Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



The annual Bang in the New Year Orgy was bittersweet. Not only because it was the end of a year and the start of a new one. Old habits die hard.

With only a couple of hours until midnight, I sat at the bar, casing out the joint. The options were plentiful between the kittens and extra women invited. Like his Uncle Matt before him, Storm only allowed hookers into the clubhouse for New Year’s. As a special treat or some shit like that.

Guzzling my beer, I eyed Libby straddling Grizzly. She was the only blonde kitten left after Carla was tossed out on her ass back in August. I needed a blonde to ring in another year wishing she was in my life.

Why do you torture yourself every goddammed year? You hate her. Then you love her. It’s not healthy, asshole. Forget her already.

“Doing all right?”

I turned to face Storm. “Of course.” I finished off my beer. “You look happy as fuck.”

“I am.” He glanced over his shoulder at Angel, sitting with my sister Jill, Sugar, and Tina. It was a beautiful sight to see them smiling and laughing after the hell the club had gone through.

Most of my brothers were in good places. It’d been quiet on the homefront. No outside threats in our territory, no danger in the shadows or looming over us. Peace and quiet, just the way we liked.

“You, of all people, deserve some joy in your life, brother.” I raised my empty bottle so Copper would bring me another.

“Appreciate that.” A tumbler of whiskey was placed in front of Storm. “I’m sensing something’s off with you tonight.” His stormy gray eyes considered me as he lifted his glass to his lips.

I shrugged, tapping my fingers on the bar. “It’s fucked up shit as always. Nothing new.”

A hand snaked around my waist to the front of my stomach. “Hey, handsome. I have you on my schedule.” Libby’s tongue teased my lobe, waking the sleeping giant in my jeans.

I smiled at Storm and reeled her into my arms. “You looked content with Grizz. Didn’t know if I should get my hopes up.”

“There’s plenty of me to go around.” She winked, rubbing her experienced hand over my growing erection. “Gimme a little sugar to hold me off until later.”

I crushed my lips to hers and filled my hands with her bare ass cheeks. She stepped between my legs and smashed her titties into my chest. I could fuck Libby, right here, right now.

“I’ll catch you later, brother.” Storm laughed, walking away.

I ignored him because fuck, Libby was a damn fine kisser. My brothers and I had even voted on it one night. We were all drunk during church, gabbing like the old ladies in the club. Lynx had called for the vote. Libby won unanimously.

But it wasn’t her I was kissing as I held onto her. It never was. The mind was a powerful vessel. The imagination was vivid if you let it take over. It didn’t matter how many women I’d been with the last decade. Not one of them set my heart alight the way the one who destroyed me had.

As much as I hated her for breaking my heart and shattering my dreams, I couldn’t fucking forget her.

Truthfully, though. If a magic pill could wipe my memory free of Snow, I wouldn’t take it. Her memories meant too much to me.

I deepened the kiss, burying my hands in Libby’s soft locks, twisting my tongue with hers. Getting harder by the second. I should’ve released her to return to Grizz, but I outranked him. I was the enforcer. A little cocky. A lot bossy. I could also be a dick like now, thinking I’d go ahead and have my way with Libby. Because, honestly, my jeans might rip right open; I was so fucking hard.

“Storm!” A shrill scream had me ripping my lips off Libby’s. Roja appeared, eyes wild and alarmed. “Jill!”

I got to my feet, blinking in disbelief. The green eyes that haunted my dreams connected with mine. Hero had her cradled in his arms.

What the fuck was going on?

She gaped then her head fell back.

Storm ran over to them, “Who’s this?”

“Shit, she fainted. Call Patch. She needs help,” Hero barked as he held…

No, it can’t be her.

Hero turned away, heading toward the dorms. My sister ran after him.

I stayed frozen in place with my heart in my throat, raising my hand for another drink—like my greatest wish or worst nightmare hadn’t just happened.

Copper came to where I was at. “Yeah, Boxer? Some weird shit, aye?”

My words disappeared, my throat constricting. We stared at each other for a second.

“Wanna have another beer?” he asked.

I shook my head, noting the concern on Libby’s face.

He hiked a confused red brow. “Double shot of Jack?”

It was my go-to.

My gaze locked to where Hero had been holding… No, it isn’t her. My mind had conjured her out of thin, marijuana-tainted air. Or someone roofied my beer when I wasn’t looking.

Am I tripping?

My past couldn’t have roared back into my life uninvited. Hell to the fucking no.

“Here you go, Box.” A glass was placed in front of me. I downed it in one gulp.

“What do you think that was all about?” Libby cuddled into me. “I wonder who the woman is.”

The festivities hadn’t slowed in the bar with the interruption. No one even looked phased. The only thing to stop my brothers from fucking their brains out during the Bang in the New Year Orgy was Storm. And he hadn’t shut the party down.

Jesus, why would he? It was just one hurt girl that couldn’t possibly be the person I thought I saw.

I dropped my gaze to Libby’s, sweeping my eyes over her pretty face and blonde hair. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Go be with Grizz, Lib.” I swatted her ass.

She cradled my face in her hands. “Something’s wrong. You’re shaking.”

Fuck, I hadn’t even noticed my fists and limbs trembling. “I…”

“Boxer!” Jill ran over, practically hysterical. The sight had me holding my breath. “It’s Snow.”

My heart stopped. To have my initial thoughts confirmed sent me reeling.

My Snow was here…?

Libby gasped, startling back as if I’d burned her.

“No.” I tugged her back into my arms and hugged her, burying my face in the curve of her neck. We might fuck on the regular, but she’d been more of a friend to me than a lover. She listened when I talked about Snow. I trusted Libby to not repeat what I’d told her.

Jill came to my side. “Boxer, it’s bad. Her car went into a ditch. She hit her head. Maybe has hypothermia. Hero doesn’t know how long she’d been without heat.”

“Storm and Raul will handle it,” I told her through gritted teeth.

Jill reared back as if I slapped her. “You’re the enforcer. She has bruises on her neck. A bite mark from what Tara could see when she removed her coat. Hero said someone had tried to choke her.”

Fury ignited in me as the image of someone choking Aspen flashed in my head.

But still…

“Not my problem, Jill. Go take care of your friend.” I lifted my empty glass off the bar and waved it in the air for Copper to bring me another.

My sister shoved my arm. “You heartless asshole!”

I stabbed my finger at my chest, a snarl curling my lip. “Me? Heartless? Really nice, sis. Now get the fuck out of my face!” Had she forgotten the hell I went through?

Wolf stepped beside Jill and took her hand. The murderous scowl he shot me didn’t mean a thing. He could try to beat the shit out of me, but I’d take him down faster than he could blink.

I caught a glimpse of Patch running past the bar toward the dorms where Hero had taken Aspen. I almost darted after him. Almost. I wasn’t about to go down that road. No matter how much every piece of me wanted to make sure Snow was okay, I’d keep my distance.

“Let’s go, Jill. Aspen needs you,” Wolf grunted.

“Yeah, Jill. Listen to your man. Your best friend needs you.” I turned away and sealed my lips to Libby’s. I kissed her hard, so I wouldn’t think of Aspen in the same fucking building as me.

How would I deal with her being here?

“Do you want to go up to your bedroom, Box?” Libby asked through her kisses. “This is huge? I can take your mind off… stuff.”

I wanted to say yes. Any other time I would’ve carried her away and plunged into her, getting lost in her voluptuous body. All the pain would disappear for the night. I’d wake up the following day without a single thought of Aspen. I’d be golden until the next time I found myself spiraling.

But that couldn’t have been farther from what I needed.

With Aspen under the same roof, I didn’t know what the fuck to do. It made me crazy how having her in my world knocked me off my axis. I’d only seen her for three, maybe five goddamned seconds. I shouldn’t have any problem being with Libby or any other woman. Aspen didn’t own me. I was free to do as I damn well pleased and fuck anyone I wanted.

Yet, I found myself saying, “No, babe. Not tonight. I’m too fucked up to think straight.” I kissed her forehead and patted her ass, then stalked out of the bar.

The frigid air slapped me in the face on my way to the gym behind the clubhouse. I was used to the extreme cold, but shit, being stranded in it was deadly for anyone. If Snow had been stuck in her car for too long, she could’ve died.

I burst through the door, squeezing my head between my hands, a feral roar ripping from my lungs. I needed to beat the shit out of something, anything.

My emotions were a mess. I felt out of control, my mind reeling with a million thoughts.

Slamming my fist into the leather punching bag, the sting did nothing to soothe me. I punched it again. And again. Repeatedly assaulting the bag of sand, pouring my energy into the beating I gave it. Unable to stop seeing her silky blonde locks. Pale skin… bluish-purple lips.

“Fuck!” I yelled, drilling my fists into the bag.

Her sweet voice tortured me as I heard her telling me we were forever. It was always the same fucking scene replaying the same fucking lies that fucked me over until I turned into a brutal asshole…

“Z, it’ll always be you and me. Forever and ever. After I graduate, I’ll move wherever you are,” she told me. It was the night before I left for Marine boot camp. We made love to each other under an inky sky full of stars. Branding our souls with every caress. Sealing our bond with infinite love. Vowing to be together forever and ever. “I love you…” she breathed out, arching into me when her climax hit.

I increased my speed, chasing my own release. “You’re mine, Snow. Forever and ever.”

“I’m yours, forever and ever.” She looped her arms around my neck and kissed me as she cried. “Promise me this isn’t the end. Please, Z, promise.”

Tasting her salty tears broke my heart. I hated seeing my beauty sad. “I promise, Snow. This isn’t the end. We’ll get married after you graduate, okay?”

Her emerald green eyes glittered as she stared up at me. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Will you marry me, baby? I don’t have a ring, but I want you to be my wife.”

“Oh Zach! Are you asking for real?”

She was so damn adorable. Never one to make assumptions. “Yes, I’m asking for real. I love you, baby.” I cleared my throat to ask her properly. “Aspen Crosby, will you marry me?”

She giggled, pressing her addictive lips to mine. “I love you too, Zachary Harrisburg. Yes, I’ll marry you. A million times yes.”

“My heart belongs to you, Snow. Forever and ever.” The first chance I got, I’d have her name tattooed on my heart.

I pounded my fist into the punching bag as my chest caved in, remembering our last night together and all those empty fucking promises. Not one ever realized. For two years, I mourned the loss of her, then said fuck it after I’d met Storm. We had fought together and partied, building an unbreakable bond that carried me through some of the worst years of my life.

Storm’s enlistment ended a year before mine. He’d invited me to prospect for his uncle’s motorcycle club when my commitment was over. The way he’d talked up the brotherhood and being vigilantes in his small rural town in Bastion Township was enough for me to accept his offer. There was nothing left for me back home on the West Coast.

Risk seeing the girl who destroyed me? No fucking thank you.

I dialed into the door and knew exactly who would dare to come in here after the way I blew out of the bar like a hurricane.

“I don’t want to hear anything about her,” I barked, breathing heavily.

Storm went behind the bag to hold it for me. His jaw twitched, steely gaze on mine. It was like I could read his mind.

“Don’t fucking tell me shit’s about to get bad here,” I growled.

“Okay, I won’t.”

“Son of a bitch.” I plowed my fists into the bag, knocking him back as I let out years of aggression.

Storm didn’t say a word while I unloaded on the leather. When my arms felt like they were going to fall off, I collapsed on the gym floor, gulping air into my lungs.

“It’s fucking hot in here,” I gasped, wiping the sweat dripping down my face with the back of my hand.

“The heat is on. It’s fourteen below outside.” Storm stalked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to me. He guzzled his own.

I did the same, feeling a little better. I didn’t really want to know what was going on, but I was the club’s enforcer. And something had me blurting out the words, “Tell me.”

Storm sat on the floor across from me. “Patch believes she’s been handcuffed to something. Her wrists will probably be permanently scarred.”

My blood boiled, waiting for him to continue before I raged all over again. I might hate Aspen, but no woman should be held against her will. Christ, my gut told me shit was about to get brutally ugly.

“Patch is trying to warm her up. Hypothermia, ya know. Her car went into a ditch, ran out of gas. No idea how long she’d been there without heat. She’s confused. Slurs her words. All typical, according to Patch.” Storm held my gaze, assessing me. Not sure what the fuck for. I was calm. On the outside, anyway.

“What else?” I hissed.

“During the examination, Patch discovered blood in her pants.”

His words knocked the air out of my lungs. “Internal bleeding? Does she need to go to the hospital?” I held back from vaulting to my feet to run to the clubhouse and make sure Aspen got the medical attention she needed.

She’s not your responsibility anymore. Let the others deal with her.

Storm shrugged, inhaling a deep breath. “Not sure.”

“Not sure? Internal bleeding will kill her.”

“Not that kind of bleeding, man.”

“Then what kind is it?” I yelled, frustrated with him for not spitting it the fuck out.

“Patch thinks she’s having a miscarriage.”

“Fuck!” Not what I wanted to hear. I preferred she had internal injuries. Not that she was fucking pregnant with another man’s baby.

Inhaling a breath, I fought to not lose all control. I braced myself for what would come next. Sure as fuck Storm had more to tell me.

“What little Patch got, she’s terrified he’ll find her and kill her. It’s all she keeps mumbling.”

“Who the fuck is he? I’ll take care of him myself.” My blood pumped through my veins like an oil rig, whooshing in my ears. Coming to Aspen’s defense was automatic. Goddamn, I was a fucking glutton for punishment. Her safety wasn’t my responsibility. She wasn’t my problem.

“Not that simple, brother.”

“Bullshit!” I got to my feet and paced. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Didn’t Jill ever tell you the name of Aspen’s boyfriend?”

I stopped, glaring at him. “No. Why the fuck would I want to know the name of the man who had my woman? My woman who I was supposed to marry and spend forever with!” I put my hands on my hips, grunting like a wild animal. I needed to calm the fuck down.

“Well, when I questioned Jill, she said it’s Casso Campbell.”

I stilled, recognizing the name and shot him a don’t-bullshit-me glare. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

“Wish I were. She’s the woman handcuffed to the bed Ciro told Hero about last month.”

“Jesus Christ, this shit is going to be right at our door.”

“That’s all I know. She’s been in and out of consciousness. Patch kicked me out of the room so she could rest.”

“Fucking hell.”

Storm sighed, standing up. “Yeah, man. I’ll check on her in a little while.”

I gripped the back of my neck and paced. “I’m sorry about this.”

“Don’t be. You didn’t bring her here.” He tossed his empty bottle into the recycle bin.

“In a way, I did.”

“Doesn’t matter. If you saw her condition, you’d feel differently.”

“I don’t want to see her,” I bit back, my stomach twisting into a painful knot. The very thought made me sick. She’d been my whole world. It didn’t matter that I was a couple years older. I’d loved her since I was sixteen. We were so damn good together—best friends and lovers. Engaged to be married, for Christ’s sake. I was eighteen, she was sixteen. Yeah, we were young, but I loved her more than life itself.

“Gonna be hard to avoid her if she’s staying here, don’t you think?”

I glared at Prez. “No, anything I need to know, you can tell me.”

Storm went to the door, jerking his head as he opened it. “Come on. The party is in full swing.”

I exhaled a ragged breath. “At least she won’t be in the bar.”

“No. She’s in no condition to be anywhere but in bed.” He shoved out into the brutal cold. “Find Libby. She’ll take care of you.”

The cold bite helped to reduce my fuming temperature. I fisted my hands on the way back to the clubhouse. My chest burned with fucking fear.


What the hell was that about? I despised Aspen. Cursed her name on the regular. Even so, I didn’t want some psychopath after her. I didn’t want her to die.

If Patch had it right, that she was pregnant, I didn’t know how I felt about it. Part of me, the bitter asshole side with a chip on my shoulder the size of the Grand Canyon, was relieved. Even if she wasn’t mine, I didn’t want her to have a kid with another guy.

What the hell are you thinking, Box? You don’t hate her that much.

Fuck no, I didn’t.

Part of me still loved Aspen. She adored children and used to babysit when we were teenagers. She’d been the most sought out babysitter in The Dalles. Kids loved her. If she was miscarrying, it would tear her apart.

I rubbed the spot over my heart where her name was tattooed, remembering when we used to dream about the family we’d have after we were married.

A pipe dream.

None of that mattered. The sooner we ensure Aspen’s safety, the better. Then she could leave, and I wouldn’t have to see her again.

Maybe I could get some closure. Finally, move on with my life. Fall in love with a good woman and have a family. I’d always wanted kids. I wasn’t like some of the lifelong bachelors in the club.

No, I wanted little tykes running around. I just hadn’t found the right woman yet.

But I would, then I could be stupidly happy like Storm with his Angel.