Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




Thank God this shift is nearly over. This is the most boring day I’ve had on the job for a long time. “So Mom said Dani’s moved in,” Alec says while we’re working out.

“Yeah, she has.”

“What’s going on?” Dean leans against the treadmill and crosses his arms.

“Dani’s moved in,” I repeat.

“Yeah, I know. Mom told Joanne, and Joanne told me.”

“Hey, is...um, can...” I stutter. “Actually, don’t worry.”

Dean glances at Alec, and raises his brows at me. “What’s going on?”

I look around, not wanting to say anything with Pen and Hugo nearby. “Nothing.” I shake my head dismissively.

“Beers?” Alec asks Dean.

“Yeah, come back to mine. Joanne’s at work early, so we’ve got the house to ourselves. You in?” Dean kicks my foot.

“I guess so.” I stand from the weight machine, and walk away from my brothers to shoot Dani a message. Going to Dean’s after work for a beer. I probably won’t be back before you leave for work. I walk back, and Alec rolls his eyes when he sees me. “What?”

“You just sent your girl a text asking permission to go out, didn’t you?”

“No!” I defend myself. “I didn’t ask her permission. I informed her where I was going.”

Both Dean and Alec snicker. “So, what you’re saying is you’re totally pussy-whipped.”

I shake my head and tsk. “Of course. Just like you two clowns.” I gesture toward Dean, then Alec.

“Nah, we’re the men in our relationships,” Alec says as he puffs his chest out.

“Huh.” I take my phone out of my pocket again, and bring it up to my ear. “I’ll just call Serena and ask her.”

“No!” Alec near jumps to grab the phone out of my hand. “You crazy? She’s sleeping.”

I laugh and sit on the weight bench. “It looks like all three of us are whipped. You’re probably the worst,” I say to Alec.

“I keep my woman under control,” he spits. “I tell her what to do, and she does it.”

“Bullshit, Serena’s got you by the balls. Just like Joanne has mine in her fucking purse. Sometimes she lets me have them back,” Dean admits.

“Nah,” Alec responds defensively. “Am I the only man here?”

“Really?” Dean bites back. “Serena probably doesn’t even let you have your balls.” I can’t help but laugh louder. “And you.” Dean’s brows knit together as he cranes his neck to stare at me. “You’ll be the worst out of all of us, because you fell in love younger.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Alec agrees. “Much worse than us.” He points to himself, then Dean.

“Whatever.” I skate past them down toward my locker. “It’s quittin’ time,” I say as I offer them the one-finger salute.

Dean’s only a few steps behind as he and the chief from the next shift talk about whatever they talk about it.

I grab my things from my locker, and head out to my car. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I see a message from Dani. Have fun, and I’ll see you tonight when I get home. Don’t wait up, I’ll be home late.

She makes me smile. I start my car and head over to Dean’s.

Alec and I are sitting out near the pool, while Dean grabs a beer for each of us. “What’s going on?” Alec asks.

“Nothing, why?”

“Beer.” Dean hands the first one to me, then the second one to Alec. “I’ve got food.” He ducks inside, and returns with a couple of trays of finger food. “No, I didn’t make it. Joanne did for me and Thomas to have after work and school today.”

“Do you need to take him to school?” Alec asks.

“Nah, the kid walks. It’s not too far from here. But, he’s still asleep. Joanne’s gone though, so I’ll need to wake him up in about half an hour.” Dean sits, cracks open the beer and downs nearly half of it. “What’s happening with Jordan? How’s his treatment going in rehab?”

“Actually, Serena and I are flying out this afternoon to go see him. She’s been talking with him, and it sounds like he’s determined to make this work. Oh, and before I forget, we get the keys to the house the day after our next shift. So, if all goes to plan, we’ll be out of my place and in the new one by the end of next week. So, the house will be all yours, Rhett,” Alec says.

“Shit, that’s quicker than I thought.”

“You nervous about moving out with a girl?” Dean waggles his brows as he pops some food into his mouth.

“Not at all. I’m actually really excited.”

“We’re taking all the furniture too so we can put it in the in-law apartment for Jordan,” Alec adds. He glances sideways at Dean, then asks, “What’s going on?” He purposely looks over at me.


“Something’s going on. What is it?” Dean asks. “Don’t be a dick about it either. Just tell us what it is.”

I look up to the clear blue sky, and decide it’s best not to hide this from my brothers. “I’ve been thinking about something.”

“What?” Alec asks.

“I’ve been...um.” I shouldn’t say anything, because I don’t want to let my brothers down. Nor do I want them to think they can’t rely on me. That’s not how we roll. “You know what, don’t worry about it.” I take a drink from my beer.

“Well, we are worried about it. So, you better tell us, because we’ll find out one way or another,” Dean says.

“It’s nothing, honestly.”

“What the actual fuck, Rhett? Are you embarrassed about something?” Alec asks.

“No, it’s nothing like that.” My stomach tenses as I prepare myself to actually tell them. “It’s just... I don’t want you both to be disappointed in me.”

“What the fuck?” Dean says as he straightens his back, and sits up, more assertive. “What’s going on? Are you having some kind of problems? Money issues?”

“Fucking hell. No, nothing like that. Jesus.” I shift in my seat. “I’ve been thinking, maybe I’d rather be a paramedic than a firefighter.”

Dean’s posture stiffens, and Alec jerks his head to the side to stare at me. “What?” Alec asks. “You’re already trained as a paramedic. We all are.”

Just a paramedic,” I say.

“Are you sure?” Dean asks.

“I don’t know,” I honestly reply. “It’s been something that I’ve been thinking about, and since I saved that guy whose car plummeted in the water, I’ve been thinking maybe that’s what I’d rather do than...” I grimace without actually saying it.

“Well, I don’t want someone on my crew who doesn’t want to be there.” Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, and sits, silently staring at me. His mouth is contorted, and he’s thinking. “So, the solution to this is I’ll give you a month off from work so you can set up a month’s trial as a paramedic, and see how you feel about it. If you want to leave after the month, then I’ll let you go.”

A lump of discomfort sits in the base of my throat. “I’ll be letting you down.”

“Fuck off,” Alec says. “The only person you’ll be letting down is yourself. You’ve gotta go where your heart tells you to, because it’s no use staying in a job you hate.”

“I don’t hate it. That’s the thing, I love being a firefighter, but I feel more drawn to being a paramedic.”

“Look, the only way you’re going to know for sure is if you try it for a month,” Dean offers.

“Serena has connections at the hospital, I can get her to talk to someone, see if they’ll take you for a month.”

“I can make some calls too,” Dean says.

“So you’re both okay with this?” I ask. The pressure eases immediately.

“I’m not gonna lie to you, Rhett. I’m quite surprised by this, but you have to do what’s right for you. At the end of the day, you’re our brother first, and my crew member second. Give it a go, and see how you like it,” Dean says.

Both Dean’s and Alec’s acceptance of this has set my mind at ease. “I don’t want either of you to think I don’t have your back. At work, or out of it.”

“Do you think we’ll think less of you?” Alec asks. I nod. “We don’t think much of you as it is, so the only way is up.” Just like that, the seriousness has been replaced with a joking easiness.

I was panicking for no reason. I should never have doubted how they’d react. “The others?” I say.

“You’re going to have to let them know. I assume Pen already knows?” Dean asks. I shake my head. “Dani?” I nod. “Mom?” I shake my head again. “Well, the crew is your responsibility. But it’ll be fine. Just so we’re clear though, the month you have away from work, I’m not paying you for it.”

“Understandable,” I reply. “I didn’t think you’d react the way you have. Thank you.”

“You’d better let Mom know too,” Alec says as he brings the bottle up to his lips. “Good luck with that, buddy.”

Dean snickers.

Suddenly, everything feels so much better than it did only an hour earlier.

“Shit, I have to wake Thomas.” Dean jumps to his feet, and heads inside to wake the boy.

“You know, Serena is all about mumbo jumbo listening to your body by meditating and the universe and shit.” Alec twinkles his fingers over his head to dramatize Serena’s beliefs. “And she’d say exactly what I would, which is follow your heart.”

“You sure you’re not into that meditating stuff?” I ask.

“You’re a dick. You know you were an accident, no one actually wanted you,” he says as he tries to playfully insult me.

I snicker at his retort. “At least I don’t look like the one who was adopted.”

“You were dropped on your head.”

“Clearly you were thrown at the wall,” I sling straight back.

Alec lifts his beer to his lips and chokes back what he had in his mouth. “Brother, you’re a fucking dick.”

I sit back, laughing at my own insult toward him. Actually, this has gone a lot better than I thought. I feel so good. How awesome is my life right now? Fucking perfect.

I’m exhausted. It’s been so busy at Elle’s and at The Narrow Table. We were slammed from the moment I opened Elle’s Café, until I turned the closed sign around. Driving back to Rhett’s I can feel my eyes stinging from how tired I am. I guess, it doesn’t help that I’ve been sick too.

I pull up outside the house, and by the time I get to the door, Rhett’s already waiting for me. “Hey you,” he says as he sweeps me up in a huge hug.

“Wow, is this how you’re going to greet me every time I arrive home?”

He swings me around before placing me to my feet. “I’ve got news.”

“Okay. Let me put my bag down, and grab some water.”

“Have you eaten?” Rhett slides my handbag off my shoulder, rushes ahead and puts it on our room. “Have you eaten?” he repeats when he walks out to the kitchen.

“I grabbed something at the restaurant. I’m not hungry.”

“Okay. Here. Sit.” He leads me over to the sofa, where he sits me down, then struts into the kitchen. “Water or a soda?”

“Water.” He opens the fridge and grabs me a bottle of water. “Why do you look like you’re bursting to tell me something? Has something happened?”

“I do have something to tell you.” He returns to the family room, opens the bottle then hands it to me. Aww, how sweet. “I spoke to my brothers today about being a paramedic.”

“Judging by the massive smile on your face, and your hyped-up energy, I’m gathering they took it well.”

“Dean’s going to give me a month off work so I can try out being a paramedic, and see if that’s what I really want to do.”

“Oh my God! Seriously?” I squeal with happiness. “Really?”

He grabs me and hugs me, nearly winding me. “I’m serious. But there’s more.” He sits back, and I eagerly wait for the more. “I have no idea how he did it, but I start next week. Dean made some calls, pushed through all the paperwork, and by some crazy magic, my trial starts next week. Gotta love small town living! I’ll be a full-time paramedic.” He sticks his chest out with pride. “Only for a month, to see how I like it.”

“Jesus, Rhett. This is wonderful! I’m so happy for you.”

“It all happened so fast. I thought it would take months for everyone to sign off on it. But apparently, the Morgan name has some pull to it.”

I place my hand to my heart. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

“There’s more.” He cheekily smiles. “Next weekend, we’ll likely be moving into Alec’s house.” My smile fades as my brain goes into overtime. “You’re not happy?”

“Yes! Of course, I am. For some reason, I thought that was going to happen in like a month or so.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. They’ll be out sooner than they thought.” He shrugs. “There’s only one issue, and that is, we need to go furniture shopping.” Oh shit. All the air leaves my lungs as I sink further into the sofa. “What is it?”

I’m so humiliated to say how little I have in savings. Being sick knocked me on my ass. I’m embarrassed to say I have nothing to offer. “Rhett.” I swallow as I find the courage to tell him I have nothing to contribute toward new furniture. I stand and pace back and forth, completely out of my element. “It’s just that...” I stop pacing, and nervously twirl the end of my hair around my finger. “I have nothing to contribute toward buying new furniture.” I close my eyes, and hang my head in disgrace.

Rhett shakes his head at me.

“I’m sorry.” I feel the guilt in the pit of my stomach.

“Who cares?” Rhett replies.

“I do. This isn’t a two-sided relationship, Rhett. I’m living here rent free. We’ll be moving into your brother’s house, and you’ll be buying furniture.”


“This isn’t fair to you. Or your family. I feel like I’m taking advantage of you, and it’s not right.”

“What? Are you mad, woman?”

Wait, did he just call me woman? “Um. First of all. Woman?” I hold a finger up.

“Did I say something wrong?” Clueless, completely clueless. “Sweetheart, I don’t give a rat’s ass how much money you do or don’t have.”

“But, I feel bad. I should have more. I’m the same age as you, Rhett and I’m nowhere near as financially stable as you.”

“I’ve lived in my family home for my entire life. You were abandoned by your parents with no financial support at all. If anything, you’ve done a better job than I have. Sure, I’ve saved my money, but you’ve lived because of your money. If you haven’t learned already, I don’t give a crap about what you have. Because our life together isn’t based on money.” Now I feel even worse, because Rhett’s right on so many levels. “Unless you’re only with me for my money.”

“What? That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” I say. “I’ll sign anything you want to say I’ll walk out with what I came into the relationship with.”

“Back up a second, woman.” He stands, and steps toward me. I arch a brow at the woman remark. “You’re not signing anything, because there’s no end date to what you and I have going on. You’re with me now, which means you’re mine.”

“You gonna beat your chest too, Tarzan?”

“If I have to.” He beats against his chest. “Dani, mine,” he says in a deep caveman voice. Pretty sexy though.

“All jokes aside, I need to feel like I’m contributing. So, we have to work out a way to make it fair.”

“Sure. When we move into the house, you can do the grocery shopping.”

“Okay, I can do the groceries and half the utilities. That’s fair.”

“Half the utilities?” He scrunches his face and shakes his head. “Nah, I’ve got those.”

“Are we paying rent to your brother?” Rhett shrugs nonchalantly. “Either we are, or we’re not.”


“Then I have to pay half of that too.”

He flicks his hand dismissively. “I’ve got that covered.”

“Oh my God, Rhett.” I step backward and huff with frustration. “This is what I’m talking about. I need to feel like I’m an equal partner in this relationship.”

“Okay, that’s your need. My need is to care for you, protect you, and make sure you’re looked after in every way I possibly can.”

A sudden thought pops into my mind. I have an absolute need to prove I’m worthy, and he needs to show he’s my protector. Why didn’t I even think of this? “You want to protect me,” I whisper, finally understanding why he’s adamant for me not to worry about money. “I’m sorry,” I apologize. “I didn’t stop to think how you’d feel, being a man. I was emasculating you because of my fear that you’d think I wasn’t good enough for you.”

He walks over to me, and envelops me in a hug. “We’ll work it out, okay?”

“Okay.” I nuzzle into his chest, and love how protective he is. “I’ve never had anyone fight for me, Rhett. It’s a new concept, and one I’m struggling with.”

“Oh, beautiful. It’s okay. We’ll work through it together. Are you working all day tomorrow?”

“No, I’m only at Elle’s and should be back by around four. I was hoping for an extra shift at the restaurant, but no such luck.”

“Want to go furniture shopping for our new home tomorrow night?” Rhett’s eyes light up as he keenly waits for my answer.

How can I say no? “Sure.” It eats me alive knowing I can’t contribute toward the purchase of any kind of furniture. “I have enough money to buy new glassware, and plates, pots and pans,” I offer.

“Perfect.” Rhett kisses me on the lips. I despise being reliant on anyone. But I also understand how Rhett would feel if I dug in my heels. We need to find a happy medium if this relationship is going to work. “I love you.” He whispers against my mouth.

“I love you too.” We stay entwined for what feels like forever. I’m such a lucky girl to have him. I pull back to yawn, so tired from today. “I’m gonna have a shower. I won’t be long.”

“Okay.” I turn to walk away and he smacks my butt.

“Hey!” I protest, but secretly, I like it.

He calls me back with a gesture of his fingers. “You know,” he starts as he grabs my butt and arches into me. “When we’re in our own place, we’re so having shower sex.”

“Is that right?” I ask.

“Yeah. And, bathtub sex. Along with sofa sex. Outdoor sex.”

“You’ve really thought about this, haven’t you?”

“I’m a man,” he says as if that in itself is the perfect explanation. “Duh.”

“Such simple creatures. Feed them, give them sex, and they’ll do anything for you,” I say.

“Sex first, food a very close second.” He moves his hands from my butt and steps backward. “I’ll be waiting for you,” he says trying to be seductive.

“Well, that was creepy, and kind of stalkerish,” I say as I chuckle and walk into the room to get my pajamas. “Kind of seventies-style-porn creepy.”

Rhett chuckles. “Fuck, you’re awesome.”

I turn, and curtsey. “Yes, I am.” Damn freak. But I adore him.