Until Love by May Gordon


"So, Posie just disappeared from the field trip?” Kim asks as she pushes Nash in his stroller while we walk through town. “For how long?"

"The teacher isn’t even sure. The kids were planting stuff and picking veggies. You know how Posie is," I say with a sigh, making Kim laugh.

"Oh, yeah. She's a chatterbox whenever I do her hair. Begs me for pink highlights every time."

I roll my eyes, muttering, "She's too young." My refusal to let her is just another thing she's upset with me about. This time, though, I gave her a pretty good lecture on why she can’t do it, and punished her by putting her to work with Alice at the bakery. Some may think I’m overreacting, but she can’t run off like that on her own, especially not with our situation. The reminder of that strange man at the school pops in my head, and while I try not to let paranoia control me, it’s hard not to. With everything she’s been through, I just want her to be safe.

"I do have vegan dyes for kids," Kim informs me, interrupting my thoughts. I let her know I’ll think about it for when she isn’t causing mischief, which we both know won’t happen any time soon. After hitting a few stores, we part ways, but not before she invites us to swim at the lake near her house. Being a Saturday, and quite hot, some cold water might be just the ticket.

Realizing I forgot a few things, I make a quick stop at the drugstore. Standing in the middle of the toothpaste aisle, I feel eyes watching me. I look up, and to my shock a man is openly gaping at me. Maybe he’s a local and i’ve met him before? I can’t be sure but he gives me the creeps regardless. As he walks toward me, I mentally plead for him to leave me alone.

"Hey." His voice is slimy, just like him.

"Hello," I respond, trying to sound natural. Grabbing the kind I want, I turn to leave, except his hands clamps down on my wrist, gripping it tight as fear chokes me. Does he work for my brother? I’m jumping to conclusions again. I'm just about to scream when I'm pulled against a hard-warm hard chest.

"Hey, beautiful. Did you get what you needed? " At the sound of the other man, I calm, recognition hitting me. Shifting my face to his, he suddenly drops a passionate kiss on me, the burn of his lips causing my blood to pump faster, hotter. I barley have time to kiss him back as it ends way too soon for my liking. Afterward, he glances at the stranger and asks, "What the fuck do you want?" My handsome stranger’s voice is hard, lethal almost. But it doesn’t scare me, in fact I feel protected by it. The jerk walks off without a word, causing me to sigh in relief.

"Thank you," I tell him through lips that are still tingling. I get a good look at him, and just like before my tummy flutters at the sight. What is with him, or me for that matter. Why does he affect me so much.

"Looks like I saved you again," he says with a smile. He's in jeans, boots, a T-shirt, and a ball cap that’s seen better days. From the smudge on his face and the dirt on his tee, I’m guessing he works outside.

"I believe you ran me off the road before you saved me," I respond, putting air quotes around the last part. His grin is breathtaking, making me want to tease him more. "You go around kissing strangers often?"

"Only the beautiful ones I can't stop thinking about." This man is too much, pulling so many emotions from me, yet I can’t resist asking his name. My phone rings before I can, the screen showing me it’s bakery. Probably Posie calling to see where I am. Regrettably, I know I need to leave, but I’m reluctant to do so.

"Boyfriend?" He growls, once again sounding lethal. I hide my smile, and try to cover up the flush he caused me. I shake my head, letting him know I don’t have one just as his own cell requests his attention, causing his face to fall.

"I'll see you around," I tell him, then take off. If I don’t, I’d stay there for hours talking to him, wanting him to touch me, kiss me again. No. I shake my head. Why can’t my heart ease around the man? I’m about half way down the street when I stop, I didn’t even get his name. Again. Now how can I find him. I suddenly feel depress, and a dark cloud hangs over me. When I reach the bakery, I see Posie waiting outside.

"Finally," she declares, rolling her eyes like a teenager. I ask if she did all the chores Alice gave her, to which she says she did, then holds up a bag. "She gave me some cookies for us to share as well." That’s more like a reward, not the punishment I was going for.

However, I’m just as bad of a softie when I let her know about Kim’s offer. I’ve got my answer when her face lights up, and we make a quick trip home to gather what we need. The area where they live is nice, surrounded by trees with a trail nearby, the lake looks so inviting especially on a hot day like today.

I set up our blanket near the edge of the water and blow up one of Posie’s floaties. Of course, she goes running in the second I’m done with it. She's a great swimmer, thanks to the lessons I made sure she took when she was younger. My brother thought it was ridiculous, but she was never his priority. Hell, I don't think he spent more than two hours with her since he dropped her off with me. And those are just two of the many reasons why I did what I did and I’ll continue to do everything in my power to protect her.

I watch as Posie splashes and plays, her squeals of delight warming my heart. When I hear some rustling in the bushes behind me, and I look over my shoulder, expecting Kim or Sage. Instead, I see a cute black dog poking his head out, so I cautiously walk toward him. He seems skittish at first, but I crouch, my voice soothing as I speak to him. When I’ve won him over, he comes closer, allowing me to pet him, and that’s when I see a new pink collar and tag with the name Princess on it. Which is funny as it’s clearly a boy. Sadly, it doesn’t seem as if he’s being taken care of properly. "Who do you belong to?" I give Princess a scratch to which he lets out a happy bark, and I stand to head back to my blanket, hoping he’ll follow me. I want to find his owner and give them a piece of my mind about their treatment of him.

I’m just in time to see a man jump into the water where Posie went under playing. My heart races as I run forward, going in up to my knees when he resurfaces, a squirming Posie in his arms. Without thinking it through, I scream at him to let go of my daughter, then start hitting him, fear that we’ve been found by one of my brother’s goons fueling me.

"Mommy, stop!" Posie yells at the same time the guy grunts for me to quit hitting him. I’ve been throwing punches and slapping like a crazy person.

"Help! He's kidnapping her." We’re back at the shore, and when he growls that he was trying to save her, his voice hits me, then I see his face as recognition comes. His eyes widen as he realizes it’s me, then skim my figure in the bathing suit, making me blush. I feel way to underdressed now to be interacting with my dream man. I manage to shake out of my pause and ask “What the hell are you doing?” he still has Posie under one arm, and is soaked head to toe in the same clothing he was wearing before.

"I was saving her from drowning,” he explains, again with the rescuing. “She sounded like she was in trouble." Unwilling to admit I overreacted, I tell him that she was playing, trying not to remember that a few hours ago, his mouth was on mine, the mere thought makes my core clench now.

"I only wanted to help," he states, both of us breathing hard from arguing. Now that I know Posie is okay, all I can think about is how badly I want him to kiss me again…until I notice that he’s wearing her bracelet. How did I not catch that before? My anger and confusion comes forth.

"How did you get that?" I demand as I try to snatch it off him, but he pulls it close to his body, protecting it from me like it’s the holy grail.

"Mommy, he's my friend," Posie defends him as he lets her down she moves to stand between us, the big dog barking as he joins her. This makes Posie jump with excitement as she leans down to hug him.

"Someone better explain what the hell is going on," I demand, so Posie dives in, starting with how they met. I’m shocked and horrified that this poor man has been suckered in to taking part in my daughter’s shenanigans. That coupled with the fact he thought she was in danger and rushed to rescue her makes me feel like a complete idiot. Embarrassed, I say, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." It’s a lame excuse, but it’s an honest one. "I'm Rose."

He stares at me but a long moment, like he’s trying to figure me out. A glance down at my hand I see him twitch to reach out and grab it but then doesn’t. He ignores my introduction and outstretched hand and looks at Posie. "You know that you scream like a banshee when you're having fun, kid?"

She giggles, letting the dog lick and sniff her. "Sorry, Robbie."

"Robbie?" It’s such a cute name for a man.

"Robert," he clarifies, his focus suddenly on me again. His eyes are a beautiful shade of brown that matches his hair, and though I’ve told myself numerous times I don’t need a man in my life, my arguments fade because of him. I do need him, not only that I want him. Badly. I’ve never felt a longing and desire like this before, and it thrills me as much as it scares me.

"Thank you for trying to help her," I tell him with a smile, hoping he forgets my earlier behavior. "And for putting up with Posie’s antics."

"Welcome," he responds, his voice low, intense. "And I could put up with her antics anytime. She’s a great kid" He smiles down at her fondly. Seeing him like this only makes my infliction to him worse. He likes my kid, and not only that she like him.

"Princess’ collar is so cute. He looks good in that color." It’s not hard to see how much she loves the dog, and I feel bad that she can't have a pet because we live in an apartment.

"I didn't think he could pull off the pink. I was wrong." Robert admits to Posie.

“You named your male dog Princess?” I can’t help but ask. I have to admit it’s a weird name.

Robert laughs, and it changes his whole demeanor. He’s beautiful. Explaining he says, "Your daughter’s ridiculous idea." Posie sticks her tongue out at him, and when he returns it, I can’t contain my giggle.

Unfortunately, that seems to snap him out of his silliness and he says, "Well, I better get going. I need to change my clothes." Princess follows him.

“Robbie wait!” She calls out to him. He stops turning to face her. “When will I see you and Princess again?”

Thank god, she asked because I was about to myself. I know he’ll cave because she’s giving him her puppy eyes. Those get me all the time too, and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll see you around," he assures her, then gives me a wink and walks away. I'm left standing there, stunned, as if a tornado just hit me. What the hell is wrong with me? And why do I want to go after him?