Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



Angel paced, flexing her hands and rolling her neck. There was a storm brewing inside my wife, and when it hit land, it would bring destruction. I had a feeling it had to do with Emilee.

“Angel, wanna work off some tension?”

She scowled.

“Or not.”

“Don’t be cute with me. I am so worried about Emilee. That poor girl has been through hell. If you would’ve heard her talking about what it was like being secluded from everyone you love… Well, maybe you wouldn’t have thought twice about it, but, Kaleb, it broke my heart.” She put her hand on her chest.

“I would’ve thought twice about it, Angel. Emilee’s been like a little sister to me.”

She waved me off. “You let all your sisters get dragged away from the love of their life? From the father of their baby against their will?”

Shit, she had me there.

“Angel, I know I screwed up with this.”

“Yes, you did, Kaleb.” She wiped under her eyes.

My heart seized, my chest tightening. I hated seeing my woman sad. “Baby, I’m truly sorry about all this.” I climbed out of bed and took her in my arms. “I’m on Dodge and Emilee’s side now.”

She sniffled, nodding her head. “I know, but the damage has been done, Kaleb. She could’ve had her baby stolen. Her dad is missing. She’s had a gun in her back and no friends to rely on. It’s only been Emilee all alone.”

I reared back. “What gun in her back?”

“Justin’s woman put a gun in her back when she tried to come home. Home, here. To us.”

“When was this?”

“I’m not sure. I was so upset hearing how awful everything had been for her. I missed when it happened.”

I pushed her toward our bed. Birdie was sound asleep in her crib. Since becoming parents, we went to bed a hell of a lot earlier than before our daughter arrived. After Dodge and Emilee left, my girl was done, so I had brought her and the baby home.

Angel climbed in first. I followed, killing the light, then tugged her into my arms. Her head went on my chest.

“Tell me what else Emilee said.”

“Justin wouldn’t let her call Tina or Sugar. She needed them. They were like surrogate mothers to her, and he wouldn’t let Em talk to them. How could he be so cruel?”

I knew Sugar and Tina hadn’t received a single call from Emilee. I should’ve investigated, but I trusted Justin. He was a good man. I’d honestly thought he’d come to his senses. Raul had believed the same. But time flew by while we were putting out fires. I’d been dealing with all kinds of shit at the club since the day I married Angel that Emilee wasn’t on my radar.

That wasn’t an excuse. Emilee was like my little sister, and I’d let her down.

“I’m not sure what’s gotten into Justin,” I told Angel honestly.

“I think you and a lot of the guys are biased because you’ve known each other for so long. Your loyalty to each other runs deep, and that’s good. But it’s different for me. My view isn’t muddled by bylaws, oaths, and a leather cut covered with patches.”

“He was our brother.”

“What Justin did was wrong. You all let him go off the rails, taking Emilee away. She’s a grown woman. It wasn’t long ago that Snow had been in a similar situation.”

I growled low. “Casso Campbell is a nutjob. Justin is—”

“He thanked his girlfriend for stopping Emilee with a gun. Thanked her, Kaleb. Just imagine how Emilee felt.”

“Fuck, Angel. I get it. I do. No more, okay?” If I heard anymore, I’d beat the crap out of Justin myself. I truly felt responsible for not dealing with him sooner.

She kissed my neck. “Sometimes, you need me to drill stuff into your thick skull.”

I squeezed her ass. “I do, baby. It’s good you call me out like this… in private.”

“Promise me something, Kaleb Knight.”

“I’ll try.” On cue, my stomach tightened. I sensed Angel’s emotions and thoughts as if they were my own. It was scary how in sync we were. I was sure I wouldn’t like what she was about to say.

“Promise me you won’t let Justin take her again. If you do, we’re going to have some serious problems.”

My muscles coiled in my shoulders at the warning tone in her voice.

“Angel, tread carefully. I am the president of this club. It isn’t your place to interfere. You know this.”

“I know my place. I’m not trying to be difficult or undermine your authority.” She propped up and swirled her nails in my chest hair. “Like you, when someone I love is harmed, I must defend them. I’m just saying I won’t stay silent a second time if you give her back to Justin.”

“What will you do if I do?” I had to ask. After everything, I wouldn’t hand Emilee over to Justin, but I wanted to know what my woman would do.

“It would kill me to leave you.” She kissed my neck. “God, it would kill me.”

“It would kill me too, Angel.” My heart thundered in my chest at the very thought of her leaving me.

“Then please don’t give me a reason to.”

“You know I’d never let you leave me. You’re mine, Angel. I’m not giving you up ever.”

“Make love to me, Kaleb.”

I rolled her onto her back and covered her body with mine. “You’d really leave me?”

There was just enough light to make out her glimmering baby blues. “It would be the hardest thing I ever did. It would be like ripping my heart and soul out, but how could I sit back and watch you destroy someone I love? What kind of a person would that make me?”

Fuck, her convictions would not be denied. I admired the hell out of my wife, loved her more than life itself.

I kissed her lips, tasting a slight saltiness from her tears. I hated when she cried. Hated it more when I was to blame. “I love you, Angel. You don’t need to worry about Emilee. She’s here to stay.”