that has to mean at least two of them.

"What plan?" I ask my voice only a whisper, but even I hear the hope. The first tear slips down my cheek but Eli catches it with his thumb.

"To bring you happiness.” Tears have started to fall at the genuine love I’m feeling for him and his effort to brighten my life. “I want you to be happy and I knew there was only one way for that to happen." He presses a soft kiss to my cheek before backing up with a big grin. "So Jason and I have worked hard these past twenty four hours to ensure all your mates can be here with us."

The emphasis on ‘all’ causes my heart to swell with love. Branches and leaves crackle as people approach from the trees. Gasps and growls are heard from Eli’s pack but my mind completely shuts out everything when the first face appears. A choked sob escapes my lips. I don't even think twice, and bolt across the space and dive into Nate's waiting arms.

"Hey, it's okay, we're here now." He hugs me tightly, inhaling deeply as we embrace. I pull back to seal my mouth to his, happiness overwhelming me. He responds eagerly, a moan escaping his hungry lips. He ends the kiss too soon and lets me go with a soft chuckle as another pair of arms reaches out to take me and the scent alone informs me it's Pete.

"Jeez Dani, by this reception you'd think we were apart years, instead of mere days."

I turn in his arms and smack him on the shoulder, a smile pulling at my lips despite my tears. "It feels like that to me. I've missed you all so damn much."

"It's lucky we're all here then, isn't it?"

I whip around at the sound of Jake's voice, distracted by his presence only for my gaze to land on the rest of my mates.

Jason, Cam, Jonnie and Mitch are all grinning at me and my eyes overflow with tears. Before I even realise what I’m doing, I'm in Jonnie's arms sobbing into his chest, overcome with joy. I'm passed among my mates, each of them hugging me like they never want to let me go and a sense of peace settles within me. A sense of completeness. Like I’m finally whole again.

After our quick reunion, I turn to face Eli, with a wide smile. I’ve ended up in Jason’s arms and my mate just gives me a comforting squeeze when I step away from him and take slow steps towards Eli until I’m before him, looking up into his eyes.

"I can't believe you did this for me,” I breathe, my heart filled with gratitude and love for this man. He could have selfishly kept me to himself until the cleansing was complete, but he brought me and my mates back together again.

I reach out and cup his cheek tenderly, a lonely tear falling down my cheek. "This, what you have done for me, is beyond amazing and you have absolutely no idea how much it means to me. I don't know how I will ever begin to repay you for doing this. For thinking of me when you could have been selfish and claimed all my time as your own."

He frowns sadly, and lifts his hand to cover the one that rests on my cheek. "You don't have to repay me, Dani. I did what any mate would, what any mate should. I gave you what you needed."

He sighs and takes my hand away from his face, turning to face the pack, and the man who accused him of kidnapping me. "Now do you see, Lionel? My mate's happiness is the most important thing in this world. I would never willingly cause her pain which is why I busted my ass to keep doing my work for the pack, all the while helping organise the arrival of my mate’s other partners. So next time before you think so little of me, maybe it would serve you well to remember all that I have done for this pack, all that my family has done to try and restore our name. And a reminder to all of you, that I am not my ancestor."

Lionel bows his head in shame, while Vivienne watches on with a smug smile on her face. She claps her hands together, drawing the attention from the pack and taking some of the limelight off us. "Now then, I think it’s time we stop acting like children and show the future Alpha Queen what a pack truly should be and just how much fun it is when you don’t have any fear in your heart."

I nod enthusiastically, looking over at my mates. The night can only get better from here. I have my mates with me. I can face anything with them at my side.