Moving On by Erin Osborne

Chapter Five


MY SON IS finally beginning to get his life back on track. He has cleaned up his act, quit drinking other than a beer or two when he’s chilling with the guys, and isn’t ripping everyone’s heads off anymore. Bailey is smothering him, but he’s accepting it because he knows it’s her way of dealing with loss too. My wife goes overboard in almost everything; it’s one of the things I love the most about her. Zander is taking everything in his stride. The only thing I hate is seeing the shadows he tries to hide from us in his eyes. We all know he’s upset and not doing so good when it comes to missing the love of his life. He’s not even at the point where he can say her name or talk about her yet. And that’s okay. One day, he’ll realize the pain isn’t there when he thinks of her or says her name out loud. Some days he can’t even stand to hear Aryn’s name because it breaks another piece of him away.

Today, we have the Dander Falls club coming out. Pops came back and told us he’s got some news to share with both clubs. We have no clue what’s going on, but I’m honestly worried about what he has to share with us. Bailey is absolutely frantic with worry because she has no clue what her dad wants to tell us. All we know is Alice and him are going to be here as soon as the Gage and everyone else gets here. It’s been hell trying to calm her down. Right now, we’ve got her in the kitchen starting to prepare a meal for everyone. We’re not doing a cookout or anything else. Today is a family day and we’re cleaning out the common room so we can move all the tables we have available inside so we can all sit down as a family and eat while listening to Pops news.

“Dad, what do you need help doin’?” Zander asks, walking through the front door of the clubhouse.

“We need to move everythin’ out of the way in here and bring in all the tables we can find. Cage and Joker went home to get the tables they have there and will be back soon with them. We need to find chairs too. Can you help me get the couches and everything moved?” I ask him, not sure what he’s got planned.

“Let’s get this done. Dad, do you think Pops is okay? I mean, you don’t think it’s bad news, do you? I’m not sure I could handle anythin’ bad happenin’ to him or Alice right now. No one in our family for that matter.”

“We’ll have to wait and see what’s goin’ on when he gets here. For now, let’s get everythin’ ready for when dinner is cooked and everyone gets here,” I tell him as we begin to move the furniture around.

We grunt and groan as we move the couches to the wall so they’re sitting under the TV mounted to the wall of the clubhouse. Next, we move over the recliners and small tables we’ve had placed around the room. Once everything is moved out of the way, we begin moving the tables we already have in here around the room to make more space for others coming in. Some people might have to sit at the bar depending on how many tables we can gather along with the chairs we can find from somewhere. This wasn’t very practical, but it’s what Alice and Pops want so they’re going to get it. They’ve done a lot for the club and continue to do so much for us.

It’s not long before Cage and Joker are back with several folding tables. I’m just getting off the phone with Blade so he can bring some chairs over with him on his way in a few minutes. He’s got some out in his barn or garage. The ol’ ladies start bringing out the food they’ve made and setting it up on the top of the bar while we continue to set up the tables and search for all the new chairs. All the kids are searching everywhere for them as we all make the common room as accessible as possible. It’s a tight fit, but we’ll make it work. We always do.

We’ve got everything set up and everyone is here. As we get our plates of food ready, Pops and Alice are huddled together by the bar. They’re not getting plates of food, drinks, or anything else. All I know is they each look healthy as usual, but looks can be deceiving. I’m about out of patience as Bailey is eyeing the duo and not getting her own food. She won’t eat or settle down until she knows what’s going on. It’s the way she is because she’s lost so much and is just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Pops is her only remaining parent left alive, and she doesn’t want to lose him anytime soon. Not after everything with losing Aryn and the shit Zander has been going through.

After another half hour, Pops finally clears his throat and calls for the attention of everyone. Alice and he are both smiling like crazy as they look around the room.

“I’m so glad everyone could make it on such short notice. As some of you know Alice and I went out of town to get away for a few days. What we discovered when we made it there was somethin’ atrocious. There’s a gang of thugs movin’ in and takin’ over the town. I’m talkin’ about closed down store fronts, no one goin’ to the beach, and the community members talkin’ about movin’ out of town because they don’t want to get hurt. These thugs are movin’ drugs and pushin’ prostitution through the town.

“Alice and I talked to a lot of people there. The business owners are bein’ charged so-called protection fees by these assholes which means they get left alone for three or four weeks. It all depends on when the assholes come back to demand another payment from them. Everyone is gettin’ tired of it. The local cops aren’t doin’ anythin’ about it either. As far as I can tell, they’re just as afraid of these scumbags as everyone else is. I have no clue what’s goin’ to happen if this little town shuts completely down.

“Anyway, we’ve talked to the real estate agent in town and she’s willin’ to give us an amazin’ deal on the storefronts, the motel, and a few other places if we’re willin’ to buy them. I’ve got the paperwork and signed offers for everythin’ for Grim, Gage, and whoever else wantin’ to get a look at them. This is a town that relies on tourism to make it through an entire year. That’s not happenin’ because of these thugs. Everyone is losin’ out, and they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel,” Pops informs us, his voice loud and booming as he tells us all of this information.

“That’s all horrible,” I say, looking at the room as a whole. “Why are you tellin’ us all this though Pops?”

“Well, here’ the thing. I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about what’s goin’ on and there is no way in hell the kids are gonna be happy here. There is too much hangin’ over their heads at the end of the day; a lot of loss from the past we still revisit today and other loss even fresher than that. What I’m proposin’ is we start a new chapter of the Wild Kings and let the kids take over. They can start the club there and all have fresh starts in life. A chance to prove what they’re made of, and they can help the town of Cedar Bay get cleaned up.

“With a club there, we can chase away the twatwaffles who are destroyin’ what used to be a real money-makin’ town. The club can earn money, the town can start openin’ back up and makin’ money again, and the kids can all get a fresh start in life. Somewhere all of the memories aren’t plaguin’ them every second of every day. I’m bringin’ this to you all because I believe we can make a difference and there is no way in hell we’ll be able to stay here in two different chapters because the kids might want to do things different. With all of us old asses hangin’ around and barkin’ out orders, they won’t fly free the way they should be. This is their chance to truly find out what they’re made of. The decision is all of yours though. I’ll leave the information with you to go over and decide in church,” Pops says, the passion he’s feeling about this shining through over everything else.

It’s honestly been a long time since I’ve seen Pops this passionate and for a large decision like this. Usually he doesn’t bring much to the club and is more of a background force giving us advice when we ask him for it. If we don’t go to him, he lets us be and come to our own conclusions. To have him bring this to all of us at one time, he’s seriously involved and wants this to happen.

“Okay. Gage and I will go over everythin’ you have there, and we’ll have church before they leave. We’ll have our decision made within a few hours. This will be made by all members. For this church, all the boys who are Prospectin’ will be involved. It’s important for you to be involved in this decision because at the end of the day, it’s your life we’re talkin’ about. Now, let’s all eat so we can get on with the decisions needin’ to be made,” I say, looking at Gage as he nods in response.

Alice and Pops finally get their own plates of food and sit down to eat with us. I know it’s just a matter of minutes before Bailey gives her dad a piece of her mind. She’s been so worked up and there is no way she’s going to let this go without saying something. Bailey has been driving herself insane over the last few days and I think we can all tell that based on the amount of food she’s cooked with the help of the other ol’ ladies.

“Dad, I need you to know you scared the shit out of me,” Bailey says after a minute.

“What do you mean I scared you?” Pops questions her, confusion written on his face.

“When you wanted to meet with everyone like this, I thought somethin’ was wrong with you or Alice. With everything that’s happened recently, I can’t handle any more bad news. Not to mention, this idea isn’t exactly the greatest news, but I want the kids to do what they can and have the lives they deserve,” Bailey tells her dad, not holding anything back from him.

“I’m sorry. That wasn’t our intention. This town, Grim, can really be turned back into somethin’ if given the opportunity. I think this is a good idea,” Pops says, never once losing the passion in his voice as he finally begins to dig into his food.

Gage and I have been closed in my office looking over everything that Pops and Alice brought home with them from Cedar Bay. I have to say the offers from the real estate agent are really decent and we can easily afford to buy the abandoned storefronts, motel, and a few of the warehouses that are sitting empty. I think Pops might really be on to something here. It won’t take long to bring back the tourists once we can get rid of the fuckers thinking they can take over this town simply because no one is pushing back or doing anything to stop them.

“What do you think?” I ask Gage, watching as he continues to look over the papers.

“I think it’s a good idea. My only concern is the assholes already there. Are we prepared to take them on?”

“We are. It’s been a while and you know we can always call in Slim and Renegade’s clubs if we have to for help. This needs to go in front of everyone so they can look over the information we have and make a decision together as one club. Plus, I want the boys to have their say too. It’s been long enough since Pops talked about this for them to have talked and thought about what they want to do,” I say, knowing it’s time for us to get together with everyone else as long as Gage is in agreement.

Sending out a text to everyone, Gage and I head to the meeting room. It’s going to be a tight fit to get all of us in there, but we’ll make it work. Setting out all the papers Pops brought with him from the offers of the real estate to the plan he’s got figured out, I take my seat at the head of the table after pulling over one of our extra chairs right next to me at the head of the table. Everyone else from my club can take their original seats while everyone else can find an empty chair or stand along the wall.

It doesn’t take the guys long to come in and figure out where to sit or stand. Pops, Joker, and Cage gave up their seats for the officers of Gage’s club. Once everyone is ready to go, I slam the gavel on the table in front of me to call the meeting to order. Every man shuts his mouth and pays attention to what I have to say. Along with Gage. The only reason he’s letting me speak is because it’s my clubhouse and I’m the National President.

“You all know why we’re here. Pops has pretty much laid everythin’ out for us to see and make our decision. Gage brought up a good point about whether we should go up against these thugs to reclaim the town of Cedar Bay. I feel we’re ready to take them on and let these people have their town back. Once we get them out of the picture, we’ll blend in and become members of the community. We can open new businesses, which Pops also has a lot of ideas for and make sure they are free to live in their small town without the fear of anyone else comin’ in to take it over again. Tourism will hopefully start back up and the town can thrive again as it used to,” I say looking around the room at everyone standing or sitting around me. “I also agree it will give our kids a chance to spread their wings and fly. To really learn who they are and what they can do without us lookin’ over their shoulders. Jameson and Reagan are gone with another club, and they are doin’ amazin’. So, the floor is open. Any questions or concerns, voice them now so we can vote. Here is all the paperwork Pops has, go over it and let us know what you think.”

The kids step up to take a look at the papers over the other men’s shoulders. There’s a lot of nodding and low murmuring as all the papers are passed around the table for each member and kid to look over before giving us their opinion on what we should do. However, it doesn’t take long for Zander to look up at me. I already know what his decision is going to be without him saying a word to me about anything. He wants to go. To get away from all the memories and places he spent time with Aryn. It’s the only way he’ll be able to escape the ghosts of his past and be able to move on somewhat.

“I’m in,” Zander says, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m in too,” Blade says, setting the paper he was holding down. “There is no way this isn’t a good idea. Not only do we get to help people who desperately need it, we can let our kids start over and build their own empire. One we’ll all be proud of. As long as they’re willin’ to put in the hard work and make the commitment not to just go there to party and have fresh pussy.”

“Not about the pussy,” one of the triplets speaks up. “I want to go get rid of these fuckers and make sure the people of town know they can live free and that we’re not goin’ to rake them over the coals like these guys have been.”

“Are we ready to call a vote?” Gage asks, sitting forward in his chair.

Nods come from all the members around the table along with our kids. This is their first vote even though they’re only Prospects. Any other circumstances and they wouldn’t be getting a vote at all.

“Everyone in agreement say ‘Aye’,” I tell them as I nod to Gage first.

Only two members around the table don’t agree with the vote to expand the club and add a new chapter to the club. One for our kids to take over and see what they can make of a small town.

“Majority rules. We’ll be openin’ up a new chapter of the Wild Kings in Cedar Bay. We still have to patch the kids in and put in offers on what we want. Then we’ll have to go make sure everythin’ is up to code and built the way we want it. I believe the hotel would make a good clubhouse. We shouldn’t have to do much work to get it ready and can figure out what to do with all the extra rooms,” I state, slamming the gavel on the table to dismiss everyone.

With everyone leaving, I remain in my seat. Zander stays in the room with me for some reason. As soon as Pops is out, he takes the chair next to me and hangs his head for a few minutes.

“Dad, are you sure this is a wise move to make? I know I want to go and most of the other kids do too. However, I’m gonna miss mom and you. This is where we grew up and now, we’re gonna be leavin’ it all behind,” he asks me, needing to know what I truly think.

“I think it’s a good move. The best one for the club, you kids, and Cedar Bay. You especially need a fresh start, and we’ll still see you guys all the time. We can go there, and you can come back here for a visit whenever you don’t have shit goin’ on. Are you havin’ second thoughts?”

“No. Just gonna miss it here, I guess. Not to mention Aryn is buried here.”

“There’s nothin’ to stop us from doin’ somethin’ for you in Cedar Bay like we have here for your brother. We’ll make it all work. Now go out and have a drink before Gage and everyone leave to head home.”

Zander leaves church with a faint smile on his face. It’s one of the few we’ve seen since he lost Aryn. Still, I don’t leave my seat as I look at the papers all over again. This is the right move to make and I’m glad we’re doing it. It’s just a matter of time before the kids were going to head off on their own and move on. Now, we know where they’re going and will be able to watch them grow and become who they’re supposed to be without all of us parents hovering. Especially their moms. Love the ol’ ladies of both clubs, but they can be very opinionated when it comes to their kids. They don’t hesitate to let them hear it either.