Big Boy by Skyler Snow

I staredin shock as Samuel dragged me out of the house. My brain was completely shut down. Did that really happen? Sam wrenched open the passenger side door and made sure I was situated before he slammed it. As he rounded the car, I watched him muttering to himself before he slid behind the steering wheel and started it up.

"Uh, Sam?"

"One second, Carter just let me..." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he sucked in a deep breath. "I need a moment."

I nodded and let him have his time to cool down. I had never seen Samuel look so pissed off in my life. I reached over and laid a hand on his thigh, but he stayed tense and upset. Once he took a few more breaths, he put the car into drive and we pulled away from the sidewalk.

"Samuel?" I called softly. When he still looked upset, I tilted my head. "Daddy?"

"Yes, sweet boy?" he answered right away as he turned down a side street and headed for the main road.

"Are you okay?"

Sam's eyes darted over to me. "Am I okay? Are you really asking if I'm okay? Holy damn, Carter, I should be asking you that." He shook his head and I swore I saw steam come from his ears. "I know I shouldn't have reacted that way. Yes, they were being rude, but I lost my shit!" he snapped.

"I saw that," I answered softly.

"How do you put up with it? How?" Sam groaned. "The stuff they were saying was so damn cruel that it pissed me off and it wasn't even directed at me. And the whole time I kept telling myself that it didn't matter how I felt. I should have been worried about you and only you. That's your family and I pulled you away like an asshole."

"Yeah," I said with a nod. "You did."

"Damn it," he growled and slapped his hand on the steering wheel. "I'm sorry, Carter. I shouldn't have let them get to me like that. What the hell was I thinking?" He gripped the wheel tightly. "Do you know how upset I was? Hearing them talk to you like that? And was she serious? Ripping a roll in half for you like you're a toddler? I just- Goddamnit!"

My heart squeezed and my vision grew blurry. Samuel was so upset for me. As he ranted and raved about our hellish evening, I sat back and watched, rubbing his leg as he let out each and every frustrating thing that had happened tonight. And I loved it. The more Sam got it off his chest, the less I felt like I was the crazy one for not wanting to be around my family sometimes. It felt as if I had a reason to want to distance myself from them and now I had a witness that confirmed how I felt when I was home wasn't normal.

I had been trying to suppress my emotions for most of the night while my father and brother joked and my mom poked and prodded at me. Every smile, every laugh, every flick of the wrist was total shit though because the truth was that their words burned. When they opened their mouths, they plunged knives into my back and they didn't even know that they were doing it.

"Wow, I'm still shaking. That was the most idiotic damn thing I've ever seen in my life. I can't even- Carter, are you laughing?"

My shoulders shook as I squeezed his thigh. "Yeah. Yeah, I am." I wiped at my eyes, but I couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled up from my throat. "Fuck, you are the best."

Samuel blinked at me. "What are you talking about? I've been ranting since I dragged you out of your parents’ house. If anything you should think I'm crazy by now and start running for the hills."

I patted his knee. "Why the fuck would I ever do that?"

He shook his head. "You have the dirtiest mouth."

"So did you a moment ago so don't act like you're any better, Daddy." I sighed softly and practically melted into my seat. "You were amazing, you know that? I've never heard anyone get so upset for me the way you did. And I'm glad you pulled me away. I never would have left on my own, so thank you."

Samuel glanced over and frowned. "Are you sure? I would never want to embarrass or hurt you in any way, but I couldn't take what they were saying. Jokes are nice and all but those weren't good jokes. They were just mean."

"Yeah, that's how they are," I said with a nod. "I thought having you there tonight would ease some of the stuff I usually deal with, but apparently they can't help themselves."

"What the hell?" Sam muttered.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I've always been the butt of the joke and while I hate it, there's not much I can do about it either."

Samuel frowned. "Why don't you ever stand up to them?"

I shrugged. "Once upon a time I did. I would tell them I hated it. Or I would yell. Scream. Slam doors. What I learned as a teenager was that it only provoked them more. They would tell me how dramatic I was being and that was the end of that. So I learned to shut up and ignore them."

"No one should have to live like that," Sam sighed and pulled to a stop in the parking lot of a burger joint. "You are kind, funny, giving. And you're perfect the way that you are, Carter. Who gives a damn? I love your stomach, your thighs, all of you. Why can't everyone see that they can look different and still be beautiful the way they are?"

I stared at him as he leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. His skin glowed in the warm overhead glow of a street lamp and I was mesmerized by this man. As cold and distant as I tried to be on the outside, Sam made me weak.

I climbed out of the car and rounded it before I opened his door. He slipped out, confusion on his face, but I didn't give him a chance to react. Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.

"You say the kindest shit to me," I laughed lightly and kept my face pressed against his body as tears started rolling down my cheeks. I didn't want him to see me like this. "Thank you for getting me out of there. You stood up for me and I... I..."

God, what could I even say? I didn't have words. Samuel had shown himself as a true Daddy. Yeah, what we were doing was supposed to be a way to help me with my eating and keep me safe, but I was really starting to crave more than that. He was the type of man I wanted by my side forever. Sam protected me, stood up for me, cared about me.What more could I ask for?

"Are you okay, sweet boy?"

Did Samuel even realize his voice was like a warm hug wrapped  around my heart? I could cling to him forever and let down every last one of my guards. Fuck being coarse or standoffish. Sam made me want to give him my all, to let him see all the broken sides of me. I didn't know if he could fix me. But he made me want to fix myself.


"I'm okay," I managed to get out of my half-closed throat. "Just keep holding me for a little while."

"For as long as you need." He held me tighter and I melted against him. "We can stay like this forever."

Since he said it I wanted to do it. But the longer we stood there, the more I felt the cool air touching my skin and I knew if I was cold, so was Samuel. Finally, I pulled back and placed my hand in his.

"What are we doing here, Daddy?"

"Getting some actual good food and not counting a single damn calorie." He tilted my head up. "Is that okay with you? Tonight, I think we deserve to do whatever the hell we want. Tomorrow is another day."

I chewed my lip. "Is it really okay? Having a burger and fries seems like I'm just going to backslide and have to work it all off tomorrow."

"That's not how it works." Samuel ran a thumb over my cheek. "One night of something greasy and fun isn't the end of the world. Life is full of ups and downs and a cheat day isn't going to ruin everything."

Why was it that Samuel made me feel normal? And I trusted him. I nodded before I glanced at the building. The restaurant smelled good even from where I stood and I was craving a taste of something delicious without the guilt. And with Sam around I wouldn't feel the need to purge because he would keep my head straight.

"Let's get something to eat then. I'm starving."

Samuel smiled at me. "Whatever you want, sweet boy."

As soon asI walked into my place I looked around and sighed. It felt good to be home again. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out before rolling my eyes and shoving it back into my pocket.

"Your mom again?" Samuel asked as he locked the door.

I nodded. "Yeah, she's going to blow me up for a while longer. Like the next few days."

"Sorry," Samuel shook his head. "I feel bad for dragging you out of there like that if it's going to cause issues."

"No, it would have caused more issues if I stayed. Well, up here," I said as I jabbed a finger against my temple. "At least this way I didn't have to deal with that mess for the rest of the night."

"That's true." Samuel closed the space between us and smiled. "Well, it's getting late."

As he said it my heart fluttered. Was he going to leave? No, I didn't want him to go. Not yet. I reached out and held onto his shirt ignoring the voice in my head that told me I was being a desperate idiot.

"Yeah, it is." I cleared my throat. "I guess you have to go."

"No, I can wait until you're ready to go to sleep." Samuel reached out and caressed my cheek. "How about we go pick you out some pajamas and get ready for bed? I know it's been a long day."

I nodded. "Yeah, it has been. But I'm not ready for bed."

Sam checked his phone. "Unfortunately you don't have much of a choice. It's bedtime." He took my hand and led me down the hall to my bedroom. It was one of the only other doors besides the bathroom and linen closet. "Here's your room," he said as he stepped inside and turned on the lights. "It's neater than I thought it would be."

"Well, I don't have a job right now so there's not much more to do than straighten up. I get bored and end up cleaning up my chaos. Sometimes."

"You'll find one eventually." He walked over to the dresser and pulled open a drawer. "What do you want to wear to bed? Or should I pick?"

I smiled at how calmly he spoke about things. Samuel just knew that one day I would be employed and the world would be all right. He had the kind of confidence about me that I wished I possessed. I sat on the edge of the bed and nodded toward him.

"You pick, Daddy." I paused for a moment but pushed onward. "I like it when you make decisions for me. And not just about food."

Sam glanced over his shoulder. "Is that right?" he asked with a grin on his full, impossibly soft looking lips. "Well, I'll admit I like making decisions for you too."

Seriously, could he be a better Daddy? "Pick away." I watched as he shifted through my clothes until he picked some up and brought them over to me. "Oh, I love these."

They were a favorite of mine. Dark blue with a Captain America shield on the shirt and little flags on the pants. I stood up and pulled off my clothes from the day, my eyes averted while I knew Sam watched me. When I glanced up, he was looking away and shifting from foot to foot.

My stomach dropped.

He doesn't want to look at me. Of course not.

"Daddy, you can wait in the living room if you don't want to look at me that badly."

The words came out more clipped than I anticipated. He glanced up and met my gaze and I was taken aback by the look on his face. There was burning lust and desire in his eyes and he took a step forward making me move back on instinct.

"Who said I didn't want to look at you?" He stepped closer to me, but when I tried to move he grabbed the back of my neck and held me still. "Are you making things up in your head?"

I swallowed thickly. "It's the truth. I know how this stuff goes."

"So, you're judging me without even knowing what I'm about? What I like?"

Oh, there was that look again. Samuel had an edge to him that I loved to push against until he showed this side. It was wild and strong and he made my knees feel like they were filled with jello.

"I'm just, uh-"

"Being a hypocrite."

I blinked at him. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, sweet boy." He pushed his fingers into my hair and tugged me close to him. "I said you're being a hypocrite. Do you want people to judge you so callously?"

I frowned. "Well no, but-"

"Then why do it to someone else?"

Okay, so he was right about that. I was treating him the exact way that other people treated me and it wasn't fair. Clearly, I had hurt him and that made my heart clench.

"I'm sorry, Daddy,” I whispered. “I didn’t mean it.”

Samuel beamed at me. "It's okay, sweet boy. I just wanted you to think about it. I know you have issues accepting yourself and that's not something that's going to be healed overnight. But I'm patient. I can wait."

I wanted to throw my arms around him and nuzzle against his chest for the rest of the night. Samuel was a safe space in a constant storm. For the first time in a while, I was able to let go and slip into a mental state where all I wanted was hugs, attention, and reassurance from Daddy.

Stepping back, I took off my clothes while he watched me this time. My stomach tightened and my cock stirred as he didn't take his eyes off of me. The shirt dragged over my arms, my pants slipped against my hips, my boxers peeled down my legs as each new piece of clothing brought me closer and closer to being stark naked in front of the hottest man I had ever known.

What gave me the confidence to keep going? I almost stopped several times and Samuel never moved an inch. He didn't say anything or rush me along. No, he stood there his eyes taking in every inch of my body, a small smirk on his lips until I was completely naked. My face was hot, but I trusted him. I trusted my Daddy.

"There," I said awkwardly as I raised my hands and shrugged. "All...naked."

Sam wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me closer. "You look amazing." He reached out and dragged his fingers down my chest before he laid a hand on my round belly and squeezed. "Perfect. Just like I thought you'd be."

My entire body exploded with heat. That was my most sensitive area. I didn't even allow my exes to see me without a shirt or to touch my stomach. But there was something about the way Samuel spoke that made me want to show him even if I hated every minute and regretted it. But I did love the way his fingers brushed over my belly and how he lovingly gripped it in his palm as if it wasn't gross.

"Sam..." I groaned. "You don't have to-"

"It's Daddy," he said pointedly before he gave my hip a gentle squeeze. "Right?"

I swallowed thickly. "Yes, Daddy."

"Good boy." He stroked a hand over my hip and teased my thigh. "Can Daddy have a kiss?"

My heart did nervous flip-flops. Samuel wanted a kiss? From me? God, I felt like my knees had turned to jelly and I was going to fall. My mouth refused to form words so I simply nodded so hard I nearly gave myself a headache.

Samuel's lips pressed against mine and my breath was snatched away. He wasn't overly aggressive or demanding. No, it started out small, a peck of his lips against mine before it turned deeper, dragging me in. And yet I still wanted all of him. His tongue in my mouth, his fingers wrapped around my throat. I wanted everything that Samuel had to give and more.

His big hands gripped me perfectly and I wrapped my arms around him without thinking. Samuel's clothing rubbed against my body and I whimpered without thinking about it. I finally pulled back, still half panting, and looked up at him.

"Are you going to take your clothes off too?" I asked, my lips still tingling from the kiss. "It feels weird if I'm the only one."

"Is that what you want?" Samuel asked, a grin forming on his lips. "Ask nicely," he said after I nodded.

"Daddy, come on. Take your clothes off too." When he raised a brow, I pouted. "Please?"

"Good boy. Sit on the bed."

I moved over and sat down immediately. Sitting out in the open still felt a little weird, so I snatched up my blanket and slid it over my stomach. Maybe one day I would be comfortable being completely naked around him with the lights still on, but not today. Even though I loved when he touched me I couldn't stop those creeping thoughts from trying to sink into my brain.

Instead of focusing on my insecurities, I focused on Samuel instead. He pulled his shirt over his head and my eyes traced every inch of his chest. Tattoos covered his skin and I wanted to touch and ask about each one, but I was too stuck to move or open my mouth.

My eyes followed his movements as he undid his pants and pushed them down his hips. As they dragged over his thighs his semi-hard cock sprang free and my mouth watered. Fuck. Samuel was unbelievably hot. He grinned at me when he was naked and ran his hand down his cock before he licked his lips.

I think my fucking heart just stopped.

"Stop staring like that," Sam chuckled as he walked up to me.

"Can't," I muttered, my pulse racing. "Pretty sure I'm gonna die."

"You're not going to die. So dramatic." He lifted my chin when he reached me and leaned down to kiss me slowly. His teeth dragged along my bottom lip forcing a moan from my mouth. "Should I help you into your pajamas now?" He breathed. "Or should I take care of this, first?"

I gasped when his fingers brushed over my cock before it was quickly followed by a groan. Daddy knew how to make my brain shut down. I nodded quickly before I reached out and hesitated to touch him.

"Can I touch you, Daddy?"

"You were a good boy, so yes." His fingers pushed into the back of my hair and his grip tightened. "Slowly."

He didn't need to tell me twice. I drew my fingers over his hard, tattooed chest, to his muscle-lined stomach, down the deep v's that led to a curly-haired bush of pubic hair. My fingers traced over it before I slowly touched his cock and it jumped. Goosebumps spread along my skin and I shivered in nervous anticipation.

Samuel sat next to me and his thighs brushed against mine. Seeing our skin pressed up against each other, my thick pale thighs versus his toned brown ones was still surprising. He looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine and yet his nails scraped up my legs and he teased my cock making it come to life. Is this really happening to me?

I had been trying to control myself the whole time because he was only being a good Daddy and wanting to get me dressed for bed, but now that I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him, I didn't care anymore. Samuel made me want to be touched. Squeezed. Loved.

"Open your legs more, sweet boy."

I spread my thighs without a moment of hesitation. "Yes, Daddy," I groaned out when he wrapped a hand around my length and stroked. "I-I haven't had anyone else touch me in so long. I-it's so good."

"Then I’ll keep touching you," he whispered. "Hold still and let Daddy explore your body. I want to find every trigger spot, every zone that makes you melt."

"Fuck," I whispered. "Daddy, you can't say hot things like that. I’ll cum too quickly."

His lips brushed against my ear. "Who says that's not what I want?"

When I tried to protest, he captured my lips and kissed me until I was too high to think about anything but wanting him. He led me up the bed and I handed him a bottle of lube I kept tucked away in the top drawer. I watched as he squeezed some into his palm before he took my erection in hand once more and stroked me.

"Daddy," I moaned, my back arching before I shook my head at the pleasure that was already starting to build. "Let me do you too, please."

He tilted his head. "Hold out your hand."

I did and he squeezed lube into my palm. My excitement grew as I reached down and stroked his length. The moan that left his lips sent a ripple of heat through my belly as I watched him throw his head back. The fact that it was my touch making him react this way was everything I needed right now. He lifted his hips and rolled them as his eyes met mine.

Fuck. I forgot how to breathe.

"Breathe," Samuel laughed and left a lingering kiss on my lips. "Breathe for Daddy."

Oh, that was about as much as I could take. I held back as the pleasure built to a fever pitch only because I didn't want this to be over. We could stay in my bed all night just touching and caressing each other. His long, hard cock in my hand and my shorter, thick cock in his were a perfect combination. I found myself wanting to go so much further while wanting to take my time too. Samuel had my head all messed up.

I pushed into his touch more, a moan on my lips as his grip tightened and sped up. My toes curled and I sucked in a sharp breath. "Daddy," I shook my head. "Fuck, slow down. Please."

"Why? You look like you're about to cum," he chuckled.

"I am!" I protested. "B-but I want to take my time with you. I don't want this to end." I sped up on stroking his length regardless of my words. I could feel how close I was and even though I was fighting it, too much tension had built between us before we ever made it to my bedroom. "I just want to keep going," I whispered breathlessly.

"We will," he said, his voice low and his eyes full of fire. "This isn't the only time if you don't want it to be."

God, no! I couldn't even express how much I didn't want this to be our last time together. There was so much to explore, so much more I wanted to see and do with my Daddy. And make no mistake, he was mine. I couldn't let him go after this. Did he know that? He was the perfect Daddy for me.

Every stroke of our hands on each other's cocks as our eyes explored each other’s bodies was too much to take. And each time our gaze connected, Samuel would smile or lick his lips or lean over and place a soft, hot kiss against my mouth until it felt like I was falling apart.

"Fuck!" I cried out, gripping the inside of my thigh with my free hand as I gave in to the pleasure. "Daddy, I'm-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence as my cock twitched and shot ribbons of cum onto my belly and thighs. My breathing caught in my throat and I panted as my head spun from the overwhelming pleasure that filled my body.

Faltering for a moment, I blinked and went back to jerking off Daddy faster than before, determined to make him feel good too. As I watched he reached over and swiped his fingers through my cum. He lapped at his fingers and I swore I would lose it and cum all over again for him.

"Ah, Carter," he groaned as his hips jutted upward into my wet, sloppy hand. "Yes!"

I thought I'd cum a lot, but watching Samuel was a completely different thing. Daddy's cock pumped magnificent loads out and they splattered him from his chest to his stomach. He continued to hump my palm as the last bits dribbled out and ran down my hand. I wanted to lean down and lick up every drop for him, but I held back, not wanting to go too far and scare him off.

His cock was just in my hand and he came all over it. I don't think I could go too far by licking him clean.

My reasonable side was probably right, but I didn't want to take that chance. Instead, I slowly pulled my hand away and stared at it. When I glanced up, Daddy was watching me eagerly so I brought my palm to my mouth and lapped his juices off.

And that was a mistake.

Fuck, Daddy tasted like a delicious treat that had been picked out and wrapped up just for me. Unlike my fair share of guys that hadn't been all that appetizing, his taste was slightly sweet and intoxicating. I lapped at my hand like his seed was treasured gold. I was irritated that the lube got in the way in some spots and I had to lap around it missing out on some of Daddy’s delicious cum.

"What a sweet, thirsty boy. You needed every drop huh?"

I beamed at him. "Yes, Daddy."

He chuckled. "Good job. Next time, don't cum unless I give you permission." Daddy squeezed my cheeks and I groaned under his touch. "Understood?"

"Yes, Daddy," I panted, still feeling like I was on cloud  nine. "Whatever you want."

"You really are a sweet boy." Samuel kissed me long and slow before he stood up. "Are you okay enough for me to get us something to clean up with? I don't want to leave you like that after you know," he gestured to us, "this. But I am definitely sticky and I don't want to go to sleep like that."

"Oh yeah. There are towels in the bathroom."

Sam smiled. "Okay, hang tight. I'll get us towels and water. And then we're getting you into your pajamas before bed."

My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks burned. "Yes, Daddy."

As soon as he walked out of the room I fell back onto the bed and laughed. Really? How did he keep getting better? Not only was he super hot, but the aftercare? The concern? And...was he staying the night?

I was too fucking nervous to ask, but I really, really wanted him to stay. After this, how was I ever going to go back to being alone?

Day: Sunday

Time: No idea

Breakfast: Nothing

Lunch: Turkey and cheese sandwich, pretzels, carrots

Dinner: Mom’s food. Burgers and fries w/Daddy

Snack: Lots of water and gummy snacks