Sheriff Daddy’s Unforgettable Little by Jess Winters














In all honesty, the whole ride to the police station was incredibly uncomfortable.  Thanks to me being the only one with a cruiser at the club, I had to arrange to have the waitress follow me to the station to give her statement, and I had to ride with the drunken idiot whining and complaining in the back seat.  All the while, I had a raging boner thanks to my arousal brought on by the waitress herself.

I just couldn't help it.  She was the hottest woman I had ever seen, and I had fallen from her the second she awkwardly raised her hand, identifying herself as the victim.  Her long, blonde hair had been tied back in a messy bun, and her blue eyes sparkled in the lights that danced around us.  She was no taller than five foot five, and her body was proportioned perfectly with the right amount of curves and full ruby red lips over a perfect smile.  If I had seen her before the whole situation, I would have hit on her and done everything I could to get her number.  Hell, if I could, I would have convinced her to come home with me, and we would have rocked each other's world.

"Hey, am I going to jail?" the man in the back asked as he stared at me through the metal mesh separating us.  "Please, I'm sorry.  That woman was working with Diane.  I had to do something!"  I shook my head at his drunken rambling.

"Settle down back there," I told him as I drove, deeply annoyed at how much my cock was throbbing.  I was supposed to be off duty, which is why I was at the club in the first place.  A man has needs, after all.  "We're going to take you to the station, and they're going to settle everything from there."  He settled back down and remained quiet the rest of the drive to the station.

Once we arrived at the station, I escorted the man inside, and I explained everything to Darrell at processing.  Within minutes, the man was booked and processed, and Darrell led him away to make his phone call.  Meanwhile, I found that the waitress was sitting in the lobby, speaking to Lance, who was taking her statement.  Once they were done, I approached her.

"So, how are you feeling?" I asked, unsure of how to break the ice between us and kill the awkwardness between us.  She gave me a gentle smile as she looked up at me.

"Much better now that everything's done and over with," she reassured me.  "I chose not to press charges, but it's good to know that he's being taken care of."  I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Even though you didn't press charges on him, you do know that the State will press charges on him," I informed her, and she shrugged.

"I know," she retorted with a gentle smile.  "That's why I didn't press charges.  Not only will I not have to waste all my time at the trial, but, when I do have to go to court, it'll only be as a witness."  I felt impressed by her genius regarding the whole situation and wondered where she got such a wonderful idea.

"Well, now that everything's taken care of," I said as I struggled to think about what to say.  "Would you maybe like to stop and get some dinner with me?"  God, I hated myself for sounding like a fucking geek asking out the popular girl.  No, I was a jock back in high school, and, by most standards, I was still considered the type.  I refused to let any woman take my breath away like this.  It was all about confidence.  The woman smiled up at me and nodded.

"Actually, dinner would be nice," she said before looking down at her watch.  "However, I think I'll have to take a rain check, though.  I'm not technically supposed to be off the clock until midnight."  I looked at my watch and thought for a second, fighting to come up with an excuse to keep her with me.

"It's eleven at night," I reminded her.  "You know, by the time you get there, your shift will be over."  She frowned as she realized I was right.

"I guess you're right," she agreed.  "I should at least call my boss.  Unless Tom and Brad already told him."  After a moment, she shook her head.  "Oh, forget it.  Let's go to dinner."  Excitement filled me as I fought to restrain myself.

"Great," I agreed.  "Where should we go?"