Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



“They were defending him after I told them how horrible it’d been. I snapped, then my heart raced and I couldn’t breathe. I don’t want to be this way, Danny.”

I rubbed Emliee’s hip. “It’s okay, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong.” I didn’t know what to say, so I told her what I always wanted to hear when I was a kid.

We were lying on the bed, Little D sleeping on my chest. When we got back to our place, Emilee fed and bathed him. It was like she was in the zone taking care of him, totally closed off from the outside world to do what was needed. I didn’t interfere or force her to talk to me. I knew she would when ready.

She got off the bed and came around to my side. “Kiss him good night. I’m going to put him in the crib.”

I inhaled Dante’s baby scent, pressing my lips to his head. “Daddy loves you, Little D.”

Emilee smiled as she collected him. “What did Storm want to talk about after supper?”

“Club business.” Meaning her dad.

She eyed me suspiciously as she returned to bed. Her knee was better today. She’d hardly limped. “You mean my dad. I know you can’t tell me anything, but I would hope if he’d been found, you wouldn’t keep me in the dark.” She snuggled against me.

“Yes, I’d tell you if he’s been found.” Storm’s cousin Cobra had called with an update. His club hadn’t found a trace of Justin. They were combing the streets night and day, searching for the Rat Brotherhood’s hive.

“Okay, I trust you.”

I lowered my mouth to hers. “You can always trust me. I’d never hurt you.”

“And you can trust me too.”

My lips ghosted across hers, my ears dialing in to her breathy sighs. She was finally relaxed. I wanted to keep her stress-free, even though I knew it wasn’t possible with Justin missing.

“Perfect, Em,” I whispered as I kissed her. My hand glided along her thigh, up to her bare ass. I’d missed touching her silky soft skin.

I took the hem of my T-shirt and tugged it up her body until it was off, then tossed it on the floor. She helped me shimmy out of my boxers. Our movements were frantic, desperate. Both of us wanted the same thing.

I raised her hands above her head and held them in place. She exhaled a lustful breath as I licked across her jaw and down her neck.

Emilee spread her legs as I made my way down her body, kissing and licking and nipping her sensitive skin. She was so perfect in every way. Sweet and kind. Caring and loving. She had a huge heart, but when we had sex, Emilee turned into a greedy woman.

“Keep your hands above your head, Em.”

She trembled, her smoldering gaze locked on mine. “Okay.”

“Wait until I give you permission to touch me.” Dominating her during sex was such a turn-on for both of us. We weren’t into kinky stuff, but I got off on controlling Emilee. I’d grown up being abused at home and bullied at school. Even as a patched member, I had to follow orders. In the bedroom was the one place where I was king.

I might still be shy and reserved, but I wasn’t weak anymore. I wasn’t the runt in the pack like I was when I was a kid. Boxer trained all the prospects at the gym, building them up physically and mentally. I’d worked my ass off, following his instruction so I could protect myself and others.

Emilee mewled, bowing her back and lifting her pelvis. “Please.”

I dragged my fingers along her mound, avoiding her clit. She liked to be teased during foreplay until she couldn’t take it anymore. I was happy to give her what she desired.

I kissed around her entrance, brushing my nose along her delicate skin. I neared her folds, then moved away.

Emilee squirmed on the bed, her hips undulating under me in an erotic dance. Her needy whimpers tickled my ears and drove me mad with lust.

My heart hammered in my chest. I was desperate to taste her, love her, fuck her… I couldn’t hold off any longer. I needed to have her.

I flatted my tongue and slowly swiped across her pussy, collecting her arousal. We both moaned, Emilee louder than me.

She grabbed a pillow and covered her face when I took her clit between my teeth. I bit down just hard enough to hear her muffled yelp as she thrust her pussy into my face.

That was it.

I drove my tongue into her heat, turned it up to full throttle, and ate her until she detonated under me. It didn’t take long for her to tense and shake, mewling her enjoyment into her pillow.

When her body went limp, legs falling to the sides, I removed the pillow from her face.

“Perfect, Em. And so fucking tasty.” I lifted her thigh, securing her leg around me, then entered her in one fierce thrust. I caught her scream of pleasure in my mouth. The damn bed squeaked as I pumped in and out of her. “Fucking loud bed,” I growled in frustration.

If Dante woke, I wouldn’t get mine. No fucking chance. I wrapped my arms around Em, pulling her to me, and lifted us off the bed.

“Hurry,” she begged. “I’m close.”

I carried her to the living room and put her on the sofa.

“You are incredible, Em.” I slid my dick out and drove it into her forcefully. “My perfect Em.” I was lost in her, fucking her to an inch of both of our lives. I’d never get enough of her. She was my world.

“Harder.” She squeezed my cock and went off.

I pistoned my hips, fucking her hard through her orgasm until she melted into the sofa.

Without thinking, I latched onto her delicious nipple like I used to and sucked. When I tasted her sweet breast milk, it startled the hell out of me. I wasn’t sure whether to feel guilty for sampling or what, but it didn’t matter because my release hit with a punch. I saw stars when I filled her with my cum, her needy pussy pulsing around me. The intensity of it all stole my breath away.

I let go of her tit and crushed my lips to hers. “Touch me.” I need her touch now more than anything.

Emilee’s hands were on me in an instant. Nothing got me going more than her touch. It was why I hadn’t let her put her hands on me until I gave the okay. I would’ve come before she did if I’d let her.

But now, I needed her sweet caresses like the oxygen in my lungs. She was more vital to me than the blood pumping in my veins. Emilee meant everything to me.

I couldn’t lose her again. I would never survive separation a second time.

We were relaxing on a blanket under a tree at the pond behind the clubhouse. Tina had made us a picnic lunch. She felt guilty for upsetting Emilee the other day and wanted to do something nice for her. My aunt wasn’t to blame. Emilee had hit her breaking point. It needed to happen after she’d been holding in a lot of shit.

I held a strawberry at Emilee’s lips. She smiled, opening her mouth. Her tongue brushed my finger as she took a bite.

My cock twitched. I wanted her again. Hell, I’d never stop wanting her.

Little D cooed and kicked his feet with a slobbery grin on his face. He was waiting for me to continue my story about how Emilee and I had first met.

“Sorry, son. Your momma is distracting me with her mouth. One day you’ll understand how freaking tempting a woman’s lips are.”

Emilee tossed her head back, giggling. “You shouldn’t tell him that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth.” I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. “After Little D goes to bed, you can make good use of these.” I took her bottom lip between my teeth.

She nodded. “Yes.”

I reluctantly released my perfect Em.

This outing wasn’t about me and my carnal desires. It was family time, just me and the two most important people in my life, spending the afternoon together. No one was around to disturb us. It was a peaceful summer’s day. Not too hot or humid. Clear blue skies. It was perfect.

“Now, back to my story.” I jiggled Dante’s little foot. “I’d always known your momma was off-limits. It was one of the first things Uncle Raul had told me when he’d brought me to the clubhouse. But, son, after I saw your momma, I was doomed.”

Emilee frowned. “Doomed? That doesn’t sound good.”

“Baby, it wasn’t good. You were only sixteen and so freaking innocent. Not to mention forbidden. I was doomed because I wanted you more than my next breath.”

“I had no idea, since you were rarely around. I hardly noticed you.”

“That’s because I avoided you. Stayed in my room when I wasn’t working. Peeked around corners to make sure you weren’t around. For two years, I watched you from afar.”

She caressed my cheek. “I had no idea.”

“Why would you? I was pretty forgettable. Shy and awkward around all the intimidating members.”

She kissed me softly. “You weren’t forgettable to me. After the first time we talked, or more like I talked to you”—she tittered—“I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I’d even told my roommate at college all about the hot biker I’d met.”

A grin stretched across my face. “You did?” She had never told me this before. After Justin had taken her to college, I’d tried to forget her, even forced myself to meet new women, but it hadn’t worked. Emilee had been seared onto my soul the first time I saw her.

“Mhm. Why do you think I pursued you when I came home for winter break?” Her cheeks turned pink, her eyes glittering with love.

“Hell, I have no idea why.” Every time she tried to talk to me, I’d make a fool of myself. My mind would go blank when I stared at her beautiful face. I’d hear my uncle Raul telling me to stay away from her. But I couldn’t.

“Aww. I was smitten, that’s why. I had butterflies in my stomach whenever you were around.”

I pulled Emilee closer and pressed my lips to hers. Talking about us and how we had fallen in love made me feel mushy as hell.

Dante let out a screech. Em and I turned toward him, and he grinned.

“Aww, were we ignoring you, sweet boy?” Emilee scooped him up and kissed the crook of his neck.

I could sit back and watch her fawn over our son all day long. She adored him, loved him with every fiber of her being.

Emilee was an amazing mother, fiercely protective and selfless. Dante was a lucky boy to have her as his mother.

“Do you ever wish you had a brother or sister?” I caressed my son’s head. It was still hard to believe he was here. Both he and Emilee. “Dante should have a sibling or two.”

Emilee leaned into my chest. I curled my arm around her, pulling her closer.

“Yes. I wanted a sister.” She kissed my cheek. “I want a couple of more babies.”

I gazed into her pretty eyes. “How soon do you want to get started making baby number two?”

“Well, we haven’t been using protection. I could already be pregnant.”

“I hope you are.” I kissed Dante’s head, then Emilee’s lips. “I want Dante and his brother or sister to be close in age. They can be best friends.”

“I’d love for them to be besties. I guess I won’t get on birth control.”

“You know you and our son are all I need to be happy, right?”

She snuggled into me. “Yes. And I don’t need anything else except you and Dante.”

My childhood hadn’t been like Emilee’s. She’d grown up surrounded by people who cared about her, and she’d had loving parents.

I didn’t have any memories of my dad, Oscar. He was Uncle Raul’s younger brother. My dad had worked in construction. When I was four, he’d gone to work and never came back. At the job site, he’d fallen off a roof and crushed part of his skull when he hit the ground. He’d died instantly. His death had changed my mom. She hadn’t been able to cope with his death and turned to alcohol, then drugs. The older I got, the worse she got.

My mother hated me. She had taken her anger out on me, called me names, hit me, all because I reminded her of my dad. When I turned eighteen, I called Uncle Raul and told him everything I’d been through. He drove out to Indiana two days later, beat up my mom’s boyfriend, and told her off.

I hadn’t seen my mom since.

Emilee hummed to Dante. I didn’t know the song, but it seemed to relax him. I assumed it was a lullaby, one Dante recognized, as his eyelids grew heavy.

I inhaled the fresh air, relishing this time at Wennberg Pond with my family. Little D and his future siblings would have the best childhood I could give them. I’d make sure they always felt loved and safe.

No one would ever take my family away from me ever again.