Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 11


“Sal is coming tomorrow.”

Mia’s voice startled me. I looked up from the cards. We were playing poker because of Valerio’s request. He was too eager to lose all our money to the Mazzonis. That’s why I made a very strict no cheating rule and sit next to Alessio to control him. Mateo and Emiliano were playing with us too, but I knew they wouldn’t cheat against any Vasile.

When I first told Alessio he can’t cheat, he didn’t seem convinced, but then he leaned to my ear and whispered, “I would accept only if you let me taste you tonight.”

It was already hard to not blush every time I looked at him, and he was not making it easy for me. His sudden boldness caught me off guard, but I was not sorry about it. I did want him to do that to me. I want him to do everything for me. Everything we did last night was so magical. Yet, I knew it was only the tip of the iceberg. I didn’t have any experience, but I was not oblivious. I watched porn for a few years and heard the girls in school talking about how good it was when a guy goes down on you.

So, my answer to his question was a low “Yes.” and it was a successful answer because he really didn’t cheat.

When I was about to answer Mia, Alessio beat me to it. “Is he?”

Mia’s eyes widen. “Didn’t you know?”

“No. How do you know?”

She looked at her chips. It was her turn, but I could tell she was avoiding eye contact with her brother. “He called me. I’m in.”

It was weird. Salvatore was trying to stay away from Mia as much as possible. His calling her was definitely weird. Still, it was a hard time, and maybe he was just trying not to be an asshole.

I threw two tokens and asked, “Why is he coming? I thought he was busy.”

Mia shrugged. “I don’t know he didn’t tell me. He only said he is going to stay for one night. Then he is going to leave with Alessio. That’s why I thought you knew.”

Alessio shook his head and threw three tokens. “Maybe he forgot.”

He seemed natural, but I could see the disappointment in his eyes. It was the same one burning my heart. I didn’t want Alessio to go. He was my rock. I needed him. “Maybe we’ll leave with you too,” I said.

In Chicago, we wouldn’t spend our nights together, and even though it was sad, it was not the only thing. I loved what we did last night and felt so peaceful sleeping in his arms, but having him near was also important. I wanted to have to chance to at least catch a glimpse of him when I visited the Mazzoni mansion. I wanted my days to be filled with opportunities to see Alessio.

I was not going to stay here without Alessio. There was too much energy between us. We were many to be together. My brain resisted to believe it could happen, but when I opened my straight winning the game, I looked at Alessio, and my heart filled with hope.

When Alessio came to my room, I was sitting against the backrest of my bed, and for the first time, my light was on. I could see Alessio being startled by it. So, I smiled at him widely and patted the place next to me. “Come look what I've found.”

That caught his interest. He came by the bed and sit right next to me, our hips touching. “Oh my god, when is this from?”

I looked at the photo album on my lap. There were many photos from different times. They were all photos we took in the lake house. Mostly us kids with Mom and Aunt Pippa. They were all happy times. I put my finger on one picture of Alessio and me. He was hugging me from behind, but it looked more like he got me on a chokehold. “Looking at your horrible haircut, you are ten here, and I am seven.”

He let out a small laugh. “In my defense, Pippa wanted to cut my hair, and I wanted to make her happy.”

“She is not good at that.”

It was the first – and last – time Aunt Pippa tried her hand in haircutting. Alessio’s hair was horrible in the picture. All strands were in different lengths.

His smile, on the other hand, was the same as always. It was casual, perfect, simply just Alessio. My Alessio. Little crazy, but always more chill than Sal and Antonio. He was my best friend and the first boy that can make my breath hitch. Maybe he was really my destiny.

Only when Alessio pointed at a group picture, I realized I was gawking at him. “Look how tall Antonio looks.”

I took a few minutes to gather my words. I needed time to return to the real world from the magic he radiated. “And he is any shorter now?”

“Of course not, but the rest of us are too short in this picture. It makes him look like a giant.”

I waved him off. “Well yeah, but that makes sense. He is the oldest.”

“Yeah, but he is still huge. I mean, we are brothers. I find it very unacceptable that he won the genetic lottery.”

I put my head into the crook of his neck. “Ah, don’t worry, my sad little pudding, you are enormous next to me.”

His shoulders started shaking with sudden laughter. “Did you call me sad little pudding?”

I pulled back to see his face, but I hooked my arms around him before that. He looked genuinely happy, and I was the same. It was so different from last night’s lust. We were just stupidly having fun.

“Yes,” I accepted with a smile on my own lips.

“And why is that?”

I wrinkled my face and brushed the tip of my nose to his with playfulness. “Because I felt like it.”

He laughed a little bit more and then looked at me a little more seriously. He was still smiling, but his eyes were filled with so many other emotions. “I wish this could be us every night.”

I knew what he was referring to, but I still asked, “Being cringey?”

“Being together.”

This time I put my head on his shoulder to avoid eye contact because the underlying meaning of this was too hard to bear. “Me too,” I whispered, almost too low. Unfortunately, it was not a brainer. It was just a dream of the heart. I didn’t want to see that reality right now, though. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. So, I flipped the page of the album and pointed at another picture. Alessio joined my oblivious joy and let me gave us this night.

We looked at the album for almost an hour. We laughed a lot, but there was also some sadness because all those happy days were over. We didn’t let that sadness consume us tough. Just wrapped around each other and laughed at sunburned Antonio and nine-year-old Mia with red lipstick all over her face. It was an escape from reality.

When we were done, I got up to put the album on my dresser. It was in one of the cabinets in the hall. I wanted to keep it in a place where it won’t be forgotten again.

“Are you really going to come back with Sal and me?” Asked Alessio casually, but I could feel something tense under his tone.

I stepped closer to the bed and brushed my hair with my fingers. “Yes.”

Alessio’s hand reached to my outer thigh like he cannot bear not touching me. “Are you sure? Being at home might be hard. This place is good for you.”

He honestly thought it’s the lake house that helps me heal. Well, maybe he is stupider than I thought. I was not going to let him have these bizarre thoughts. I sat on his lap, straddling him. My hand came up to his cheeks, and his rest on my waist. “You are good for me, Alessio.”

“We cannot be like this in Chicago.”

The truth was like a slap, but I kept my posture. “I know. I know we won't see each other as much, and we won't be like this.” With the last word, I pushed myself to him feeling his half-erect cock under me. “But I don’t think I can be far away from you. I need to know you are close.”

“Bella,” he murmured before reaching for my lips. I bow my head to make it easier for him. I opened my lips without any hesitation. Kissing Alessio was like sunbathing in the garden of Eden. It made my chest warm and my skin tingle.

Despite the growing hardness, I could feel between my legs, Alessio’s kiss was not hungry. It was sweet. He kissed me slowly like he wanted to enjoy every moment of it, like he wanted to capture and imprint every second of it to his memory so he can remember. His tongue played with me, and his hands only remained on my waist.

I wanted it to last forever, and my chest ached with the pureness of the kiss, but it was probably our last night without the thought of reality. So, I needed more. There was an aching between my legs that needed more.

I pulled back only to whisper to his lips, “I think we had a bargain.”

His gaze filled with hunger, and his hold on my waist tighten. Yet, he didn’t make a move. “You know we don’t have to. I was only joking about the bargaining thing.”

A frustrated sigh left my mouth. “Why do you always assume I don’t want things?”

“It is not that.” He brushed a brown strand from my forehead. “I just don’t want to force you or make you feel pressured.”

I knew his intentions were all good, but it was frustrating. Also, whenever he said we don’t have to do this, it made me want him even more. Maybe I was a little disturbed in the head, but I didn’t care. I wanted him to act on his words.

I put an assuring kiss on his lips. Short, but a hard kiss. “You don’t. Now do what you said you would.” Next, I whispered with my most seducing voice. “Taste me.”

When he put his mount on mine, I lost my breath. I was not sure my sexy voice was good, but apparently, for Alessio, it was good enough. Since I only wanted him, it was no problem if my voice would be cringey to any other man. Only lips and hands I wanted on me belonged to Alessio, and he seemed pretty eager to put those on me.

This time his kiss was not so sweet. It felt like an animal was unleashed inside him. He kissed me the way he liked and only let me waltz on his tempo. I was not complaining, though. I liked his selfishness. I like it when he lost himself in me and because of me.

His hands traveled from my waist to my butt. He cupped me with his huge hands and guide me on his crotch. I made him crazy doing this yesterday, but today it was him controlling my movements. He was the one making me crazy. Every time I rolled my hips with his guidance and my clit brushed that hardness, I felt myself getting wetter. There was a fire in the pit of my stomach that longed for Alessio.

I couldn’t stop before moaning his name with the following “please” into his mouth.

That did the trick. His hands wrapped around my thighs, and he turned us over him on top of me now. Being under his weight weirdly made me feel safe. He was here to save me from every ugly truth in the world.

He pushed my legs open and settled between them. Even though the layers between us, I could feel his big cock. He was too hard now. I couldn’t help but remember what he told me last night. Hypothetically you’ll stretch.

I wanted him there. I wanted him closer. I wanted him in me, but even at this horny stage, I knew it was wrong. It was something we couldn’t do. The best would be to enjoy whatever I get from Alessio until finally, I lose him.

Just when I thought I was at the brick of losing it from all the hot kissing, Alessio grabbed the hem of my shirt. I arched my back to help him take it off. I was not wearing a bra. There was no point anyway.

His breath hitched, and when his eyes settled on my naked breast, he looked mesmerized. There was a hungry animal inside, but still, there was also my Alessio, who wanted to stop just so he can look at me. I knew my blush started from my cheeks and made its way to my breasts, but I didn’t care. I liked being looked at by him.

Finally, his soothing gray eyes found mine. At that moment, I thought about how beautiful he was. So, I was startled when he said, “You are so beautiful.”

His voice rang so true, so emotional that I couldn’t bear that small space between us, all the clothes between us. I pushed my hands under his t-shirt and traced his abs. He was hard, and shaped, and all man.

“I want to feel you,” I whispered. And he obliged by taking off his shirt and kissing me again.

My erect nipples brushed his naked chest, and I couldn’t stop my moan. I was too sensitive for his touch. I was too weak to resist any kind of pleasure I could get from him. I arched my back for more, and my hands traveled the hard lines of his back. This guy was truly intoxicating for me.

His lips traveled south, leaving kisses to my jaw, my neck, my collarbone. He was again careful not to be too rough on my throat since that could leave a mark. Even that little act of thoughtfulness made me love him even more.

Because I did love him.

Even when I knew I was going to lose him one day, I loved him.

His hot breath teased my nipples. He was having too much fun driving me crazy. Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for him, I didn’t have the power to fight him off. So, I gave him what he wanted. “Alessio, please.”

A little satisfied groan escaped his lips, and then his mouth covered around my nub. His tongue circled my nipple, and then his teeth tucked it. I loved his rough side as much as I loved his gentle side. After all the pain, he put on a small kiss and moved to my other breast. He didn’t put his lips on me, though. He flickered my nipple with his tongue and chuckled at something. “I love seeing this.”

I was too hot and heavy to form a full sentence, so I only said, “What?”

He pressed a spot on my breast, and I realized there was a bruise from last night. “My mark on you.” Then he leaned in to create another one.

After that, Alessio was good to me. He didn’t make me beg. He trailed his tongue down my stomach willingly. When he reached my waistband, his eyes found mine. Under all those grays, there was a fire burning. I’d never think a man would be this eager to give a girl head.

When I understood there was a question in his eyes, I nodded my head. That was the last confirmation he needed before hooking his fingers on either side of my sweatpants and panties. “Lift your hips,” he commanded, and I did just that. He got rid of them instantly. So much for putting on a sexy thong, I guess. Anyways it was better to be naked in front of him.

For some unknown reason, though, my knees pressed together. I did want him, but it was more of an instinct. I was never naked in front of a man. I wanted him, but my body was not used to being bare for his eyes to see.

He seemed to understand, though, because he didn’t pull back like I was scared. He put one of his hands on my knee and drew small circles with his thumb. “It’s okay, Sweetheart. Spread your legs for me.”

With his relaxing touch and soft voice, my body loosened. My legs fell to opposite sides. Alessio was looking at my pussy with hungry eyes, but he didn’t dive in immediately. He kept drawing circles with his thumb from my knee to my inner thigh. Girls were waxed bare for their wedding night, but right now, I was only trimmed down there. I was a little self-conscious about it while getting dressed, but Alessio’s gaze pumped some confidence in me.

Finally, Alessio laid down on his stomach, his face so close to my lips. He was like a predator looking at his prey. After a moment, his eyes found mine, and it was the sexiest sight I have ever seen. I think I could almost have an orgasm from seeing Alessio between my legs.

“You have the nicest pussy I have ever seen, Bella.” I didn’t know if it was his words or his breath against my hot flesh, but I shivered. It only made him chuckle, though. He put a small kiss on my outer lips.

And then he dove in. His thumbs spread me, and he licked me from my entrance to clit. It was the strangest feeling and also the best thing I have ever experienced.

“You taste just like I imagined,” he murmured before his tongue flickered my clit. Oh, that was really good. And the better thing was the knowledge that he imagined this before.

I was ready for him to consume me because I knew he was all mine.

I wanted to ask him how I tasted, but I couldn’t find the words. Apparently, the only noises I was able to create were all porny and unintelligible. Because Alessio’s tongue against me felt too good.

He licked me slowly at first. Spreading my juices all over me. He seemed to enjoy how wet I was. He played me. His tongue didn’t touch my clit much like he was prolonging this as much as he can. He was giving me something but not letting me finish.

After a good while, his tongue circled my opening, and I felt his tongue entering me. Holly god. This shouldn’t felt this good, but he did. His tongue fucked me, and my insides clenched, my clit throbbed with need. He was going to break me.

Without thinking, I buried my hand in his silky black hair. I pushed his face closer to me, but at the same time, I wanted his tongue elsewhere. “Alessio, I am going to die.”

His tongue stopped filling me, and a primal sound came from his throat. He liked it when I was all drunk on him. He very softly touched my clit with his tongue before whispering with that throaty sex voice, “Do you want to come?”

“Yes!” I moaned.

“Look at me then. Watch me make you come.”

Oh, sweet Jesus, this man. I was going to blush at his sight, but I couldn’t find the strength to deny him. Also, the sight of him licking me was too good not to look.

So, I looked.

He made a satisfied noise, “Yes.” Then his lips closed around my clit, and one of his fingers found my opening. Now he was fucking me with his finger and sucking me at the same time.

His gray eyes were burning deep into mine. I wanted to throw my head back and scream, but I only looked at him. With a sudden instinct, I cupped one of my breasts and pinched my nipple. I could feel Alessio’s growl in me.

Good, now he was drunk in me too.

He added another finger on my tight channel, and I lost it. I clenched around him, and my orgasm consumed me. He didn’t stop, though. He kept sucking me and fucking me until I rode it out. It was so much more intense than last night and much more intense than any orgasm I gave to myself. It was almost like Alessio was what I needed since forever.

After he decided to let me go, he hovered over me. My body was slick, and my eyes were half-lidded. Yet, there was a huge smile on my face. Alessio brushed his fingers to my lips and commanded, “Open.”

I did as I was told. I let him push his fingers in my mouth and sucked on them, tasting myself. It was no jelly beans, but it was okay. Salty, but sweet at the same time. I didn’t know if that was what Alessio meant when he said I tasted like he imagined. I’d doubt it, though.

Alessio pulled away his fingers with a groan and kissed me. I was not turned on by my own taste; it would be weird, but tasting myself on him turned me on. Having the proof that I was all over him now was perfect.

He was perfect.

I wanted to hold him closer, and when I felt his cock digging into my side, I wanted to turn the favor, but I was too tired, too consumed. Giving head to Alessio was something I felt anxious about. I wanted to do it, but I was nervous since I didn’t know how. It was not a very good idea to try it in this state.

When he pulled back, I reached for his cock so I can jack him off again like last night. Only, he captured my hand midway and kissed my knuckles. “Bella, you know this is not just about that?”

My brows pulled together. “About what?”

“I didn’t do this, so you will give back. This is not just about getting off.” He cupped my cheek and looked at me so intensely I thought he could see my soul. “This means something to me. You know that, right?”

I could feel tears forming in my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. I tried my hardest to send them back. I cupped his cheek just like he has done to me and kissed the tip of his nose. “I know, and it means something to me too. It means too much.”

It means I want you.

It means I am yours.

It means I love you.

I wanted to tell him all of it, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t open my heart bared when I knew he could never be mine. All I could do was give him my body and let him understand everything I felt.

All I could give him was this night. Full of fun, and laughter, and orgasms.

A sarcastic smile spread on my face. So different from all the real emotions seconds ago. “But you like my body too, right?”

Alessio looked at me with confusion for a second, but then he understood. This was better. This was safe. So, he joined my little escape game. “Of course, I do.” His eyes traveled the length of me. “You have the best body Bella,” then he cupped and squeezed one of my boobs. “And oh, my goodness, your tits. They are huge and marvelous.”

Without thinking, I asked something I only saw a few times in porn. “Do you want to fuck them?”

His eyes glimmered with hunger. Okay, so this was better than a handjob. Good to know. It was also good for a very tired me.

So, Alessio straddled me and put his rock-hard cock between my breasts. God, he was huge. It shouldn’t make me both scared and excited since I was not going to have intercourse with him, but it did. I pushed my boobs together and imagined his frame between my legs. I loved watching him, especially when he spit into his cock to slit more easily, and when a drop of sweat traveled through his amazing abs, and when he jerked off himself to come all over my tits.

Afterward, he kissed me and carried me to the bathroom. He put me on the edge of the sink and cleaned me. He was so soft and loving my chest tighten. I didn’t want to lose him. I want him with me until the end. I didn’t want him to let me go.

When we were back at the bed, and he was hugging me from behind, I whispered into the darkness desperately, “Can you give me a promise Alessio?”

He tightened his hold on me. “Anything.”

“Please don’t let me go.” A tear slid down to my cheek, and I was grateful he couldn’t see it.

His hot breath covered my ear, and he whispered one word, “Never.”

And for some reason, I believed him.