Alpha Gray by C.J. Primer



“Girl, you’re on fire!” Shay laughs, elbowing me. “About time you got that damn flag, for real this time!”

We’re sitting at our usual table in the dining hall on Wednesday evening, still pumped about our war games win this afternoon. The alphas let us choose our own teams this time around, so naturally my friends and I fielded ourselves together. I got the flag fair and square and I even made it across the boundary without one of my own teammates taking me down. And the best part? Since we were all teamed together, we all get to share the victory.

“What’s this about a flag?” Brooke asks, walking up behind me with a plate in hand. “I keep hearing something around the complex about how my sister’s a total badass.” She waggles her eyebrows, setting her plate on the table and kicking a leg over the bench, sliding in to take a seat beside me.

I’ve totally turned it around since Monday. After sorting things out with Gray, I was able to get out of my head, focus again, and actually kick butt during training. After today’s drill, I’m more confident than ever that I’ve got this. I’m so close to making the squad that I can practically taste it.

“Something like that.” I flash Brooke a grin, scooching over to give her more room. “Ditching the geek squad tonight?” I ask, nudging her arm.

She rolls her eyes, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. If only she knew that only adds more emphasis to my geek comment.

“Hey, I’m not complaining!” I laugh. “You just hardly ever sit with us for dinner.”

Brooke just smiles, picking her burger up off of her plate and taking a big bite.

“How’s the tech tracking stuff going?” Connor asks from his place across the table.

My sister holds up a finger, chewing and swallowing before responding.

“It’s good!” she chirps, beaming.

I’ll never understand how someone can get so amped up to stare at a computer screen all day.

“I know it sounds boring to you guys but it’s actually super exciting work.”

Boyd leans in from his place beside Connor, his interest piqued. “What’s the latest on the shadow pack?”

Brooke gets a funny look on her face, then gives a little shake of her head. “I can’t really discuss the details. But there’s no evidence that they know our location as of now, so no imminent threat.”

I peer over at her, squinting. Her response is so vague, and for some reason that makes me nervous despite her assurance that there’s no threat on the horizon. Maybe I can pick her brain later, try to get more out of her.

“Damn. I’m ready for a fight,” Shay says, grinning mischievously.

I shake my head. “Not with them. None of us are.” I’m still haunted by Gray’s story about the shadow pack, what they did to his parents and pack. He was my age when it happened, and I can’t imagine losing my family right now- I’d lose my damn mind.

My somber tone gives me away and all of my friends look to me questioningly while I push my pasta salad around my plate with my fork.

“She’s right,” Brooke pipes up, always there for the save. “You guys shouldn’t be so cavalier. If you make the squad, you’re our first line of defense.”

When we make the squad,” Boyd corrects. “Three days, guys!” He holds up three fingers, flashing a smile.

Casey sidles up to our table, tapping Davis on the shoulder before draping her arms around him from behind. Her auburn hair falls over the front of his shoulder like ribbons. “You ready babe?”

Davis’ face splits into a goofy grin. “See ya, guys,” he breathes as he rises from his seat, grabbing his plate in one hand and slipping his other around Casey’s shoulders.

“Ugh, those two,” Boyd grimaces, rolling his eyes.

“What?” I laugh. “I think they’re cute.”

“You’re not going soft on me now, are you Fallon?” Boyd scoffs, arching a brow. “What happened to all that ‘no mate, no fate’ talk from high school?”

I just shrug. “People change.”

Brooke darts me a knowing glance, and I kick her shin under the table.

“Ah!” Connor exclaims, wincing.

Whoops. Wrong leg.

“Guess Davis is out for night training, then?” Shay asks, and I’m thankful for the change in subject.

Connor shrugs, reaching down to rub his shin. “Guess so. Maybe we should all take the night off…”

I shake my head firmly. “No way, guys. We can’t start slacking now! Home stretch, remember?” I look from Shay, to Boyd, to Connor.

Boyd rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. We know, you’re a maniac.”

I grin.

“Brooke, how did you put up with living with her for all those years?” Boyd asks, pointing his fork in her direction.

Brooke just giggles, tilting her head sideways onto my shoulder. “Didn’t have a choice!”

“Oh whatever,” I chuckle, shoving her playfully. “You love me and you know it.”

She smiles, giving a little nod of her head. “No matter what.”

“Good, because when I make the squad, I’m gonna see if we can get a double room in the dorms,” I say, waggling my eyebrows.

We all laugh, and it feels so damn good.

Something I never really anticipated before arriving at training camp was how every day would only make me want it more. Every day I spend with my friends, every night with my sister, every moment with Gray… I could get used to this. It would be a pretty sweet life.

I’ve never lost sight of my goal to make the squad, but now it’s like I have a dual purpose- if I make it, I get to fight, and I get to stay, too. Stay with my friends, stay with Brooke, stay with Gray. These last three days mean everything.

I still have some lingering anxiety about the full moon, but I’ve pushed it to the back of my mind so I can focus on the next three days. For now, things are good- I’ll worry about the moon and what that could mean for Gray and me only after I make the squad.

As my friends laugh together, I lift my gaze to glance across the dining hall, toward where the alphas typically sit. Gray doesn’t dine here with us often, but he’s here tonight, and our eyes immediately lock when I spot him.

I’m probably staring a second too long, but it feels there’s some strange connection stretching between us, some invisible tether tying us together.



“Huh?” I ask, tearing my eyes away from Fallon’s to look over at Jax.

He rolls his eyes, sighing. “So we’ll start with one-on-ones tomorrow?”

“Oh, yeah,” I breathe, clearing my throat. “I’m good with that.” I shift my weight on the bench, leaning my elbows forward onto the table.

“You sure you want that girl on the squad, Gray?” Theo asks, his tone laced with sarcasm. He must’ve picked up on what was distracting me. “I mean, things go bad, you have to see her every day. We can go ahead and cut her for you, if ya want…”

“Oh yeah? How ‘bout I cut you?” I ask, picking up my knife and grinning as I wave it jokingly in his direction.

“Oh damn!” Jax laughs, clapping Theo on the shoulder as we all chuckle.

“If she makes the squad, she’s gotta stay for the run, right?” Reid asks. He seems excited about the prospect.

I shrug. “Maybe. We’ve talked about it. She’s considering staying.”

Brock furrows his brow. “Well why wouldn’t she?”

His words are bitter, but I don’t blame him. Not now that I know what it feels like to fall for someone, lay it all on the line.

“Wouldn’t that just prolong the inevitable?” Brock grumbles.

“I don’t know, man,” I sigh, leaning back. “It’s complicated.”

“And this is why I love em’ and leave em’,” Theo says, shaking his head at me teasingly.

Jax snorts. “Yeah right, as if any of them would stick around to deal with your ass.”

Theo gives Jax a shove and Jax just laughs, delivering a jab to Theo’s arm in return.

My eyes flicker back over Theo’s shoulder, to Fallon. She’s laughing with her friends, throwing her head back. Fuck, she’s so goddamn beautiful. I can hardly take it.

“So final decisions Saturday, full moon Sunday… damn, this is shaping up to be a hell of a week.” Reid smiles.

It’s good to see him smile. He’s been in a funk all week since things fizzled out with Arabella, the squad girl he’s been seeing for the past couple months. I guess she was sick of waiting for him to make up his mind about her.

“For sure,” I nod. “So Brock, are you gonna stick around for a while after camp ends?” I ask, picking at the burger bun on my plate. I wolfed down one already and chucked the bun off of the second.

“Don’t know,” he sighs, leaning back. “Gotta check in with my old man at the run this weekend and see what he wants me to do.”

I nod again. Brock’s taking over as the Riverton pack’s alpha, and as much as I’ll miss him as a regular fixture around the squad complex, he’ll still be in and out once he gets his pack duties down.

“You’re lucky, bro,” Theo grumbles bitterly. “My old man’s never going to step down.”

I shoot Theo a sympathetic glance. He’s been chomping at the bit to step up as alpha since he came of age, but his dad’s a hardass. He doesn’t think Theo’s mature enough to take on the role, so he keeps dragging out the transfer of power. The problem is, the longer he waits, the more reckless and immature Theo seems to act, almost in rebellion.

“Hey, enjoy your free time while it lasts,” Reid says, holding up his hands. “It’s a lot of responsibility, looking out for an entire pack.”

I nod in agreement. “Definitely.”

Jax and Theo just exchange glances, like they’re feeling left out of our club or something.

“If you’re looking for more to do, I could use some help with the IT unit,” I suggest to Theo.

“Hey, I don’t know anything about computers…”

I shake my head. “No, no. Nothing like that. Just someone to act as a liaison, get their daily reports and oversee things over there. Erin’s pup’s due any day now so she’s gonna take some time off.”

Theo shrugs. “Yeah, I could probably do that.”

Out of the corner of my eye I spot Fallon rising from her table, heading to deposit her plate in the wash bin.

“Gotta go,” I say, shooting to my feet. I climb over the bench, reaching for my plate as the guys look to me questioningly. “Pack stuff,” I mutter, turning on a heel.

I speed-walk across the dining hall, tossing my plate into the wash bin and heading for the doorway that Fallon just disappeared through. I want to catch her before she gets to the trainee barracks, congratulate her on her win today.

As I turn into the hallway, I can see her up ahead, her long blonde ponytail bobbing behind her with each step. I jog a little bit to catch up, delivering a playful little swat to her ass to get her attention.

Fallon whips around, her eyes wide in surprise, but her expression softens when she sees it’s me.

“What the hell?!” she laughs, looking around wildly. We’re the only ones in the hallway, but someone could appear at any moment.

I step toward her, backing her up into the wall and slapping a palm up on it beside her. “Three days, baby,” I grumble, trailing my other hand up the curve of her waist. “Then no more sneaking around.”

Her eyes flicker silver. “But I kinda like sneaking around,” she smirks.

“I don’t,” I groan, reaching up to cup her cheek. I lean in, brushing my lips against hers, fighting the urge to lean forward and claim her mouth.

Not here.

Begrudgingly, I pull back, raking my gaze over her body and undressing her with my eyes.

Three days.

“You were fucking great today,” I murmur, leaning sideways against the wall beside her. She cranes her body toward mine, sliding her arm up on the wall to rest her head upon it. She bends her elbow over her head, fiddling with her ponytail.

“You think?” Her eyes are filled with so much excitement, such hope.

I nod. “Keep it up and you’re in, babe.”

It looks like she’s trying to contain her glee, but it spills over, Fallon’s face splitting into a gorgeous smile.

“Ah, man. I can’t wait!”

I grin. “Me neither.”

I hear the faint sound of footsteps in the hallway and immediately push off of the wall, peering around cautiously. It’s a false alarm; there’s no one to be seen.

When I return my gaze to Fallon, she’s rolling her eyes. “Jeez, you’re jumpy.”

“Yeah,” I grumble. “Think I need something to take the edge off…” I reach out, grabbing for her waist, but Fallon giggles and hops away.

“Cool it, mister,” she says, holding up a finger in warning. “I’ve got three more days left to focus.”

I sigh, scrubbing a hand over my face. “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

Fallon smirks, pushing away from the wall and looking around the hallway. “Maybe. I’d better get going.”

She starts to turn, then stops, gazing back at me.

“Hey Gray?”

“Hm?” I ask.

“When it comes to the finals for the squad, you’re going off of merit, right? I don’t want to make it just because of…” she gestures between us. “This.”

I shake my head. “You don’t have to worry about that, I won’t even be part of the decision. Me and the guys decided long ago that I’d sit out when it comes to evaluating you.”

Fallon presses her lips together, nodding. “Good.”

She turns on a heel and I reach out to land another little slap on her ass before she scurries away. Then she darts me that cute little side-eyed glance over her shoulder that I’ve become so accustomed to, tossing me a wink.


Three. More. Days.