Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


Aster ripped open a Mars Bar,linking her arm through Grace’s. They’d been at the airport for an hour, and now they were waiting to board their flight. All week, she’d anticipated the moment she would be picked up by Grace, grabbing Eden and her belongings on the way. She was definitely ready for the sun blazing down on her skin.

Grace looked at her, smiling. “You seem happy.”

“I’m about to have a ten-day holiday in the sun. Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

“It’s more than that,” Grace said. “And I know you’ve been a bit giddy since last week and your date with Eden, but this is definitely more.”

“Keep your voice down. The team don’t know, and Eden isn’t ready for them to know yet. The last thing I need is for them all to find out and then they take the piss for the next week or so.”

“Okay, I see your point.” Grace offered an apologetic smile. “So, it’s going well?”

“It’s just…going.” Aster shrugged. She’d met with Eden on Thursday when she got back from her business trip, and they’d both agreed to enjoy their holiday, no pressure involved. Aster had once again offered to take another room, but Eden didn’t like the idea of having a huge, five-star suite to herself. Aster wouldn’t protest too much. She loved the idea of a decent room…and throw Eden in with the bargain, and she couldn’t go wrong. “We’re not together, but I’m not planning on having my eye on anyone else either.”

“And Eden?”

“Is here for the sun. Nothing more.”

Grace frowned. “Not even you? If the chance presents itself…”

“I haven’t put it to her. I want her to enjoy her break and then when we get home, we can figure everything else out. She doesn’t know which way is up right now.”

“Aren’t you worried?”

Aster chomped on her Mars Bar. “About what?”

“I mean, I like Eden, I do. But she’s not even gay, Aster. Is she bi? Did she have a fling at university?”

“She’s…never been attracted to a woman before.”

Grace unlinked her arm from Aster’s. “I’m sorry, but I’m getting serious alarm bells here. I don’t want her to hurt you.”

Aster appreciated Grace’s concern, but she wasn’t worried. She was getting to know Eden. That was all. Why did people have to read too much into things when it wasn’t their business? “She’s not going to hurt me. I’m not stupid. If I suspect that she’s going to run, I’ll know to back off.”

“And what if you’re in too deep by then? What if you’ve fallen in love with her and the next thing you know, she’s marrying a bloke?”

“Can we not do this now?” Dread settled in Aster’s belly. She fully expected Grace to have her back, but she didn’t like the scenario her best friend had put to her. “I don’t want anyone to overhear you, and I don’t want you to put a downer on my holiday. I haven’t had one for two years.”

“Sorry. But I worry about the woman you’ve chosen. Like I said, she’s lovely, but I’m not convinced. As your friend, I’m entitled to that opinion.”

“Of course you are,” Aster said, smiling her best fake smile. “Hopefully, I’ll prove you wrong.”

“Where is she now?”

“Drinking Prosecco with Blair.” Aster chanced a glance in Eden’s direction, smiling when she found Eden watching her in return. “Isn’t she pretty…”

“She is. But that doesn’t mean you should expect all of this to fall in your lap. I want that for you, but you have to be realistic here, Aster.”

“I am being realistic.” Aster scoffed. “But you shitting all over my hopes is bringing my mood down. It’s not even midday. Please hold off a bit longer.”

Grace held up her hands. “Fine. Sorry. I’ll mind my own business.” Without another word, Grace walked away, heading towards Mia.

And then Aster felt a hand grip her backside, a laugh erupting from someone’s mouth. “You ready for me to chase you, Bennett?”

Aster turned to find Fi standing behind her. “Please, don’t waste your time, Fi.”

“Come on. Don’t you want a holiday romance with yours truly? A little fun between friends? It’s all the rage.” Fi held her arms open, grinning. “You know I love a one-night stand. But don’t expect more after it.”

“Yeah. I’m sure I’ll manage without a one-night stand.” Aster rolled her eyes, taking a step back. She bumped into another body, swiftly turning around again. “Eden.”

“Hey.” Eden smiled through gritted teeth. “Wondered if you wanted to join me and Blair?”

“I’d love to.”

And then Fi spoke. She was a pain in the arse. “So, Eden. What are you looking for during your holiday?”

“Uh, the sun.”

“And a lady to keep you warm at night?” Fi wiggled her eyebrows.

“Oh, no. The humidity is all year-round where we’re going. I’m sure I’ll be plenty warm.” Eden spun on her heel, and Aster knew that was her cue to leave, too.

When she reached the table at the airport bar, Blair glared at her. She pushed a chair out with her foot, clearing her throat. “Sit down.”


“Now, I really like you. I like you a lot, Aster. But if you break my best friend’s heart during this holiday, I will hunt you down, and I will hurt you.”

Aster’s brows rose with surprise. “Is that right?”

“One hundred percent.” Blair winked, barking a laugh. “But I doubt I’ll be able to get you two out of the hotel room, so I’m not too concerned.”

Eden left the table, moving towards the bar.

“Look, I don’t know what she’s told you, but we’re not together. We’re sharing a room, yes, but we’ve agreed to keep our hands to ourselves.”

“Come back to me and tell me that again when she’s lounging out on the terrace in a bikini.”

Aster’s insides rolled. How the hell could she keep her hands to herself when Blair said things like that? She knew Eden would look incredible in a bikini, she wasn’t blind, but how exactly did she refrain from visibly drooling at every given opportunity? “I’m sure I’ll manage.”

“Mmhmm. And I’m sure you won’t. She’s bloody gorgeous, and you’re only human.”

“She’s not ready. She told me that herself. And I completely respect the decision she made.”

“Oh, boo!” Blair rolled her eyes. “Even I know she won’t last the entire holiday. She’s called me three times this week to ask if I think you’ll like a particular outfit. Trust me, she’s only thinking about you. All the time.”

Aster’s heart swelled. She felt kinda proud hearing that. “Yeah?”

“Absolutely. Now, help your…friend at the bar.”

Aster glanced over her shoulder; Eden had her back to them. Was she upset about what Fi had done? Eden didn’t have to worry. Aster would never go there. “Is she upset?” She turned to face Blair. “Fi was kinda obnoxious then.”

“Eden’s fine. A little jealousy never hurt no one.”

Aster frowned. She wasn’t into game playing. “I don’t want her to be jealous. And certainly not of Fi. There’s not a chance I’d touch that woman.”

“Can confirm, it wasn’t much.”

Aster barked a laugh. She’d momentarily forgotten that Blair had slept with Fi before her and Dom got together. “Shit, I’m sorry. I wasn’t having a dig.”

“Oh, have a dig. I deserve it for being so stupid.” Blair held her Prosecco, a mirror image of how Eden held her own. They were like twin sisters most of the time. “Dom still hasn’t let it go.”

Aster snorted. “I don’t blame her. I mean, Fi?”

“Don’t please.” Blair winced. “A moment of error. It’ll never happen again.”

“Damn right it won’t.”

“Eden is waiting. I think she wants to speak to you without me around.”

Aster glanced over her shoulder once again. Eden was, in fact, watching her. She mouthed “I’m coming,” and smiled in Blair’s direction before she walked over to Eden. “Hi.”

“Fi had better keep her hands to herself.” Eden stood with her hands clenched into fists against the bar, a look of anger in her eyes. “Seriously.”

“Whoa. Don’t sweat it. I’m not interested whatsoever.” Aster reached out a hand to lay on Eden’s shoulder, pulling it back quickly. She had to remember that people were around.

Eden studied Aster, and Aster could see there was a jealousy there. One that was more than unnecessary. “Promise? I can deal with you sleeping with some incredible blonde, but Fi? No. I can’t deal with that.”

“Huh. You planning to change your hair colour?”

Eden’s forehead creased. “What?”

“The only person I have my attention on is you. And you’re not blonde, so…”

Eden blushed, lowering her eyes as a smile spread on her mouth. “You know what I mean.”

“Actually, I don’t.” Aster leaned in closer, inhaling Eden’s scent. Her mouth brushed Eden’s ear inconspicuously. “You know, I’d give anything to kiss you right now. And I’m talking, a kidney…whatever. I’d give it up to kiss your lips.”

Eden turned her head away, smiling shyly. “Stop.”

“It’s not my fault the woman I’m infatuated with is fucking gorgeous.” Aster lowered her voice. Painfully low. “Blair seems to think we won’t last this holiday keeping our hands to ourselves.”

Eden turned suddenly, her bottom lip between her teeth. “My best friend knows me too well.”

Oh fuck! Aster was in trouble. Big, big trouble.

Her phone started to ring in her back pocket, Lily’s name on the screen as she removed it. “Hey, Lil’s.”

“Aster, I’m sorry for calling, but it’s Dad.”

“W-what’s Dad?” Aster’s heart sank. The look of panic Eden was giving her didn’t help either. “Lily?”

“Paramedics are here. His breathing is bad. They’re taking him in.”

Aster swallowed. “Okay, well I can be there in an hour. I need to get home from the airport.”

She hated the thought of Eden being surrounded by hundreds of other women, but Aster would never forgive herself if she got on that plane and something happened to her dad. There would be plenty of holidays in future, but her dad wouldn’t always be here.

“No, you don’t need to do that. Go and enjoy your holiday. I was calling to let you know.”

“No, I’m coming home.”

The disappointment in Eden’s eyes didn’t go unnoticed, but Aster had to do what her heart told her. And that was to go home and meet her sister at the hospital. She…couldn’t leave the country.

“Dad’s going to go insane if you don’t get on that plane with your friends.”

“Yeah, well, I can’t enjoy myself when I know he’s lying in a hospital bed, Lily. And I’d hope you wouldn’t expect me to.”

“N-no. I know. Maybe you can get a flight out in a day or two. Once we know what’s going on…”

Aster ran a hand down her face. “Maybe. I don’t know. I’ll see you at the hospital as soon as I can get there, okay?”

“Okay. I’m sorry for calling.” Lily ended the call, leaving Aster staring down at her phone.

Eden stepped closer, placing a gentle hand on Aster’s wrist. “Everything okay?”

“I have to go home. T-to the hospital. It’s Dad.”

Eden lowered her hand, a sad smile on her mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t get on that flight not knowing, Eden.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Eden said, pulling Aster into a hug. “What can I do to help?”

“Go to Spain and have an amazing time for both of us. And, you know, try not to fall in love with someone while you’re there.”

Eden cocked her head. “You think I’d do that?”

“Hard to say.” Aster blew out a breath. “I can’t even get a fucking holiday right so you should at least see what’s on offer while you’re there. If there’s going to be anyone else, please…not Fi. Anyone else I can at least try and live with it, but not her, Eden.”

Eden leaned in, her lips brushing Aster’s ear. “I want you like you couldn’t begin to imagine. And this time away is only going to make it all worse for me.”

“Well, I hope you still think that when you get back. H-have a lovely time. I’ll say bye to the team and find Grace before I figure out how to get out of here.”

“Call me?”

“I’ll wait to hear from you. I’m sure you’ll have much better things to do than sit on the phone to me.” Aster quickly took Eden’s hand, squeezing it tight. “Be careful.”