Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Seven

Angry yelling wakesme from my slumber and I groan in annoyance as my head pounds to the beat of its own drum. I stuff the pillow over my face to try and drown the noise out but it does no good.

I have no clue what the fuss is all about but when I'm tired, I can get grumpy. I sit up in bed, surprised to find myself alone and in a different set of clothes to what I was wearing last night.

As I think about it all, it takes a moment for all the events last night to catch up with my tired mind. My mates returned, and I attempted the cleansing but for some reason it didn’t work. I remember the pain I felt and then nothing.

Sighing as the voices get louder, I throw the pillow to the floor and get out of bed, swaying a little. Shit, whatever happened in those waters took a hell of a lot out of me. I’m absolutely exhausted and starving now. Yes, food sounds good. My stomach rumbles in agreement as I walk to the door.

I open it just as the sound of smashing glass echoes through the house followed by angry yelling coming from Eli.

"It's your fault! Get out of here before I shift and let my wolf destroy you!" My heart races in fear at his words. Who is he talking to? Is it one of my mates?

I take soft steps out into the hall and towards the sounds when Nate speaks, his tone soothing. "Calm down, Eli. Do you think Dani would want you hurting your mother? She went into that spring of her own free will. We just have to hold out hope that one day she will wake up."

Wait. What? How long have I been asleep? Nate makes it seem like I've been sleeping for years not overnight. I pop back in the room and look around for one of the guy's phones, a laptop or hell, even a calendar. Anything that can tell me the date so I can determine just how long I was out for.

After I find nothing, I rip off the shirt I'm wearing, one that isn't my own. It has the soft scent of Pete on it but also another scent I don't recognize and is female. That scent has my wolf pushing at my mind, begging to be free and tear apart the female who was near our mate but I tamp her down. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Besides, the girl probably just did the laundry.

I dig around in a few drawers, annoyed when I find that female scent among most of the drawers. It's not overly strong but it's enough to irritate me. My wolf too is struggling, feeling way more territorial than I’ve ever felt her. This is why wolves should do their own washing. Especially ones who have a mate. Things like scenting another female on your mates clothes is definitely not a good thing.

Finally, I find a shirt of Eli's that has nothing but his scent on it so I drag it on quickly and leave the room.

There's no point bothering with pants right now when the shirt covers more than enough. I walk with quick steps into the lounge, surprised by the level of noise. Everyone is arguing, and it sounds like most of them are trying to calm Eli down. It's not until I am just beyond the wall separating the dining room and living area that the house seems to fall silent as their eyes land on me. You could hear a damn pin drop.

Eli is standing facing off against his mother, his chest heaving with anger even as Nate seems to be trying to put himself between them. The moment our eyes meet, Nate smiles and it’s enough to have Eli turning. As soon as he sees me, his shoulders drop, a noticeable tension easing from the room. Before I can blink, he’s coming straight for me to wrap me in a crushing hug.

He inhales deeply, scenting me over and over, as I reach up and hold him close. The others don’t move, letting Eli have this moment.

Jonnie and Mitchell are both leaning against the wall, their eyes filled with disbelief as they look me over.

I'm not sure where Jason is but it is not just his presence I notice missing, but Jake’s and Rick’s also. I focus on their absence, trying to come up with a reason for them not being here because if my gaze lingers on Pete for much longer, I may just kill him.

He's seated on a little loveseat but it's not that which bothers me. No, it's the female draped in his lap. The gorgeous dark haired, blue eyed bombshell of a female that looks very at home where she rests. And while he looks slightly uncomfortable to have her there, he isn't exactly pushing her off either.

My wolf is bristling under the surface ready to break free and snap her neck. I take in a deep breath to try and calm myself but that does nothing to help me because her scent permeates across the room and it’s obvious hers was the one on the shirt I woke up in. And on the other clothes stuffed in the drawers.

Eli lets go of me, glancing down at me with a relieved smile. Cam approaches us and pulls me away to give me a quick hug, which I use to inhale as much of his scent as possible but it’s like my wolf has zeroed in on that female scent and everything else is overpowering it.

A growl rumbles in my chest and Cam steps back warily.

My wolf demands control of me, and I fight to keep her back. But she wants blood.

"What is it, Dani?" Mitch asks worriedly as he steps away from the wall towards me, his eyes conveying his concern. Cam also eyes me a little unsure.

My gaze flicks from Cam, to Mitch, then over to Pete and the girl in his lap. Mitch immediately seems to understand and glares Pete's way. He doesn't speak, but he doesn't need to.

Pete sighs, both in relief and sadness. "Lia, you should leave."

The girl on Pete's lap pouts up at him. "Why? What's wrong?" She snuggles in close to him, and I notice she has an arm wrapped possessively around his shoulder, her hand cupped on his neck and that's the moment I let my wolf push to the surface.

I step away from Cam and Eli, fighting to remain in control and not just shift. As I move, a low growl echoes from my chest, my wolf making it clear she’s not happy.

The girl looks genuinely confused by my attitude until I waltz right to them and grip a chunk of her hair and haul her off my mate.

She cries out in pain, catching herself on her hands and knees before glaring up at me with daggers, but I don't let go.

My wolf’s dominance radiates off me in waves, and the girl's eyes widen in shock. "S.. So.. sorry..." she stammers out fearfully. She bows her head to the side offering me submission but part of me wants to see her suffer for touching what is mine.

Pete stands, taking a step closer and opens his mouth to object. "Dani..." He trails off when I pin him with a glare.

"You need to be very careful of what you say right now, Pete. Very fucking careful."

"She wants to join my pack. That's it. We've been getting to know each other so I could determine if she would be a good fit in my pack. It wasn't what it looked like."

"Really? Your mate is in another room, and alone, but you're in here with another girl on your lap?" His mouth slams shut and I move my gaze to the girl in front of me. "If I went around doing that with someone else, how would you feel?"

He meets my gaze angrily. "Every time you're with another mate instead of me, that's exactly what you're doing. Just like when you were with Eli on the plane." The moment the words leave Pete's lips, he knows he's said the wrong thing. But it's too late to take it back.

Shock rocks through me and I drop my hold on the girl. Betrayal and hurt pierce my heart. "Get out." The words are devoid of emotion as I look down at the girl. She scrambles to leave the house. When she opens the door to bolt outside, Jason freezes, and looks after her then turns back noticing me. He steps in the house followed by Rick and Jake, all three of whom can tell something is very wrong by the tension in the room.

I turn to Pete and repeat myself. "Get out."

"Dani, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." He moves to pull me into his arms and I back away quickly. My wolf is in pain, and I need to be away from Pete. I need to get outside so my wolf won't shift and destroy the house. I turn my back on him and walk towards Jason, knowing I need one of them with me. I take in deep ragged breaths to try and control my raging heart. "Jason, would you please come for a walk with me?"

"Where are you going?" Pete asks but I ignore him.

The others are all glaring over at Pete but I can’t face him right now. Dad used to say that words said in anger, were ones that were not needed. He always said you should cool off before speaking. And while I didn’t do so all the time, this is definitely a time when I need to cool off before speaking.

Besides, I’m sure the others will have plenty to say on my behalf.

I just can’t quite believe he threw that in my face. I thought that he had finally accepted Eli, especially when he brought them to me again, but maybe not. Maybe it’s never going to work?

Jason glances from me to Eli, then Jake before he nods. "Come on, let's go for a walk. Jake, Rick, you trail behind us."

I don't notice either of them reply, too absorbed in my thoughts to care as I walk out of the house. Jason follows shortly after, and comes up to wrap a comforting arm around my shoulders. All the while I ponder over Pete’s words.

Do they all think that way? That because I spend time with one, it neglects everyone else. I thought that this could work because they were friends, but no one expected Eli, least of all me.

Maybe I was stupid for believing sharing mates was a good thing. Maybe I need to sit down with them all to discuss this thoroughly, to lay out some hard rules so that they don’t do this in future. I thought being honest was the right way to go but I’ve never regretted telling them the truth, until this moment.

Ugh, when did my life get so damn complicated? As if I don't have enough to worry about, there are relationship issues to add into the mix too.

I'm not sure how long we walk before Jason pulls me to a stop and swings me around. When I don’t look up straight away, he gives me a gentle shake. "Dani, I don’t know what you’ve got going through your mind right now but you need to snap out of whatever it is you’re thinking about.” I look up sadly, unsure how to voice my concerns. To ask him how he feels about everything.

He sighs, seeing the turmoil in my eyes. “I heard what Pete said when we got to the house and you need to understand, he doesn't feel that way at all. We've all just been scared and the situation made him say shit that wasn't true. None of us feel that way and none of us are upset by what happened between you and Eli. A little envious, yeah we’re all that.” He winks at me, causing my tension to melt away. “It’s just all this shit with Luke and the other packs is putting strain on us all. Give him a chance to apologize for what he said."

Jason’s eyes hold nothing but sincerity in them and I relax, wrapping my arms around him. I rest my head on his chest, inhaling his scent and listening to the steady thrumming of his heart.

"Sorry, I was a brat." I mumble.

Jason's chest rumbles as he chuckles. "You're not even eighteen yet and you have seven mates vying for your every minute. Not to mention that you carry the weight of the whole world on your shoulders. I'm pretty sure you're entitled to a few bratty moments. Just as Pete is," he adds softly.

I pout, not liking that I have to let it go so easily. "I'm not mad he said it because it is kind of true, I did go further with Eli then I have with any of you, but I’m hurt that he said it in that situation, I guess. It's hard because I expect you guys to be the better ones when it comes to the mate situation, because you know more about the dynamics than I do. For me though, it's all new. Being with one wolf is strange enough, but I’ve got seven and each of you needs more from me then I am capable of right now. Maybe we need to have a group meeting or something? Lay out some ground rules for time and intimacy so there’s no resentment in the future?"

Jason is quiet, most likely pondering my words. He leans back slightly and then presses a quick kiss to my cheek. When he pulls back, he’s beaming at me. "I think that's a great idea, love. I also think it may be worth us planning some sleeping arrangements, and possibly date nights or days. Something that could make our time feel more special without overwhelming you completely. But also giving us all the alone time we crave. Although, all of that can wait until we have sorted out our more pressing problems. You don’t need to be worried about us when there is so much more at stake than our relationships."

"I know but it's hard not to worry." I sigh sadly. "Now, just how long was I out for? When I woke up, I was alone and I overheard Nate talk about me waking up one day, which leads me to wonder just how bloody long I slept for?"

“Come on, let's go for that walk.” Jason takes my hand, leaving Jake and Rick behind us as we walk towards the woods behind Eli’s home. Even though Jake and Rick aren’t close, I bet they can see us wherever we move. I suspect despite the way the pack introduction went, they’ll all be on high alert from unknown threats.

As we start to walk among the trees, I can hear the sounds of children playing, parents chasing them and wolves playing. It’s almost soothing, so much so that it feels sad to be on alert for an attack from one of them. Hell, it’s horrible that I’m possibly bringing trouble to this pack who have lived in peace for so long. Sure, they aren’t exactly among the rest of the packs, but they live in harmony with one another.

Now that my existence is out there, everyone’s world has been shaken up.

Jason speaks, stirring me from my thoughts. "You were out for almost a month."

"A month?!" I screech, causing all sound around us to die off. I take a deep breath, and speak at a normal level. "Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that I’d been out for that long. Why was I out for so long? How the hell did I not die of starvation?”

It’s no wonder I feel like I’m starving on the inside. Because I have been without food for so damn long my body is suffering.

“None of us knows why it was that long. But Vivienne had to have a human doctor they employ come by once a week to load you up with fluids and nutrition via an IV line. She thought that the reason you ended up in a coma, is that maybe whatever is plaguing you is a lot darker than any of us thought. Eli, however, believes that an Alpha Queen was never meant to be cleansed and that his mother was wrong all along. He thinks that could be why it never worked for Luke.”

I mull that over wondering if there’s any truth to it. Eli told me that Vivienne had a vision I needed to be cleansed or I would die. But if it’s impossible to be cleansed, why did she have such a vision? If she had one at all?

I don’t like doubting her, since it was her vision that caused me to leave my coronation in the first place. Sure, I was a little hesitant knowing the crown was capable of killing anyone who was unworthy but Vivienne’s vision was what sealed my decision.

Jason and I walk in silence among the trees, until we reach a small clearing filled with a circle of rocks and logs. The gathering area from the party, if I remember correctly. Well at least judging by the leftover burnt wood and ash.

Unlike last time I was here, there’s no one close by. It looks strange without anyone hanging around.

Jason takes a seat on a log, and gestures for me to join him. I do so, grimacing as the wood bites into my skin. "Stupid lack of pants," I grumble, hearing a chuckle in the woods nearby and know straight away it's Jake, that bastard.

"Come here, Dani." Jason opens his arms for me, gesturing to me to sit on his lap. "Relax, I just want you to sit on my lap so the wood doesn't bruise your delicate skin."

"Oh," I flush with embarrassment, feeling suddenly exposed. Jason has always left me feeling strange. The attraction is there, but he’s been the more reserved one of my mates, not pushing for attention, but always letting me know he's there. The few instances where we've been even remotely touchy-feely has always been wolf heat related.

It kind of has me worried that there may not be any true emotion there for Jason, only the feelings the wolf mate bond is simulating but I know there has to be a connection. I feel it every time I’m around him. I accept his offer and move to sit in his lap. I can feel his very noticeable erection against my hip but despite that, lust isn't love. Maybe now is the time to find out just how he feels?

"Jason…” His eyes meet mine, and I second guess myself before just ripping off the bandaid. “Do you, love me?"

His eyes widen in shock, and for a split second, I expect Jason to fling me from his lap and call me crazy but he surprises me by cupping my cheek tenderly. His eyes soften and a small smile graces his face.

"You silly girl. How could I not care about you? You are crazy, cocky, and a giant pain in the ass most times." I frown, feeling like this isn't really a declaration of love. "But, you are also kind. You care about everyone, not just yourself and I think the thing that makes me love you all the more is the human nature I see in you. It gives me hope as it does for many others. I can only hope one day to give you just reason to return my love. So yes, Dani, I do love you.”

My heart beats wildly and I want nothing more than to return the words, but something holds me back. Some little niggle in the back of my mind and bottom of my heart that tells me it's not the time to tell him of my feelings.

As if he senses I’m not ready to say it back, he speaks and changes the subject. "So do you want to know what happened while you slept?”

I nod, but my gaze doesn't meet his. I feel horrible for not telling him how I feel.

"Well, after we couldn’t wake you on our own, we let Vivienne have the human doctor on the payroll look you over. After he determined that you were medically fine, he told us that he would return once a week to give you what you needed to survive while you dealt with whatever it was that was putting you in such a coma like state.”

Wow, I can’t believe they allowed someone they didn’t know, a human no less, to come in and look me over.

“For the first ten days, we were all too stubborn to leave your side, despite the human guy telling us you couldn’t hear anything we said. It wasn’t until Jake came in and reiterated for the hundredth time that only one of us needed to stay with you for protection, that we finally left your side, though very unwillingly. It just so happened that shortly after his little speech to kick us out of your room, Tim called us to say that there had been word we were going to be attacked by Luke and his pack. We all knew we had to prepare the defenses in case it came to an all out attack. Cam chose to stay with you each day while we talked to pack members and communicated with each of our packs and prepare in case. That's where I was when you woke up. I had come back from talking to all the alpha’s when I got a call from an old friend of my mothers. He said he might know where my pack is."

I perk up, my eyes wide and my voice filled with hope. His mother has been missing along with all his pack. If there is a chance they can be found then that’s great news.

"And? Did you find out where they are?"

Jason grips me tighter. "No. But I have a place a few hours from here that I’m checking out tomorrow. Maybe you can come with me? I could use the moral support."

The hope in his eyes has me agreeing instantly. "I would love to. Are we all going?"

The trees rustle and my two friends appear unashamed that they are clearly lurking and listening to every word. Jake is grinning in anticipation, but Rick is wearing a more serious expression. Of course he’s gotta convince me to stay back like a good girl.

"It's a covert mission, Dani. Personally, I would rather if you weren't going, but if I know you, it's that you won't back down because I say so." I smirk, ready to agree one hundred percent when he holds up a hand. "However, I want you to understand something. You were unconscious for a month and because of that, you are severely weakened. We have wolves everywhere, with no clue where their loyalty lies. And while we all know you like to flaunt your strength, you aren't strong enough to do so at the moment. If you come with us, I want your word of honor that you will do as Jake and I say. Let us keep you safe as Enforcers are supposed to. No trying to be a hero."

As I stare into his eyes, I see they’re filled with nothing but concern for my well being. My gaze goes to Jake, and his own grin has faded. Some shit must have happened while I was out to cause them to be so serious.

I find myself nodding as I meet Ricks' eyes. "Okay, I will do as you say to the best of my ability. I'm sorry but that's all I can promise. If we are in extreme danger, I’m not going to stand idly by."

Rick and I stare each other down when finally his lips twitch. "I guess that's the best I'm gonna get."