Inked Devotion by Carrie Ann Ryan

Chapter 5


Ipressed the key against the lock, the door clicked, and I turned the handle to walk in. I could feel Benjamin behind me and did my best not to think about it too hard, because this was Benjamin. My friend. We had just spent how many hours together in the car? We could figure this out.

“I can take the floor,” Benjamin said as we walked in and looked at the giant king bed in the very tiny room. I looked at the floor and cringed. “You’re not sleeping on the floor. Who knows what’s happened on these carpets, what little there is of it.”

He sighed and looked out. “I’m sure it’s not that bad,” he paused. “Okay, maybe it is exactly that bad.” He looked at me, cringed. “I can sleep in the car.”

I laughed. “You’re not sleeping in the damn car. It’s cold, and it’s rainy, and we’re not going to waste gas to keep you warm.”

“Brenna, we’re both adults. We can do this.” He gave the bed a tight nod as if he were a drill sergeant getting ready to train his soldiers.

“Yes, we are adults.” I sighed. “Let’s go find something to eat, and maybe just spend the evening stuffing our faces with nachos or something.”

He snorted and shook his head as he set his duffle near the side of the bed closest to the door. I nearly rolled my eyes because I knew he had done that to protect me. Beckett, Benjamin, Lee, and I had always joked that the person that slept by the door would get murdered first, and then Lee had mentioned that the person by the window would get hit by a sniper, so there wasn’t any safe space. The fact that we cared about these things just told us how tired we had been when we had had these conversations.

“I guess you want to get murdered first?” I teased.

He slid his hand through his hair. “If I have to be. Did you think I was going to let you get murdered first?”

“What if they see me first even though you’re closer? You’ll never know. There’s no safe place.”

“At least we’re in a hotel with a hallway and not one against the outside world. That’s more murder central.”

“We need to stop watching murder shows together.”

“You’re the one that adds additional podcasts to the situation.”

“Annabelle and Paige are far worse than me. They went to a convention about those podcasts.”

“You didn’t go because you had a wedding cake to bake. I remember,” Benjamin teased, and I blushed before I pulled my tablet, sketch pad, and purse towards me. “Let’s go get food.”

“There’s a Tex-Mex place across the street. We can get you those nachos.”

“Tex-Mex in rural America? It’s not going to be real Tex-Mex.”

“Picky picky. We don’t live in Texas. Colorado barely has real Tex-Mex.”

“Shut your mouth. Colorado does just fine.”

“True. I think I just got spoiled when I had those carnitas down in San Antonio.”

“Of course you were spoiled, but now I want carnitas, or nachos, or just anything with salsa.”

“The spicier, the better,” he added.

I shook my head as we made our way out and towards the restaurant. People were still milling about in the lobby, and I felt terrible about it, but as it was, we hadn’t taken two rooms, just one, and now we were going to have to deal with sleeping in the same bed together. The family with those children had a safe space for the night, and that is all I could do for now. Hopefully, the roads would be clear by the following day, and the storm would go away, and we’d be fine.

“There’s a walkway over here that’s partially covered, so we shouldn’t get too drenched.”

“Good, I’m not in the mood to be a sopping mess on my way to get those nachos.”

“Now I’m craving nachos.”

“Want to share a plate and then get something else and just gorge ourselves?” I asked.

“That sounds like the best idea.”

That’s when I noticed he also had his tablet and sketchbook with him, and I raised a brow. “You’ll be working too then?”

“We have a couple of hours to kill, nowhere to go, so yes, I’ll be working on a few projects, and my tablet has my book on it, so I’ll figure out something. As long as we don’t steal a table from everybody for too long, I’m fine with it.”

“Good for me.”

The place wasn’t too busy, as it seemed everybody who was waiting out the storm was at the hotel and not eating yet.

“Party of two, please,” Benjamin said as the hostess looked at him. She didn’t spare me a look.

“Of course, you and your wife can follow me.” She gave him a once-over and then headed towards a back booth.

I gave Benjamin a look, and he shrugged.

“She was just testing the waters to see if you were available,” I mumbled under my breath.

“I figured that, but I’m not in the mood for random sex with a random stranger at a Tex-Mex place in the middle of nowhere.”

“At least I know your boundaries,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

“Thank you,” Benjamin said as we got to the booth. He put his hand on the small of my back, and I raised a brow as he helped me sit down.

“My wife and I appreciate it.”

I held back a roll of my eyes again as the hostess walked away, a bit sulky.

“She didn’t even look to see if we had rings,” I teased.

“We’ll just make do.”

“Okay, husband, let’s see if they have nachos, now that I’ve talked about them enough.”

He snorted, set his stuff down on one side of the table, and scooted into the booth. It was a round booth, so we were sitting pretty close together, but not necessarily so much that I could feel the heat of him.

Thank God, because tonight was going to be awkward enough.

A waiter in black pants and a black T-shirt with the restaurant’s name stitched on his chest came over, a pen behind his ear and a pad of paper in his hand. “Welcome. Can I get you guys started with some margaritas?”

I looked down at my phone and shrugged. “Liquid dinner with our actual dinner?” I asked.

Benjamin shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

“That sounds great.”

“Two margarita house specials coming up.”

“What about your nachos?” Benjamin asked, and I held back a smile.

“We have four kinds of nachos. My favorite is the shredded chicken with the green salsa, with guacamole on the side.”

My stomach grumbled, and Benjamin snorted. “That sounds like a winner.”

“We’ll get that set up. When you take a look at the menu for your entrée, know that we’ll be here with the best food you can get around the area.”

“That sounds like a promise I can’t wait to taste.” I cringed as he walked away.

“That didn’t even make any sense.”

“Was that you trying to flirt?” Benjamin asked.

I kicked him under the table. “You’re a jerk.”

“Yes, totally. What can I say?”

“What can you say? You’re still a jerk,” I said with a laugh.

They brought our margaritas and nachos soon after, and each of us ordered a different platter that we could share. It would be far too much food for me, but I knew how much Benjamin and Beckett could eat. We were not going to have leftovers. I wasn’t even sure if we had a small fridge in our hotel room.

“Now that we have service, I forgot I need to text my family and let them know we might be late.”

“We put in time for sightseeing, so we won’t be that late.”

“We’ll have to see what happens tomorrow.”

“I’ll text Beckett so he can let the other Montgomerys know so you don’t have to deal with that.”

“Well, at least they know we’ll be safe, right?”

“That’s the goal,” I said as I sipped my margarita and texted my mom.

“Annabelle has already texted back to make sure that we’re safe. We are,” Benjamin said as he shook his head and set the phone down. “I told them we were eating, but the group chat is going to go insane.”

My phone started buzzing, and I sighed. “It looks like I am part of the group chat now.”

“You’re an honorary Montgomery. You’re going to be part of the family group chats.”

“I sure do love your family,” I said, as I took a big gulp of my margarita, feeling warm.

“I love my family too,” he said, taking a bite of the nachos. “We can be a little overbearing sometimes, but it’s what we do.”

I smiled, feeling warm and happy and full of nachos. Our dinners came, as did our third margaritas. I was feeling a little buzzed, a little warm, and knew I should probably slow down. Neither one of us had touched our work. Instead, we talked and just enjoyed each other’s company. I didn’t get to see this side of Benjamin too often, the one that let himself go and laugh out loud. Every time he smiled or laughed, women would look over at him as if drawn to him, and I understood. I was the same way.

He drew your attention no matter what he did.

I thought maybe I shouldn’t have another drink, but I did, because why not? There was nothing else I could do that evening. Benjamin did the same, and while I knew his tolerance was more than mine, his eyes were warm as well, and I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if we had another.

When the place began to fill up, I was full and a little drunk.

Maybe a lot drunk. I wasn’t quite sure. We paid, tipped well, and slowly meandered our way over to the hotel.

“Those margaritas were a bit strong,” I said, as I leaned into him.

“I’ve got you, Brenna,” he whispered.

“Good,” I whispered back. And why did all of that sound so warm and delightful?

We made our way through the lobby as people were still milling about, talking to one another, or looking as if they would be sleeping there.

Somehow we were at the hotel room door, having taken the elevator, and then we were inside and not ready to end the night.

“So now what?”

“A movie?” he asked as he picked up the remote. He then bent down and looked and picked up his cooler and opened it.

I snorted. “Are beers after tequila good? Or is it before that gets you sicker?”

“I really can’t think of a rhyme right now,” Benjamin said as he twisted off the cap on one beer and handed it to me.

I took a sip and sighed happily, leaning against the headboard. “You know, I haven’t been drunk in a while. I think I like it.”

“Me too. I’ve been too busy with work and just life to find time to lean back and enjoy it, you know?”

“Exactly,” I said as I moved down to lean against his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me, and I took another sip of my beer as he did his, and I figured I would fall asleep. He was so warm, and we were there on the bed, cuddling, and I wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but then I was looking up at him, my gaze on his, and I swallowed hard.

“Benjamin?” I whispered.

“Hey,” he whispered back.

“I really shouldn’t,” I said, more to myself, but I hadn’t realized I’d said the words aloud until he leaned forward.

“We really shouldn’t,” he said, and then his lips were on mine, and he was holding the beers in his hand. He set the beers down on the table, and then he was over me, kissing me softly, his body warm and hard over mine. I groaned, unable to hold myself back as he settled between my legs, his lips on mine. I was a little too drunk to care, but not enough to forget that I could push him off if I wanted to.

I didn’t. Why not? We were friends. We could do this. It would just be one night, and so I kissed him again and ran my hands up and down his back. He slid one hand up my shirt to cup my breast, and I groaned, leaning into him.

“Are you sure?” He pulled back, both of us breathing heavily.

I didn’t see a single ounce of drink in his eyes just then, he was just pure Benjamin, and I nodded.

“Just tonight,” I whispered.

“Okay then.” And he kissed me again.

We were both too buzzed, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to kiss him. To feel him.

My shirt was off then, and his lips were on my skin, the softness nearly sending me over the edge. The scruff of his beard rasped against my nipples through my bra, and I groaned, needing more. I pulled on his shirt, and he sat up, stripping it off him, and I nearly swallowed my tongue. He was all hard lines and muscles, and I reached out to slide my fingers over the ridges of his abdomen.

“Dear God, working outside is good for you.”

“I try,” he whispered, and then he kissed me again before he trailed his lips down my chest. I slid off my bra, and he held my breasts together, lapping at my nipples, kissing and sucking. I squirmed on the bed as he continued his leisurely stroll down my body, and then he was kissing the top of my pants before he slid them down, and I was wearing nothing but a smile as he looked down at my pussy, and I nearly groaned.

His dark head was between my legs, and I put my hands on my breasts, playing with my nipples as he sucked at my clit, spreading me as he ate me out. I shook, my whole body on the edge of a precipice, when he speared me with two fingers, sucked on my clit, and I came. I didn’t remember how it happened.

I was coming, my whole body shaking as I whispered his name, and then he was over me, and my hands were on his belt, both of us frantic in stripping him down.

The tequila was burning through me, but I wasn’t drunk just then. This was all Benjamin. All need and heat and something that had been burning for too long or had come out of nowhere. I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to think about it. I just wanted right now.

Maybe it was just a dream, but I didn’t think so.

When he freed himself from his boxer briefs, I palmed his erection, both of us groaning at the sight of my hand on his thickness. He was so wide, my fingertips didn’t touch, and I pumped him once, twice, and he licked his lips.

“You keep doing that, and I’m going to fucking spill all over this pretty breast before I’m even inside you.”

I sat up slightly as he knelt above me and I licked the tip of his dick, just the saltiness making me want to squeeze my thighs together even though he had me spread.

“Okay, enough of that,” he growled, then he tugged on my hair and kissed me again.

He leaned over and rummaged through something, and I wanted to know why he had a condom on him, or maybe he did all the time. I didn’t know, but I was just grateful because I wasn’t about to have sex with him without one.

He slid the condom over his shaft and I licked my lips, then he was between my legs again, his hand working me again to make sure I was ready, and then I met his gaze as he slid deep inside. He was so big, so thick, I could barely keep up, and he was stretching me.

He took his time, sinking into me inch by inch as we both shook, sweat-slick, the smell of tequila and heat burning between us. He had his lips on mine, and then he met my gaze as he pushed in the final inches to bring him deep inside to the hilt.

“Brenna,” he whispered, and then he was moving. I wrapped my legs around his waist, arching myself thrust for thrust as we both succumbed to each other. It was too much, this was everything, and when he slid his hand over my clit again and then reached up to cup my face, kissing me hard, I came, clamping around him. It was frantic, hard, a brutal pace that left us both panting and in need, and when he came, he groaned my name deep into my neck as he shook, holding me close.

And then he fell to the side, both of us moaning, and I slept, falling deep from the drink, from him, and told myself I would deal with it in the morning. I would deal with him in the morning. I didn’t want to regret this. I couldn’t.

It was only a dream. Perhaps this hadn’t happened.

Let my body rest, and there were no more thoughts—only him.

Only heat. Only sleep.