Vicious Desire by Leslie V. Walker

Chapter Twelve


How can a kiss be so filthy?

Yet so addicting my body craves more for this sin to overtake me.

Brendan’s lips eat at mine as if he’s sucking on my soul. Taking my breathe with each stroke of his tongue and tug at my lower lip as if he’s trying to cause me to bleed for him.

His body pins me to his car as were surrounded by the dark night and the completely dead neighborhood. The warm weather mixing with our heat causing sweat to pour down the side of my next, which he leans down to lick slowly.

His firm big hand moves north needing my breast as the other positions my head just right. A moan catches at my lips, my eyelids close in pure ecstasy.

This is happening.


Only this time it’s even more dangerous than before.

Yet we’re both too selfish to care.

My breathing comes out unevenly as he continues to lick me as if I’m some sweet candy. “Oh.” My eyes snap open staring up at the night sky with some stars here and there. Digging in my nails into his back I stand on my tippy toes as he continues to play with my breast and licking my neck.

God, how could this turn me on to the point I’m so close to achieving an orgasm?

“Fuck, you taste so sweet.”

“Kiss me,” I breathe out.

“Shut up.” He demands a gasp leaving me as his hand comes down to slap me in the ass hard. “You don’t tell me what I do to you.”

Brendan’s voice is threatening and full of lust as his eyes glow dark, it should terrify any girl but just the way he looks at me makes me want to strip bare, here and now.

I grab ahold of his hair yanking back until his head is tilted back and I stand on my tippy toes to appear just—or somewhat—as tall as him. “Either you kiss me and do as you’re told, or I’ll find someone else to.”

I don’t know where this bold confidence came from, but it’s like I’m a new person when it comes to him. He brings out my bad side.

It works because before I can register anything he slams me against the passenger door with his hand wrapped tightly around my throat, leaving me with no oxygen, as he bites down on my lip making me bleed, so he can suck it off.

A whimper leaves me as my hands find his hair and tugging it as well, our lips find one another again as we get lost to each other.

My hands roaming everywhere as he does the same. Feeling me up as now and then he would slap me causing my hips to move against his for friction. We stay like this, pinned to one another, our hands roaming as the music from the party plays yet out of reach for us to even care.

I never want this to end.

God, his lips aren’t real. They’re magical. Just picturing the things, he can do with them has me weak.

He pushes his thigh between my legs as he goes back to licking me and sucking on my skin like the beast he is. A need so strong forms between my thighs.

I hate him, yet I want him.

Even after what happened.

My back arches just as I feel a tingle go up to my spine and this burning sensation in my belly about to explode, and I hold on to his shoulders for dear life. But just as I felt an orgasm at breach a phone rings interrupting us. I feel a sting, but it only adds to the pleasure.

Snapping out of the exotic trance, I try pushing Brendan off me, but he growls tugging me closer to him as he sucks harder on my neck causing my eyes to roll back and my hands to tremble. I don’t want this to end. But his phone...

Snapping out of it I say his name, “Brendan. Your phone. Someone’s calling. Didn’t we have to go somewhere tonight?” He abruptly stops growling in frustration before stepping back and answering the call.

“What?” he snaps, his voice hoarse.

Heat flushes through my cheeks as I turn to face the car window looking at my reflection. My fingertips skim my red flesh he was feasting on turning into a darker color, some light blood is seen as if he was trying to eat me and savor me at the exact time.

A strong throb forms between my legs and I tighten my muscles to relieve the ache.

I loved his mouth on me.

“We got to go.”

We park in an old abandon alley just in the dark of town in the dead of night. At this time, it’s usually when us kids get out of control, but it seems to be the complete opposite tonight.

Taking in a deep breath I push away all of the negative thoughts that have been piling up since we arrived. Finally having the guts to step out of the car, I take slow measured steps to where all four of them stand.

Shoving my hands in my pockets so the slight shaking of them won’t be noticed—they’d most likely tease me about it—I approach them taking in the intensity of their watchful gaze.

The light glow of the streetlamp a few feet away consumes the alley giving it a dark atmosphere. I go to stand next to Rocco and Zane where they’re in a small, huddled circle.

“So, what am I doing here?” I ask getting straight to the point. “Whatever it is the sheriff’s station is just a few blocks away.”

“We need you to do something for us,” Zane announces, pulling out a piece of notebook paper from his front pocket and unfolding it. “You’ll be accompanied by Brendan,” he continues before reading what’s in the paper to himself, his brows creasing.

“Yes, we need you, sugar baby. More than ever.” Rocco snickers to himself at he faces up toward the stars.

I narrow my eyes at him taking a good look at his features, Rocco Kade, is every bit bad. He reeks of pleasure and dominance with grey eyes and such dark black hair and lean muscular body, his arms filled with tattoos that carry a hidden message only he knows.

“Are you high?” I ask.

“Told you to stay in the car dumbass,” Brendan bites glaring at his friend saying silently to not fuck this up.

“I’m capable of running when things go downhill.”

“Downhill? What are we planning on doing?” I ask, wanting to know what is needed of me. My eyes snap to Brendan waiting for him to explain. There’s no way in hell I’m going to jail for these three.

Rocco, maybe.

He seems... chill? What the hell do you even call a guy like him?

“Over the course of the past few weeks our men have been dropping dead and money from my parent’s bank have gone missing. We’ve been getting threats to not only us but our family.” My eyebrows scrunch up at the new information and with worry. What kind of threats?

So, this isn’t about what I found in the library but something completely new?

This still has something to do with our parents though and the murder the town has been covering up for years now.

“Eastview has also been starting shit. They’ve opened up their own version of Trailstar and have been stealing from our crew. We believe someone we know is helping. Visited a few times in the couple of weeks and you’d be surprised what I found. This Halloween is the third-generation founders of the town meeting, they’ll be there. As will all of us. The only reason both sides of town haven’t destroyed each other yet is because of the deal we have with them,” Zane explains.

Gunner stands silent warry at our surroundings as Rocco scoots closer to me to play with my hair, between his fingers. “So, why don’t you just stop this guy?”

“Thank you, captain obvious.” Zane rolls his eyes; I really have a feeling he doesn’t like me.

“Ow.” Rocco tugs too hard and I slap his hand away.

“We’ve been trying. But it seems whoever is running this doesn’t live in this country, we do have a sense of who’s helping him out. But as you know we like to run with evidence instead of falsely accusing someone.”

I don’t know why but Neo is the first to come to mind. He’s been staring at me weirdly over the past few days and I know the guys don’t like him. They just put up with his shit for whatever reason but ever since they were kids, he’s always been the odd one out.

“So, where do I come in?”

“We need you to get a file for us from the sheriff’s department.” Of course.

“Who’s?” I don’t fight it I’m curious to know what the hell is going on and if this connects with everything I found in the library. Because from what I can remember there’s never been a carnival that has come by this town on a yearly basis.

“My father,” Zane says bringing my focus back to him, “his name is Patrick Johnson. I need his and John Wilson’s files. Brendan’s uncle. We believe they have something going on there but are not quite sure, you’ll go with Brendan.”

“Again. I don’t understand why you need me. What will you two be doing?” I point towards him and Rocco. Knowing Gunner, he’ll most likely be the distraction.

“You need someone to hack into the security system, so you won’t get caught. And someone to babysit this dipshit.” He gestures toward Rocco who’s know mumbling incoherent things in my shoulder.

“I can get us in, but I need you there with me just in case we get caught sneaking around the file room. You’ll use that annoying wit of yours to get us out.” Brendan mocks my voice.

“That’s offensive.” I glare at him leaning slightly worse Rocco already getting tired of standing still. I always have to be moving around, it’s not possible for me to just stay still, I’ll start to lose it.

Brendan glares between us, but I brush it off. There’s something sad about Rocco. When he gets in these moods where he tries to hide away from reality it makes you want to just hug him and fall onto a deep slumber. Which is what is happening now as a yawn escapes me.

“I don’t care,” Brendan says using his favorite word.

“Fine but what...” Rocco all of a sudden falls on me then we both go stumbling. Hands grab at my waist helping me still.

“Watch it.” Zane gets out annoyed apparent in his voice. Rocco rights himself up and goes to Brendan’s care lying on the hood.

“What are these people trying to do exactly?”

“It’s not just my money there out for. They want the company and all the land we own for their own dirty work. Drugs, trafficking, murder, anything, you name it. I’m not going to have them ruin everything my parents built in this town of ours.”

My pulse skyrockets at all the new information coming out all at once, my brain can’t even comprehend. The phone call with my dad, the photos of the boy I found with the carnival, the paper of someone being murdered in the town yet no report ever, the pressure with school, and now this.

It’s all too much to take in I zone out and before I know it where all getting into position as me and Brendan are walking toward the back of the police station. He talked his way with the deputy in the front desk saying he was going to talk with the sheriff.

“If everyone is in your payroll why go through all this trouble?” I ask once we enter a small room filled with stacks of boxes of files in a corner and then file cabinets in every direction, it smells of dust inside hear causing my nose to tingle. There’s a small door to the back label into another small closet for essentials.

“We don’t know who to trust. Now shut up and get looking. We need everything about them. We have about thirty minutes before security comes back. Gunner, can only do his best in distracting.”

“How? He doesn’t even talk.” We start digging into the cabinets looking quickly over and over to make sure we don’t miss a thing.

“He has his ways. Besides he does talk. Just not to annoying stubborn people.”

“Must feel tough not having a friend to talk with you. Seeing how you love to control everyone. If I get caught, I promise I’m going to kill you.” I smile at him.

“Can’t wait and while you’re at it make sure to burn my organs. I don’t know how I’ll feel about being in someone else’s body.” I roll my eyes ignoring him we stay silent looking through files.

Time goes by before I come across Patrick Johnson’s file. “Found Zane’s dad. But there’s not a lot, seems like some of its missing.” I open the file to see only a few papers but not as nearly as the others one in here.

I move on looking for Neo as he searches for his uncle’s. I know it wasn’t part of the plan, but something tells me to look more into him.

“So, how long has your dad been hitting your mom?” Brendan asks abruptly.

My body tenses but I relax immediately noticing he’s watching my every move. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I saw it. The way fear flashed in your eyes when your mother got in the way. Anyone with half a mind would have put two and two together.” I look around in other cabinets for something remotely to what I found in the library besides just Neo.

“It’s none of your business.” I move next to him so we can go quicker deciding to help him find his uncles instead.

“You are my business.” He notes calmy ignoring my glare and sharp tone.

“I hate you. After the dance were going back our separate ways. You’re infuriating to even have as an acquaintance.” A bark of laughter leaves him, and I’m completely dumbfounded by the way he throws his head back and the raspy sound that leaves him has my heart skipping a beat.

My breaths come out heavy as I watch him with vast fixation. My body warms up and this sense of want and need is so strong it scares the shit out of me.

I get a flash of Deja-vu of summer night and all I want to do is dash out of here and be thousands of miles apart from him. Looking down I see Neo’s file and take it, “Let’s go. I’m done here and I’m no...”

I’m pushed into the small closet as Brendan presses himself against me with his hand on my mouth, telling me to shut up and not make a noise. I hear shuffling in the file room we were just in and a few voices coming through.

“I thought I heard someone. Maybe even seen a shadow,” an older voice calls out.

“This is your first time working the night shift. You probably hallucinated it,” a younger voice says.

My eyes widen at the thought we could be caught. It’ll ruin my record and tarnish my list of potential colleges.

“Stay quiet,” he whispers his lips only an inch away from mine, his hand on my waist reminding me of when he devoured me against his car. Desire coats between my thighs and I bite his hand to get him away from me but just growls causing a shiver to race down my spine.

I focus to hear if they’ve left already but I can’t hear good at the sound of breaths mixing together. “Are they gone?” I ask.

I can barely see him with how dark it is, but I can feel him which is just as close. “No. They’re still there.”

“I don’t hear them.” I whisper back.

“Shut up.” He hisses his hand running circles over my exposed skin just below my shirt. I suck in a breath as his hand travels below my waistline and into my shorts above my panties.

I don’t stop him. My every nerve consumed by his touch and wanting him to fill me up with more than just his fingers.

“What are you doing? They can find us.”

His fists grip my hair tightly taking leaving me breathless. “You don’t know how to shut up. Do you?” I don’t answer knowing very well it’s better not to. I can’t help the number of scenarios scorching through my veins as his hand drips more down.

Teasing, his fingers run along my slit over my panties causing me to shiver and relax in his arms. My head tilts back, my eyes closing as I let myself be consumed by him.

His lips hover over my pulse point tracing it with his tongue. “So, fucking sweet. Bet you taste sweeter in this tight pussy.” I bury my nails in his shoulders arching up into his touch.

The darkness and dangerous aspect bring in the pleasure when a small yelp leaves me. His fingers slam into me so fast and unexpectedly I lost my balance tripping over my feet.

Oh god.

I clench around his thick fingers holding onto his wrist, so he won’t move. I feel like I’m on the verge of exploding.

Leaning in Brendan whispers, “Still tight as fuck even after four years.”

That gets my attention snapping me out of my thoughts and into reality. I can’t let this happen again. Not after what he did to me. I’m not the same fool girl four years ago who let this happen. I’m more aware of his tactics now.

My walls build up and I snap at him in defense of my fears, “And yet you’re still the same selfish fucking asshole from four years ago.”

He stiffens before pushing away from me, throwing me an icy glare and making me shift in place as I fix shorts. What? Even after what I let pass with this kiss, I’m not going to make the same mistake I did four years ago. I learned from it, and he can’t play his mind games with me anymore.

Brendan doesn’t say a word and just turns and leaves taking out a file from his back and walking out. I follow him closely looking around if anyone saw us. He never once turns around to acknowledge I’m even here but once we make it outside and walk a few blocks to where the others are waiting impatiently since Gunner had to leave a few minutes early or else they would have caught on.

It’s not until he hops into his car when he turns around and says, “Thanks for your services. I’ll see you in a week for the dance. Have a terrible night.”

With that, he gets in the car and leaves me there. Alone in the alley in the middle of the night with no one around.