Moving On by Erin Osborne

Chapter Six


IT’S BEEN A few days since we decided to start a new chapter in Cedar Bay. Today, we decided to ride out there and have a look around and talk to the realtor. She knows we’re coming and won’t be there until this afternoon. The entire club is riding out together and we left first thing this morning. In ways, this is something we need because it’s just a ride that’s going to take us several hours to get to. Plus, it’s not a run or anything else related to club business more than checking out the town and finding out what we’ll have to do to make things fit what we need. Our entire family is going on an easy ride, and I couldn’t be happier than I am right now. With Baily at my back, our family riding, and our children bringing up the rear just before one of the new Prospects with the van carrying our various belongings and bike parts.

With all of us making the trip, we actually make really good time. On the highways, we let go and didn’t hold back or follow the speed limit. The wind was flying around us and passengers in cars would stare as we flew past them. Bailey’s arms are wrapped tight around me as I reach down and rest my hand on her leg for a few minutes. She rests her head on my back and gives me a quick squeeze in response. My woman trusts me with her life and knows I’ll never do anything to hurt her. When we’re on the bike together, the freedom I’ve always loved is even better. Bailey feels the same way as I do when we’re on the bike making the experience of riding together even better. Most days I’d rather ride with her wrapped around me than alone. Even when I need to clear my head from all the shit flying around about the club, family, and every other thing.

Pulling into Cedar Bay, I slow down so we can get a clear idea of what we’re working with. The first thing I take in are the rundown trailers on my left as we enter town from the highway. On the right are several warehouses standing empty. I’m not sure what they used to house, but now, it’s just empty buildings waiting to be scooped up so we can turn them into something the town can use. Most of the store fronts along Main street are also sitting empty. No one is walking around as Pops rides up in front of us to lead us to the bay front. When we pull in, I’m appalled. The entire parking lot is filled with trash from empty wrappers to used condoms and needles. No wonder everyone wants to sell and get the fuck away from here.

One lone car sits in the parking lot as we all back our bikes along the grass. Guy, the newest Prospect parks the van at the edge of the lot in case something happens, and we need to get behind something big for cover. Plus most of our weapons are sitting inside the van. As I step off my bike and hold out my hand to help my wife, a young woman gets out of the car. She doesn’t hesitate giving Pops and Alice a smile and small wave while opening up her trunk and pulling out a large folder. This woman has short black hair that’s blowing in the slight breeze. She’s wearing a short dress and a pair of flip flops on her feet. I’ve never seen a damn real estate agent who looks like her in my life. If that’s who she even is.

“Pops, Alice, it’s so good to see you again,” the young woman says, her voice bright and cheerful.

“It’s good to see you too, Tara,” Pops says, holding out his hand to her. “This is everyone I told you about. The offer we both signed is still good right? Grim here is the one who will make all the final decisions on what we buy and shit.”

“Of course it is. Most of the owners want to get out from under the buildings and have agreed to the amounts I told you for all of the empty ones. It’s nice to meet you Grim,” Tara responds, holding out her hand for me to shake. “I have the listings here with me. And you can look at all of the properties.”

“I think the first thing we want to see is the hotel. How long has it been sittin’ empty?” I ask her, knowing that would make the most sense for a clubhouse because we wouldn’t have to do a ton of work to it.

“We can head there now. It’s only been empty for about a month at this point. The current owners have made sure everything is locked down in an attempt to keep unwanted guests out. They also have a guard watching over the building at night when most everything goes down around here. It’s actually right over there if you’re ready.”

“Absolutely. Let’s walk over there. Guy, you stay with the bikes. Call if there’s any trouble,” I order the kid who simply nods in response.

As a large group, we walk the short distance from the parking lot of Cedar Bay to the empty hotel. Tara unlocks the doors for us when we make it over there as the guys split up and head in different directions to explore around the outside while the rest of us head in to see what the hell the interior looks like. Honestly, it’s not that bad as we walk around. Even the pool is in good condition. Tara lets us know the pool just needs fresh water and the proper chemicals added and will be ready to go. It was still being used until the doors closed a month ago. It’s not going to take much to have someone come in to remove the stagnant water and fill it with fresh water. I’m not going to be the one keeping up with the damn thing as Zander stands by me, listening intently to the real estate agent as she talks about the hotel.

All of the rooms need a slight upgrade and fresh coat of paint. These boys will make it the way they want it, and we’ll just help them get things done. Each of us adults plan on coming down and spending time here to help get the new businesses up and running along with making sure the move is a smooth transition. If not, I’m not sure the boys will end up running a successful club here. They’ll have too much to deal with. Not only will they have to build up the businesses and get them ready to go, but they’ll be dealing with the thugs in town who are trying to close this place down. Not a single one of us want to see them fail. So, we’re going to do everything in our power to help them become successful and do what they want to do here.

Tara leads us through the town and shows us all the buildings currently up for sale. I write her a check for all of the abandoned buildings. There’s no way in hell we’re going to let this shit go and have someone else scoop the properties up when we’re essentially getting them for a steal. When she’s done showing us around and accepting the payment, Tara quickly leaves Cedar Bay. Her office is in the next town over and she doesn’t want to be here as dusk settles. Not many people do from the comments she’s made throughout the day. Now, I want to stop in the hardware store to find out what exactly is sold here and where we can get lumber and everything else we’ll need to remodel buildings and the hotel. Walking inside, an older gentleman is standing at the counter. He eyes our cuts and doesn’t say a word as I walk right up to him.

“Good evenin’,” I greet him. “We just bought all the empty buildin’ around town, and wanted to stop in to see what all we could buy here for the remodels. Can you help us?”

“Yeah. Unless you’re here to cause as much trouble as the other fuckers who are trying to invade our town,” he responds, his voice full of hate.

“No sir. My name is Zander,” my son steps up and begins talking. “We’re here to help get rid of them. We want to help build this town back up again. Even if we’re in a motorcycle club, it doesn’t mean we’re the same as those thugs. The most important things to us are respect and family. We want to earn the communities respect and show we’re different from them. The worst thing you’ll see from us is a strip club. Somewhere for the guys to hang out after a long day of work.”

“It’s nice to meet you Zander. I’m Conley and this is my son Brantley. We have almost everything you’ll need. The only thing you might have to get out of town is some of the lumber if we’re running low. I’m glad to hear you’re going to be moving in to help eradicate these bastards. They’re not good men at all. On top of pushing drugs and demanding payments, they’re now trying to take our young girls to add to their stable. We’re all really scared about what’s going to happen,” Conley tells us, his voice getting hard.

“We’ll be in and out of town over the next few months while we get things ready. I’m going to leave my number here. If there’s something major going on, call me immediately and we’ll get here as soon as we can if we’re not already in town,” my son tells the older man as we wander through the store.

Bailey remains talking to Conley as we look at all the stuff. Brantley shows us around the store and lets us know there’s really no jobs left here and even the previous diner closed up. Our plan is to stay in town overnight and head back home in the morning, but it seems we’ll have to head to the small town just down the road in order to get food. Or see if the general store has anything we want. Walking back to our bikes that take up one entire section of Main street, we climb on before deciding to head to the next town over. It’s a small town named Carlton. They’ll have to get used to seeing us around town too. If there’s something we need and it’s not here, the kids will be heading there. Especially considering there isn’t a grocery store in town.

We rented all of the cabins where Pops and Alice stayed. No one is in town to give them business, so we rented all eight for the night. We’ll be sharing them, but none of us care. The boys claim one of the cabins in back while I claim one of the front ones. Joker, Skylar, and Cage will be sharing with us. Everyone else is pairing off in small groups to share the cabins. Guy and a few of the boys will rotate shifts staying up to watch over the bikes and van. I’m sure it’s not going to be long before the assholes hear we’re in town and what we’re doing here. Hopefully nothing happens tonight since we have all the old ladies with us and the kids.

The diner in Carlton was accommodating and apparently the thugs are starting to move into their town as well. We’re not worried about them because they still have all of their businesses intact and aren’t feeling the brunt of the shitstorm just yet. Maybe the boys will decide to step in at some point in time, but not yet. It seems Conley called his brother who lives in Carlton and gave him the heads up about us being in town and why. All the staff at the diner made sure we were well taken care of and would come back for our meals while we’re working in Cedar Bay.

“Are you sure this is the right move to make for the kids?” Bailey asks as we lay in bed.

“Yeah, I am. What’s your concern?” I question her, pulling her so she’s laying on top of me.

“My concern is the boys haven’t been through any of the shit we’ve all been through yet. They’re green and don’t know what they’re stepping into. What if it’s too much and one of them gets hurt? Or worse? Zander is still off the rails at times, and I know he’s just waiting until he’s buried alongside Aryn,” she tells me honestly, tears filling her voice. “I’ll miss my baby boy.”

“I know you will. Zander is a big boy and has a smart head on his shoulders. They all know if they get in over their head, we’ll be here to back them up. Gage and his club will too. Hell, the Phantom Bastards and Satan’s Anarchy will also be here if we need them. They always are just like we are for them,” I promise her, my voice full of honesty.

There is no doubt in my mind we’ll have all of the clubs we’re friends with on standby if our boys need the help. It’s what we do for one another.

“Yeah, and they have their own shit going on,” Bailey says speaking the truth.

“Even when we all have our own shit goin’ on, we’re still always there for one another. Let’s get some sleep so we can figure shit out in the mornin’. I’m not sure if we’re gonna hang around for a while or just head out. All I know is we’ll go back to Carlton on the way out of town for breakfast. It’s been a long day and I know you’re tired. Try to shut your mind off Crazy Girl and we’ll work all the details out before you know it.”

Placing a kiss on the top of my wife’s head, I close my eyes and wrap my arms tighter around her body. I try not to fall asleep before her because if I do, she’ll be up all night long. There are times Bay gets in her head and doesn’t let herself rest and relax as she needs to. We’re getting older and it’s harder for her to regroup when she doesn’t get enough sleep. Hell, we all pay when my crazy girl is tired because she’s a bitch. Bailey will even tell you she’s a bitch when she’s tired or exhausted.

It takes a while for Bailey’s breathing to even out letting me know she’s asleep. Instead of going to bed myself, I slip out from under her and throw on a pair of jeans to cover my lower body. Walking outside to see if anything is going on, peace settles over me. There are no sounds of partying, or anyone being terrorized right now. A gentle breeze blows through the trees as Zander walks around the side of the cabin. He looks at me from my position on the small porch.

“You okay dad?”

“I’m good. Your mom just fell asleep, and I wanted to come out and make sure everythin’ is good here. Have you heard shit since you’ve been out here?”

“Nope. Brax is out here somewhere too. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s checkin’ in with Tank. You know he’s still awake. I swear Tank doesn’t sleep very much,” Zander tells me, his voice full of amusement.

“You’re not wrong about that. Especially when he’s away from home. It doesn’t matter if it’s a trip like this with the entire club or if he’s on a run. The man might sleep for an hour before he’s up again. I don’t know how he can pull that shit off.”

“Me either. I’m gonna continue walkin’ around. Get some sleep.”

“I will son. Love you.”

“Love you too Dad.”

Watching my son walk off, I don’t head back inside until he’s out of sight. Knowing we’ve got good kids watching over our vehicles and us, I head back inside and climb back in bed with my wife after removing my jeans. It’s still a little bit before sleep claims me as plans and all sorts of shit run through my head. I might have just told Bailey to sleep, but she’s not the one who’s responsible for an entire club full of men and the chapters under us. That’s all on me and my shoulders are strong enough to bear that responsibility. Finally, sleep claims me and I hope I can sleep through the night.