Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



Thursday evening, Storm called church after supper. Several were missing from around the table, like Hero and his crew. They were on the run to Canada.

I twiddled my thumbs, nervous as fuck—not only about this meeting, but about Emilee. I’d left her and Dante in the kitchen with Maddy and Tara. I hadn’t left her side since her last panic attack. She’d been doing great, all things considered, with Justin missing. Emilee was handling it as well as anyone would, but I worried about her constantly after her panic attack. Anything could trigger another one.

This afternoon, she got the first of several orders delivered. We’d spent most of Monday ordering clothes for Dante and her, and some things to personalize our new home. It was probably the most fun I’d had in a long time.

Eventually she’d asked how I could afford to buy so much. I’d simply replied, “Business has been good for the club.” I was relieved when she accepted my response and didn’t question further.

Storm hit the mallet on the table, and his stormy eyes darkened. “Justin’s been found.” He looked directly at me.

“Is he alive?” For Emilee’s sake, I hoped he was.

“Yes, but he was beaten nearly to death.” Storm exhaled. “He’s missing two fingers.”

Brothers growled and cursed, rage filling the air in the room.

“Fuck,” I muttered. My thoughts instantly went to Emilee. I wasn’t sure how she’d react hearing about her father’s condition.

“Where was he? Who found him?” Raul’s voice trembled.

“Garbage man found him behind the mall Tuesday morning. Justin had been unconscious until a few hours ago. Once he was able to give his name and it went into the system, it pinged Cobra’s informant, and they called him.”

“How bad is he? I mean, will he be okay?” No matter what Justin had done, I needed him to live for Emilee and Dante. I didn’t like him after he kept me from Emilee, but I hoped we could eventually forgive each other and be a real family.

“Not good. His hand was infected.” Storm dropped his head, shaking it. “They had to remove it to stop the infection from spreading. They’re keeping him for a week, possibly longer. All depends on his recovery.”

All eyes went to Raul as he pounded his fist on the table. His fury was palpable even for me. It was like we were waiting to see if Raul came unhinged. He wasn’t as hotheaded as he had been, in his twenties and thirties. He’d mellowed into his forties. But the beast within us never died, only falling dormant until awakened.

Raul slowly pushed his chair back and stood, bracing his hands on the wooden table. “I need to see him. He needs protection from the fuckers who did this.”

Storm’s jaw twitched, a murderous glint in his eyes. “I know, brother. Cobra has his guys standing guard. Tomorrow we’ll go so we can question him about what happened.”

“What about Emilee?” I wasn’t sure if I should tell her about Justin. I didn’t want to keep this from her, but holding off might be better for her emotionally. At least until we had more information on his condition.

“Do you think she can handle hearing about him?” Storm asked.

I shrugged. “Not sure. Sometimes she’s fine. Others she’s not.”

“I think she needs to know,” Raul said. “If Justin doesn’t make it, there will be backlash for not telling her sooner.”

“I agree with Raul. Emilee needs to know. I’ll leave it up to you when to tell her.” Storm hit the mallet on the table, ending church.

The meeting room cleared out. Before I told Emilee about Justin, I needed a drink.

I made my way into the bar, ignoring the usual activity of lewd behavior and drunkenness. I loved belonging to the club, but this scene wasn’t my thing.

Copper tossed a dishtowel on the bar and grinned. “Hey, haven’t seen much of you since Emilee arrived. How’s she doing?”

“She’s great. I’ll have a shot of tequila.”

“And the baby? Dante, right?”

“That’s right. We call him Little D.”

“Dude, that’s adorable. Can’t wait to meet, Little D.” Copper reached for the bottle behind him and filled the glass for me. I tossed it back and nodded for another.

“Is everything all right?”

I swallowed the clear liquid and shook my head as I leaned against the bar, relishing the burn in my throat.

“There you are.” A hand brushed down my shoulder. “Been hiding from me, Dodge?” Misty’s tongue licked my jaw.

I jerked away. Instant rage exploded inside me.

“Uh-oh,” Copper muttered.

“What’s going on?” Emilee’s pissed-off voice had me spinning around. Her narrowed eyes were locked on Misty.

I should intervene. Take Emilee out of the bar, away from the drama. But this might be good for her. Uncle Raul had told me every old lady needed to show the kittens who was boss. Emilee may appear timid and innocent, but nobody knew her the way I did. She wouldn’t stand by and let a kitten take what was hers.

“Well, you must be Dodge’s baby momma,” Misty said in a snide tone.

Emilee stepped toward her. “I’m more than the mother of his child. I’m his old lady, and you best keep your hands off my man.”

Pride replaced the rage in me hearing my man. Emilee didn’t appear the least bit intimidated by Misty.

“Until he claims you officially, he’s fair game.”

Emilee’s hand shot out faster than I blinked, and she wrapped it around Misty’s throat.

“Fair game?” Emilee yelled. “You don’t want to mess with me, kitten, or I will skin you.”

Misty grabbed at Emilee’s hand, trying to push it away. “Let go.” She gagged.

“Not until I teach you a lesson, bitch.”

My eyebrows shot up. Emilee didn’t swear much, but I had to admit, seeing her like this was fucking hot.

“What the fuck’s going on?” Prez’s voice boomed. “Em, let her go.”


He cut his eyes to me. I couldn’t help but grin, totally proud of my woman’s boldness.

Misty gagged and coughed, her eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Storm could easily pull Emilee’s hand off Misty. I didn’t think he would though. The bar had quieted, and everyone watched Emilee deal with the kitten.

Storm stood next to Emilee. “Did Misty cross the line, Em?” he asked in a calm voice.

“Yes. She touched my man. Smarted off to me,” Emilee seethed.

“What else?” Storm asked, encouraging her.

“This bitch called Dodge fair game until he claimed me. Then I snapped.” Her arm shook as she pushed Misty against the bar.

Misty struggled, clawing at Emilee’s arm. She didn’t faze my girl at all.

Storm snorted. “That was ballsy of Misty.”

“No. It was stupid.” Emilee grabbed a fistful of Misty’s hair with her free hand. Dudes never went for the hair in a fight, but women did.

Tears streaked down Misty’s face. Other kittens were watching my badass woman. Amber and Heidi had offered themselves to me after I’d gotten patched. I’d made it clear I wasn’t interested and was with Emilee. They hadn’t bothered me since.

“You’re right. My mistake.” Storm cut his eyes toward Copper. “Kill the music.” He jerked his chin at Emilee as if telling me to deal with her.

I went to her and snaked my hand around her waist. Putting my mouth at her ear, I told her, “Em, you can let go now. I think she understands.”

Saliva dripped in sticky strings from Misty’s mouth. I honestly believed she’d be unconscious by now if Emilee applied a little more pressure.

“If she doesn’t, next time I will snap her neck,” Emilee hissed in a deadly tone.

Storm went on Emilee’s other side. “There won’t be a next time, right, Misty?”

Misty shook her head.

“If there is”—Prez got eye to eye with the kitten—“I’ll skin you myself.”

Misty nodded, more tears rolling down her face.

Maddy and Tara appeared, each holding a baby. Maddy had Little D in her arms. Their looks of shock made me smile.

Storm nodded at me.

I placed my hand on Emilee’s. “Let go, baby. I have an announcement to make.”

She released the kitten. Misty crumpled to the floor, gasping and coughing.

I tugged Emilee away, then hugged her. “You did good, my perfect Em.”

She shook in my arms, from the adrenaline pumping in her veins, no doubt. But she’d be all right.

I kissed her, running my thumb along her cheek. Ending the kiss, I turned us to face the bar. “Most of you know Emilee is my woman and the mother of my child. But I’ll say it loud and proud, I claim her. She’s mine. Nobody better fuck with her.”

Fists hit tables as my brothers went wild.

Emilee curled into my arms. “Go ahead and tell them.”

“Are you sure?”

“After what I just did to that bitch, I’m positive. I want everyone to know you’re mine, and I’m yours.”

“Damn, I love you.” I kissed her hard, then reared back. “One more thing, we’re engaged to be married!”

Clapping and whistling ensued.

Both babies cried from behind us.

Maddy brought Dante to Emilee. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for both of you. Now we get to plan another wedding!”

Emilee took the baby into her arms and kissed him. “Thank you, but we don’t want anything big.”

“It can be whatever you want, sweets.” Maddy hugged her. “You were a badass, putting that kitten in her place.”

Emilee laughed nervously, bouncing Dante to soothe him. “I just reacted.”

Storm appeared with Birdie in his arms. “Congrats, brother.”

“Thanks, Prez.” I watched as my fiancée talked with Maddy and Tara. The joy over our engagement wouldn’t last long though. I needed to tell Emilee about her dad. I wasn’t worried if she could handle the news anymore. Emilee proved to me she could handle anything. When put to the test, she’d find her inner strength to do what needed to be done.

And I would always be by her side to catch her if she fell.