Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



So cold. I couldn’t stop shivering, chilled to the bone. Darkness filled every inch in my head. Terror swelled my slow beating heart. Was I dead? Close to death?

Christ, had Casso found me?

A weak whimper bobbed in my throat, too afraid to open my eyes and see his black orbs staring back. He’d never let me get away with leaving him. Never let me see the light of day.

Fight, Asp. Fight for the baby. Don’t let Cass conquer and destroy.

A sharp stabbing made me claw my nails into the surface below me. God, I hurt so much but couldn’t manage to touch the spot.

Brain, register what’s going on.

Pain. Cold. Pain.

Danger. Darkness. Death.

“Shh, don’t move,” a calm voice whispered. “You’re safe.”

I’m safe? Why am I so cold? Is heaven cold?

Maybe I died and went straight to hell.

Another whimper jiggled in my throat.

Warm droplets dripped out of the corner of my eyes. The low voice shushed gently, wiping the wetness away. The Devil would never be kind.

“Here’s another blanket from the dryer,” a woman said as heat encased me.

I shivered. Willing myself to open my eyes, confront my situation head-on. Neither voice was Casso’s. Perhaps I was safe.

But how?

Another stabbing down low had me moaning inside my head. What was happening to me?

“Do you hear that? She’s in pain. Give her something,” the female voice said. She heard me? My God, I was out of it if I didn’t realize I’d made a noise.

“I already have,” said the male voice.

“Well, it wasn’t enough. She’s suffering.”

I am suffering. I’m in pain. Why won’t my eyes open?

“It’s par for the course, Jill. Her body’s stressed, fighting to regulate her temperature. I’m doing everything by the book.”

Jill? My Jill?

“Well, if you don’t, Boxer will kill you.”

Who’s Boxer?

“I’m highly aware that my life could be in danger if I don’t do my job properly. No need to threaten me. Relax, already.”

“She’s my best friend. I’m scared for her.” The sadness in her voice affected me deeply. Jill was my dearest friend. We might’ve lost touch over the last few years, but there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her. She’d been the sister I never had.

His handsome face brought light into my dark mind. If Jill was here, was Zach too? I hoped not. He was the last person I ever wanted to see.

A warm hand covered the top of mine.

“I understand, Jill. I’m doing all I can,” the man whispered.

“But you can’t save—”


Save what?

Oh my God, was I dying?

Fight Asp. Don’t give up.

I pushed harder to open my eyes. Needing to know what they were talking about. Desperate to see where I was to be sure Casso wouldn’t find me.

If I was dying, I had nothing to worry about. Except, I didn’t want to die.

Fight. Survive.

“Oh my gosh, she’s coming to.” The hand squeezed mine gently. “Come on, Asp. Wake up, honey.”

Small patches of light filtered through the slits in my eyes. They were dim, not harsh. The more I blinked, the better I focused on the familiar face I’d missed.

“Hey, there.” Jill smiled, but it didn’t look genuine. I’d seen this expression before. She was hiding something. “You had me worried, girl.”

A man I didn’t recognize stepped beside her. “Let me have a look.” He put his stethoscope to my chest. Touched my forehead, checked my eyes. I assumed he was a doctor. Sort of reminded me of my gramps with his partially bald head. Except this man was tall and lean like a basketball player, wearing a black leather vest. “Are you experiencing any pain?”

“Mhm.” The more I engaged, the more clarity I gained of the situation. Something wasn’t right in my lower abdomen. My once weak heartbeat kicked up several notches as worry washed over me.

“Can you tell me where?”

“Patch,” Jill snapped in a hushed tone. She was distressed, judging by the twitch in the corner of her eye.

He shot her a look. When his gaze returned to mine, it was kind. “Tell me where you hurt, dear.”

I focused on his grandfatherly features, trying to find comfort in his light brown eyes. Patch tried to hide his worry, but he didn’t have to.

Tears blurred my vision. I shielded my face with my hands to hide my devastation. Now that I was more coherent with myself and my surroundings, I felt the loss deep in my soul…

“My baby…” My body shook as I sobbed into my hands, wracked with grief.

“Oh God, Asp.” Jill hugged me, her voice thick with emotion, confirming what I already knew. “I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t want to hear. All I wanted was to weep for my sweet baby. Sorry seemed so trite, even though Jill meant well. She’d lost both her parents in a car accident several years ago, and knew what loss was.

It was just too soon for me to hear, “I’m so sorry.”

Why did I lose my baby?

Had I done something wrong? Was it punishment for leaving Cass? Punishment for all the negative thoughts I had, wishing I wasn’t pregnant with the Devil’s baby?

I wailed louder as guilt crushed me. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean any of it. I loved you. I wanted you. I swear I wanted you.” I gasped and heaved in a shuddered breath, wholly beside myself with remorse as I choked on my words.

“Shhh. It’s not your fault, sweetie,” Jill clung to me.

I faintly heard Patch say, “These things just happen sometimes, dear.”

A dust storm of ashes swept through me, leaving behind emptiness and desolation. I didn’t want to believe Patch. It was like I’d gone to sleep pregnant, then woke up with my baby taken from me.

I couldn’t make sense of it. Didn’t want to. All I wanted was for my baby to still be alive inside me.

After giving me a moment with my grief, Patch examined me. He didn’t have an ultrasound machine to confirm I’d lost the baby, but at only ten and a half weeks and the amount of blood, I knew my precious baby was gone.

Just to be sure, Patch took a vile of my blood for a baseline of the hCG hormone. In a couple of days, he’d get another sample to check if the levels were going down, a sure indicator I’d miscarried.

It’d been more than an hour since I’d arrived at wherever this place was. The small, dank room wasn’t at all pleasing to the eye. My opinion was jaded by the lifestyle I’d grown used to with Casso.

I could be in a dungeon for all I knew with its bare concrete walls and industrial lighting.

I felt numb and raw, lying on my side with my hand resting on my stomach. The cramping and bleeding droned on. I’d been up twice to use the bathroom and change my pad. It felt like an awful period that made me angry and sad all at once. The life that had been growing inside me was more meaningful than the monthly cycle I’d detested.

“Um, Asp?” Jill whispered in a hesitant voice, probably thinking I was asleep since my eyes were closed.


“Do you mind?”

I cracked open an eye.

She pointed to the spot behind me. “To help keep you warm.”

“Sure.” I agreed for her benefit more than my own. I wasn’t cold, but she didn’t know that.

Jill spooned me, her hand gently rubbing my arm. I sensed twenty questions were coming. This wasn’t the time for it. Couldn’t she see I didn’t want to talk?

“Why didn’t you tell me Cass abused you?”

I groaned, irritated that she would ask about him. “He didn’t beat me up. I was held captive in the lap of luxury. Handcuffed to the bed or a chair.”

“Oh my God. That is abuse, babe.” Her arms wrapped around me in a hug.

She didn’t know the half of it. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to tell her about the hell I’d been living in. What would be the point?

It happened.

I escaped.

Story over.

“You should’ve told me,” Jill pressed when I didn’t reply to her.

I shook my head. “He threatened to hurt you. Every room in the penthouse is bugged. Hidden cameras are everywhere. I couldn’t risk it.”

Her embrace tightened. “Jesus, I’m sorry you went through that. I had no idea how bad it was.”

I patted her hand. “It’s not your fault.” I flicked my eyes to the ceiling. There was quite the commotion upstairs. It made me think about Zach and whoever he was with.

I’m in his world. I never wanted to be in his life again.

“I’m just so sorry, Asp. I had no idea. He seemed so wonderful.”

“I don’t want to talk about Casso, okay?” I snapped in frustration.


“Where am I? I was trying to find your boutique but never made it into town.” Stupid dark country roads. I couldn’t read the signs. Made a right turn anyway. It didn’t take long to figure out I was on the wrong street. The rental car had slid on some ice and went into a ditch. I’d never been so scared in my life.

“You’re in the Knight’s Legion’s MC clubhouse. It’s on a secure, well-guarded compound.” She rubbed my arm down to my hand and held it like she used to when we were young. “You’re safe here.”

“I don’t understand.”

Casso was home by now. Likely going out of his mind. Part of me hoped he’d kill Tony on the spot for letting me escape. He wouldn’t, though. Not at first, anyway. Casso treated Tony like family. Family meant everything to him, which was why his baby was more precious than anything else, including me. It was his blood…

“Asp, you still with me?” Jill’s concerned voice cut through my thoughts. She squeezed my hand, pulling me back to the present.

“What are you talking about? Clubhouse? Guarded compound? What little I saw, there were large, rough-looking men and scantily clad women. Music was blaring. Am I in a whore house?”

“Sort of…”

“What?” I jerked up into a sitting position and yelped in pain, grabbing my head. “Shit.”

“Be careful. You have a concussion.”

“I want to leave.” My stomach cramped, making me curl into the pain. “Let’s go to your place,” I whimpered.

“You’re safer here. The guys will protect you.” Jill watched me closely. “Relax, Asp.”

“I saw him.” My eyes teared up. I wasn’t sure if my sadness was entirely about losing my baby. Of course, I was devastated but knowing Zach was in the building stirred up an old, crusty wound in my heart. One that never fully healed.

“Asp, he’s—” A knock at the door silenced Jill. “Who is it?”

“Storm and Angel.”

“What kind of names are those?” I whispered.

Jill went to open the door. “Road names.”

What on earth was a road name?

In walked the man I faintly recalled from earlier. He was tall with broad shoulders, dark hair, and bearded. He had the most intense stormy gray eyes I’d ever seen. Having another look at him, he wore a leather vest with strange patches on it. A petite brunette was tucked into his side, wearing a black sweater dress and western-style boots. Completely covered, unlike the near-naked woman in Zach’s arms. This woman was beautiful, with serene blue eyes and a small bump in her midsection… A baby bump.

“Hi, I’m Madeline. This is my husband, Storm.” She handed Jill a bag. “I grabbed a few things to make you more comfortable since the guys haven’t recovered your car yet.”

“It’ll be here in the morning,” Storm added in a gruff voice. “Need anything?”

“Yes. I need to get out of here. He’ll find me.” I slowly sat up.

Storm glanced at his wife, then moved to the foot of the bed. He towered above me, filling the small room to capacity with his intimidating aura. Surprisingly, he terrified me more than Cass. It was then I noticed a patch on his vest that said: President.

“You’ll be fine here,” he told me in an assuring tone. “But I need more information about Casso Campbell and his bodyguard, Tony.”

His wife took his hand. “In the morning, of course. Rest tonight. Then you can answer all of Storm’s questions.”

He narrowed his eyes at her, his jaw twitching. If I’d spoken for Casso, he would’ve punished me on the spot. Humiliated me in front of everyone. But Storm’s eyes softened as they connected with his wife’s.

He turned his attention back to me. “Yes, in the morning. Patch wants someone to stay with you through the night.”

“I’ll stay,” Jill chirped. “I won’t leave her alone.”

“Good.” Storm guided his wife toward the door.

“We’ll see you in the morning.” Madeline studied me for a moment. The compassion in her eyes made me want to hide my face under the blanket. She must’ve known I lost the baby. Her husband probably did too.

I felt embarrassed, imposing on them like this.

“And if you need anything, just ask. I’ll make sure you get it.” Madeline reached for her husband’s hand, lacing her fingers with his.

I heard a low growl as Storm exited the room.

I felt like I could breathe again after the door closed. “That was intense.”

Jill snickered. “He’s always like that.”

“They’re an odd couple.”

“Nah. Angel is his match. She keeps him even-keeled.” Jill removed an oversized T-shirt, a pair of leggings, and long wool socks. She set a clear makeup bag on the nightstand. I spotted a toothbrush and other toiletry items. “Do you want anything to eat?”

I pressed my hand to my stomach. I hadn’t eaten since lunch. Though I wasn’t hungry, I should eat a little to get my strength back faster so I could get the hell out of here.

“Maybe a little soup with saltine crackers if you have it?” I had no idea what kind of food they had in this clubhouse. “Or toast?” They had to have bread here, but maybe not a toaster. “It doesn’t have to be toasted.”

Jill laughed. “Stop it, Asp. You’re doing it as always.”

“Doing what?”

“You’re not a bother, babe. We have everything you could ever want or need here. Sugar and Tina keep a well-stocked kitchen.”

I bit my bottom lip, shrugging. “Sorry.” Old habits die hard.

Jill sighed, sitting next to me on the bed. “Listen, I’m glad you’re here.”

“But he’s—”

“Shh.” She tilted her head, shooting me her mom look, though she wasn’t one.

We were very different regarding kids. Jill never wanted even one. I wanted a dozen… Well, when I was with Zach, I’d wanted a house full of kids.

“Don’t worry about Boxer.”

“Who? I was talking about Zach.”

Jill laughed, covering her mouth. “Oh, that’s right. I never mentioned Zach’s road name is Boxer. This building belongs to the Knight’s Legion MC, a motorcycle club. Most of the brothers have road names.” Jill fidgeted with her short pixie-cut hair.

“A motorcycle club? Weird. Zach wasn’t into bikes when…” I let my voice trail. We shouldn’t be talking about the past. “Why is he called Boxer?” Dammit. I shouldn’t ask about him, but I was curious. After Zach left and shattered my heart, talking about him to Jill had been forbidden. She’d made me promise not to dwell on him. It was easy to do, considering I wanted nothing to do with that asshole.

“In the Marines, he got into boxing. Now he’s into MMA fighting. He actually has an event tomorrow.” She snapped her mouth shut as if catching herself.

“On New Year’s Day?” Odd way to start a new year.

“It’s his thing. His tradition, beating the crap out of someone.”

I winced at her words. “Sounds like a violent way to celebrate.”

Jill tittered, heading toward the door, but I keyed into the nervous twitch in her eye. “I guess, but that’s Boxer for you.”

Yeesh. It sounded like Zach changed quite a bit since we were teenagers.

“I’ll be back lickety-split.” The door closed behind Jill.

I exhaled, staring at the dimly lit shoebox room. There was only a full-size bed, a dresser, and a nightstand with a plain black ceramic lamp. No pictures. Just a stark room with only the bare minimum.

With nowhere else to go, I didn’t have much choice being here. I trusted Jill. Oddly, I felt like I could trust the massive man called Storm—the club president. Maybe it was because his wife put me at ease. I supposed it didn’t matter. I was on the run from Casso and Tony and needed a place to hide. This would have to do.

I lifted my weary ass off the bed to put on the clothes Madeline brought. The gray Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt must’ve belonged to a giant, falling mid-thigh on me. I didn’t particularly like the skull on it and guns, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

My eyes burned with tears, pressing my hand to my stomach. My baby… Climbing back into bed, I cried on my pillow. Tonight, I’d have stress-free rest, knowing Casso wasn’t here.

But Zach was with his lady. I didn’t care one bit so long as I didn’t have to see him. He was my past.

The asshole meant nothing to me.