Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



Without a single protest, everyone silently leaves the room. They are well aware of what happens when someone disobeys me. But William’s eyes remain on his niece the whole time as he walks out. With a lingering warning look directed at me, he finally leaves us alone and closes the door with a loud thud. I stay in my seat, my index finger resting against my lips while my attention returns to my future wife.

Davina Nyx Kinsley. The Queen of Liverpool.

From the moment she stepped into the conference room, I started analysing her. One thing I am sure about is that she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I saw her pictures a few days ago but they don’t do any justice to the person who is sitting in front of me.

Her lightly tanned skin makes her beauty more radiant. Her black hair curtains her neck. I can even see her exposed thighs under the glass table, making me want to run my fingertips along them.

But even the most beautiful forest has danger lurking the deeper you go.

Davina is beautiful indeed but she has a motive.

She only talked about the business side so far, showing off her knowledge about my ventures. Even her face gives off nothing that might reveal what she might be thinking. Her expression is neutral.

Cold. Emotionless.

Just like mine.

Suddenly, I notice something on her neck. Narrowing my eyes slightly, I see a scar on her throat. Though it is faded, the cut looks deep. Few more inches deeper and she could have died from blood loss.

“Don’t like a woman with a scar?” she asks, noticing my stare. Her voice is a bit deeper and broken but the power and grace behind her words are evident.

I look straight into her dark brown eyes, trying to see right through her. But the walls she built around her aren’t letting me trespass.

“You are the first and it suits you,” I murmur.

Her jaw clenches and a spark of anger glimmers in her eyes. Seems like I’ve hit a nerve.

Everyone knows about that scar she’s carrying so bravely. Yet, no one has a clue as to what happened. It just appeared there one day and she decided to deal with it but never approached the subject. Though I wish to know the story behind it.

It’s just the beginning, Davina.

With time, I’ll peel off those layers of secrets that her walls are hiding. By the time the realisation dawns on her, she will be under my control, leaving her no choice but to obey. The only reason I agreed to this arranged marriage is for my throne. For the people I lost, and those I’m no longer willing to sacrifice. Nothing else matters to me except for my power and pride.

I was born to be the king and this marriage is a golden ticket to strengthen it. It is the only thing that can stop the kingdom from falling apart. Our union will connect our organisations, bringing more power and control over our men. Out of seven directors of the Firm, we are the last two standing. Soon it’ll be one again.

She lets out a sigh before getting up and walking towards the bar area, making herself a drink. Her jacket and tight, black dress hug her curves, accentuating her beauty.

Putting ice cubes in the scotch glass, she is about to go for the most expensive alcohol on the table. “Wait.”

She stops at my words and looks over her shoulder.

I wasn’t aware she drinks heavy liquor. The women in our family only drink wine and champagne. Whiskey, vodka, gin - those are meant for men. Perhaps it’s so strange to me because it’s the very first time I have to deal with a woman when it comes to business. And last time I checked she definitely isn’t a man.

“What?” she asks with her brows drawn together.

“You can’t drink scotch,” I state, my tone a bit sharper than before.

Confusion spreads on her face.

Getting up from my seat, I button my suit and walk towards her with confident strides.

I take the glass from her hand, putting it back on the table and away from her reach.

“Women in our family don’t drink heavy liquor,” I repeat sharply.

Instantly, any sort of emotion is wiped off from her face. The thread I am creating to get her attached is suddenly cut off by her. Facing me fully with her shoulders straightened and eyes fixated on me, she remains quiet.

She isn’t talkative like the other women in the Firm.

But maybe it’s due to the tone of her voice. It’s deeper and more defined. Not necessarily the sort of voice that women tend to have.

“What are you looking for in your wife, Macsen?” She crosses her arms, her eyes daring me to answer.

I almost scoff at her threatening look. As if that would scare me easily. I have witnessed and experienced more violence than she can ever imagine. She is the boss of the south part of the Firm by name, but I can bet on every penny I own that her role in the organisation is very limited. She’s to be admired as the first woman in power while she secretly doesn't have any influence on what’s set and done. Still, I can’t forget how she threw daggers her father’s way when he approached her right side.

However, that might be nothing. Just a simple misunderstanding.

I can’t comprehend why anyone would suggest that she should become a boss. It’s not a position for them. The world of the mob is a dark web where women simply get lost or are used in this power game. They are prey, never the hunter.

She is here to get married to me and yet I’m still not finding anything of wife material in her. Except for her beauty. After our marriage, her father will hand me over her power, giving me the right to rule over Liverpool. Over the Firm.

Davina here is just the transaction receipt.

“You will be a part of my family soon, carrying the respect and pride of the Addison name. There are certain rules you must follow.”

Surprisingly, she offers a sweet, gentle smile, suddenly changing her composure from being a cold stone statue to a charming woman. She leans closer until my hot breath fans over her face.

I frown, confused at her sudden change.

“Please, do tell.” Even her voice oozes with politeness.

“You will behave like an ideal wife. Be polite and respectful to each and every one. Attend every function I will go to. You can even meet the other captains’ wives for their usual lunch meetings.”

She nods at every order I list out, listening to each word.

Good thing she is learning already, otherwise she wouldn't be able to cope on the first day. I have no idea how things are within her family, but it surely is different from mine.

“Anything else?” she asks with a seductive yet sweet voice. She licks her lips and the sight stirs a hint of desire within me.

Focus, Macsen.

“After we get married you will hand over your position. I will take care of the Liverpool territory and the Firm.”

The smile instantly disappears and before I can speak furthermore, she slaps me right across my face with a viper speed. Her whole demeanour changes.

“One more word coming out of that useless mouth of yours and I will slice it into pieces,” she hisses with venom in her words. I can feel the heat her slap left.

Exasperation instantly takes over my body as my hand curls around her neck in a tight grip.

She looks at me with a deadpan expression.

No fear. No hesitation.

“Slap me one more time and I will break your hand. I dare you,” I threaten in a cold voice that only my enemies get the chance to hear before their death. Good thing she’s my enemy as well.

She grins. “You know,” she begins. “I was bored the minute I got here but it seems like I’m about to have some fun.”

Suddenly, she twists my wrist away from her neck and bangs her forehead against mine, making me stagger back. I definitely feel her strength. Anybody would be deceived by her slim figure. It harbours tenacity.

She tucks a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, acting calm and relaxed.

Alright. I’ve had enough of this shit.

I grip her hair, throwing her on the floor as she falls on her arse. But she quickly gets up and rolls her shoulders before taking off her jacket. It is a surprise to see a full tattoo sleeve inked on her right arm. Detailed black roses with thorns that reach to her elbows and a skull with a crown covering the rest of her arm.

“Have a good look, Macsen, because this is what your future wife will always be the moment you say ‘I do.’ I don’t give a single fuck what you expect of me because I’m not one to let anyone walk all over me.”

Her fist comes flying towards me, but I block it with my palm. She doesn’t quit and knees me in the stomach, making me groan. Then she knees my jaw.

I kick her leg as hard as possible. She lets out a grunt before falling again.

I grip her face with a firm hold, making her stand up, and hold both her hands behind her back.

“You better have a good look because this will be your future if you don’t do as you're told.’’I pant against her face, looking at her with a sudden hungry desire. I brush my thumb against her plump lips. “You will behave like a fucking decent wife. Pull any of these stunts and I won’t hesitate to put you in your place.”

“Already dropping your expectations from ideal to decent, Macsen?” she mocks.

Letting my urge take over for a fleeting moment, I kiss her brutally, tasting her sweet cherry-flavoured lips before pulling back with a rough nibble on her lower lip.

She shows fear for once, making me grin with victory. But I shouldn’t have fallen for it.

She smashes her head against my nose. My grip on her loosens. She climbs on my back with her legs tightly wrapped around my middle as she rains hits on me. Her boots dig through my black shirt.

An unusual thing to match with a tight dress.

Her other hand gets engaged by being tightly wrapped around my neck, blocking my windpipe as I struggle to breathe through the pain.

Without a second thought, I walk back towards the glass table and fall back with her body landing on the glass and shattering it to pieces with a loud crash. The harsh impact leaves a mark on my body as both of us cough and grunt in pain.

But she gets back on her feet again, kicking me right in my cheek. I feel the cuts already forming with droplets of blood falling on the ground. Without mercy, I punch her in the gut. I grab her like a ragdoll and fling her across the room. Then I throw my jacket away and fold back the sleeves.

Fuck courtesy.

Her hair is tousled and blood drips from her nose. She touches it with her fingertip and looks back at me with murder written all over her face. Next thing I know, she charges at me and so do I. Both of us landing hit after hit, punch after punch on each other. Fighting and struggling like savage animals before she kicks me in the balls. The pain sends a jolt of electricity through my body, making it much worse.

Classic woman move.

The entire fight is filled with ferocity and hunger for power. And for some unknown reason, I am loving it.

Her fist collides with my cheek and it’s the last straw of my patience. I draw my gun out and aim it at her face, and as if anticipating my move, she draws her gun out from her thigh holster.

“Drop the gun, Davina, before I–”


Before I can finish my words, she pulls the trigger with one bullet scratching my shoulder and the other my thigh. Then she uses the moment of my temporary shock to kick me in the stomach. I immediately fall on the ground, not being able to keep my balance. Holding onto my wounds, blood spurts out and devours the floor.

She moves closer, kneeling beside me. Taking her gun up to my face, she traces it along my jawline.

“Here are my rules, Macsen. You want to marry me, then you better treat me like a fucking queen. We both want this marriage just for one reason. Power. Our territories are the same, you get the percentage we discussed and not one bit more. Our businesses are still ours to handle. We will combine some of them and rule together.” The head of the gun moves up, reaching my temple. “And if you have any plans to deceive me and take over everything, then what happened here today will be just a preview of what I’m really capable of.”

With a dark smile, she leans forward and kisses my cheek before pulling back.

Sick bitch.

She stands up, holstering the gun, and combs her hair with her fingers.

“Oh, and never order me what to do and what not to do. Deal with what you are getting. Otherwise, there are more willing men in England.”

The door bursts open at that moment as both our families come to stand before us astonished at the brutal picture of violence in front of them.

They take in the broken glass as their eyes rake down my bloodied form with Davina standing like a victorious warrior.

“I like him,” she says with a smile to her uncle before getting her jacket and throwing it over her shoulder as she leaves the room.

My brother Theo rushes towards me and helps me take a seat in the nearby chair.

“That fucking bitch shot you. She should be dead–”

I raise my hand to stop him. “Not a single word about your future sister-in-law.”

His eyes widen with shock. “Are you serious? You are going to marry her?”

“Yes. Pass the message to William.”

Whether he believes it or not, Davina impressed me to no end. Perhaps she is behind everything that happens in the Firm after all. And perhaps our life together won’t be as boring as I initially thought.