Big Boy by Skyler Snow

Every dreamthat I had featured Carter. I would open my eyes, peek at his still sleeping shape beside me in the dark, and go right back to sleep with a smile on my face. The rest of the night went like that with me peering at him before passing out. But each time I woke up there he was, pressed up against my body as close as he could possibly get. Obviously, he liked cuddling and I couldn't complain about that. I loved it too.

When I finally woke up for good the sun was out and I was hit with the realization that I had actually slept over at someone's place. At Carter's. A smile tugged at my lips and I stared up at the ceiling for a while before I slowly glanced over to the left where Carter had slept all night. The spot was empty.

I shot up and glanced around the bedroom. Carter's pajamas had been tossed on the floor so he had clearly changed. That early morning confusion quickly wore off and I smelled smoke. I hopped out of the bed and walked through the apartment until I found Carter in the kitchen fanning the smoke alarm as it started to scream.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Cooking, duh," Carter said as he laughed and continued waving until the smoke alarm went quiet again. "See? It's all good."

I laughed when the alarm immediately started sounding again and took the cloth from him. "Let Daddy handle this."

Carter's cheeks flushed. "Yes, Daddy. I'll take care of the kitchen."

He disappeared around the corner and I heard pots clanging around. I smiled and shook my head. He was cute. Most people might not understand how someone so bearded and masculine might be cute, but he had the softest side to him. I adored that about Carter.

Once the alarm went quiet I joined Carter in the kitchen where he was scratching his head. I picked up a pan that was lying in the sink and raised a brow. "Do I want to know what this was supposed to be?"

"Eggs," Carter said with an embarrassed chuckle. "I thought I could make an omelet, but I don't know what happened."

I pulled him close to me by his waist, my hand sliding against the soft fabric of his t-shirt. Carter inhaled sharply and I wanted to chuckle. I gave his waist a tight squeeze.

"How about you let Daddy cook and go clean up your room? It looks like a tornado hit it. I would have done it myself, but I heard the smoke alarm."

"It's okay!" Carter said quickly. "I don't mind cleaning up for you."

"For me?" I asked.

"For Daddy," Carter said more quietly, glancing away as he did.

Warmth spread throughout my body. I reached out and pressed my lips against his. His little moan sent tingles racing down my spine. The last thing I was thinking about was food. If anything I wanted to pull him into the bedroom for round two, but I refrained. After all, Carter was cooking. He was trying to eat. And his health, both mental and physical, was more important than my dick.

"Go on and clean up," I whispered as I pulled back slightly. "By the time you're done, I'll have breakfast cooked for us."

"Don't you have work?"

"Yes, but I don't have to go in until ten so we have plenty of time. Go on."

"Yes, Daddy."

Carter walked away and my eyes stayed trained on him as he went. Being demisexual it took me a while before a bond formed and sex was on my brain. But once that bond was there? Damn, it was hard not to stare at him every minute of the day. Carter had always been a handsome man in my eyes, but now he was downright gorgeous and I was obsessed. I wanted to follow after him, climb into bed, and fuck the day away.

I shook myself awake and focused on getting breakfast tackled. Once I cleaned up a little, I grabbed some eggs and cracked them into a bowl before I found some vegetables and added them to the mix. Mushrooms, onions, ham lunch meat, cheddar cheese, and some spinach. The food started to cook and I moved on to slice up some fresh fruit. Oranges, apples, and some grapes that I cleaned and dumped into a bowl.

"Why does it smell so good in here?" Carter moaned. "Why can't I make food like this?"

"A little bit of patience and you'll be cooking circles around me in no time." I picked out one of the character plates in his cabinet and carefully laid out his food in each of the little compartments. "Can you grab the pitcher of water from the fridge, sweet boy?"

"Yes, Daddy!" He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as I patted his hands softly. "Thanks for cooking breakfast."

"It's not a problem at all. Actually, I enjoy cooking and making healthy meals. Learning to enjoy food is one way I developed a healthy attitude to it."

Carter nodded as he sat the pitcher on the table and I laid our plates down. "That's a good way of thinking about it. I hope I get there one day."

"You will," I said without hesitation. "I know things are rough right now, but eventually you'll get there. Don't think too much about it right now."

Carter sighed. "Why do you always make me feel so much better?"

His words made my heart warm. It was never my intention to say the right things or put on a performance. And I hoped Carter realized that. Every word that left my lips was sincere. I said what I did because I believed it and I believed in him. Carter would get where he needed to go, he'd find the job he was meant to have, and he was perfect exactly the way he was.

"This looks amazing!" Carter sat down and picked up his fork. "Thank you, Daddy. You know if you cook like this for me all of the time how could I resist eating it?"

I grinned. "What a compliment." I took a seat across from him and poured both of us glasses of cold water. "If you want me to keep making these things for you then I happily will. When you enjoy my food I don't know, I feel like I've accomplished something for the day."

"You accomplish a lot," Carter said, his cheeks red as he popped a plump, juicy grape into his mouth. The juice rolled down his lip and I stared at it.

"I've got it," I said as he went to wipe it off. I swiped a napkin over his mouth and chin and the soft smile that he gave me made my heart skip a beat. "There you are," I said as I pulled the napkin away."

"Thank you."

My hand lingered in the air and I slowly pulled it back and cleared my throat. Carter made me want to press my lips against his and taste him again and again. It was hard to stop myself from going down that road because if I started, something told me I wouldn't stop and we would end up right back in bed together.

"What are you going to do while I'm at work?" I asked, trying to distract myself.

Carter shrugged. "I dunno," he said, his voice soft and childlike, "maybe look for jobs some more? Although I don't know what's the point."

"No," I said firmly. "Listen here, if you're down on yourself like that I'll have to punish you."

"What? Am I going to get a spanking?"

I raised a brow. "Is that what you need to learn to behave? That can be arranged."

Carter's cheeks flushed. "I-I uh..."

I chuckled. "What? You weren't expecting me to match your energy?"

"No, Daddy," he whispered. "Ah shit." He laid his head on the table. "Now my face burns."

Laughter echoed from my throat and I shook my head at him. "You're the one that started it, you know." I went back to eating, chuckling as Carter lifted his head and began to eat again. "Once I'm done let's shower together and then I have to go."

Carter's face fell. "Oh. Okay."

"Don't be sad," I reached across the table and laid a hand on his before giving it a squeeze. "I'll be back before you know it and we can do whatever you want."

"Promise?" he whispered.

"Promise." I lifted his hand and leaned forward leaving a kiss on his warm knuckles. "I have to go to work first though."

"Okay," Carter said, a pout still on his lips. "But I'm not happy about it."

I laughed. "Well, I'm sorry you're not happy about it, but I'll make it up to you."

We finished our food before I picked up our plates and carried them into the kitchen. Carter helped, popping things into the sink and standing nearby, watching me.

"Why don't you wipe down the table?" I said as I handed him the sponge. "And then go turn on the shower. Can you do that sweet boy?"

Carter lit up. "Yes, Daddy!"

I watched him carry out his chores happily and wondered how anyone could do anything but love him. Carter felt like he belonged right next to me, his small side doing his chores before we spent the rest of the day cuddling together. He was too sweet for the world around him.

"Shower's ready, Daddy!" e called.


I dried off the counters and laid the towel down before I went off in search of Carter. He stood in the bathroom, staring at the shower stall.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to keep reminding myself that you won't laugh at me when my clothes come off," he mumbled. "How long is that going to last?"

"Nothing goes away overnight." I turned him around and pulled Carter into my arms. "But you're right I would never laugh at you. And you're safe with me. Okay?"

"Yes, Daddy."

I stroked a finger down his side before I gripped the bottom of his shirt. "Ready?"

Carter nodded slowly. "Yes, I'm ready Daddy."

I pulled his shirt over his head and he sucked in a sharp breath. The shirt was tossed to the side and I took down his pants next until he stood in the bathroom naked. He crossed an arm around his stomach and rubbed a hand up and down his left arm.

"You're so cute when you get shy," I said as I reached out and laid a hand on his cheek. “Don’t hide from me.”

Carter's face turned a deeper shade of red. "Only you think that I’m cute."

Did anyone else's opinion matter but mine? I wanted to say those words so badly, but I realized how possessive I sounded. I wanted to be Carter's everything, but only when he was ready for that.

One shower later and I kissed Carter’s cheek at the door and sped home. My pups had been walked and were happy to see me, but I barely had twenty minutes to get changed and get to the gym. By the time I arrived, I jogged through the doors out of breath but smiling.

"You were almost late," Naomi pointed out as she looked at me, her brow sky-high. "Everything okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, everything's fine. Can you log me in?"

"On it." Naomi's fingers flew over the keys while I snatched up water and chugged it down. "So uh, what's with the sweating and panting?"

"I was at Carter's place all night," I said truthfully.

Naomi's jaw dropped. "What! You and Carter?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "It's no big deal."

"It is! You don't normally get so attached to someone this quickly. There must be something special about him."

"Everything," I said without even having to think about it. "Everything about Carter is special to me."

"Awww." She smiled. "Well, I guess I have to be nice to him again. But if he gets you all sad one more time I might have to fight him."

"My own personal attack dog," I teased before we both laughed. "But I appreciate you looking out for me, Naomi. I really do. You're a good friend."

"One of the best," she beamed. "Now, stop thinking about your future boyfriend and get your ass moving. A client is waiting for you in the gym."

I raised my hand. "On it!"

Naomi's chuckle followed me as I walked into the gym and spotted a woman in leopard print workout clothes. Yep, that was my client. As I jogged over to greet her, she talked my ear off and I nodded at every word.

But my mind was occupied with Carter.