Until Love by May Gordon


It feels like months since I've seen my girls, which is why I arrived early, hoping to see them before school started. Over the weekend, I’d been tempted to go to their place, but didn’t want to look like a stalker. I don’t think they would’ve minded. However, because of the plate incident, I felt giving them some time to themselves was the better option. Instead, I kept myself busy by finishing the exterior of my house.

Now as I work, having gotten here before everyone else, I find it hard to concentrate. And entirely give up even trying when I see Posie enter the other side of the playground. Princess does, too, and gives an excited bark as he prances around. “Let’s go say hi,” I urge him as I rub his head. She hasn’t seen us yet, so this should be a good surprise. Getting closer, I lose her when she turns around a corner. I follow and I find her cornered by two older boys, one of them holding my dog tags in his grubby hands.

"These are ugly, just like you. They’re old and dirty," Shithead number two declares. Yea kid because they survived through countless wars. I’m already fuming in my head.

"They're special!" Posie argues as they’re ripped from her neck. "Give them back!" She reaches for them, only to be shoved down. When she cries, anger rushes through me hot and fast and I race toward them. I grip the back of both their collars and yank, sending them both to the ground landing on their asses in a thud.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, you little shits?" I growl as I stand in front of Posie while she gets up. Princess starts barking like crazy at the boys. "Give them to me." With shaky hands, he lifts them and I snatch them from him with a warning, "Get the fuck out of here or I'll kick your ass." They jump up and take off. “You touch Posie again and there’ll be trouble.” I yell after them. Hopefully, they learned their lesson. Turning to Posie, I gently wipe her tears that spilled from her eyes. I refasten the chain, and place it back around her neck.

"Thank you, Robbie," she hiccups, making my heartbreak.

"Don't let those jerks get to you. I’m guessing the ugly one was Kyle?”

She nods, but still manages to smile. "What should I do?" she sounds helpless; and I hate it. My Posie is not weak.

"Punch them in the face," I explain with a wink. “Don’t show fear, they will wither to your strength you have inside you.” I point to her heart making her look down, then I playfully flick her in the nose making her laugh.

"Excuse me. Can I please speak with you?" It’s a teacher and she does not look happy.

Fucking great. This can't be good.

“I’ll see you later.” I smile at Posie not letting on the trouble I’m probably in.

She smiles and waves before running off. That alone makes whatever comes next worth it. Twenty minutes later, I’m still receiving a lecture from the principal about appropriate behavior while on school grounds, and the no pets rule. I may have played the Mayson card, which I’m sure is why I wasn’t kicked off the property nor escorted to the police station. Their family is held in high esteem here, even more so as December is a member of their staff.

"Principal Connors, you wanted to see me?" I pivot at the sound of her voice from the now open door, needing to see her. How did she and Posie become so important to me in such a short time? And how the hell did she get more beautiful over the weekend?

"Rose,” he greets her. “I wanted to discuss this morning’s incident." Stepping inside, she sends me a curious look as she pets Princess head. Of course, the principal had an issue with her, too. Calming that he’s to uncivilized, how the hell is a dog even civilized. He proceeds to give her a rundown of what transpired, making me come off like a monster that eats children and their dreams. Not once has he allowed me to speak to defend myself.

But I’m done with that when he launches in to yet another rant about the rules. “The little shits deserved that and more.” I bark out without sympathy.

"Mr. Kent!"

"You think I'll let some twelve- year-old bastards get away with picking on my kid? Nobody messes with Posie." I shout without even thinking. The words just spill out on instinct. In my peripheral vision I catch Rose trying to suppress a smile. The principal opens his mouth, no doubt to refute my statement, but Rose steps in. Thank god.

"I’m sure Robert understands it could’ve been handled differently," she says, bringing the conversation to a smooth end.

I’m about to deny her words when she grabs my hand, calls Princess, and pulls me from the office leaving the principal in shock. Rose clearly has a destination in mind and it ends up being a storage space. Shoving me inside, leaving Princess to guard the door, I brace myself for her anger or another lecture, but what I get instead is a passionate kiss. Surprising, yet welcoming I yank her closer, I wrap my arms around her and give her ass a squeeze. I swallow her moan of pleasure, damn near about to lose control and fuck her right here, though I force myself to resist. Seems like that’s all I’ve been doing, resisting her. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold out. Everything about this woman is like she was made to be mine. From the touch of her lips, to her soft fingers tracing over my scarred skin. She’s perfection, and all mine.

When we separate, both panting from lack of oxygen, she rests her head on my chest and looks up at me with glazed eyes. "Posie told me what happened and wanted me to come to save you." Then she rises to her tiptoes and brushes her lips with mine. "Thank you. Aside from me, no one else has ever done anything like that for her."

My heart warms at the fact that little girl wanted her mom to rescue me. She protected me as I did her, just like we were teammates. "No one messes with my Posie." I reach up and brush some loose hair away from her face.

"I missed you," she confesses, making me happy that it wasn’t just me. I knew this wasn’t one sided but my level of obsession defiantly out shadows hers.

"Well, since you helped save my job, now you can see me from your window for a while."

"Some eye candy, huh?"

"I better be the only piece." Before I can show her why, a knock interrupts us.

"Guys,” December whisper shouts. “This is a school with impressionable children for gods sake. Plus, your dog is just sitting out here, so we all know you’re inside." Rose and I burst out laughing as we once more make ourselves presentable before stepping out. December is grinning, a direct contrast to her warning, as she tells us, “Grow up.”

"We do need to get back to work,” Rose mutters as she gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Try not to terrorize too many kids today." Then she tells Princess bye and I watch as she walks away, letting me know she’ll see me later.

I'm falling hard and fast for this woman, which I didn’t think was possible since I’d already hit rock bottom in my life. Looks like there is only going up from here.