Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



It’s going to be a bloody disaster.

I know it before I even step outside my house and get in my car. There’s nothing that can even remotely make me think otherwise. No matter the reasoning behind the idea, or what it would mean for my people.

Taking a deep breath, I go over everything that is to happen tonight.

I’m meeting Macsen Addison – the boss of the North part of Liverpool. Someone I’ve met only a few times before when we were still little kids and the war between our families hasn't existed yet. I cannot remember what he looked like back then. I saw his face on social media quite a few times, though. He’s the kind of person who likes to show off, I can tell. That’s one of the biggest differences between us.

Another is our stomping grounds separated by Liverpool Parish Church Churchyard. That’s where our territories run their natural course. We do what we want, however we want, without getting in the way of each other.

At least, that’s the theory.

Reality is different. Raw, brutal, and definitely something that needs to change. Because of this separation, I lost more people than I can count. Went to too many funerals that shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Just because we are enemies who don’t know each other’s boundaries and are hungry for more. More territory, more power.

Just more.

I look in the mirror, smoothing my short, tight black dress, and put on a light brown shammy jacket, then step into black combat boots. After which, I walk out of the wardrobe, heading for the front part of the house where my right-hand man, William, is waiting for me. He is also my uncle, but I prefer to think of him as an independent contractor so that the fact of me being his boss wouldn’t get in the way of the heavy decisions that rest upon my shoulders.

Once I reach him, I make sure that my gun is safely secured on my thigh. It wouldn't make sense not to have a weapon on me, even though I’m not going alone. This meeting is risky, to say the least. I can never be certain that it won’t end in a bloodbath.

“Still against the idea?” asks William. I must not be hiding my displeasure very well.

I don’t answer. There’s no reason to.

Taking my phone and my car keys, I wait for William to walk ahead. It’s something I learnt and adopted a long time ago. Never let anyone stand behind me. Always be the last one and watch everyone who may be a threat. Man, woman, or even a child.

He nods slightly, opening the front door, and walks out towards my black Lexus LC. There are three of my guards already standing by to come with us, as well as my father. I barely acknowledge him with a greeting, not caring for any chit-chats. There would be a lot of talking done in a little bit.

“You’re going with my father. Try to keep up,” I say to Diego, who has always adored speeding. Many times I went over the speed limit just to be better than him. He smirks and I know we’re going to make the drive in fifteen minutes. Perhaps less if there’s no traffic.

I get inside with William, starting the engine.

I’m still not sure whether I should have agreed to the meeting.

“Let’s get one thing straight,” I approach the subject now that we are completely alone. My eyes are on the road as we drive off the property onto the street. “I’m doing most of the talking. They cannot get the wrong impression that I’m not in charge. Do you understand?”

Getting into the same room with my enemies is one thing but having to show the power I have in this male-dominated world is another. It is fucking hard to try and prove myself time and time again. So I don’t leave room for any mistakes that can suggest otherwise. I’m the boss. I give the orders. People just suck it up and follow them.

“As you always do, Davina. Nothing has changed,” he admits, taking out his phone. “Just keep in mind that it’s a good way out of our problems. In the last week alone, four of our people have been butchered entering one of their neighbourhoods. If it doesn’t stop, we’ll be left with too little to survive.”

I know that. Does he think I’m dumb? Wanting to keep my position is the only reason why I’m in the bloody car about to meet a man who might become my husband. Though, I’m hoping he will slip up and do something that might leave a possibility for me to refuse.

“I realise it’s not what you want.” And isn’t that the truth? “But it’ll be good for us in the long run. Our business must stay intact and with all the fights that break out between our families, we are losing almost half of our profits.”

He is right. Even though we still control the docks, Macsen always finds another way to mess with my shipments. Especially ever since my father has started supervising the deliveries. He just has to fuck everything up. And if it wasn’t for William who talked me into leaving it be so that my people think that I have some kind of respect towards family – which I don’t – I wouldn’t let him do shit. He was a fixer a long time ago. Never someone who handled business.

As I predicted, I stop the car with a tire screech in front of a massive hotel barely thirteen minutes later and two seconds before Diego.

I hold back on commenting on his driving skills. It’s not the time and place for it.

Once we are about to go inside, I look at them. “We’re not about to meet just anyone. Those are not your regular soldiers who work for Addison. They don’t throw shit and expect it to stick. They are observant, vigilant, and logical. So watch out for any indications of things going downhill. You might have a hard time seeing it coming. Still, don’t act without a cause. I don’t feel like getting my clothes covered in blood,” I warn them.

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Macsen is a cunt and I don’t have to meet him to know that. The way he handles things is precipitative and leaves me with only the same violent decisions to match him. That’s why our conflict has taken a turn for the worse. It only takes the slightest hesitation to go back to another open war like the Seven against the Quarter one when I took over as boss.

My people go first before I step into a wide, spacious foyer in which the black and grey colours dominate along with wooden detailing. Exactly my style. Even though I’m still against Macsen Addison, I must admit that the man evidently knows what he’s doing running the hotel. It’s one of his own ventures that has not been taken from his father. I can appreciate the effort of him making a name for himself.

Still, I hate the marriage idea.

Even if it was my idea, to begin with. Or maybe it was more of a thought, really.

At once, all eyes are on us. I can see guards spread around, carefully watching whether we plan on doing anything stupid. As if I had a death wish being in the enemy's territory.

I roll my eyes before moving towards the stairs. There is a lift but there’s no fucking way I’m getting in it when it could be filled with explosives. Not taking precautions and thinking that it’s just a business meeting would be foolish on my part. So even though I need to go twenty floors up, I intend to stay alive.

There are surprised looks on Addison’s men’s faces but they don’t say anything. From the corner of my eye, I see one of them murmuring something. Probably informing his boss about my whereabouts.

“Good dog.”

I swallow my laugh and climb up the stairs with an ease. Working out pays off in moments like this for sure.

Once we reach the highest level where the conference room is – from what I got in a text message from Macsen himself – my hand immediately goes to my throat. It’s just a tic I have each time I am about to walk into an unknown situation. My fingers slide along my scar. Something that has always been a good reminder of who I am.

I am Davina Kinsley. To most people also known as Nyx. The woman who fought tooth and nail to be where she is. To rule over the south part of Liverpool when my brother-in-law is sniffing the flowers from underneath. I stood tall when all seven of The Firm’s directors came after me just because I am a woman. Someone who shouldn’t have a say in business matters. Let alone rule over them.

I am not giving up my power.

Not now.

Not ever.

Diego and the other guards go first towards the furthest door to the right. I come last. A good way of making an entrance, even though it’s not why I do it. I hear the door opening, all men resting their hands close to where they stashed their weapons. I make sure mine is there as well again.

I feel my body getting uneasy with each step but I drink down my fear like it is the finest red wine; the purest blood. Because I can’t be weak.

My men spread around on both of my sides when they see that there’s no immediate threat to be met with. That’s when I get a clear view of who I am in the room with. It’s not surprising that my eyes go to the boss himself. Macsen Addison. He radiates with an aura of domination above all others, standing by the big, round, glass table. His hands are in the pockets of his slacks. The sunlight coming through the floor-to-ceiling window illuminates his features even more. He’s wearing a dark beige suit with a black dress shirt underneath. It’s slightly unbuttoned by the collar, exposing a hint of his tattoo-covered chest and neck. His five o’clock shadow accentuates his strong, sharp jawline. All perfectly matching.

I look up. His black eyes settle on me, watching me carefully with a hint of disgust. Probably because of who I am to him. An enemy. His full lips are curved in a smirk.

My breath becomes shallow and my heart skips a beat. He is even more handsome than he appears in the media. I know it’s not the right time to think about the way he looks but I cannot help it. And I rarely pay attention to men as it is. My imagination is used to running wild when it comes to Macsen because it’s our first official meeting. Now, I can no longer hope for him to show weakness because he is all tough, dangerous.

And yes… even hot.

Still, I leave my emotionless mask on, not letting it come crashing down.

With a lot of self-encouragement, I look to his right where his father, Victor, is standing. A little bit shorter than Macsen but still giving off this businessman-like vibe. He was a good boss from what I’ve heard before his health started to decline. The reason is unknown to me. They never shared it with any journalists, so I wouldn’t be able to get my hands on such a piece of information. With all the medical records sealed, my possibilities are limited.

On the other side of Macsen, there is someone whom I know all too well as I’ve been dealing with him in the past. Theo Addison – Macsen’s younger brother as well as his financier. The only person who is allowed on my territory once a month to settle certain city issues that are unfortunately in my best interest to be a part of.

He doesn’t like me. It is more than obvious with the way he is used to sneaking in snarky comments here and there. However now, he just looks blunt. As if he couldn’t care less about my presence here, about to make an all-time deal to marry his brother.

Or not.

The outcome is still to be seen.

Victor Addison smiles widely, making me pay attention to him. “Davina Kinsley,” he says, using my real name rather than the nickname Nyx that most people are used to saying. They refuse to do it and that’s exactly why he starts this way. Again, to show that I’m just a woman and he’s holding all the power. Him and his pretentious son. “It’s a pleasure to have you here.”


And I don’t even have to smell it.

I send him a bored look because that’s exactly how I feel at the moment. Sweet words only make me want to turn around and leave, saluting with my middle finger. Are they really worth my time and effort?

But then Macsen speaks, “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”

At least one of them knows not to waste my fucking night. I nod and take a seat on the other side of the table. My father moves to sit on my right side, as though he should be considered the second most important person right after me. Fuck no!

I look at him in a warning which he understands at once and changes his mind. The only person who is to be on my right is William and sometimes even he is too much for my taste. All three of my guards stand by the big glass windows; still not directly behind me but to the sides. They know well enough not to ever be so close to me.

Macsen is directly across from me. The choice of furniture makes me want to laugh. Not only is it made of glass so you can easily see any foul behaviour, but also it’s round. Fucking King Arthur shit and all that. Is he trying to make it seem as if he believes we are all equal? Because I can point at each of the men here, questioning their position with ease.

Perhaps Macsen and I are the only ones worthy of taking the seats. Yet, I can argue his importance, too. Taking over after his father is not the most glorious thing. He inherited the position while I had to fight my way to my throne. The stains of those fallen are still visible on it.

I feel William’s eyes on me, asking for permission to speak. I nod.

“We agreed to this meeting to see if it’s even remotely possible to go through with this arrangement.”

There is silence for a minute before Macsen bursts out laughing. It is a bitter sound that makes my skin crawl and my fingers twitch towards my gun. But I wait for him to finish without a word. His father’s disapproval visible in his expression.

Business meeting, my arse.

“Are you going to just sit here and let the men do the talking?” Macsen asks, looking straight into my eyes. “Somehow, I expected more from the almighty Davina Nyx Kinsley.”

I know he is testing me because he most definitely believes I’m just a pawn in this game but my blood boils in my veins and I can’t resist the temptation. “Like what? Taking an axe to your head the way your people massacred mine barely a few days ago?” I mock him. No matter how much anger is in me, I try to stay neutral while talking. Nothing good can come out of more.

“As I said,” William wants to continue but then I put my hand up and he goes quiet. I cross my legs, leaning on the table. My hands move on the glass surface.

“Why do you want to get married?” I ask, getting down to the business just like Macsen wanted to. “I mean other than for you to attack my territory with more ambitious plans set in motion. Blood running through the streets and all that.”

I’m still mocking him because I know this is exactly what he is now going to expect from me. Even though I have nothing of that kind in mind.

“I could also make use of your businesses. Your fighting ring in particular sounds like a good investment,” he snarks back. I should be furious with how arrogant he is but it makes me hopeful that perhaps this marriage is not going to end in total disaster because we both know what we want. No matter what we say to goad each other into taking the bait.

We are two strong characters. That is certain.

I gesture to William and he gives me the file with regulations pertaining to the territory – our ventures and everything that might become shared after the marriage.

“This is what I want,” I state, pushing the documents across the table where Macsen skillfully grabs and opens them.

“You want to take over my Italian restaurant chain,” he says. “Why would I give it to you? It’s extremely profitable and one-tenth of my overall profits.”

I smirk. “Because I know you lose over half of your drugs taking the route through the port that is in my part of the city and I can make it stop. That’s over 12.4 million pounds more for you. While the Italian chain is much less. As I see it, you have it better.”

He shakes his head. “As I see it, I’d get something that would have been mine simply through the marriage itself. What you’d get goes above the norm. So take a pick. Whether you give me something that wouldn’t be mine to take later on, or you’re not getting the restaurants.”

I regard him carefully, thinking about his proposition. I don’t really need that chain, nor do I want to be bothered with another venture to cover up my real interests in illegal things. I am used to running my underground fighting ring, overlooking prostitution and sex work in general, as well as casinos and dealing with drugs that come from Colombia’s cartels. Anything above that goes to my captains. I’m just taking a percentage. With an Italian restaurant chain, one I wouldn’t be able to push onto someone else because Macsen would find out, it creates a problem for me.

However, giving him the satisfaction of winning this battle isn’t an option.

I look at him, my nails tapping slightly against the glass.

“So what, Macsen Addison, would you want in return?”

Satisfaction flashes in his eyes. “Why do you think I mentioned the fighting ring? I want to have a percentage from it.”

Over my dead body!

This is my venture and mine alone. I wouldn’t let anyone have any say in it, let alone profit from doing completely nothing. And he knows that. Everyone in this Godforsaken city is aware of that. Well, perhaps not the police as it’s a fully illegal business.

I snort but when I turn my chair to get up and leave, I meet William’s eyes. I know him well enough to realise that he thinks I should take the deal. This marriage, however undesirable, is important and the man sitting across the table is not going to settle for anything less than the best.

I start to calm down. “Five percent,” I say. I glance at Theo as he is their family’s financier. He needs to make a calculation of whether it’s worth it. But before he can say anything, Macsen raises the stake.


Has he been dropped too many times as a child? I don't have to be a maths genius to know that it isn’t even worth me putting a toe through the church’s doors.

“Have you even done your homework before coming here, or are you just that certain I don’t know my business? Thirty percent of my fighting ring is worth more than all of your restaurant chains put together. You must be living in La-la land to believe I’ll agree to this.”

“Twenty percent,” Victor offers. He must be losing faith in his son to talk. Macsen clearly disapproves when he counter offers.


“I was prepared to agree on twenty percent. Now I won’t go higher than fifteen. That’s my last offer.”

Theo likes that percentage, too. Fifteen is still a lot and with the ring getting more and more popular, it’d be going up for them either way.

“Alright, but I have one more thing I need from you then.”

I extend my hand. “By all means. Tell me what is so important to you.”

He knows how to fight for his benefit. I might be annoyed because he went after my favourite venture and Victor doesn’t like Macsen’s approach, but I must admit that he isn’t going down easily. I respect that.

Macsen looks around the room. “Leave us,“ he orders. Then his eyes settle on my father, showing that he means my people as well. They all stand up – William with hesitation. He doesn’t like me staying alone. I don’t care because I know how to protect myself from danger.

I wave my hand, dismissing my people.