Until Love by May Gordon


Istand in the middle of the toy aisle, unsure what to get Posie for when they come over tonight, I don’t even know what time or what she’s making. Dinner time is usually around six right? I’m so far out of my depth with the two of them. I feel like an invader on their planet, I need to learn to assimilate and fast. There’s no doubt they’re a handful, Posie especially, but I like that about them. Since they’re feeding me, I wanted to get them each something, except I’m stuck on what a little girl that thinks avocados can be unicorns would want.

As I glance at Princess sitting quietly beside me, I pet his head, and that’s when it hits me. Seeing the row of stuffed animals, I scan the options, stopping at a black and brown shaggy one that could pass for Princess. Grabbing it, I know it’s perfect. When she misses the real thing, she can hug this one until she can see him again.

"Hello, dear," comes from behind me and I turn to find Sophie’s smiling face.

"Mrs. Mayson."

She lets out a scoff "Robbie, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Sophie?” Moving on, she sees what I’m holding and asks, “Who are we shopping for?" her smile tells me she knows exactly who.

"Posie," I explain as I share why I chose it.

"July and December told me about you three. Rose is lovely and Posie is the sweetest." She’s clearly fond of both, and if they’ve earned her seal of approval, then they’re good people, maybe even too good.

"You think she'll like it?" I ask, worried suddenly, I want the perfect gift. "What should I get, Rose?" I ask, now panicking that I haven’t gotten her anything yet.

"Something from the heart is the best gift anyone can receive." She always makes the hardest task seem so easy.

“So, what are you doing here?”

She responds with a question of her own. "Why wouldn't I be? I have grandchildren. By the way, you need to visit us. It’s been too long. Talon says work is going well.”

Talon is a liar.

But I don’t correct her. “I’ll stop by soon.”

"Good boy,” she praises me “And bring your girls"

My girls. It feels so foreign, yet so fucking right. They are mine right? Sophie brings me out of my thoughts, then she has me keep her company as she fills her cart with toys and updates me on the Mayson family gossip. Though she’s not content until she gets me to share by talking about the project at the school. Spending time with Sophie is comforting, and at times it’s as if my mom is here because they were so much alike. An hour later, I load her purchases in her car and wave bye as she pulls out, a stuffed dog and rose-scented soap in the bag grasped in my other hand. I know it’s a bit on the nose, but I plan to carve the soap into little Roses. Ridiculous properly, but from the heart like Sophie suggested.

Across the street, a certain car catches my attention. I see Rose exit her vehical and go in the grocery store. I have the strongest urge to follow her, speak to her. To feel her hands on my face again, her lips on mine. I’ve never been touched that way nor kissed like that. I crave more of it…from her.

Without thinking it through, I head after her. She's a fucking magnet and I can’t deny the pull between us. Nor how to make it stop. Do I even want to? Being with her and Posie are the only times I feel normal. Human, and not the scar rattled soul I know I am.

As I get closer, I notice a man near Rose's vehicle in a suit and sunglasses looking inside it. It’s suspicious. Pissed, I switch directions and move towards him. "What the fuck are you doing?" I demand.

His gaze scans me as if I’m less than a piece of gum on his shoe. "Nothing that concerns you, hick," he responds with a smirk before attempting to leave. My hand snaps out and I grip his arm hard. “Let go or you'll regret it," he warns, not the least concerned when Princess growls at him showing teeth.

Of course, I don't listen to his threat. "Stay away from this car, and away from my girl or you’ll find yourself unable to walk.” It’s a promise.

"You have no idea what's coming." He smirks and shoves me off.

What the hell does that mean? Instead of going after him to find out, I should check on Rose. I need to try to calm down before that. I can’t let her see me this hyped up, but the thought of some creep in her world sets me on edge.

When I try to enter the grocery store an employee stops me on my way in, only adding to my frusteration.

"Sir, you can't bring him in here." the boy says referring to Princess.

"He's a service dog," I lie without hesitation.

"Where's his vest?"

Ready to smack the kid even though he’s doing his job, I snap, "Fuck off."

“Robert?”Rose’s voice catches my attention and I give the guy a glare. Taking the hint, he goes the opposite direction and I focus on her.

"Hi. I saw you come in." I try to act normal. She smiles, not finding it weird that I followed her inside, or that I was just cursing out an employee, I’m instantly at peace.

"I have to tell Posie that Princess got an upgrade," she giggles referring to my service dog lie. We stare at each other, my tongue now tied in knots making it difficult to have a conversation. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to bother her. “This is actually perfect because you can tell me what foods you prefer." Eager to hang out with her any chance I can get, I let her know I’ll eat anything. "I bet you've had a lot of great home cooked meals since you’ve been home."

"I think I've gained twenty pounds." I confess as we roam the store.

"Has anyone made you beef stroganoff?"

"I'm not sure what that is," I say with a little laugh.

Her eyes light up as she informs me that’s what we’re having. “What about dessert?” I shrug and she lightly smacks my arm, scolding me with, "You’re difficult."

"Or easy from my point of view," I counter. once again shocked that her sudden touch doesn’t bother me.

She chats as we proceed with her shopping, telling me some funny stories about her students, and Posie. It’s all normal, something I’ve craved but haven’t had since coming home. We’re in the soup aisle when another customer drops a can, causing me to jump and crash into a shelve. As more fall to the floor, I mutter a loud curse, ready to bolt from embarrassment, the odd looks alone are cause me to be sick, I can feel eyes staring at me.

Then I feel Rose’s hand on my shoulder and see her smile. There’s no pity in it, only sweetness, and she hugs me, squeezing me as if the strength of it will remove the negative energy inside me. I cling to her, imprinting her to me. And it works. She’s fucking magic. In awe of her abilities to soothe me, I lean down and kiss her, caught in the spell she weaves. Would the feel of her skin against mine as she’s under me heal me completely? I’ve never considered myself a romantic, yet I want to be for her. I would give her the moon if it meant having her in my life like this. Like always, all to soon we pull away from each other, and I kiss the top of her forehead, smoothing her hair behind her ear.

"How about we clean this up and get going?” She asks, assuring me she’s gotten everything she needed. She makes it seem like it’s just a normal situation. No big deal, like no one is looking at us. After that, she takes my hand as we walk toward the registers, Princess trotting happily beside me. Once there, I remove my wallet and insist on paying. I’m still recovering from what happened, yet Rose acts as if nothing did, which helps rid me of any lingering awkwardness.

I load the groceries in her trunk and shut the door, turning around i’m surprised when her hands roams up my chest then wrap around my neck. Her motions starts a fire inside me instantly, I eagerly welcome her embrace and mouth as she takes mine. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of her kisses, but this line of contact is making me want more, much more. What started as sweet becomes passionate within seconds. We’re both lost in the moment, hot and heavy in seconds until we’re interrupted.

"Whoa." A woman I don’t recognize is standing there with Posie, and the latter has a huge smile on her face. “Now I know why you wanted me to watch her,” she teases Rose.

"Alice, this is Robert,” then she reverses the introductions, adding that Alice runs the bakery.

“Nice to meet you,” I greet her as Posie cuddles Princess.

"He looks so cute,” Posie informs me. “You took him to the groomers.”

“It was well overdue.”

“Robert, is it okay to go ahead and come over now since I have Posie back?” Like I’d say no. I reply that I don’t mind, to which she says, “Perfect. We’ll follow you.”

I grin, completely recovered from my earlier panic attack, and that’s when I know I’ve found the cure…Rose and Posie.

Now to make sure I don’t overdose on it. But even if I did, I’d die happy.