Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



“Macsen, we are here.” Theo's voice pulls me back from uncountable thoughts regarding Davina. I look out the car window to see we have reached our destination.

“Are you okay? I have been calling your name thrice now,” he asks.

I simply nod my response and button up my black suit before opening the door and stepping out.

It has been a few weeks since Davina and I quarrelled. When I returned home, she left the penthouse and came back to her house, taking her belongings with her. She didn’t call even to discuss separating our business, instead, she sent William with documents for me to sign. For a moment, I thought maybe those were divorce papers and it instantly made my hands sweat and heart pound faster than ever. I’d most definitely lose my shit if they were.

I have been spending sleepless nights alone in my bedroom, picturing Davina in my arms seeking warmth and protection. But all I have is an empty space beside me, reminding me how lonely I have been until she came into my life.

The mere thought of letting her have so much control over my emotions makes me hate myself, proving how weak this love made me. I should have kept my emotions locked up as I have always done.

The guards follow us inside the casino as we are greeted by the bustling of the people who came to try out their luck. The manager and owner of the casino rushes right towards me with a nervous smile while smoothening down his grey hair. He seems to be in his mid-forties with a chubby body figure. His navy blue suit is tightly hugging his arms and belly.

“Mr Addison, a pleasure to have you here,” he greets me and I feel his hand tremble when he shakes mine.

“Please come into my office–” I raise my hand to stop him.

“I’m not here for chitchat. You have recently opened this place and luckily gained a lot of profit. But it’s not fair of you to enjoy all the luxuries when you’ve built this on my territory and with my permission.”

He gulps. Everyone is well aware that every new business that’s set up on my grounds and with my blessing is under my protection. Hence, I require the payment for such. However, the fucker in front of me seems to have forgotten our deal pretty damn quickly, thinking that I wouldn’t notice, or maybe even remember.

Just then Theo’s phone rings as I fight back the urge to roll my eyes. He gestures that he needs to take the call and leaves the building, knowing that I have it under control. And he clearly doesn’t care if I go berserk or not. Neither do I, quite frankly.

I grip the man’s shoulder, feeling his body quaking with fear and guilt, and resting my other hand inside my pocket.

“When am I getting my money?” I ask.

“Ummm… I can arrange it by next week, Mr Addison.”

“You had two weeks to arrange it, so what difference will another week make, huh?” I grin, enjoying the sight of his eyes widening and his forehead glistening with sweat. “You have time till noon tomorrow. I’m pretty sure I won’t have to elaborate on what will happen if you are even a second late.”

He nods vigorously, avoiding the death glare I am offering him. I pat his cheek as if he was a child. “Good. Have a nice day.”

I turn to leave and gesture to my guards to stay. The fucker still needs a lesson of obedience when it comes to dealing with me. If he’s done it once, he’ll most likely try again unless I send a clear message.

When I get to the driveway, I find Theo in the corner of the building, hunching his head slightly. His shoulders are slumped which I understand. He’s annoyed, and I can’t help but think that he’s talking to Davina. No one else really gets him feeling this way. He’s usually capable of hiding his feelings better.

“I will deal with it.” There’s a pause. “Don’t bother. I will deal with William.” He turns around and our eyes meet. “I will call you back,” he mutters on the phone before hanging up.

“Who were you talking to?”

“The lawyer,” he answers.

“About what?”

“A few details of you fully getting your restaurant chain back. Davina isn’t doing anything about it anymore, so it’s good to at least deal with the ventures that you’ve decided to share on paper as you got married.”

“Are you sure there is nothing else?”

He nods. “We should go. I have other things to do back at home,” he says quickly and moves aside before heading to the car. I can feel the tension and wrongness running through my bones. My mind keeps screaming to ask more questions and get the root of the issue that is bothering Theo. I just hope it has nothing to do with Davina as he’s the one that deals with her part of the Firm instead of me. Just like old times.

I head towards my car but Theo’s words stop me.

“Macsen!” he calls out. I look over my shoulder.

He walks up to me, even though in the empty parking lot, I’d have no trouble hearing him. “Mum called me earlier because you weren’t picking up. She wants you and Davina to visit again soon.”

“Davina is out of the picture so I’ll perhaps just come alone.”

Memories of Davina’s words and mistrust flash through my mind.

“Thank God for that. She's been the root of all your problems since the day you married her.”

I run a hand through my hair in frustration, tired of him accusing Davina again and again. “Don’t drag her into this,” I demand, feeling anger taking over bit by bit.

“Why are you still blinded by her? She left you before she could take everything from you, which is good. But she wasn’t ever honest with you about her intentions. It’s been weeks and you are still so far up her ass your focus on work is gone.”

I push him, watching him stagger back a few steps. “Fucking stop already! Why do you have so many issues with her?”

“Who wouldn’t? I have been trying to protect you from her since day one, Macsen. But your fucked up mind keeps going back to her like a lap dog. She was the one to offer this arrangement yet it has never been just that, right? She wanted more.”

News flash, I wanted more as well. I wanted her to give me the power at the beginning. I wanted to rule by myself.

We glare at each other, almost on the verge of shooting and killing each other on the spot. If only we weren’t in a public space… Ferocity starts to take its control over my mind but I clench my fists to control the urge of hurting my own brother.

“Where is she now when you two were meant to rule?” He pushes me again. “What? No answer now? Well, I have one conclusion to all of it. Davina is nothing but a manipulative bitch who got married to you just to ruin you. And she ran away the moment she saw it wouldn’t happen.”

“Stop talking.”

He snickers under his breath. “A woman who tortures her own brother-in-law with dogs is never marriage material, Macsen. I’m just glad it’s over. Just pull yourself together.”

Suddenly, a realization hits me. Davina’s killing spree to gain power is well known in the Firm, but no one really knows the details of what happened in the Quarter. She may have talked about it to William, but there is no way she would ever discuss it with Theo.

How does he know?

“The question isn’t whether Davina is here or not. Question is,” I grip him by his lapels, bringing him close to my face which reveals my desire for a rampage, “how the fuck do you know what happened to Fiennes?”

Theo’s body suddenly goes still as his face turns grey with regret and terror. “I...” he stutters.

My mind starts to connect every dot of mystery and all answers are leading to Theo – my brother.

I snort under my breath offering him a dark, cold glare. “What? No answer now?” I retort.

“Macsen, I–”

“One more lie out of your mouth and I won’t hesitate to cut out your tongue and feed it to you,” I threaten him. My body trembles in a blind fury so much that all I can think about is how my own brother betrayed me. He dared to fill my head with doubts.

He had the audacity to even think about harming my wife. I am almost tempted to pull out my gun and shoot him right here, but death would be too easy for him after what he has done. He will have to suffer.

I don’t need him to confirm my suspicions, I already know they are true.

He needs to feel the pain and terror Davina went through as she became entrapped in his cruel plans.

And I need to know why and how he did all this.

I let go of him, breathing heavily. But nothing would calm me down today.


I look at my guards standing not far away from us. “Take him to my family’s house and lock him up. Make sure nobody lets him out without my permission.”

They don’t hesitate and take Theo by his arms, dragging him to the car.

“Macsen, fuck. Let me explain,” he tries to reason with me but none of his words affects me anymore. I know now that his protective demeanour was just a mask. Underneath is a lying and back-stabbing traitor who has broken my trust like nobody else.