Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


“Hey, I’m getting some air.”Aster eyed Mia as she pushed Blair’s patio door open, stepping out and closing it quietly.

She didn’t know how the entire team had ended up back at Blair’s, but Aster was impressed. The house Blair and Dom had was everyone’s dream home. Yes, Aster knew how Blair had acquired it, but wow…it was amazing. And as incredible as it was, she didn’t suppose Blair wanted to go through divorce proceedings to get it. From what she’d heard, Blair had been through hell with her ex-husband.

She rested her forearms against the railing around the decking, looking out at the clear night sky. The stars were breathtaking tonight, but Aster’s heart wasn’t quite where it needed to be. Honestly, she wanted to call a cab and go home. It would be better for her sanity if nothing else.

All night, she’d gravitated towards Eden. From the moment she stepped foot inside the bar, Aster had struggled. Add in the voice of an angel, and Aster was completely lost for words. She’d never met anyone quite like Eden. She had a quiet presence, but one that had the power to make your knees tremble when she looked at you in a particular kind of way. And lately, Aster was only seeing that look. It was her mind working overtime—Eden wouldn’t ever contemplate someone like her—but for a brief second this evening, she felt one hell of a connection. Unfortunately, it was only getting worse.

It’s all in your head.

Aster gritted her teeth, clasping her hands behind her neck. “Shit!”

“Oh dear. What did you do?” Blair’s voice travelled low through the air before she came to stop beside Aster.


“You seem…bothered.”

“Blair, is there something you’d like to say to me?” Aster straightened, turning to face Eden’s best friend. The other woman was significantly taller, but she wasn’t intimidated. “You’ve been making sly comments all night, and I really don’t know what I’ve done to upset you.”

“How long?” Blair cocked her head, smiling gently. There was no denying that Blair Harrington was incredibly beautiful, but Aster was tired of all the stunning women around her. She only paled in comparison.

“How long what?”

Blair rolled her eyes, folding her arms. “How long have you been attracted to my best friend?”


“Please, don’t deny it. I’m not stupid.”

Aster pulled her shoulders back. “I’m not attracted to her. She’s my boss, and we’re friends. That’s all.”

Blair took Aster by the elbow, moving out of earshot of the door. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Aster. I like you, you’re super lovely, but Eden is straight. You do realise that, don’t you?”

“Of course I know she’s straight. I’m not as stupid as I obviously look.”

“I’ve been watching you all night. Nobody has ever looked at my best friend the way you do. You’re waiting for every word that falls from her mouth. Even Dom has noticed, and she doesn’t usually notice what’s right in front of her.”

“Look, Blair, I know you mean well, but if you’re worried about me getting into Eden’s pants, you needn’t bother. I’d never do anything like that. I have too much respect for her.”

“So, you are into her?”

Play it cool, Bennett.“Who wouldn’t be? Have you seen her?”

“I’m not talking about appreciating her beauty. I’m talking about everything else I’m seeing.”

“You’re seeing things that aren’t there. Trust me.” Aster backed away, returning to her previous position at the railings. She couldn’t look Blair in the eye and lie to her. She wasn’t that person.

Blair stepped forward, her body painfully close. “Don’t hurt her, Aster. She deserves so much more than that.”

“I’d never hurt her,” Aster whispered. “She means too much to me.”

“Then we’re on the same page. That satisfies me for the time being. But I’m watching you. I’m watching everything.”

Aster scoffed. “Eden’s a big girl. She doesn’t need you flaunting what you have to remind her of what she doesn’t.” Ouch, that was harsh.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Blair’s hands landed on her hips, a scowl now covering her usually pretty face.

“It doesn’t mean anything. But she’s definitely not in a good place. I think we all know that from listening to her singing earlier. If you don’t want me within ten feet of her, you’ll have to take it up with your best friend. I’m just the colleague who is slowly turning into a friend.”

“She’s not in a good place?”

“I can’t be the only one who saw the tears in her eyes tonight. She’s very good at wearing a mask, but I saw right through it.”

“I-I don’t…” Blair lowered her eyes. “She’s been off with me. She doesn’t call as much as she used to. I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”

“Maybe she’s trying to let you get on with your life. I know what you’ve been through, Blair, and I’m sorry about that. But you’ve recently got engaged to Dom, so maybe Eden is taking a step back, I don’t know.”

“I don’t want her to step back. There’s plenty of room in my life for both of them.”

Aster shrugged. “I’m trying to be her friend, Blair. I’m not lucky enough to be anything more.”

“You’ve fallen for her, haven’t you?” Blair’s eyes softened, and her arms wrapped around herself.

Aster couldn’t hold it in much longer. Grace would hit the roof when she found out that Aster had confided in Blair before her, but Aster needed to speak the words to someone. “I think I fell for her the moment I walked into her office, Blair. But I’ve managed this long, so I’m sure I can keep it to myself and take it to the grave with me.”

Blair’s hand covered her mouth, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Oh, Aster.”

“Please, don’t.” Aster held up her hands. She didn’t want someone to cry for her. She wanted to forget about Eden Kline. It couldn’t be that hard to do. It wasn’t as though anything had happened between them. “It doesn’t mean anything, okay?”

Blair shook her head when Dom stepped up behind her. “God, I don’t know what to say.”

“About what, babe?” Dom cut in. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”

Aster watched Blair intently, silently begging her to remain quiet about this. “Blair was having a gushy moment about you.” She switched her gaze to Dom, wearing her best fake smile. “You’ve made this woman’s life, mate.”

“Aww, you big softy.” Dom got to her tiptoes, kissing the side of Blair’s neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Blair side glanced at Dom, her eyes glossy.

“Hey, what did you think of Eden’s voice tonight?” Dom relaxed an arm around Blair’s shoulders.

Aster cleared her throat. “Amazing.”

“She plays guitar too. You should ask her to show you one night.”

Aster’s entire body buzzed. How could a woman who looked swanky and professional possibly lounge around with a guitar? Aster blew out a breath. She couldn’t hang around here much longer. “Yeah. Maybe.”

* * *

Eden sat comfortably, snuggled up with Blair as the team told their latest stories of one-night stands and bad mistakes. She’d been here once before when the girls were invited over, and this night was living up to be as good as the last. The major difference this time around was that Aster was here too. She looks cute tonight…

“What time are you working tomorrow?” Blair asked, twisting Eden’s hair around the tip of her finger. It was a habit Blair hadn’t been able to shake since they were kids. “Early start, or?”

“Nope. No work tomorrow. Tuesday, I have the entire team in for a meeting. I almost forgot to tell Aster.”

“I think she’s going to thrive with you, Eden.”

“I hope so,” Eden said, her head falling to Blair’s shoulder. “I should show you some of the images she took when I called her in last minute. Maybe you could use her for your wedding.”

“I’m trying to avoid using anyone we know.”

“Why?” Eden glanced up, frowning. “I mean, don’t you want me involved?”

“I do, but I also want you to be a huge part of our day. I don’t want you working behind the scenes, and I don’t think Dom would want Aster to, either. You’re there as guests, not staff.”

Eden hadn’t thought of it that way. She could see what Blair was saying, but how was Eden supposed to sit back and allow some random event planner to take charge of her best friend’s wedding? No, it simply couldn’t happen.

“What if I got someone from my company to oversee everything?”

“I’ll speak to Dom.”

“You’ll…speak to Dom?”

“Mmhmm. We discuss everything. It’s a good thing to do. Stops me from panicking all the time that I’m doing something wrong.”

“As if Dom would ever think you’d done anything wrong. She worships the ground you walk on.”

Eden caught Blair’s eyes as she focused on her fiancée standing in the kitchen. “She does.”

God, why doesn’t anybody look at me like that? Eden scanned the room, thankful when she found Aster standing with Dom. While they were together, she’d get away with staring. Really, this evening had been everything Eden could have hoped for. Long overdue time spent with her best friend, Aster in the same room as her, and a bout on karaoke. Yeah, it was definitely a night she’d needed.

Aster glanced in Eden’s direction, smiling when she caught her eyes. Eden’s stomach rolled, the intensity pinning her to the couch. Aster had beautiful dark eyes. When she looked at you, you felt safe. Comforted. Cared about. But that was Aster. A kind soul…

Eden snapped herself from her thoughts, sitting up on her elbow. “What time does this usually wrap up?”

“Whenever Dom kicks everyone out.” Blair yawned.

“Right, well I’m probably going to call a cab soon. Get out of the way. I could do with a decent night’s sleep.”

“You’re not staying here? The spare room is made up for you.”

“No, I’ll go home. I want to be in my own bed. I have an important day tomorrow…”

Blair’s forehead creased. “You do?”

“Yes. I’m calling Liam. I’ll ask him to come over so I can talk to him.”

“You mean…end things with him?”

Eden sat up fully, tugging her dress down her thighs. “Yes, so I can end things with him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Blair, I’d rather be single. It’s easier for me. He’s…always there. Wanting to see me. Needing to see me.”

“Isn’t that what he’s supposed to want?”

“Maybe, but it’s not for me. He’s not for me.”

Blair nodded. She had a look in her eyes that acknowledged Eden not wanting to be pushed on this. “Fair enough.”

“I’m going to start saying goodbye to the girls. I’ll call a cab while I’m doing the rounds.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay? I hate the idea of you taking a cab home alone.”

“I’ll be fine.” Eden leaned in, kissing Blair’s cheek. This night had been perfect for them. She wouldn’t wait so long to do it again. “Hey, I’m so proud of you.”


“Just…because of everything. I’m so happy you’re settled and you’re marrying the woman of your dreams.”

Blair eyed Dom again. “I’m so happy she found me.”

With tears in her eyes, Eden got to her feet and pushed her emotions aside. She’d had a million and one heart-to-hearts with Blair since she met Dom; it didn’t need to be repeated this evening. She approached the kitchen, placing a soft hand on Dom’s shoulder. “I’m ready to head home. Thank you for inviting us all back.”

“I thought you were staying?”

“According to you and Blair, yes. But I had no intentions of staying the night.”

“Oh, well…do you want me to see if any of the girls are going the same way as you?”

Eden shook her head, thankful for Dom’s concern. “No, it’s okay. I don’t think anyone else is ready to leave yet. And that’s fine; I’m a lightweight now.”

“Will you text us when you’re inside with the door locked?”

“I will.” Eden smiled, and then her gaze fell to Aster. “Goodnight, Aster.”

“I could share a cab with you. I’m ready to leave.”

Eden scratched the back of her neck. “I mean…if you’re sure?”

“One hundred percent. I’ve been ready to go home since the club.”

“Thanks,” Dom said, scoffing. “You’d better look after her, Bennett. I’m watching.”

Aster rolled her eyes, the same reaction Eden often had around Dom and Blair. Their concern wasn’t necessary. “Settle down, Dom. You’ll see Eden again. I’m not going to kidnap her.”

Oh, I wish she would. Eden’s eyes suddenly widened at that thought. Curb it, right now! “Okay, well I’ll call a cab.”

“No, I’ll do that. You say goodbye to the girls.”

Eden offered a single nod, turning around to tackle the team in Blair’s living room. She said her goodbyes to everyone seated on the couches and floor, returning to the kitchen as Blair followed her.

“Did you call a cab?”

“Aster’s doing it…”

A smirk played on Blair’s lips. “Hmm. Interesting.”

“What is?”

“You’re going home with Aster.”

Eden straightened. “Actually, we’re sharing a cab, and I’ll drop her off first.”

“All done. Cab should be here in a few minutes. They said to wait outside because it wouldn’t be long.”

“Aster?” Blair stepped forward, linking one arm through Aster’s. Eden had no idea what was about to happen, but she cringed nonetheless. “You make sure she gets home, okay?”

“I will. I’ll walk her to her front door.”

“Hello? I’m still standing here,” Eden cut in, her jaw clenched. “And I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.”

“Still,” Aster said, shrugging. “I’d like to walk you in for my own peace of mind.”

Eden noted the smirk on Blair’s mouth. “Such a gentleman. Now, leave. The cab will be outside before you know it.”

Eden and Aster headed for the door, waved away by Dom and Blair. Eden wouldn’t let it fester, but she was getting sick and tired of the snide remarks from Blair. Her best friend couldn’t possibly know how Eden was feeling, everything was hidden deep down, so why did she insist on making comments at every turn? Claims she sees how Aster looks at me. Don’t make me laugh!

They reached the gate, stepping out onto the pavement as it closed behind them. Neither spoke, and Eden just shifted from side to side as the cool air hit her bare legs. She shivered, releasing a shaky breath.

“Here.” Aster shrugged her blazer from her shoulders, wrapping it around Eden. “It’s not much, but it might take the chill off.”

Eden should have insisted Aster take her blazer back, but the warmth of the jacket followed by a subtle perfume had Eden melting. Her knees weakened so much that she had to lean back against Blair’s fencing. If she remained upright, she’d slide to the ground. “Thank you.”

Aster shrugged. “No reason to be cold.”

“Aren’t you?” Eden asked, her voice booming in her ears.

“No, I’m good. And you…” Aster paused. “Well, you have significantly less clothes on than I do.”

Eden grinned. “I didn’t anticipate standing around waiting for a cab to collect me tonight. Sorry.”

“You look great.”

“T-thank you.” Eden frowned as she stared at Aster’s back. Nobody had said she looked great in a long time. Not even Liam when she met him at a local restaurant or bar. “So do you.”

“I always choose comfort over everything else.” Aster shoved her hands in the back pockets of her jeans, leaning heavier on one leg. The stance had Eden admiring Aster from behind, her jeans hugging Aster’s perfectly rounded backside. Oh, no. No. No. No.

Eden opened her mouth to speak, but then Aster turned around, her eyes penetrating. “And tonight…wow. Your voice was incredible.”

“Again, thank you.” Eden dipped her head, reddening. She didn’t take well to compliments. They were always few and far between.

“I mean, I didn’t expect that at all. Not even a hint of it.”

Eden shrugged. “Why would you?”

“You’re right. We’ve been spending time together, but I don’t really know you. Even though I feel like I do. You’re so easy to get along with.”

“I try to be,” Eden said.

“And Dom says you play guitar?”

Why would Dom say that? Unless they’d been talking about Eden, that piece of information couldn’t have possibly come up during conversation. “I…do.”

“Could I maybe hear you play sometime?” Aster asked, her eyes brightening ever so slightly. “If you wouldn’t mind?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t usually play for anyone. Not even Blair. Guitar is my personal downtime.”

Aster smiled faintly. “That’s a shame.”

“But, never say never.” Eden pushed off the fence when a car pulled up outside Blair’s. “After you…”

Aster shook her head, opening the door as Eden stood painfully close. And then Eden saw it. The look Blair had been talking about. The supposed attraction. God, that look was intense. “After you.”

Good Lord. I could get used to her company…