Alec by Margaret McHeyzer




Today’s been nothing but long and stressful. The counselling session was intense although I’m relieved and grateful I did it. I’ve got another five sessions booked, and all I can think of is how much I didn’t know I actually really needed them.

Driving back to Alec’s, I’m looking forward to dinner, a shower, and bed. My body feels like it’s been hit by a truck, and my eyes are stinging from how tired I am. At this point I think it’s more mental exhaustion than physical.

I pull up outside Alec’s small house, and sit in the car for a moment as I try and gather my thoughts. I know I desperately need to meditate just so I can put my feelings into the right headspace. But, I also feel bad for locking Alec out of his own room in order for me to meditate. Thankfully, he’s understanding, even though he calls it mumbo jumbo and doesn’t believe in it.

What’s there not to believe in? We all breathe. That’s what meditation is—purposeful breathing.

Grabbing my bag, I get out of my car, and walk up to the front door. Alec opens it, as if he was waiting for me. “Hey,” I say as I instantly crave the warmth of his arms around me.

“You look tired.” He slings my bag off my shoulder, links our fingers together and leads me into the family room. I plonk down, melting into the back of the sofa, completely relaxing.

“What’s this?” I can’t help but notice the dining table has two plates, four flickering candles, and two wine glasses already set for us. A delicious smell of something incredibly familiar wafts through the house. “Did you cook me dinner?”

“Cook is such a strong word.” He flinches. “As we know I can cook, and what I do cook I’m very good at, but I’ve had an eventful day, so I didn’t cook tonight.”

“Tell me about your day,” I ask.

“Tell me about yours first. What happened at the counselling session?” He holds a finger up. “Wait.” He ducks off into the kitchen where he pours us two red wines and brings them over. “Okay, go on.” Aww, how sweet, but I don’t have the heart to tell him I don’t like red wine. He’s gone to so much effort. I take a sip, and my face automatically contorts. “You don’t like red wine?”

“I’m sorry. But I actually don’t like wine at all. I’d rather have a beer than this.” Alec’s eyes widen. “But I’ll drink it, because I really appreciate you doing this for me.” I take another sip, my right eye half closes as I try to welcome the flavor. But seriously, yuck.

“Thank God!” he proudly announces. “I can’t stand wine either. And, as it turns out, I have beer.” Taking both glasses over to the sink, he dumps them out and turns the faucet on to rinse them out. He returns with two beers, one for me and one for himself. He takes a sip. “Yep, so much better. Anyway, tell me about your day.”

I drink a good third of the beer, really savoring the robust taste. “Work was good, I was based at the hospital all day. I do have to go out and see May on Monday. The counselor is fantastic. I’ve got five more sessions booked with her, and I’m looking forward to them.” I feel myself scrunching my brows as I shake my head. “You know, I never thought I was holding on to so much garbage, but clearly I was. It’s only been one session, but I felt like a weight had been lifted once I left her office.”

“If she’s helping, then you should stick with her.”

“I will. Anyway, how was breakfast with your brothers? Did you have a good time with them?” He shrugs. “It would be nice to have a positive relationship with siblings. I’m holding on to hope that I’ll have that with Jordan once he finishes rehab.”

“You will.” He places his hand on my thigh and gently squeezes. “Well, the reason Dean wanted to talk to us was to tell us he’s sterile, and we should go get ourselves checked if we’re considering having kids.”

Sterile? “How do you feel about that?”

“Him being sterile?” I shake my head. “Um, well, I want a family, Serena. And I want that family with you.” My heart swells with more love. Alec and I are really only just getting to know each other, but he’s already talking long term with no end in sight. “I was hoping you’d be okay if I went and got myself tested.”

“’s not, I, um.” I place my hand to my chest. “I don’t know what to say to you, Alec. This is something only you can decide.”

“No. We’re a couple now and we do things together. Especially something so big. It’s not fair to you if we don’t discuss these things first.”

“You’re something else, you know that? I think if it’s something important to you, then I’m on board for whatever you want to do.”

He takes my beer out of my hand, and places both mine and his on the small wooden table in the living room. “Okay, I will. But, before we have dinner, I want to show you something.”

“Oh? What?” I ask, as he pulls me up.

“Just, come.” Alec takes a step ahead of me, and I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, my front pressing firmly into his back. “Fuck, your tits feel good on me.” I lean my head on his back and I chuckle. The walking is a bit clunky, but we manage it. He stops outside his gym room. Turning, his huge smile says he’s done something extreme. “This is my gym room.”

“I know,” I say.

He opens the door and waits for me to peer inside. “But now, it’s our room.”

My hands drop from around his waist, and come up to cover my mouth. “Are you kidding?” I say. He’s separated the room into two sections with this beautiful, light yellow rice paper divider. On one side is his home gym, on the other side he’s created a sanctuary for me. There’s an oversized, yet not overly fluffy yellow pillow on the floor, a large rock salt lamp with several sizes and types of crystals. There’s even a chakra tapestry on the wall. “You did this?”

“Yeah, I wanted you to have a space for yourself, even though we’ll only be here for a few weeks until we find our own home. I know meditation is important to you, and I wanted you to be able to feel comfortable. Is it okay? I mean, I don’t understand that chakra stuff, but the women said they’re good. And those rock things, she told me those different colored rocks all do different stuff.”

I turn to face Alec. “It’s perfect, thank you so much.” I smash my mouth to his, kissing him for so many reasons. “You’re perfect, do you know that?”

“I just want you happy.”

Kiss.“I.” Kiss. “So.” Kiss. “Am.” I couldn’t be happier.

“Oh, and by the way, I went to a different kind of store today too.” He smacks me on the butt, hard.

A sudden urge of desire floods me with warmth. The hair on the back of my neck rises, craving a deeper connection to Alec. “What did you buy?” He entwines his fingers through my hair, and pulls my head back, putting my mouth a perfect position for him to take. “Oh,” I murmur, and a shiver tears through me.

He releases my hair, turns me around, and spanks me even harder making me jump forward. “Dinner time,” he says, his voice dangerously sexy and low.

Help my soul.When he drops his tone, and speaks with confident authority, fuck me dead. Holy shit. I try my hardest to hold it together. “What’s for dinner?’ I ask, hopeful it’ll be me.

“You’ll see.” Please let him eat me, please, please, please. The moment we’re in the kitchen, his hands are already taking my pants off. He shimmies them down my legs, kneels and waits for me to use his shoulders to steady myself so he can take them off. “I kneel before my queen,” he says. Once out of the pants, he turns his head, and starts eating me. YES! But stops after only a few licks. NO! “Just wait.” He jumps to his feet, throwing my pants on the back of the sofa.

“Like I can go anywhere with my bottom half exposed.”

I hear his laugh as he disappears down the small hallway into his bedroom. “Okay, I need you to sit.” I try to see what he’s hiding behind his back. He pulls a dining chair out for me, and indicates I should sit. I ain’t arguing. No, ma’am. Not if I’m going to get to orgasm. Hopefully around his mouth, or his cock. Whichever. I’m perfectly fine with either.

I sit on the chair. Standing behind me, he grabs my chin, and arches my neck to the side. Alec’s mouth is all over my neck, biting, licking, kissing around my collarbone. This isn’t sweet, or tender. My heart is beating heavily, and I can feel myself throbbing while I wait for him to do whatever he wants to me. I’m his for the taking. He can fuck me any way he wants. I trust Alec.

He pulls away, and I let out a soft moan, missing his mouth. “Arms up.” I lift my arms, and he takes my work shirt off over my head. He unclasps my bra, and tosses it aside as if it’s offensive. Something soft touches my eyes. It takes me a second to figure out he’s blindfolding me.

Oh. My. God. This is awesome!

I try to close my legs, trying to find some relief. “Don’t you dare,” he commands. My legs stay open, but damn, I’m desperate for whatever he’s going to do to me. His hot breath skims across my neck, before rapidly disappearing. “There’s nothing more beautiful than you sitting in front of me, naked and exposed.” From the sound of his voice, Alec has moved and is in front of me. I swallow the lump forming in my throat. My breathing is rapid and I need him to touch me. “Grab the edge of the chair.” I want to touch him, but God damn, all I want to do is submit to him.

“Like this?” I ask as I tuck my hands under my butt. Alec doesn’t respond. He grabs my left leg and lifts it, placing it on the edge of the dining table. He does the same with my right leg, totally exposing me. A sudden urge of dignity courses through me, and I want to hide. “I can’t do this, Alec,” I say as panic thumps through me.

“What? Why?” he asks.

Lowering my legs, I shake my head. “Because, even though I’ve never hated my body before, right now I do.” I reach to take the blindfold off.

Alec steadies my hand, refusing to allow me to untie it. “Don’t,” he says.

Shaking my head, I feel self-conscious. “I know you’ve been with women who have perfect bodies.”

“Stop,” he says again. Pushing my legs open, I feel his mouth on me. His tongue darts in and out, licking, and lapping while he groans. “This is perfect,” he mumbles against me, before taking another mouthful of me.

“But, my stomach is...” I try to argue with him.

“Is just perfect as it is.” He eats me again, shoving his tongue into me, then teasing by licking my clit, bringing me to the very edge of an orgasm under his mouth.

Desire ripples through my body, causing me to shiver as I hold off coming on his face. Jesus, if he does that again though, I’m not sure I’ll be able to control it. “Please,” I beg, forgetting about my own stupid self-consciousness.

“What do you need?” he asks in a low sultry voice. Alec’s mouth is reminding me I’m exactly where I belong. He pulls away, and I want to reach out, fist my hand in his hair, and pull his face back into my pussy. “You need this, don’t you?” I feel something hard enter inside me, and I suck in a breath when the hard thing inside me, starts vibrating. I squirm, trying to rotate my hips to get the vibration on the very spot I need so I can orgasm. “It appears you’re enjoying this.”

“Hell yeah, I am,” I reply, my voice unusually rough, on the verge of cracking. He turns the vibration up, and all I want to do is close my legs, and get it to that perfect spot for my own pleasure. Alec turns off the vibrator, takes it out, and I’m blessed to have his mouth on me again. “Ohhh,” I moan. I can’t help myself. I reach forward to find his head, clutch his hair, and use his mouth to bring myself to the point of explosion. God, I wish I could see him. But there’s something extremely erotic about having a blindfold on, not knowing what’s going to happen next.

With me right on the edge and Alec feasting on me, I grind my hips hard. I’m half hanging off the chair, but I don’t care. I feel the resistance as he pulls back, and spanks me on the pussy. “Fuck!” He startled me. He spanks me once again, then his tongue is inside me. He pulls back, spanks me for a third time, then roughly licks me, playing with and nibbling at my clit. He spanks me again, then his tongue fucks me hard. I can’t even get my head around what’s happening inside my body. I want him to do that again, and again, and again.

My body trembles as Alec’s mouth assaults me, making my breath quicken as every nerve tingles with need. Licking my lips, I feel myself opening my legs wider, hungry for more of what he’s doing. Alec is moving his mouth all over my pussy, bringing me to my limit. My mouth dries, and my body tenses. “Yes!” With the blindfold still on, I reach for his head, hold it in place and ride him until I physically can’t take another lap of his raspy tongue. Letting go, I sink against the chair, my arms falling limp to the side. I hear his zipper, then I feel him inside of me. He moves my legs to clamp around his hips, I’m in an unnatural position, but he’s deep inside, and I’m loving it.

“Beautiful,” he says. His thumb rubs my clit, hard. He’s about to bring me to the edge again. Another orgasm? Jesus, how fucking lucky am I? “Fuck,” Alec grunts. One hand is possessively gripping my hip so hard he’s going to leave a mark. The other, rubbing my clit, brings me right to the point of orgasm. “Fuck,” he groans again. His speed increases, and with only a few more firm pumps he comes hard. “Jesus, that wasn’t my best performance.”

I take the blindfold off. I’m in the most unusual position, but for some reason it works. “Your performance was fantastic. And, if you happen to want to do that thing with your mouth again sometime, then I’m good with it.” He thrusts, then pulls out of me. I notice the glistening condom as he steps backward and leans against the dining table.

“You liked that, did you?”

“All I’m saying is if you come home from work, and I happen to be asleep, or if I’m cooking, and you want something to eat, or even, if I’m in the shower and you’re a bit peckish, by all means, please feel free to feast on me.”

Alec throws his head back and laughs. He pushes off from the table, and starts walking toward the bathroom in our room. “By the way, I don’t want to use these.” He points to the condom on his still-hard dick. How can he still be hard? How? “When you’re comfortable, I’ll get rid of them.”

Ah well, I know he’s been with other women, just like I’ve been with other men. He’s probably had more partners than I have, but I think it’s best if we both get tested. “I’m happy to do that, but I want us both to be tested.” I stand and follow him to our room, naked.

He walks out of the bathroom, also naked while drying his hands on a towel. He stops when he sees me, drops the towel to the floor. Alec’s eyes widen as he stares at my body. A smirk slowly stretches across his face. He grabs his hard cock and slowly rubs it up and down. My eyes are drawn to Alec pleasuring himself while he stares at my body. “Round two.” Grabbing me by the hips he pulls me toward him, our mouths colliding.

Fuck yeah, round two here we come...and cum.