More Than Once by Dominique Wolf



here was no debate when it came to whose place we were heading to. I loved my apartment but I wouldn't be able to control myself until we got there. It was quite convenient to have his apartment just a few floors up. We made it to his apartment and I strolled into the lounge area. His curtains were still open and the full moon shone down on us. I smiled at the peaceful sight. The rollercoaster of feelings that occurred in my own mind had subsided at the sight of the calming nature of the night sky. I could sit and stare at it for hours.

“Can I get you something to drink?”

I turned to him as he headed to the counter in his kitchen. He slipped his jacket off and placed it down. He was wearing a well-fitted black t-shirt that exposed the markings on his skin. I wanted to spend some time analyzing each one but now was not the time.

“I've had so much to drink already so why stop now?” I dropped onto the couch.

“That's the spirit.” he mused.

Giovanni attended to the drinks and I made myself at home on his big black leather couch that was surprisingly more comfortable than I thought it would be. He had a big flat-screen TV on the wall in front of it and I noticed the surround sound setup. My eyes wandered over to the guitar standing in the corner.

“Do you play?” I asked.

He strolled in and handed me my drink.

“Yeah, a little bit.” he replied, taking his place next to me.

“Play me something.”

He shook his head and sipped his drink, “Not right now.”

I pouted, “Why not?”

“Don't pout,” he laughed. “I'll play for you later, but I have other things on my mind right now.” I tugged at my bottom lip knowing we were both thinking the same thing. There was one thing that neither of us would be able to hide and that was our desire for one another. It was magnetic. It was an all-consuming passion that, at times, took my breath away. Okay, pretty much all the time.

I had never considered passion to be a major factor in a relationship but now that I had gotten a taste of it, I didn't know how I could have another relationship without it. The overpowering feeling of needing someone so badly that you just had to have them no matter what was new to me. It was hypnotic and at times a little frightening. I continued sipping on my drink to ensure that I didn't attack him. I wanted to see who would make the first move here. As if right on schedule, Giovanni reached out and placed his hand on my thigh. It was a simple gesture but it was all I needed. He continued to sip his drink, pretending that he didn't know what a simple touch like that could do to me. He had the power over me and he knew it. He knew any touch would drive my body crazy and he thrived off that. As much as I wanted to throw myself at him, I also wanted him to work for it more.

“How's your drink?” he asked.

“I really don't think you care about my drink right now.” I took a big sip and placed it down on the table in front of us. I turned to face him, forcing him to move his hand off my leg.

“Why didn't you correct Alessandro when he referred to you as my boyfriend?”

“Why didn't you correct him?” He challenged me in return.

I rolled my eyes, “No, no, no. Don't answer my question with a question.”

He smirked and downed the rest of his drink, “Does it matter?”

“Of course it matters,” I replied. “I didn't want to lie to him.”

“So you want him to know that you're single?”

“What would be the harm in that? It's the truth.” He flicked his eyes to meet mine and I could see the jealousy in them. I didn't expect to see it but it was as clear as day.

“You don't want him, Isabella.”

I raised an eyebrow, “And who says I don't?” He rolled his eyes at me.

“I'm serious. He was a really attractive guy - I'd be happy to go a few rounds with him.”

He let out an exasperated sigh, “Are you trying to drive me crazy?”

Yes, yes I am!

The alcohol was still very much in the driver's seat and I couldn't really control the words coming out of my mouth. I wanted to know that he cared. I couldn't be the only one feeling what I was feeling. Call it what you want but there was something going on between us that I had never felt before.

“Why would I be driving you crazy?” I probed. “Alessandro and I were clearly flirting so I don't blame him for being confused when you said that.”

Giovanni ran his hand up my thigh. We locked eyes as he reached for me, lifting me on top of him. My legs straddled his waist.

“Don't tell me that you were flirting with him,” he murmured. “You were just trying to make me jealous.”

“Is it working?” Sober me would never push and pry like this but she was nowhere in sight. I needed to know that I could drive him as crazy as he was driving me. I needed to know that I had the same effect on him. It was daunting to feel this kind of loss of control around someone. He didn't even have to try and he already had me. He never demanded control but he had it. My body was ready to surrender itself to him with a single touch.

He pulled me closer to him. He ran his hands up and down my body, knowing exactly what that did to me. I rocked my body against his, feeling him come alive beneath me.

“You only want me, Isabella.” he breathed. “Don't fool yourself into thinking that anyone else could make you feel this way.”

He pulled me closer to him. He was so close now, I could feel his breath on me. I wanted to kiss him. I was dying to kiss him. His words were both a huge turn-on and completely terrifying. I was trapped. He had me and I wasn't going anywhere. No matter how hard I tried, I knew that I would never be able to shake him. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged at it, just a little. He ran his hands up my thighs, pushing my dress up with it. I needed to release the tension building between my thighs.

“Can anyone else do this to you?” he asked, running his hand up and down the inside of my thighs, brushing over me, again.

I groaned.

“Can anyone else make you feel this way?” he murmured, sliding his finger underneath my underwear. “You're so ready for me baby.”

I bit my lip.

“Why do you have to make me jealous?” he whispered in my ear, leaving kisses along my jawline.

“I don't know.” I admitted.

“You drive me crazy when you do that, Isabella.”

He slipped one finger inside of me and I moaned. This was what I had been craving. This was what I wanted and what I needed. I needed to feel him again. I needed him to drive my body crazy. I was so eager for him. I rocked against him, moving with the rhythm he had going on.

“Say my name.” He whispered in my ear.

I obliged. I couldn't even help it. He was pushing me to my limit already. I needed to feel him, all of him. I brought my lips down to his. It was passionate and with more urgency than I intended. He kissed me back. He removed his fingers from me, making me groan since the pressure was still there.

“Why did you stop?”

“Does it drive you crazy?” he answered between our kisses.

“Does what drive me crazy?”

“When I do that to you, but then I stop?” He brought his fingers back inside me. I threw my head back and moaned. It was uncontrollable. He was driving my body crazy. I rocked against him and ran my fingers through his hair, tugging on it more.

“Don't stop, Giovanni.” I breathed.

But he did. He removed his fingers again.

“Fuuuuuck,” I shouted. “What are you doing to me?”

“This is how you make me feel. You drive me crazy,” he said. “So I needed to return the favour.”

This was fucking messy but something about it was a major turn-on. I got to him. I was driving him crazy with jealousy which gave me the power I didn't think I had. I didn't think he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Turned out we were both feeling this magnetic pull towards each other.

“I only want you.” I groaned in his ear.

He brought his lips down on me, leaving kisses along my neck. In one swift movement, he lifted me up and turned me around, laying me down against the couch. He ran his hands down my body and made it down between my thighs. He pushed my dress up, exposing my underwear and quickly removed them. He spread my legs and boy, was I was ready for him. He slowly teased me by running a finger over me. My body had been ready for him for weeks so his simple touch was enough to make me come undone. He started kissing me along my thigh. He left kisses up from my knee and made it so close to my center but then moved away. He was driving my body insane right now and I was losing control.

“Giovanni, please... “ I pleaded.

“Please what?” he murmured. “What do you want Isabella? Tell me.”

He knew exactly what I wanted but he was playing this little game to get back at me for making him jealous. As much as it was driving me crazy, my arousal was through the roof.

“I want you, Giovanni.” I breathed out heavily.

He was kissing my thigh again. Letting his tongue trace down my leg. The image of him between my legs was so damn sexy. He flicked his eyes up to mine. Never breaking eye contact, he stood up and removed his shirt. I reached out to touch his body, feeling every muscle. His pants were next along with his underwear till he stood ready for me. I pulled my dress over my head and tossed it across the room, my bra joining it. I lay my arms above my head on the couch as he spread my legs even more. He reached for a condom from his jeans pocket, rolled it over himself and positioned himself in front of me.

“You're mine, Isabella.” He breathed and with one swift motion he entered me. It was euphoric. The tension that I had been building up for the past two weeks was finally getting what it wanted. Hearing those words from his mouth was the cherry on top. He claimed me. I was his and he was mine. It didn't matter what happened outside of this very moment. This was everything to me. We both moved with urgency, soaking in every moment. It had been too long since we'd last been together and that was evident in the urgency of our movements. I dug my nails into his arms. This was exactly what I wanted. This was what I needed.

“Say you're mine.” Giovanni breathed.

“I'm yours, Giovanni.” And that was the honest truth. I was his. He had consumed my body and invaded my thoughts. I tried to get rid of him. I tried to push him out of my mind but I was done with that. I couldn't. I was so overcome by passion and pleasure that I wanted to be in control of it. I pushed him off me and instructed him to sit. I pushed him against the back of his couch so he was in a seated position. My legs were on either side of his body and I placed my hands on his shoulders for balance. I brought myself over him, then up and down on him again. I bit my lip to quiet my cry of pleasure.

“Fuck, Isabella.” He exhaled.

Knowing what I was doing to him only made me want to do more. I continued the motion and found my rhythm. Small breaths escaped his lips and I couldn't help but moan his name. The tension was becoming unbearable. I picked up speed and pushed down on him. The pressure between my legs was overwhelming and I knew I was close. I moved my body, pushing for the release to come. He was close too. I could feel it. I kept going. Pushing against him as hard and as fast as I could. His hand found its way into my hair and he pulled on it. It was so sexy. I threw my head back and cried out in pleasure as we both reached our climax. I wrapped my arms around him and tried to control my breathing. He was doing the same. We didn't move. We sat there for a long moment while he was still inside of me, but neither of us wanted to ruin this moment. We soaked it in as much as we could. I pulled away from him enough to look down at him. He smiled at me. The smile reached his eyes and for the first time, I noticed a softer look to them. Usually, they are filled with desire and quite often, amusement but now there was something different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but it made me feel warm inside.

Oh no. What was that? Was I feeling something more towards him? I ignored that thought and pushed it right to the back of my mind with all the other things I had yet to address. I focused on right now. I focused on him.

“You drive me crazy.” He repeated and started kissing my neck gently.

“Yeah well, you do the same to me.”

He smiled and kissed my lips. It made me smile. I pushed myself off of him, immediately regretting the emptiness my body felt. I leaned against the armrest of the couch, looking up at him. He was a beautiful man. My eyes wandered across his body and down his arm with all his tattoos.

“How many tattoos do you have?” I asked.

“Way too many to count.”

“I never liked tattoos.” I admitted.

“Oh yeah?” He lifted an eyebrow.

“Yeah, but I love them now.”

He smirked, “So you should get one then.”

“Oh no,” I said quickly. “I love them on you. They suit you.”

“Well thank you.” He got off the couch and reached for his underwear and jeans. He slipped them both back on and strolled into the kitchen, disposing of the condom in the trash can. I just laid there and watched him. I watched how he moved and soaked in his body. He must have a really great gym routine because his body was in great shape. He returned with two glasses of water. The alcohol still lingered in my body but the pleasure I felt took over it all. He handed me a glass and I drank it in one go, not realizing how thirsty I was until that moment. I was still lying naked on his couch but I had no intention of getting up. I was comfortable. The most comfortable I had ever been around a man. He made me feel like a woman. I didn't feel the need to shy away from him or get dressed. I could lie here on the couch with him and be perfectly comfortable. He strolled over to the window and opened it a bit for some fresh air. There was a door leading to a small balcony. It must be peaceful to have this view every day. I loved everything about this city but especially the buildings. They were so old and yet so well kept. There was so much history to it that needed to be preserved.

He turned back to me and leaned against the wall, “What are you thinking about?”

So many thoughts were running through my mind and I didn't know where to start. I opted for a simple answer for now.

“How long have you played for?” I eyed the guitar.

“On and off for about twenty years or so. First started when I was eight.” He replied.

“That's a really long time. You must be pretty good at it then.”

“I'm not bad,” he admitted. “I do it more as a hobby than anything else. It calms me.”

“I'd love to hear you play.” He smiled at me and this time he reached for the guitar. I grabbed the soft blanket at the end of his couch and covered myself with it while I made myself more comfortable. He brought it with him and sat on the couch opposite where I was. The moonlight was shining down on him and he was picture perfect right now.

“Now, I'm a little rusty,” he said. “So you have to go easy on me.”

“I'll try my hardest not to judge you.” I joked.

He smiled, took a deep breath in and started to play. I was surprised by how skillful he was with the guitar - he downplayed how well he could play. It was beautiful. He was playing a Spanish guitar melody that was so peaceful. The fingers on his left hand slid up and down the neck of the guitar with ease while the other fingers picked at the strings on the bridge, moving from string to string with a sense of purpose. I couldn't keep my eyes off him as I watched him in his element. He nipped at his bottom lip and his tongue slid swiftly over it as he deepened his concentration. He leaned forward as he played and stray strands of his hair fell forward. The curves of his muscles pulled with each stroke of the guitar strings. I was completely taken by him. I closed my eyes and moved with the music. I was in the perfect place. I was high on the passion from what we just did and now to hear him play something like this, I was feeling more vulnerable. I was trying to avoid it but there it was. A brief flash of feelings inside of me. A fondness I had towards Giovanni. It terrified me - I didn't want to admit it to myself but there were feelings now. Something more than just a physical attraction. I slowly opened my eyes and watched as he came to the end of his song. His eyes were closed as he finished the last few soft notes. I was in awe of him. He looked up at me.

“So?” he hesitated, awaiting my reaction.

I shook my head and smiled. I got up from the couch I was on, bringing the blanket with me, and walked over to him. He placed the guitar next to him and welcomed me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“That was absolutely beautiful.” I ran my fingers through his hair and then softly ran the back of my hand across his cheek. It was more intimate than I intended it to be and I could see in his eyes that he didn't expect that. I jerked my hand away quickly, hoping that he wouldn't dwell on it but instead he grabbed my hand again and placed it back where it was.

“Don't,” he murmured. “I like that.”

I smiled at him. My heart grew three sizes with that simple interaction.

“You play so beautifully,” I continued, “Where did you learn to play?”

“Back in the day my dad used to teach me,” he explained. “Music had always been in my family so he decided I should learn too.”

“Are you and your dad close?”

I wanted to know more about him. Up until now we hardly had any conversations where we got to know each other better and that was what I wanted. I wanted more of him, anyway I could get it.

He shrugged, “No, we stopped being close a long time ago.”

I could see a brief flash of anger in his eyes. This piqued my curiosity but I also didn't want to pry so I shared a bit about my dad and me.

“My dad and I aren't close anymore either,” I admitted. “I'm actually not close with anyone in my family.”

“Why not?”

“We don't have anything in common. I can't relate to them - my mom and sister the most. I know that might be a strange thing to say about one's family but I have always felt like I was adopted.”

He chuckled, “I know exactly what you mean. My family used to be close and then the older I got, the more I noticed the bullshit.”

“Are you close with your brother?”

I remembered him mentioning that Reyna used to sleep with his brother so I already knew he wasn't an only child.

“So-so. We're business partners and both started Mala Mía so we are close in some ways.”

“I never see him at the club.”

“You probably won't. He's got a wife now who's pregnant so he's not interested in the clubbing scene. I hold down the fort on site.”

Mala Mía was the fastest-growing club in the city. Their success escalated each weekend with each event landing them on every “clubs to visit in Barcelona” list out there. It was a very successful club so they were definitely doing something right.

“And you?” he asked, “Any siblings?”

“An older sister. Her name is Camila and she lives back in London with my parents.” I slowly ran my fingers across his chest.

“And you're not close?”

I shook my head, “Not at all. She's the golden child. Followed every rule set out by our parents so someone had to be the disappointment of the family.”

“Hey,” He ran his thumb across my cheek, “You're not a disappointment.”

“You don't know enough about me to say that Giovanni.” I averted my eyes away from him.

He slowly turned my face to look at him, “There's no way someone like you could be a disappointment. Beautiful. Smart. Confident.”

I blushed.

“If it makes you feel any better, I know I'm not my parent's favourite child either,” he murmured. “Maybe we should start a club.”

I laughed and leaned against his chest. The alcohol was starting to leave my system and I couldn't help but yawn now.

“Someone's tired.” he quipped.

“It's been a long day.”

He ran his finger across my collarbone and up my neck. We had been with each other enough times now for him to know that I loved it when he did that. We were starting to become more to each other. We could try and deny it but there was something more starting to develop here and I don't think either of us expected it. Giovanni is not the relationship type. That phrase kept replaying in my head over and over again but here we were. Surely this is more than just a casual relationship? I'm not saying he has to be my boyfriend. Hell, I don't even think I am ready for that right now but there is no way that this is a touch-and-go situation. He feels something for me too. He has to. Right?

“Play for me again?” I murmured. I slipped off him to give him enough space to reach for the guitar again. He started to play again and I smiled, drifting off into a deep peaceful sleep.