Big Boy by Skyler Snow

"Hi, Daddy."

My heart clenched. Hearing Carter answer the call like that gave me all kinds of tingles in long untouched places. I worked on cleaning up my beard and put the phone on speaker. Now that I was off of work I was ready to sit down, relax, and enjoy the rest of the evening. But not before I checked on my sweet boy.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"I was putting in some more applications, but I kinda gave up a while ago."

"Why?" I asked as I glanced down at the phone and paused what I was doing. "Is something wrong?"


I frowned. Why did it sound like Carter was lying? I wasn't used to him being so quiet around me.

"Okay," I said slowly. "Did you eat today?"

Carter was quiet again. This time he didn't bother to lie. I reached out and started up a video call. When he finally picked up, he wouldn't look at me.

"Hey, what's the matter, sweet boy?"

He shrugged. "Nothing really." Carter glanced away from me, his teeth worrying his bottom lip.

"Is it just a tough day or are you hiding something?"

Carter lifted and dropped his shoulder once more. "How was work?"

I raised a brow. "Work was work. Nothing special."

"Was Naomi in a better mood today?"

I grinned. "She says she's sorry by the way. Naomi is overprotective of me, that's all."

"Yeah, and she saw I hurt you so she was being bitchy." Carter toyed with something just out of frame. "But it's okay."

"Carter," I said firmly until he glanced at me. "Why didn't you eat today? What's going on?"

"It's a whole thing," he sighed. "I can't stay on the phone forever tonight. My mom's having dinner at her place and I can't get out of it."

The clippers clinked against the sink as I laid them down. "Let me guess, you talked to her earlier and she said something that upset you.”

"You don't have to be right all the time," Carter mumbled.

"That's true, but I’m pretty sure I'm right this time.When is dinner?"

Carter picked up the phone. "There's still a few hours left. I try to go as late as possible so I can get the hell out of there. Why?"

"What did she say?"

Carter sighed. "The same shit as always. Harping on me about losing weight and saying that I should be putting myself out there. Get a boyfriend. She can't stand that I'm single and likes to point out that it's because people can't see the real me when all they see is the outside."

I winced. "Damn."

"Tell me about it," Carter mumbled.

"I'm coming over," I said quickly.

"Why, Daddy?"

"Obviously because you're upset and you need cuddles. I'm also going to make you a quick snack so you're not starving."

"Really, you don't have to." Carter's voice was uncharacteristically small as he sat back and frowned. "I'm going to play video games for a little while."

"No, that's not what we're doing. Remember what I said? You need to rely on me and stop trying to do everything on your own. I'm going to come over, make you a snack, and we're going to talk. Once you're dressed and ready to go to your mom's place then you can resume playing video games. Do I make myself clear?"

Carter pouted, his pink lips jutting out cutely as he nodded. "Yes, Daddy."

"Good boy. I'll be there shortly."

I hung up and hopped into the shower. Once the day's sweat had been washed from my body I dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black button-up shirt. I wasn't sure how dressed up Carter's family got for dinner, but I wanted to make sure he had someone on his arm that he could be proud of. I slipped on a gold watch that I only wore for special occasions and made sure my hair was nice and neat before I snagged my keys and wallet.

"Alright you two keep the house safe," I charged my dogs. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Woof woof!"

Both of their barking bodies wagged, making them shake back and forth quickly. Smiling, I took a moment to reach down and pet them both before I scratched behind their ears. They sat by the door like the good babies they were as I waved and finally locked the door.

When I made it to Carter's, he opened the door and stared at me. His eyes widened before his mouth opened, but no words came out. I smiled and let myself in, closing the door behind me before I turned to face him again.

"What is all this?" Carter finally blurted out.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm ready for dinner."

He leaned forward and sniffed me. "You smell good."

My face grew hot. "Thank you, but it's just my cologne. Can you go and get ready while I make you your snack?"

“And you’re wearing a watch.” He grabbed my wrist and turned it back and forth. “A nice one!”

“Carter.” He was embarrassing the hell outta me. “Are you listening?”

He frowned. "Are you sure this isn't a burden? I don't want you to hate me because I'm too much."

"Sweet boy." I grabbed his chin and he groaned. "If you're not showered and dressed in twenty minutes I'll have to punish you."

"How will you do that?" he asked breathlessly, his pupils blown wide. "Daddy?"

I grinned. "Don't think it will be a fun punishment. I can find plenty of long, boring tasks that don't involve laying a finger on you." When he pouted, I chuckled. "Or you can do as you're told and we can discuss a nice, fun spanking while you lay over my thighs."

Carter shivered. "Gonna go get dressed!"

When he tried to pull away I tightened my grip and he whimpered. "Ask first."

"Uh, can I go get dressed Daddy?"

"Yes, you can. Go ahead. Twenty minutes." I released him and made my way to the kitchen. "I'm starting my timer as soon as I hear the water start!"

"Yes, Daddy!"

Now, there was some urgency in Carter's movements. I heard him retreating down the hall while I went through his fridge. He had enough to make a sandwich and a bag of pretzels. I made him a turkey and cheese on wheat with a small amount of mayo and added crisp lettuce and juicy tomatoes. Once I was done I put aside some pretzels and washed some carrot sticks and put them on the side. I pushed through his cabinet and smiled when I saw a blue tray that looked like it was for a kid. Putting the adult plate in the sink I switched it for the new one and made sure everything was arranged neatly along with a bottle of water at the table.

"Okay, okay, how much time do I have?" Carter asked, panting as he walked back into the living room. He was dressed in a black sweater and a pair of jeans looking comfortable and huggable.

"I forgot to time you," I said with a grin.

Carter glared at me. "Daddy, that wasn't nice!"

"No, but it was pretty funny." I walked around and pulled out a chair for him. "Have a seat and eat."

His eyes widened as he gazed down at the blue and white plate. "All of this is for me? You didn't have to do so much, Daddy. Besides, we're going to my mom's to eat after this, remember?"

"Yes, I know. Try to eat some of it anyway."

"Okay. Thank you, Daddy."

As he sat down to eat I smiled at him. I didn't want to tell him that I gave him extra because from what he'd told me about his dynamic with his mother I wasn't so sure he would even have an appetite while we were there. I hoped he would be able to eat properly and enjoy himself, but from how stressed he was about their relationship I highly doubted that would be the case.

I tidied up while Carter ate and met him back in the dining room when he was done. Carter grabbed his plate, heading for the kitchen before I held up a hand.

"What are you doing?"

"I was going to wash my plate."

Holding out my hands I gestured for him to pass it over. "No, let Daddy do that. You go play your games." I looked him up and down and smiled. Carter looked amazing. I reached out and adjusted his sweater, dusting a bit of lint from the collar before I was satisfied. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask this but I didn't know how before. Why are your clothes always too small? I mean if you like them tight it's fine,” I said quickly.

Carter groaned. "That's my mom's way of trying to get me to slim down. She says if my clothes are too small I'll be motivated to lose weight so I fit into them."

I blinked at him. "That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard."

Carter burst out laughing. "Sam!"

"Well, it is!" I said before I shook my head. "Tomorrow we're going to get you some clothes that fit so you can be comfortable. Jesus, you don't need to suffocate yourself in too small clothes or count every calorie. You don't need to earn food or properly-fitting clothes."

His big, brown eyes watered as he stared at me. "Shit, you have no idea how good it feels to hear those words."

I reached out and wrapped my arms around him. "It's the truth. You are perfect exactly the way you are, sweet boy."

He laid his head on my chest and nuzzled against it. "Do you mean that?"

"Every single word."

We stayed like that for a while, holding onto each other. I didn't rush Carter. Hell, we could stay tangled up in each other all night as long as he felt better in the end. As our bodies pressed together more tightly my cock twitched and I felt Carter jump back.

"Damn it. Sorry," I muttered as I glanced away, my face burning in embarrassment. "Thing has a mind of its own."

Carter tilted his head. "I wasn't complaining. It surprised me, that’s all."

Our eyes met and we both burst out laughing. Any hint of tension was quickly dissolved and we were back to normal just like that. Carter finally sat on the couch and let himself be drawn into his video games while I sat beside him and encouraged his run. As I gazed at him my heart tightened and I smiled.

I want you to be mine forever, sweet boy.

How the hell was I supposed to tell him that I wanted so much more?

I glancedat Carter's fidgeting hands as he toyed with them on his lap. His lips were moving, but he wasn't saying anything. Whatever conversation he was having had to be happening completely in his head. I frowned and reached over before I took his hand in mine and squeezed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Carter, we need to discuss the way you lie," I said sternly. "I can't help you if you won't communicate with me."

He blew out a breath. "Sorry, Daddy." Carter leaned on my arm. "It's so hard putting any of the pressure I feel on you. You're helping me with my eating and food and making sure I'm okay in those areas. I don't want you to take on more."

"I want to," I said with a sure nod. "Trust me, if I didn't then I wouldn't." I ran my thumb over the back of his hand. "So, let's try again. Are you okay?"

"Fuck no." He groaned and slumped down in his seat a little. "The closer I get the more I can hear her telling me what a fuck up I am and it's making my skin crawl."

"Why go at all?" I asked quietly.

Carter shrugged. "They're my family and I love them. Yeah, they get on my last nerve, but I do still love and want to be around them. I just don't want the drama that comes with it."

I nodded. "No, I completely understand."

"You do?"

"Oh yes." I chuckled lightly. "Our mothers sound very similar. And while I care about her and how she is, it can be overwhelming.”

"Why are they like that?" Carter asked. "It's not like we're going to suddenly change because we keep getting lectured."

"Tell me about it." I gave his hand another firm squeeze. "But we're going to take slow, deep breaths together and when we're done you'll feel a lot calmer. Ready?"

Carter nodded and we did just that. By the time we pulled up to the house, there was still slight tension in his muscles, but he had calmed considerably. I stopped him as he started to get out and pulled him back toward me.

"If you want to leave, tell me. Okay?"

"Yeah? And we can go?"

"We can do whatever the hell we want."

"Seriously, you're fucking awesome." Carter leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, Daddy. Come on, let's go in."

I sat in the car blinking as my cheek burned. My fingers brushed over the spot he'd left his kiss and I wanted to drag him back into the car and kiss him until he was a puddle. Too bad we had to go to this dinner.

The trudge up to the porch was silent before Carter pressed the doorbell and waited. It wasn't long before the heavy oak door swung open and a small woman beamed up at Carter.

"There you are! I thought you weren't going to show up." She hugged him before she stepped back and her eyes landed on me before they widened. "And who is this?"

"Mom, this is Sam. He's my uh..."

I stuck out a hand. "His boyfriend. What should I call you?"

"Allison is just fine. Why don't you two come on in?" She shook my hand and continued to stare until Carter cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm shocked! Carter hasn't mentioned anything about a boyfriend."

"Things are still pretty new," Carter mumbled as we stepped inside.

"You still could have told me. I would have set another place at the table." She tutted before she cupped one side of her mouth. "Davey! Set another place at the table."

"Kay, Mom!"

I glanced around as she and Carter made small talk. We were led down a hallway and into a dining room area that was decorated with a cream table cloth and place settings. There were candles in the middle and the light from the chandelier above our heads was turned down low.

To me, it felt like a place that was supposed to look fancy but was wearing a mask. Like a cheap piece of jewelry decked out in sparkling plastic diamonds. Carter elbowed me and I forced myself to pay attention to what was being said.

"This is my Dad, Max. And that's Davey." Carter mumbled the words and stayed glued to my side. "This is my boyfriend, Samuel."

"Ow wow, you're a huge guy," Max stood up and shook my hand, a big grin on his lips. He looked like a tall, skinny version of Carter with graying hair and a scruffy black and white beard. "It's good to see Carter's dating again!"

Again? I wondered how many people Carter had brought home before me? When was the last time he'd had a date? Our eyes met and he nudged me once more as if he could detect my jealousy a mile away.

"Don't start," he muttered.

I chuckled under my breath. Carter could read me like a book. I didn't think I'd keep getting jealous over him, but damn I wanted the man all to myself. Was that so wrong? He was the perfect boy, the one that I craved and whenever I thought about anyone else being with him it turned me green with jealousy.

"You're really dating Carter?" Davey, Carter's brother, grinned at me. "I wasn't expecting that. You're kinda..."

I tilted my head. "Kinda what?"

"Out of his league."

They all chuckled, but I was struck by the response. How was that funny? Carter pulled my hand and shook his head lightly as if to tell me not to say anything. It took every ounce of restraint I had not to. Why would anyone think that was an appropriate response?

"We're only teasing," Allison said as she brought out a pitcher of water and set it on the table. "We're very happy that Carter has someone."

"Of course he does. Carter's a great guy," I said as I pulled out his chair for him. "Here you go, sw...Sweetheart."

Damn it. I had almost called Carter sweet boy in front of his family. He smiled at me and patted my hand before he sat down. Heat had splashed his cheeks making them red right along with his neck. I sat beside him and Carter pushed his hand into mine. I curled my fingers around his and he sighed softly.

"Oh, Carter, could you help me bring the rest of the dishes out?" Allison asked.

"I can do that." I stood up before Carter could and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever you need."

"Well, aren't you helpful? Sure, come with me."

I followed her into the kitchen and threw a glance over my shoulder. Carter mouthed a silent 'thank you' and I was glad I'd made the decision to step in. He clearly didn't want to be alone with her right now.

"Okay we're taking that bowl and that container," she pointed them out. "All I need to grab are the condiments and I think we're good to go. Oh, can you stir those potatoes first?"

"Sure thing." I picked up a wooden spoon and started stirring. "Thanks for having me over."

"It's no trouble at all. Trust me, we're happy to have you. Carter's been on his own for so long and I get worried about him." She took out some rolls and popped them onto a plate. "I keep telling him that he needs to put forth some effort but he's stubborn. He has a great personality, but looks do count for something you know?"

I bristled. "There's nothing wrong with the way that he looks."

Allison chuckled. "Well he does take after his father in the looks department, but you can't deny that people take everything into consideration when they date. Height, style, weight. It's all a factor."

"Maybe some people do, but I don't."

She laughed and patted me on the arm. "No offense, but I have to call bullshit on that. As much as my husband loves me I know he appreciates that I work out and keep fit. There's no shame in wanting to better yourself." She flicked a wrist toward my body. "I mean look at you!"

I gritted my teeth to keep from saying anything too over the line. "My body looks like this because it's what I want, not because anyone was pressuring me into it. And I'm okay with it. There's nothing wrong with other body types."

"Well of course not dear," she said with a shake of her auburn hair. "I'm only saying that looks do matter despite what this world tries to feed people about body positivity. There's a difference between body shaming and being honest."

I opened my mouth and promptly shut it once more. Was this woman goddamn delusional? She didn't realize what she was saying or she did and was truly ignorant. My heart ached for Carter having to grow up in this environment and it was starting to make sense more than ever why he had body image issues. And why he couldn’t talk to his mother.

"Did you need me to grab anything else?" I asked as I scooped up the platters trying not to let my temper get the best of me.

"Nope! You can go ahead and I'll be right there."

I left without saying another word because if I said more it was going to get nasty. Usually, patience was my strong suit, but right now I felt like I was going to burst. Davey, who looked a lot like Carter with his short beard and bright brown eyes, was laughing along with his dad and Carter. They looked like they were having a good time and I relaxed a little as I set everything on the table.

"It's not that big of a deal," Carter said and shook his head. "You two are being stupid."

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing," Carter said quickly.

Davey waved a hand. "Carter's shirt just rolled up twice." He grinned and snatched up a roll. "I don't know why you let Mom talk you into buying your clothes smaller than they should be."

"You know how she is."

Max nodded. "Yeah, she can be a lot, but that doesn't mean she's wrong. You can't tell me you haven't lost a little weight lately. That's because you've been going to the gym and taking care of yourself."

"Yeah." Carter smiled, but his eyes held pain. "I'm taking really good care of myself."

Damn, how did Carter put up with this? It wasn't my family and I knew my place was to keep my mouth shut, but I was seething beneath the surface. I wanted to correct them. Carter wasn't losing weight because he was taking care of himself. No, he was starving himself and sick. He needed help, not compliments about his changing body which was none of their business in the first damn place.

"You can all help yourselves," Allison said as she joined us at the table. "Dig in before the roast gets cold."

I started putting food onto my plate, unsure of how much I would even be able to eat. My stomach was churning and I felt sick, but I would keep up appearances. For Carter.

"I haven't seen you in so long, Carter. I was starting to think you were avoiding us," Allison teased as she stood up and grabbed his plate. "But I know you've been busy with work and everything."

"Yeah," Carter said, "you know how work can be."

"Trust me, I do." She tore a roll in half and plopped it onto his plate before she sat it in front of him. "Here you go, honey."

I stared in amazement as she sat down and continued to ramble on about her job. On the plate, there was a portion of food that was so small a child would complain. Carter stared at it for a minute and his fist tightened on the table. I expected him to explode, but instead, he picked up his fork and started eating slowly. I could just see him counting each calorie in his head and my heart shattered for him.

"Food is really good, Mom," Davey piped up as he put more on his plate. "Thanks for cooking."

"Yes, thank you." Carter's dad smiled at her. "You're great at it."

"Aww thank you both. What about you, Carter? Samuel? Do you guys like it?"

I nodded even though it was bland. "It tastes good."

"Amazing as always, Mom," Carter piped up, his voice holding a bit of weariness in it. "Can I have some more, please?"

I smiled at him. Had Carter just asked for more food? I reached over underneath the table and squeezed his thigh. I was so damn proud of him for trying to get over his relapse even with all of the ugliness that was being said around him.

What would he like as a reward? I need to think of something just for him.

Allison's face fell. "I don't think that's such a good idea, Carter."

"Mom," he started.

She waved her fork dismissively. "Don't mom me, I'm only being honest. You're in your thirties and still wildly overweight. What do you think that leads to? Heart disease, diabetes, chronic illness!" She shook her head vehemently. "That's more than enough."

"Mom, I was only asking for a little bit more. Why do you-"

"Look out for you?" she cut off.

"She's just worried," Max cut in when Carter started looking upset. "We're all concerned. Of course, we love you, and we want the best for you too."

"Yeah," Carter said as he pushed his plate away and looked down at the table. "It's okay."

"Oh don't throw a tantrum," Allison tutted. "You know I do it for your own good.

Did he know that? Every time they opened their mouths tonight it was to remind Carter that he was fat, that he was old, that he had been perpetually single. All he had was critique after critique dropped onto his shoulders while he sat there and took it silently.

My boy didn't fucking deserve that.

I stood up abruptly and all eyes focused on me. But I didn't give a damn. I held out a hand to Carter and he took it without hesitating. When I pulled him to his feet he stood without resistance, his hand clinging to mine tightly.

"We're going," I said as I glanced around the table. "And all of you should be ashamed of yourselves.” I turned to Carter. “Let's go. Now."

I turned on my heels and didn't wait to hear anything from anyone. They were Carter's family, but they had no right to treat him as if he was lesser than. No, my sweet boy deserved the whole damn world.

And they could continue sitting there in stunned silence. Let them figure out what the hell they had done wrong.

I was getting Carter far away from this dysfunctional home.