Until Love by May Gordon


For the past week, I’ve tried to occupy my mind with anything else besides Robert and his hauntingly beautiful brown eyes, but it's futile. I'm beginning to question my sanity, and it doesn't help that Posie has been chattering about him non-stop. Her affection for him only makes him more attractive, not that he needed any help. Focus, Rose.

And I do, out my classroom window and straight on Robert. What in the hell? I’m sure I’m imagining him until I hear a dog bark. Princess. Moving closer to his handsome owner, I confirm it is indeed Robert, standing with a few other men, all of them wearing Mayson construction hats.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" December ask, causing me to jump as I wasn’t expecting her. "Ooh, eye candy," she answers herself, clearly teasing me.

Returning it, I bump her hip and jokingly threaten that I’m telling her husband. "What is he doing here?" The way gossip travels amongst their family, I’m fully aware she’ll know who I’m referring to and why they’re here.

"Robert was transferred to this crew. They’re building a gazebo and an outside eating area for the staff," she explains as my gaze remains glued to him. “So, he’s your handsome stranger that kissed you?”

I nod my head slowly, keeping my eyes on him. "What's his story?" I need to know. I can’t possible go in blind. Not with my past.

She's silent for so long I don’t think she’s going to answer. "I grew up with him, we all did. He left for the Army not long after graduating. This is his first time home since."

"He didn't come back once after all this time?" I can't imagine leaving behind people that loved me, especially if I had a great family.

"It was hard on him to be here when his mom unexpectedly died." My heart clenches for him, poor man. I have so many other question, I want to know every little think about him, but only one question truly matters.

"Is he a good guy, December?" I trust her opinion, so if she says he is…

"He's the best," she states without hesitation. "Be gentle with him, okay?" I glance at her in confusion. With his size and obvious strength, it’s hard to think of him as vulnerable. But from the information I gathered I’m starting to realize that’s exactly what he is. Loss and war can harm a person beyond refile. With how much Posie and I are already getting attached, she should warn him to be that way with us. He can have any woman he wants, and they won’t have anywhere near the baggage I do.

"It's not like that," I deny her implication, even though we both know it is. The tone of her responding snort tells me she’s not buying it. I don’t blame her; the lie is obvious.

“Well, I’ve got to get back. I’ll see you at lunch.”

After she leaves, I find myself leaving my classroom and walking outside, heading toward the crew. Princess spots me and lets out a friendly bark, as he comes running to me. He looks so much better than before after a good groom. I kneel to pet him, telling him he’s a good boy. When I look up, Robert is only a few feet away.

"It's nice to see you again. Posie can’t stop talking about you and Princess." He doesn't so much as crack a smile.

“Rose.” He says my name as he scans me from head to toe when I stand, and a warm sensation follows his path. How his dark eyes do that I have no idea, but I can feel the sexual tension between us. God I want to kiss him again I always groan out loud.

"How are you?" He asks, clearly needing to fill the silence that falls between us, and I find the fact that he’s uncomfortable kind of cute. We’ve shared two passionate moments and he’s nervous. That’s adorable.

"I'm doing well. You?"

"Good," he replies, finally cracking a smile. After sharing two kisses, you’d think we’d be better at this, talking. Seeming to surprise himself, he says, “You’re stunning,” as he takes a step closer to me. The compliment shocks me. Have I ever had a man call me stunning before? I don’t recall.

"Thank you." I blush like a school girl.

A truck backing up to the left of me catches my attention. It’s overloaded with wood and metal, straps stretched across the top. Realizing we each need to get back to our jobs, I tell him,

"I didn't mean to interrupt you. I merely wanted to say hello.” Then I do just that and give a little wave…like an idiot.

Robert is about to say something, but a loud noise stops him. A quick glance shows the load spilling from the bed of the vehicle. Curses and screams reach my ears as the huge pile seems to come right at me. A shove moves me out of the way and I hit the pavement hard, the pain of the impact radiating throughout my body. When I rise, I’m horrified to realize Robert saved me, at the potential cost of himself. He’s under all that scrapped stuff instead of me.

"Robert!" I yell while running toward him. “Call an ambulance!” I shout to anyone listening as some of the guys are already lifting the larger items off him. I collapse to my knees beside him, not caring that my dress is getting dirty as he starts to stir and open his eyes. He's clearly disoriented and has a small head wound. Thankfully it doesn’t look to bad.

"No hospitals," he states with a groan as he attempts to rise with assistance. Incredibly he gets up, and with shaky hands dusts himself off.

"What? You could be hurt." I'm trying not to panic as I fire more questions at him.

"I'm fine," Robert snaps not having it. I ignore his bluster, worried more about his well-being than my tender feelings.

"At least let me take you to the school nurse office, I can clean you up." As I reach for his hand, he flinches, the anxiety rolling off him. Suspecting that touching or fast movements can impact him, I soothe him, reminding him, “It’s you and me. We’ll get you cleaned up, then you can go. Okay?” This time, I slowly hold my hand out, making sure he sees it. When he takes it I count it as a huge victory, we walk with surprisingly wellness to our destination. Princess following close behind us, and I help him into a chair. He sits there while I gather the supplies I need, he’s grumbling that he can patch himself up. “You don’t need to do it yourself now. You have me.” When I said it in my head, it didn’t seem like such a massive declaration regarding the future for us, but out loud, it does. Funny enough It doesn’t scare me as much as I thought. I want to help him in every way.

He’s staring at me intently as I soak a sterilized pad with rubbing alcohol. I ask if I can tend his wound, wanting him to be aware of what I’m doing. Taking his grunt as permission, I step between his large legs and gently hold his chin as I begin dabbing at the cut on his temple. I can’t help but notice how good his stubble feels against my palm nor the fact he isn’t reacting to my ministrations. This close, I can see the various little scars and nicks that aren’t noticeable from a distance, and they do nothing to detract from how handsome he is. I was right when I referred to his eyes as haunting. They’re sad, full of memories no one should have to live with. I’m staring at him, probably making him uncomfortable on top of being in pain, so when he growls at me, I’m not bothered by it. Having seen his sweet side I know he’s all bluster with his growls.

“What?” I guess he can only stand so much visual interrogation.

"You’re beautiful," I admit, and his reaction to my statement makes me giggle, he looks appauled. "Sorry, your expression to that was just priceless." His eyes widened, and slack mouth was just too much.

"No one has ever called me that before," he mutters, clearly bewildered by my saying it.

Not being able to stand it any longer, I lean forward and kiss him, he instantly pulls me down so I straddle his lap, like it was an instinct. Like we’ve done this a thousand times before. Our mouths fuse together as our tongues duel, our hands roam on his wide shoulders, and run through his thick hair. I don't know what it is about this man, but he makes me burn. No matter how many time I tell myself to keep my distant I end up doing the opposite, or rather the universe does. Yearning for his touch, and kiss again. The long skirt I’m wearing has risen enough to allow me to rub my lace covered core on the length I can feel through his jeans. His hands caress my bare thighs, then move to my ass to adjust me better on his cock, groaning at the feeling only seems to make him more aggressive, and I love every second of it. His hands run through my hair, the he tugs it to the side to access my neck better, but then returns to my lips. I never thought I would love the dominating feeling he’s expressing, but I do. And I want more of it.

All too soon, we break contact, our labored breathing evidence to how thoroughly we each enjoyed our little make out session, our eyes both showing the need to keep going. Knowing this isn’t the time to continue, I manage to reach over to the counter and snag a band aid, the only ones they have left covered in little hearts, and put it on his head. It’s totally unnecessary, but I just had too. Seeing him with such a cute accessory will keep me smiling for the rest of the day.

"I'm sure the Mayson’s keep you stocked with home-cooked meals, but I know Posie would love to see Princess again. How about we come over and I make you dinner?" I applaud myself on sounding somewhat normal while his thumbs are creating circles on my upper thighs. Well that’s not distracting at all.

His lips twitch as he asks, "Did you just invite yourself to a stranger's place?"

I roll my eyes. "You’re hardly a stranger, Robert. We've kissed enough times to move us to friends zone." Too late I recognize my slip of the wrong word.

“Friend zone?” he growls in disbelief and anger, obviously not liking the label I’ve put on us accidenlty.

I smile. But ignore his flash of anger "Besides, Posie talks about you enough. I still can't believe she tricked you in to stealing a dog." I reluctantly move off him, his. growl again letting me know he doesn’t care for it either. The twinkle in his eyes lets me know he doesn’t mind her shenanigans.

“She’s a cool kid.”

I tease him, stating that he can’t resist saving people. "Even though Posie wasn't drowning and you ran me off the road before rescuing me."

That makes him chuckle. After cleaning up my mess, I turn to find him standing, my gaze scanning him for any injuries he might be hiding. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

"I've had worse." he says carelessly. That doesn't comfort me at all, but I let it go.

“I wasn’t gentle when I pushed you back there, for that I apologize.” He walks up to me and uses his hands to gently brush the side of my arms.

"If you hadn’t saved me, it would’ve hurt a lot worse." That answer seems to satisfy him and he nods.

“We should get back to work.” he leans in to gentle kiss the top of my head. Neither of us move, though, both wanting to stay here and spend more time together.

"Yeah, me, too. I'll walk you out." I manage to be the strong one this time, and step out of his grasp.

When I go to open the office door I find Princess lying down just outside. Giving him a pat he sands and walks with us. We’re silent on the way, and I notice the pile that landed on Robert has already been taken care of.

"So, tomorrow?” When he peeks at me, I clarify, “For dinner." He agrees with a smile, and I wonder if he’s looking forward to it as much as I am. He’s a hard man to read at times, and also one of few words.

Every time I see him, my heart beats my faster as my emotions get jumbled. Do I want to explore this? Hell yes! But Is it safer if I don’t? I need to figure this out soon, but I fear it’s too late to choose. I’m already becoming attached to him, and I’m afraid I won’t ever be able to let him go. But what’s worse is the day might come that I have to in order to protect him, and that will hurt a hell of a lot more.