Big Boy by Skyler Snow

Day: Saturday

Time:12:08 pm 8:15pm

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs

Lunch: Nothing

Dinner: French onion soup with ham and cheese sandwich.

Snack: Apple slices and peanut butter

"Oh my god!You two are the cutest things I've ever seen," I sat on the floor and was pounced on by both of Samuel's dachshunds. "They're adorable! What are their names?"

"The white one is Salt and the black one is Pepa. And they're both rescues."

I grinned. "What do you know about Salt-N-Pepa? You're younger than me!"

Samuel laughed. "My mom loved their music and I grew up on it. So of course when I saw the two of them together in one litter, I knew I had to take them home."

Salt licked my hand while Pepa nipped at the leg of my sweatpants and started tugging on it. I laughed and scooped him up before I placed him on my lap. His sister joined us and I scratched behind her ear as she panted and made herself comfortable beside her brother.

"Look at that. They like you," Samuel said with a chuckle as he sat his bag beside the front door and turned back to us.

I loved the way he smiled at us so warmly. My heart sped up and I glanced away, too embarrassed to make eye contact. Samuel had learned more about me in a short time than most people my entire life knew. And I loved him for it.

Wait? Is that right? Do I love Samuel?

God, I couldn't be sure but I did know that I was intrigued by the man. He sat on the couch and for a while neither of us said anything, but it was that same old familiar comfortability that I felt the first time we ate at that little cafe. Once more I was reminded that I liked when the two of us were together.

"Alright you two come on," Samuel finally said as he stood up and clapped his hands. "Carter and I need to talk."

They both whined and I hugged them close as I felt bordering on going little. "But they want me!"

Sam chuckled. "I'm sure they do, but for now we need to talk like adults. You can have them back once some agreements are made."

I frowned. "Boo to that shit."


His warning tone made a pleasant tingle spread throughout my body. "Okay," I said before I picked up each dog and snuggled them individually. "I'll see both of you soon!"

Samuel whistled and they followed him out of the room dutifully. Once they were gone, I stood up and dusted myself free of the fur that had accumulated on my clothes with a smile. Worth it. They were cuddly and cute. I’d always loved animals, but I hadn’t taken that step to adopt one yet. I wanted to be sure I was responsible enough and that I could actually care for them. And I hadn’t reached that point yet.

"Alright, where were we?" Sam asked as he walked back into the room. "Right, we were talking about this new thing between us. Where I'm your Daddy."

My cheeks flared. "Yeah about that."

He raised a brow. "Did you change your mind?"

"What! No way in hell!" I cleared my throat and lowered my voice. "Sorry, but uh no I definitely don't want to change my mind about this."

"Alright, then let's sit down and discuss it."

Wow, Samuel was really all business now. I didn't think I'd ever seen him so serious before today except for when we were talking about my little problem. Without protesting I sat down again and he sat beside me. His knee grazed mine and for a moment I forgot how to breathe while I wished he would touch me more.

"Carter? Are you paying attention?"

"Yes! Uh, yes…” I trailed off as I scrunched up my face. “What should I call you?"

"What do you want to call me?" he asked as he picked up a tablet and opened a blank document. "It's whatever you're comfortable with."

"Sammy," I said with a grin.

"That's a strike."

My eyes widened. "Wait, what's the strike for!"

"Acting goofy when we're having a serious conversation. You're lucky it's not two for calling me Sammy as well. I hate that nickname." His eyes narrowed. “And it should be three for that stunt you pulled with Tony.”

My face flushed, but I loved that little peek of possessiveness I glimpsed in him. It made me feel wanted. “Tony was a mistake I won’t repeat.” I gave him a soft smile. "Sorry, I'm just a little nervous." I toyed with my pant leg. "I would like to call you Daddy. Uh, it helps with my brain when I do that. Like knowing you're Daddy means that I can focus more on what you're saying and following any rules you set up will feel more concrete."

Samuel nodded. "That's an acceptable request. Daddy it is. What should I call you?"

I lifted one shoulder and dropped it quickly. "Whatever you'd like. I'm okay with any nickname you want to give me."

He tilted his head. "Are you? Do you trust me that much?"

"Yeah. Ever since we met you've been nothing but honest with me so I trust you. Which, wow, is weird as fuck to say. I never trust anyone."

"But you trust me?" he asked, a small grin tugging at his lips.

"I do." I nodded. "Why I don't know, but you've been here for me even when I've been annoying or an asshole or standoffish as hell."

"And I have every plan to continue to be here for you." Samuel started typing away on his tablet. "So, what do you want in a Daddy?"

"It's been a while since I've thought about it." I leaned back against the couch and tried to relax. "Let me think."

"Take your time."

I glanced at Samuel and felt calmer instantly. He was so relaxed and laid back that I didn't feel pressured at all. I thought about all of the things I'd craved in a Daddy over the years and collected my thoughts before I laid it out for Sam.

"Well, I'd like someone that helps keep me focused and calm. A Daddy that will care about and check up on me even when I start to disappear. One who will respect that I have sides of me that need to come out."

Sam turned around fully to face me. "What sides are those?"

"I mainly mean the side of me I don't talk about. Like the side that needs to play video games and have structure. The, uh, side I guess some people call it being little, but I don't really feel like a little. More like a middle. Do you know what that is?" I asked as I finally glanced up at him again.

He smiled. "Yes, I know all about littles and middles." Sam nodded and typed on his tablet. "Okay, I can work with that. Tell me some goals you'd like to accomplish, your wants, needs, and your limits. By the time we're done, there will be an entire document for us to look after and agree to."

I sighed heavily. "You make me feel so normal."

"You are normal," Samuel said confidently before he glanced away. "And you're special to me."

Alright, I was going to melt into the couch cushions and completely disappear. Sam made me feel like I mattered. Listening to him at the cafe, I had been completely enamored and it was no different now. I had to force myself to focus on his words and answer his questions instead of getting distracted.

Sam tapped his finger against the side of the tablet. "Okay, so we have our rules, our safe words, and our goals. Healthier eating, better food plans, more confidence. And our rules are you'll report to me at least three times a day with what you've been eating and drinking. You'll answer my calls and make sure you follow my instructions when you do. And we'll have mandatory playtime." He smiled at me. "That's the summary. Are you okay with it? Here, look at the tablet."

I took it from him and checked everything over. "Yeah, this all sounds great actually." More than that, it was consoling. I wouldn’t have to do things on my own. "I'm still kind of stunned by this. Are you sure you aren't doing this just to make me feel better? Like some kinda pity party?"

Sam frowned. "You need to stop doubting yourself. Seriously. Look at me." He grabbed my chin. "If I say I want you then I do. Nothing else matters. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," I practically moaned before my cheeks burned. "I'll try. After all of the shit I've been through it'll take a while, but I can get there."

"That's all I need to hear." Samuel's hand lingered on me for a little longer before he finally pulled away. "Well, then I think we're good to go."

"Yeah? Does that mean I get to play with Salt and Pepa again?"

Samuel chuckled. "Yes, you can, but I want to talk to you about one more thing." He laid a hand on my leg and squeezed. "Are you really doing all of this because of your mom?"

I shrugged. "She has a lot to do with it but she doesn't know she does. I mean, she's not a bad person. She's a pain in my ass, but I love her." I rubbed my temples trying to explain more clearly. “My mom wants what’s best for me, but she doesn’t know how to go about it. I complain, but I really do love her.”

"That's completely valid. She still shouldn't make you feel like shit because of how you look."

Samuel wasn't wrong about that. Whenever I wanted to talk to her about it, she brushed it off or I swallowed it down and nothing was ever solved. Neither one of us was good together, but what could be done at this point? I either needed to stand up for myself or she needed to back down. I didn't see either one of those things happening anytime soon.

"Yeah, I know." I finally answered before I checked my phone. "Shoot, I was supposed to log on for StarBattle tonight."

Sam stood up and nodded. "I'll drop you off at your place and then tomorrow we'll talk about this more."

I groaned. "I feel like you're going to want to have a lot of talks."

"Yep!" He grinned. "I love communication."

"Psychopath," I muttered as I stood up and whimpered when he grabbed the back of my neck. "Shit."

"Do you want to take that back, sweet boy?"

My entire body felt like it wanted to drop to the ground as my knees trembled. For someone who was so laid back and sweet, Samuel had a hell of a stern Daddy side. Right away, I relented.

"I take it back, Daddy. S-sorry."

"That's a good boy. Come on, let's say goodbye to Salt and Pepa before we have to go."

"Yes, Daddy. Can I go get them?"

"Go ahead."

I scurried away from him to the door I saw him disappear to before. As soon as I opened it both dogs darted out, barking and circling around my feet excitedly. Samuel let me take my time playing with them before he finally called me so he could drop me off at home. I hated to leave them, all of them, but I had my own place and I wanted to enjoy it until I couldn't anymore. Besides, we had never agreed to have sleepovers.

"I'll text you when I get home," Samuel said as we stood outside of my apartment building's door. "Make sure you answer."

"Of course. I'll be right here."

"Goodnight, Carter."

"Night, Sam."

I watched him get into the car before I let myself into my apartment building. I was pretty sure the reason he needed constant communication was from some kind of abandonment issues. But I didn’t mind putting in the extra effort to keep him calm. Especially since he was offering to help me.

Once I made it up to my place, I set up the video game and then settled in on the couch. I didn't even make it through one round before I heard my text alert. Samuel.

Samuel: Eat something tonight. Want me to log on to StarBattle?

Carter: Is it okay if I just have a snack? I'm still full from dinner with you.

Samuel: Yes, that's fine sweet boy.

Carter: Thank you Daddy! Please log on. Let's play!

I squirmed in my seat suddenly feeling small and vulnerable. Samuel had a way of doing that to me with no problem at all. While he logged on I went and looked around in my fridge for something to eat. I had a lot of fruit. Finally, I decided on an apple and grabbed that and my jar of peanut butter. It was one of my favorite snacks and it was light enough so I wouldn’t feel guilty.

Carter: I'm cutting up my apple. Be right back, Daddy."

Samuel: Good boy. I'll be here.

The smile on my face couldn't be wiped away. Samuel had crawled his way into my brain and left me a hot mess of happy emotions. One little good boy and I was beaming. I quickly finished up preparing my snack before I carried it into the living room with me.

Carter: Snack obtained!

Samuel: Good. Eat up. Hey,  I don't want you staying up too late tonight. Don't forget your bedtime.

I groaned. Bedtime. That was something I wasn't crazy about, but I had agreed to it because Samuel's reasoning was sound. Lately, I hadn't been getting a lot of sleep and it left me exhausted and cranky. Not to mention how unwell it made me feel. My new bedtime was ten on the weekends for the foreseeable future and I wasn't happy about it.

Carter: Do I have to?

Samuel: No. You can choose to be punished.

Shit.I shivered and decided not to do that. Pushing Samuel was only going to get me in trouble so I decided on the path of least resistance tonight.

Would he really know if I didn't go to bed on time?

Nope, he would have no idea. We played a few rounds and I felt really good about our little arrangement until I was done. My phone rang and I answered it surprised to see Samuel.

"What? You video called me?"

"Yes," he said as he walked around his apartment. "Brush your teeth with me and get ready for bed."

My mouth dropped open. "What?"

"You heard what I said. Get ready for bed, sweet boy."

I stomped my foot. "That's not fair!"

Samuel raised an eyebrow at me. "You have exactly three seconds to get in that bathroom and get your teeth brushed. One. Two. Th-"

"I'm going! I'm going!"

My heart raced as I ran for the bathroom and slid across the tiled floor. I quickly sat up the phone and scrambled to find my toothbrush before I wet it and spread toothpaste over the bristles. Samuel chuckled softly and I watched as he did the same and began brushing his teeth.

He's evil.

I hadn't expected that. Once I brushed, flossed, and used mouthwash, Samuel approved me for moving on from the bathroom to my bedroom. As I did every night, I turned on the Tv to cartoons but turned the volume down really low so they only played in the background.

"I need to get ready for bed."

"Go on." Samuel tugged his shirt over his head and nodded. "Carter?"

Man, Samuel’s tattoos were so hot. And the way his locs fell over his shoulder? Fascinating. I realized I was staring but who wouldn't. God, he was all warm brown skin, and hard, rippling muscles. I wanted to drag my fingers over every inch of his body until he demanded I get on my knees for him.


I shook my head. "Yeah, yeah! I'm here." I chuckled awkwardly. "Let me get changed."

Once I propped the phone up on the bed I went to the other side where I would be hidden and stripped out of my clothes. I only slept in a pair of boxers and a t-shirt usually, but I wasn't ready for Sam to see me in my underwear. So, I substituted the boxers for a pair of flannel pajama pants that were nice and soft.

I climbed into bed and slipped underneath the blanket making sure I was nice and comfortable before I glanced at Sam. He was under his blanket as well, his eyes focused on me. I felt my cheeks heat under his unrelenting gaze.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." Sam smiled. "It's nice going to sleep with someone."

"Wait, I have to stay on the whole time?" I groaned. "You're going to hear me snore or something."

"It's fine," Samuel laughed. "I don't mind at all. Do you?"

I wanted to say yes I minded if he saw me snoring and drooling, but I also didn't want to be away from him. Samuel had become a full-fledged Daddy and I already felt so comforted when I was with him. How was that possible?

"No, I don't mind," I said finally before I yawned. "Shit. I was gonna say I wasn't sleepy."

"Good luck with that." Sam chuckled. "Now, close your eyes and go to sleep sweet boy."

"Yes, Daddy. Goodnight."


I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax. Samuel was still there, his presence marked by the sound of him moving around, his breathing, the sound of his dogs. And having their company helped me relax. I let out a long, deep breath and felt every muscle in my body unwind until I was completely at ease.

The sound of snoring made my eyes pop open and I grinned. Samuel was fast asleep, his locs half falling over his face as he dreamed.

God he looks so good. He’s perfect.

And then he snorted. Sam snored long and hard, sounding like a lawnmower. I let out a cackle and quickly quieted myself so I wouldn't wake him up.

I had both the hottest and the cutest Daddy in the world. And while I loved what he was doing for me and why he was doing it, part of me craved so much more. I wanted Sam to be my Daddy in every single sense of the word.

No one else would do.