Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


Something primal hits me hard as I feel her round belly touch me. It makes me feel possessive—a trait I’ve never felt before. It scares me, but at the same time, I want this girl and the baby she’s carrying more than anything.

As my lips touch her skin on her forehead, I have this urge to pull her head back by her hair and kiss her hard, hard enough to make her moan, make her wet for me.

The thought of Mae wet for me makes my dick twitch. I feel it become harder, and I’m sure Mae can feel it against her thigh. I take a step back to move my hard on away from her. I don’t want to freak her out.

As I move, the last thing I expected was for Mae to openly stare at my hard dick tenting my pants. She licks her lips, and I swear I feel them on my dick. I have this urge to thrust forward. I try breathing through the lust to calm myself down.

Mae bites her lip next, and I cave a little. “You like what you see, Mae?” My voice comes out raspier than I expect. I clear my throat to make my voice smooth again, but before I can get another word out, the ultrasound tech comes in.

“Hello, I’m Sally. How are you doing, mama?” She sits on the rolling chair while giving Mae all of her attention. I recognize her from around town, but don’t know much about her. While Mae speaks, I watch her closely, seeing how her face is still flushed with color. It makes me so freaking happy that I can make this girl squirm.

“And I’m guessing you’re the daddy?” Sally asks and something close to pride settles in my chest.

“Oh, no—”

“Yes, they’re both mine.” Mae’s blue eyes meet mine in surprise along with something else that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Sally smiles and has Mae lie back and lift her shirt over her belly. I hold my breath while I get sight of her olive skin taut against her growing belly. I swear there’s something about the girl you’re claiming being pregnant. It’s different, an unexplainable kind of primal urge.

The tech puts jelly on her belly and then places a doppler on it after. A swishing sound hits our ears first before a loud, rapid thump begins. I get closer to Mae and grab her fingers. She holds on tight to mine.

“That’s the sound of your baby’s heartbeat.” I chuckle breathlessly as I stare at the grey and white screen. “Would you guys like to learn the sex of the baby?”

I look over to Mae, knowing it’s ultimately her decision, but her gaze meets mine and it makes me smile that she wants to include me. We’re silent for a few minutes, meaningful stares running through our eyes.

Mae finally speaks up and tells her we do. Sally moves the doppler a little harder against Mae’s belly, and I anxiously wait. The minutes that pass while we wait to find out what bean is are the hardest.

A month ago, I was praying for a girl who I could create a family with and now I have a girl I can see becoming my family. Bean and all.

“It looks like…” Sally stops talking while she keeps moving the doppler, then a smile stretches her face. “You guys are having a boy.”

A boy.

Without hesitation, I grab Mae’s face and kiss her deeply. I feel her lip’s part against mine in surprise, and for a moment I feel like a dick for just grabbing her like that, but she surprises me next. Her soft, plump lips move against mine while she runs her tongue against my lower lip.

It makes me groan, and I pull away not wanting to make Mae uncomfortable with the display of a affection in front of someone else.

“It’s a boy,” she whispers in awe, looking right at me.

I smile proudly. “Bean is a boy. He’s going to be the sweetest boy because of you. A fighter like his mama.” Her nose rubs against mine as I watch the tears streak her face. I wipe a tear with my thumb.

After we pull apart, Sally gives us photos to take with us and tells Mae she’s six months pregnant and developing right on the spectrum. I see the relief in Mae’s eyes; she really thought the time she spent homeless and starving harmed the baby. I’m glad bean and her are both okay.

After the appointment, I invite Mae to eat at our local diner where I see her withdraw the more we spend time with each other. It makes my stomach sink and puts me on edge knowing that she’s pulling away from me.

She barely talks the whole time, and I’m scared that I overstepped with that kiss. I just got caught up in the moment of my two favorite people, but from someone who experienced abuse, it might impact her negatively.

When we get to the cafe, she goes to the apartment, and I feel the happiness of the day dim even more. I suck for being insensitive toward her situation and how certain touches might affect her. Physical touch is how I express myself, but I think I really messed up this time.