Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



It might seem like overkill for my friends and I to sneak in extra training after the alphas work us so hard all day, but our nighttime sessions have quickly become my favorite ritual. As wolf shifters, we already have a strong drive to stick close with one another, be part of a pack, and the bonding that occurs when you spend an extended amount of time with the same people is no different. It’s like my friends and I have formed our own little pack within the pack, learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses, having one another’s backs.

I feel a tinge of sadness when Boyd suggests we call it a night on Friday evening, the realization sinking in that this is our little group’s last after-hours session together. By this time tomorrow, we’ll know whether we’ve made the squad- and I’m so hopeful that we’ll all make it, together.

It seems like the others must have similar sentiments, because we take a little longer to gather together, linger more than usual. Casey joined us tonight to offer a few last-minute pointers, but she hangs back for a few moments, giving the five of us our space as she loiters on the periphery, tediously brushing the dirt off of her clothes.

The five of us exchange somber glances, like nobody can find the words to express our shared feelings of anxiety and hopefulness. Boyd finally breaks the silence, slipping one of his arms around my shoulders and the other around Shay’s.

“Guess this is it,” he says simply, breathing a heavy sigh. “Good luck tomorrow, guys.”

Davis nods. “We’re all gonna make it, I just know it. We’ve worked hard, we’ve stuck together… we’ve done everything right.”

I swallow hard, offering a wry smile. “We’ve got this.” I turn to give Connor a fist-bump, then give fist-bumps all around.

“Well we’ve done all we can,” Shay sighs. “It’s in fate’s hands, now.”

“Yep,” Connor agrees. He scrubs a hand over his face, yawning. “You guys ready to head back?”

Boyd nods, dropping his arms from Shay’s and my shoulders and heading for the door. Connor and Shay start to follow him while Davis pauses to wait for Casey. I hang back, too- because even though I’ve been shoving this whole fated mates thing in the back of my brain for the better part of a week, I still can’t let it go completely.

“You can go ahead, we’ll catch up,” Davis says to me, tilting his head toward the others.

I bring my hands together in front of my chest, wringing them. “Actually, I wanted to ask you guys about something,” I say, glancing over Davis’ shoulder as Casey approaches.

“What’s up?” Casey asks as she slides in next to Davis. He immediately snakes an arm around her waist, pulling her into his side. Despite their differences in size, the two of them fit together like puzzle pieces.

I suck in a breath, gnawing on my bottom lip. “What was it like between you two… I mean, before the full moon confirmed the mate bond?”

Davis tilts his head curiously, while the corners of Casey’s lips tip up into a little knowing smile.

“We’d never really interacted before then,” Casey says, shrugging. She tilts her body toward Davis, placing a palm on his chest and looking up at him. “Right babe?”

“Yeah,” Davis breathes, reaching up to brush some dirt out of his hair with his fingers as he gazes down at Casey. “I mean, I saw you around the complex once or twice…” he looks up at me, continuing. “I was attracted to her, I mean, who wouldn’t be… but we never actually spoke, not until that night.”

“And then it was total fireworks,” Casey adds, waggling her eyebrows.

Davis grins down at Casey, then glances up to me again. “Why do you ask?”

I shrug, trying to come off as nonchalant. “Just curious, I guess, with the full moon coming up and all. Just wondered if there was some kind of tip-off to the mate bond or if fate just throws curveballs.”

Casey smiles, her eyes filled with so much kindness. She likely overheard me talking about Gray when we used to run patrols together, so I’ll bet she knows more about my motive than she’s letting on. “I think if we’d gotten to know each other before the run, we would’ve known. Fate doesn’t make mistakes, it put us together for a reason.”

Davis nods in agreement, tucking Casey tighter to his side. “I’ll be the first to admit that I had doubts, Case knows that. But it only took a day or two for me to realize how the two of us together, it just makes sense.”

“And then when we sealed the bond those feelings were multiplied,” Casey adds. “Times a thousand, it was crazy.”

My eyes flutter down to spot where Casey’s neck meets her shoulder, where a small white scar displays Davis’ mark. Fate may assign the mate bond, but the recipients have to seal it by marking one another before the next full moon or the bond dissolves away. I suppose its fate’s way of giving you an out- but with how strong the fated mate bond seems to be, I doubt many could reject it.

It’s too much to hope that Gray and I could actually be fated, right? I shouldn’t even allow myself to entertain that thought. Still, there’s this little glimmer of hope lingering deep within my heart that everything will just work out and we’ll go riding off into the sunset together. I’m such a cynic about the whole thing that the little shred of hope rarely sees the light of day, but… what if?

I’m lost in thought when Casey speaks up again. “Are you thinking of staying here for the run on Sunday?” she asks.

“Huh?” I shake my head, like I’m scattering my thoughts away. “Yeah, maybe. Not sure yet.”

She gives me a little smile. “You should. You never know what could happen.”

I force a soft chuckle. That’s exactly what I’m worried about.

The three of us head out of the arena to where Boyd, Connor, and Shay are still waiting for us on the practice field. They didn’t need to hang back and wait, but the little act of solidarity is a comfort, nonetheless. We’re quiet as we make our way back to the barracks, and I doubt any of us will get much sleep tonight.


The final trials that the alphas assign on Saturday afternoon throw all of us recruits for a loop. For the first time, we aren’t going up against one another or the alphas- instead, they’re pitting each of us against several existing security squad members. It’s a true equalizer, because we’ve never matched up against them before- a totally clean slate. We’ll have to think on our feet, react in the moment, and fight off maneuvers we’ve possibly never seen before. It’s exciting, but also intimidating as hell.

I swear I forget to breathe as Brock explains the setup- we’re each taking on four squad members, individually but in quick succession, and for the last two spars we’re to use our wolves. And everyone will be watching the whole thing. No pressure.

They randomly draw names to see who goes first, and Boyd’s the lucky contender to be pulled. We all step back, forming a big circle on the practice field around Boyd and his four opponents. We’re each taking on different squad fighters in these trials, so there are probably a hundred people on the practice field today, a hundred sets of eyes on Boyd as he squares up in his final test to prove his worth to the squad.

Jax blows a whistle and the first squad member takes off in a dead sprint toward Boyd. It catches him a little off guard, like he wasn’t yet fully prepared- but he quickly steadies himself, springing forward to meet his opponent halfway. I cringe as their bodies crash into one another, limbs thrashing, each trying to get the upper hand. It all happens so fast- suddenly they’re on the ground, rolling around, and I’m not sure which of them executed the takedown. Boyd lands a few good jabs on the guy before he manages to scurry away, and then they’re both on their feet again, kicking and punching and trying to best one another.

I hear Jax whistle again, and I blow out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I don’t have time to contemplate who won the first round, though, because the next squad fighter advances toward Boyd, a blonde girl. She’s small and fast, giving him a run for his money- by the time the whistle sounds for the next opponent, Boyd’s panting hard, already exhausted.

There’s no time to rest, though- Boyd’s next opponent shucks his clothes in an instant, the air shimmering around him with his shift. Boyd scrambles to pull down his shorts, but the other guy’s already advancing- so Boyd calls his wolf forward, ripping through his t-shirt in a blur of dark fur. It gives him just enough time to plant his paws on the ground before the other guy pounces, rolling him over. The other wolf’s jaws snap at Boyd’s neck, but he wriggles out from underneath him, baring his teeth and launching toward the guy again. I wince as they make contact, flinch when the other guy sinks his teeth into Boyd’s side and his wolf whines. Then, just as quickly as it began, it ends- another whistle, and Boyd’s final opponent shifts, tearing across the field toward him in wolf form.

By the time it’s all over, my heart is racing. The roar of the crowd is deafening with everyone screaming and cheering. My face is hot, I can feel my pulse in my ears. The scariest part is that I don’t even know if Boyd did well- he put up a hell of a fight, but I don’t know what criteria these guys are looking at for our final trials. Boyd shifts back and slides his shorts on, grinning at the crowd despite the fact that he’s sporting several deep gashes on his arms, legs, and abdomen, dark red blood oozing from his battle wounds.

I feel like I’m going to be sick.

The next recruit they call forward is Carter, and though I keep my eyes trained on the practice field to watch his matchups, I’m staring blankly, my body numb. I’m trying to get myself into the right headspace but I’m a jumble of nerves.

The last thing I expect is for my name to be called next. I was hoping I’d have more time to center myself, mentally prepare- but this is it, my last shot, the one for all the marbles.

I swallow hard, my throat feeling like sandpaper as I stride forward onto the practice field. My feet are heavy as I walk, like they’re anchored to the ground, while my head feels like it’s floating away.

You can do this, Fallon.

I glance around at the throngs of people all around me, my eyes pulled to meet someone else’s- those dark, intense eyes that I can never seem to escape. Gray gives me a little nod of encouragement, stoking the fire that’s slowly starting in my chest.

I can do this.

I glance across the field at my first opponent- a stocky guy named Miles. I narrow my eyes, bending my knees slightly, grinding the ball of my foot into the dirt. When the whistle sounds, it barely registers in my mind- my body springs forward almost involuntary, tearing across the field in Miles’ direction.

My speed has always been my greatest advantage, and I use it to increase the force of my impact when I collide with Miles, landing an impressive right hook before ducking to roll him over me. I expect him to go down like a sack of potatoes, but he catches himself, pushing off and wheeling around. He tries to land a few blows on me, but I dodge and weave, quick on my feet as I move around him, trying to tire him out so I can get a few more jabs in. It fucking works, and I feel like I’m emerging as the clear victor of our matchup by the time Jax whistles for it to end and the next one to commence.

Shana is my next opponent, and I don’t have time to catch my breath before she flies across the field and she’s on me. We’re similar in height, body build, and even fighting style- the alphas really knew what they were doing when they picked her for my matchup. She blocks every blow I try to land, jumps out of the way at the last second before I can execute a takedown. Shana then manages to beat me at my own game, using her speed to trip me up, and before I know it, I’m tumbling to the ground with her on top of me. Time seems to move in slow motion as we wrestle in the dirt, Shana’s knee pressing into my abdomen as I writhe to dodge her punches.

Then it’s over- another whistle, and it’s time to shift. I stumble to my feet, regaining my bearings as I shuck my clothes as quickly as possible and call my wolf forward, my body breaking out in familiar tingles as it rearranges itself and I land on four paws. Jake is already barreling toward me, his big silver wolf covering the distance before I can blink.

My wolf’s ready. I relinquish most of my control to her, trusting her, and she doesn’t disappoint. Jake takes a leap to attack and I swish around, kicking out my back legs to fend him off. I get him right in the ribs, sending him crashing to the dirt- before he can get back up, I’m on him, snapping my jaws, going for the scruff of his neck. I bite down, just hard enough to taste the metallic tinge of blood before I release, giving him a chance to get back to his feet, try again.

I shouldn’t have, because he gets the jump on me with his second assault, my wolf crying out as I come down hard on my shoulder. The pain is blinding, but I continue on, through the next whistle and onto my final matchup. Darcy’s white wolf comes barreling toward me, and I’m exhausted, panting, but ready.  I try to fend her off, but she’s so quick, so precise. I yelp as her fangs draw blood, then sink my teeth into her to return the favor, a blur of limbs and fur and frenzy.

I’ve given over so much control to my wolf that it takes me a moment to realize when it’s all over. I dig myself out of the recesses of my mind, pushing back to the surface, the air shimmering as my wolf recedes. My whole body is screaming in pain, shaking with adrenaline as I scramble to my shorts and sports bra and tug them back on. The crowd around me is cheering, but it’s almost drowned out by the high-pitched whistling in my ears, courtesy of taking a solid blow or two to the head.

I glance down, surveying the damage- there’s smears of blood on my hands and belly and legs, but no major wounds, nothing that won’t heal quickly. Then I straighten, steadying my breathing as I look around. My eyes find Gray’s again and he’s wearing the biggest smile- with the way he’s beaming at me, it’s impossible to hold back one of my own. I grin, walking tall as I head off the field to take my spot as a spectator again on the sidelines.

Boyd threads through the crowd to come up beside me, clapping me on the shoulder. I wince at the impact on my injured shoulder, but the pain only lasts for a moment- the heady high of the adrenaline I’m still riding overtakes it and I whip around to look at Boyd, giggling like a little kid.

“Holy shit, that was awesome!” Boyd exclaims, eyes wide and a big ol’ grin on his face.

“You were, too!” I say, still giddy, throwing my arms around him in a hug. “We did it!”

Brock announces the next contender and I pull away from Boyd, watching as Bex takes the field.

My heart’s still beating so fast. Out of everything we’ve been through at training camp, all of the exercises and drills that they’ve come up with to test us, this final trial was by far the most brutal. I gave it everything I had. I’m not sure if was enough, but I’m damn proud of my effort.

All I can do now is watch, wait, and hope it was enough.