Blinded By Love by Reana Malori

Chapter 10



Yes, that had to be it. I was in a state of shock. I couldn’t even cry because my brain was too busy going over the letter left for me by my best friend—a literal letter from the grave. Rebecca always did have a morbid sense of humor.

Slowly climbing the stairs, I could feel Cade’s gaze on my back as I walked away. It was like a laser beam was focused on me, searing my skin, my soul. Today had been the craziest damn day. Maybe I was dreaming. Yeah, that had to be it.

“Ouch!” Okay, so pinching myself wasn’t the wisest decision but it did mean I wasn’t asleep. Which meant, that crazy ass letter really did exist. I glanced down at my hands with the envelope still in my grasp.

Finally making it to my bedroom, I closed the door and sat down on the bed. So many thoughts going through my head. Pulling out the letter, I read it one more time. And the shock and surprise were still there with every single word.

Hey Girl,

Listen, don’t freak out. Just read all the way through and if you want to curse me out after that, feel free. I don’t think you will though.

Norah, you are my best friend. We’ve known each other since we both wore pigtails and thought boys had cooties. Actually, they still have cooties, but now their cooties come with muscles and sexy smiles and big… egos. Come on, you know that’s funny.

You are the only person who knows my secrets, even the ones I’m ashamed of, like that time in ninth grade with Bobby Jones. I still can’t believe I was that stupid. But even with every mistake, every tear, every laugh, we never stopped being there for each other. When my dad died, you were my shadow The only person who could get me to eat, bathe (yeah, I was a skunk), and start to live again.

You are my sister, my best friend, and the only person who I could see in Lilly’s life to help her grow. I know you thought being a godmother would only involve unique gifts on birthdays, international trips as she got older, and giving her a safe space when Cade and I pissed her off. I know this is not what you expected.


It’s going to be okay, Norah. I may not physically be with you, but I will always be around. In the memories we share, the look on Lilly’s face when you make her laugh, and the love you have for my little girl. So, thank you. Thank you for being there for her. Thank you for being my best friend.

Now, to the real reason you’re reading this. I want you to stop mourning me. No, that does not mean you have to stop missing my smile or my fantastic dance moves. But depending on when Cade gives you this letter, it means you’ve been living a half-life, still waiting on me to return. I’m not. You must move forward because I don’t want you to stop living or having fun or laughing that crazy snort-laugh thing you do.

Your goddaughter needs you to show her what the world is like in full color, and I have a feeling you’re not doing that. So, I say this with so much love… Cut the shit, chick.

And most importantly, I want you to open yourself to love. None of those guys were right for you and I’m glad you didn’t fall into the trap of marrying one of them. The man meant for you is closer than you think.

Norah, I know why you didn’t come to the house and visit as often as I wanted. I know it was difficult seeing me with Cade. If that night we both met him had gone differently, then I have no doubt you would be with him. Don’t worry. I know the two of you never did anything. I’m confident in his feelings for me.

When did I know? How did I know? It was a few months after he and I started dating and I was already half in love with him. We were talking about that first night and I realized you’d seen him first, that he was moving in your direction. At the time, I’d been blind to anything but him and so I moved in first. Not realizing you’d caught his eye.

If I’d known, I’d never have approached him. But I did, and you know the rest.

Cade is an amazing husband and an even better father. If you got to know him, you’d see it too. Now that I’m finally out of the way (Kidding! I’m kidding!). Seriously, I want you to know that you’re the only woman I’d ever do this with, but I want you to give Cade a chance. I want you to think of him as you would any other man, not the husband of your dead best friend. Whew! I guess it’s time I get used to saying that.

Stop running away. He needs you. Lilly needs you. And if you can finally admit it, you need them too.

Now, don’t be all weird the next time you see him. Act normal and don’t be all shifty like you usually are. I want you to be happy. I want you to have the kind of love I’ve had for so long. I know it may be eight years too late, but you and Cade have the rest of your lives to make up for lost time. Don’t waste it!

Never forget. I love you. You’re my sister, my best friend. Now, go live the life you were meant to live.

Your sister from another mister, Rebecca

The letter dropped from my hand and fell to the floor. My eyes filled with tears, but I refused to let them fall. I could not believe her. Even though she was gone, Rebecca was still bossy as ever. What was wrong with her?

Laughter rumbled through my chest until I couldn’t help the sound from escaping my mouth. Did my best friend just give me permission to go after her husband? No fucking way? Why would she do that?

“Ouch! Damn!” Okay, I needed to stop pinching myself because I was clearly still awake. If I was awake, then there had to be another excuse for what was happening. The Twilight Zone© had to be a real thing because shit like this didn’t happen in real life.

Maybe I should be more worried that Rebecca knew I had a thing for her husband. Not that I would have ever done anything to hurt her, which is why I stayed away. Based on her letter, my efforts weren’t fooling anyone. At least not Rebecca anyway. I had to wonder why she wasn’t more upset. Leaning down, I picked up the letter again and skimmed the content.

In the back of my mind, I’d always wondered if she knew Cade had seen me first. Had that been the reason why she’d intercepted him?

8 Years Ago

“Hey, I’m gonna go grab a drink. Want something?”

Looking at Rebecca, I shook my head. “No. I’m good for now,” I said, lifting my half-filled glass.

“Okay, I’ll be back.” As Rebecca walked away, men’s heads turned in her direction.

I couldn’t help but shake my head. My friend had no idea just how attractive she was. She was clueless to just how much attention she got whenever we went out. She often said the same thing about me. We both knew we looked damn good; her pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes to my brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. We were the opposite in so many ways. She was sweet as pie, even if she was a bit bossy. I was sour, but inside I was filled with all the soft mushy stuff not many people had a chance to experience.

Glancing around the space, I watched people with their heads down, whispering and smiling. I wasn’t sure if they’d met tonight or were couples when they arrived. One day, that would be me. I’d find my prince charming, and he’d treat me like the queen I am. Maybe not tonight, but it would be soon. I was fine with waiting for the right man.

Just then, my eyes stopped on a man standing across the room.

Damn, he was fine. Dark hair. Close-cut beard. He was wearing that black suit as if it had been made just for him and maybe it had been. His eyes captured mine across the crowded space and I felt my core clench.


My brain short-circuited. A frisson of electricity ran along my skin. The hair on my arms raised. My breath caught in my throat. I heard a low moan and realized it was me. I wanted to run my fingers along his short hair, through his beard. Was it as soft as it looked? Was his body as hard as it appeared underneath his suit. I couldn’t take my eyes from him and from the look he gave me, he knew it.

He smirked at me. I smiled at him.

It wasn’t that I came out tonight with the intentions of meeting a man, but I was open to whatever the night would bring. I’d been single for more than two years and it was lonely. Sure, I could have hooked up with guys during that time, but I was tired of playing the games. Waking up in my bed alone after the guy left in the middle of the night wasn’t something I wanted to experience again. It happened once and that was enough for me.

But, for the man standing across the room staring at me like I was a tasty treat, I would be willing to risk it.

It was as if time stood still. Then he moved toward me, and everything came crashing back. The noise from the people surrounding us. The crush of the crowd. I shifted to the side, moved out of someone’s way. He kept walking, moving in my direction, his gaze on me as if I were his prey. Funny thing was, I wanted to be caught.

“Excuse me,” someone said, bumping into me.

Shifting again, I stepped to the side, moving out of their way. Then a group of people walked in front of me, and I took another step back. Finally getting my bearing, I looked up to find the man who was making his way toward me and couldn’t find him. Looking around, I noticed that I was a few feet away from where I’d been standing. There must have been a wave of people who’d come inside, and I swear every single one of them stood in front of me.

“Fuck,” I said under my breath. “Really?” Disappointment coursed through me. He was gone. I’d lost the chance. Maybe if I get lucky, I’ll meet him again, but the moment was gone. “Unbelievable. Just my fucking luck,” I murmured. Sitting my drink down, I walked out of the crowded space. Time for a bathroom break and to get some fresh air.

Fifteen minutes later, I made my way back into the crowded bar area and made my way across the room. I spotted Rebecca’s blonde hair and the silver shimmery dress among the crowd. Thankfully, she found a seat. Good, because my damn feet hurt, and I need to sit down. The closer I got to her, the slower my steps became. She was sitting with someone. A man wearing a black suit. Dark hair.

This was not happening.

When they both turned my way, my stomach dropped.

Yes, it was.

The man who’d been looking at me. The only man who’d captured my attention in months. Yeah, he was sitting with my best friend, and they looked mighty damn cozy.

Fuck my life.

Then Rebecca introduced us. “Hey, Norah. Where were you? This is Cade,” she said, motioning at the man sitting there looking at me with shock in his eyes. “Cade, this is my best friend, Norah.”

When my eyes met his, I felt my heart stop beating in my chest. It was him. I could feel my hands become sweaty as I stood there staring at the two of them sitting together. Did my heart crack a little? Yeah, it sure as hell did. Did regret fill my body that Rebecca was sitting with him and not me? Absolutely.

“Hi, Norah. Nice to meet you.” His voice was like warm molasses. Smooth. Smoky. Deep.

Whatever I’d thought when I first saw him, shifted. Even if I wanted him, it was too late. “Cade, is it?” He nodded. “Nice to meet you as well.” Glancing over at Rebecca, I plastered a smile on my face. “Well, it’s a good thing I stepped out. Seems like you’ve been busy.”

Then I did the only thing I could to keep my sanity. I ignored Cade for the rest of the night.

Sitting here, I couldn’t stop the laughter. At this point, it was a bit hysterical, filled with disbelief. Yet, still, I wondered just what the hell was I going to do now?