Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



It was after two-thirty in the morning. The party hadn’t ended downstairs and wouldn’t any time soon. I’d be in the cage, beating the shit out of my opponent in less than twelve hours.

Storm wouldn’t let me pull out of the event. Not sure why I suggested I stick around tomorrow to see what was up with Aspen and Casso. Sick curiosity? Probably.

Prez wouldn’t hear of it. It was obvious he wanted me gone and nowhere around my ex. I’d told him all the pathetic details about my relationship with Aspen back when we first met in the Marines. He’d done his best to help me get over her, but forgetting her wasn’t so easy. Not even when drunk or fucking another woman.

I scratched the top of my head, frustrated with myself. I needed to sleep if I was gonna fight.

When I closed my lids all I could see was the blonde with dazzling green eyes. She’d haunted my fucking soul for too many damn years.

I hated Aspen fucking Crosby… Snow... with a burning passion. Over the years, I’d drink myself stupid on New Year’s Eve, drown myself in club pussy, then destroy my opponent in the cage as if it was his fault I lost my girl.

Now she was in my club and on the run from her boyfriend. She almost froze to death.

How did it all make me feel?

Fucking furious.

I didn’t want her here. Didn’t want to see her, much less as a grown woman. Didn’t want to see what I’d missed out on. Ignorance was fucking bliss. Not knowing anything about her kept me in a reasonable frame of mind.

I’d been doing pretty damn well. Knight’s Legion MC was my life. My family. I had a shit ton of brothers I loved. All the female companionship I could want. I was happy.

Fucking hell, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for having my life disrupted. My vengeful spirit wished to destroy her the way she destroyed me.

My gaze lowered to Libby sleeping beside me, her blonde hair tousled across my pillow. She came to my room an hour ago after making her rounds. We screwed around. Anything to get Aspen out of my head, but my dick wouldn’t cooperate. It pissed me off how having Aspen in my space negatively affected me. It’d been forever since I hadn’t spent all of New Year’s Eve fucking.

Libby had always been understanding. We ended up talking in bed a little before she nodded off. I’d told her more about Snow. About our last night together when I’d asked her to marry me and her saying yes.

Libby listened like the terrific friend she was. She was a sweet, intelligent woman, unlike most of the other kittens who didn’t give a shit about anything beyond sex or becoming an old lady.

I peered down at her pretty face. Her warm naked body was curled into mine. This was how we were together. Libby was nonthreatening, loved being a club girl, and wasn’t a manipulative bitch like Carla had been.

For the first time since I’d become a patched member and had full privileges with the kittens, I felt sick to my stomach. Ashamed. Guilty for being in bed with another woman.

It burned me the fuck up.

I slipped out from under Libby, pulled on my jeans, and left my room. Dialing into the music coming from the bar, I glanced inside.

Lynx caught my eye. He had two women all over him. Hollywood and Copper were getting it on with a couple of hookers. They were only prospects, so they couldn’t be with a kitten.

I snorted at the party animals, almost running into Track and Misty, a newer kitten. They were going toward the stairs to go up to the council’s wing.

“Yo, shouldn’t you be in bed?” Track asked.

“What do you care?”

His gaze drifted toward the kitchen as if he knew I was heading toward the dorms. I guessed I was, though I hadn’t realized it until this second.

Misty stared at me with longing in her eyes. She didn’t hide how she felt about me. When she first arrived, I had fun with her. We all liked sampling the new pussy. But after a couple of weeks, she started to favor me. I hadn’t let it bother me until she tried to get me to not use a condom. Hell no. Since then, I stopped being with her. Libby had told me she bitched about it to the other kittens. Told me to watch my back. I’d relayed the warning to my brothers. None of us would take well to getting trapped by an unplanned pregnancy. Part of me was surprised that Storm and Madeline hadn’t gotten involved yet.

“Okay, man. Catch ya tomorrow.” He jerked his chin and led Misty away.

My legs didn’t move after they’d disappeared up the stairs. Maybe I should return to Libby. Wake her up and give fucking another try. At the very least, she’d suck me off.

I took two seconds to think about my options, then I continued my journey to the kitchen.

What the fuck was I thinking?

“Hey, brother. Where have you been?” Art asked.

I froze mid-step like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Art was with Sugar leaning against the counter, looking all cozy and shit. Something about this felt weird.

Shrugging the oddity off, I went to the fridge. “Needed some water.”

Sugar arched her eyebrow. “Interesting. I just filled up your mini-fridge yesterday.” She flicked her gaze toward the stairwell leading toward the dorms… To where Aspen was staying. Sugar didn’t call me out, but I could tell she knew I was lying through my teeth. “I’ll refill it tomorrow, babe.”

God bless her for covering for me in front of a brother.

“Thanks, Sugar.” I removed the bottle and went to her, dropping a kiss on her cheek. “Appreciate it.”

She winked. “I know.”

“You two don’t stay up too late.” I held back a frustrated growl. They interfered with my destination. Not that I knew what I’d do once I got to Aspen’s room. Stand outside the door like a fool? At the moment, I certainly felt like one.

If I had any hope of winning the match, I had to get my head clear. My whole fucking pre-event routine had been derailed when I saw her green eyes staring back at me. When the only woman I’d ever loved was in the arms of another man. Although I didn’t need to worry about Hero trying to get with Aspen, he was madly in love with Roja. It didn’t matter. None of this was okay with me. Not one fucking bit.

Never mind the fact she’s pregnant…

I returned to my bedroom, stripped off my pants, and slid in behind Libby. I rubbed my soft cock against her ass, burying my nose in her blonde hair. Shit, she reminded me of Aspen. It was why I favored her over the other kittens.

Talk about a fucked up, sorry-ass man.

Cupping her breast, I ground into her harder, trying to work myself up. She moaned softly, reaching her hand behind her to grip me. Her finger brushed over my slit, slathering the precum around the head.

“Call me her name, Box. It’ll help get you there.” She stroked me, pressing the tip into her ass. I didn’t want her that way. I needed inside her pussy.

I dropped my forehead onto her shoulder, unable to look at her pretty face. Feeling like a bastard for what I was about to do. Libby was the best. I cared about her. Calling her another woman’s name never fazed her. To her, it was the same as role-playing. She was more than on board with it or I wouldn’t dream of ever saying such a thing.

Right now, I didn’t want Libby. I wanted my Snow.

I kissed along the bend of her neck as the first tingles appeared in my dick. Lowering my hand to her pussy, I fingered her slowly, working her up to receive me. All the while, it was Aspen’s face I saw, skin I smelled. Mouth I longed for…

“Fuck, baby, I missed you,” I muttered into her hair. My Adam’s apple bobbed in my throat, getting emotional. “So fucking much.”

Her hand squeezed my hardening cock as her moans picked up. It was all I needed to push her onto her stomach and take her from behind.

Keeping my eyes closed, I reached into the top drawer of my nightstand to fish out a condom. I sheathed my erection, all the while thinking of Snow.

Positioning myself, I gripped her hips, lifting her into the perfect position. Forcefully, I drove into her warm, wet pussy. “Fuck yeah, Snow. Fuck yeah, baby. So warm and wet.” I fucked her as hard as I’d dreamed of doing for years. Unleashing my anger on her. “Goddamn, I missed you.” My chest burned with emotions I kept buried. I hated how broken she’d left me.

Despised her for destroying my hopes and dreams.

Fury burst inside me.

I pounded into her relentlessly. The sound of our skin slapping, bed squeaking. It all pushed me further.

Her yelps singed my eardrums. The wanton sounds of pleasure urged me on. It’d been so long since we’d been together. A fucking lifetime. She sounded like she needed me as much as I needed her.

It was everything being with my girl again. Every-fucking-thing. Even if I hated her. Wanted to hurt her back. Being inside her pussy was…

“Boxer, oh, yes!” She clamped around me and came. “Yes, Box!”

I spurted my release on command, opening my eyes when I registered Libby’s voice. She’d jerked me out of my fantasy like a bucket of ice water down my pants when calling out my road name.

She collapsed on the bed, panting as I released her hips.

Pissed as hell, I pulled out of her and stomped to the bathroom to clean up. I wasn’t angry with Libby. Nope. My rage was directed at me. And fucking Snow.

I splashed water on my face, glowering at myself in the mirror. What a fucking asshole. I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. Libby wouldn’t mind the brutal fucking I gave her. It was me who had issues.

Me who warred with the guilt flooding my veins as if I’d done something wrong screwing Libby. What in the hell did I do with Snow in the building?

I stalked to my dresser, removed a pair of boxers and two T-shirts. I tossed one to Libby and put the other on. Usually, we slept naked together, but I wasn’t feeling it.

“I’m sorry, Boxer. My mouth ran away with me.” The regret in her voice made me feel even more like shit. “I’ll leave.” She climbed out of bed and quickly put on her G-string and sparkly bra, leaving the shirt I gave her on the bed.

I didn’t say anything. It was best Libby left before I took my frustrations out on her or said something I’d regret.

At the click of the bedroom door latching closed, I grabbed my head between my hands, stifling a mammoth roar.

What the fuck was I going to do with my ex in my club?