Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Thirteen


“This is delicious,”Anjanette said. “What’s it called again?”


“What’s in it?”

“Potatoes, almonds, lemon juice, and garlic. Lots of garlic,” I said. “Skordo actually means garlic.”

She slathered a healthy portion onto a pita triangle and took a big bite. I was enjoying watching her eat when my phone timer beeped. Walking to the other side of the kitchen, I turned off the stove and removed the lid from the pot.

“That smells amazing. What is it?”

Dolmades,” I said. “Stuffed grape leaves.”

“You made stuffed grape leaves?” I nodded. “Seriously?”


“How do you know how to do this?”

“Remember that big Greek family I mentioned? This kind of goes with the territory. And my mother believes all household tasks are gender neutral so cooking wasn’t just taught to the girls. We all had to pitch in for Sunday dinners and holidays.”

She picked up another triangle of pita and added a dollop of skordalia.

“This is my last one. I have to save room for grape leaves.”

“And moussaka. I know you like eggplant but I wasn’t sure how you feel about lamb, so I made it with beef instead.”

“Is this heaven?”

“Are you sitting in my kitchen quoting Field of Dreams right now?”

“Maybe.” She dragged out the word, imitating Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.

“You just may be the perfect woman.”

“No, just a woman with the viewing habits and sense of humor of a twelve-year-old boy.”

“Then you’re definitely perfect for me.”

I figured she’d have another sassy comeback for that, but instead, she blushed and focused her attention on the island countertop. She’s definitely not comfortable with compliments. Eventually I’ll find out why that is, but until then, I’ll just keep dishing them out to her.

“The dolmades have to cool for about a half hour. In the meantime, why don’t I give you a quick tour?”

She popped the last bite into her mouth and hopped off the stool.

“Lead the way.”

“We’ll start upstairs and work our way down,” I said, leading her toward the stairs, then stepping aside to let her walk up first.

I’ll admit my reasons for that are less than gentlemanly. I’d told her we’d have a comfy night in and to dress casual, and she’d actually listened. Her black leggings mold to her perfect ass like a second skin and I watched, fascinated by the hypnotic rhythm of her hips as she ascended the stairs ahead of me.

The show was over much too quickly as we reached the upstairs hallway. Anjannette

turned and looked over the railing down to the living room below.

“This house belongs in a magazine. It’s incredible.” She pointed toward the floor-to-ceiling windows lining the far wall. “What do they look out to?”

“The back yard. Beyond that are trees.”

“The view must be spectacular.”

I nodded.

“Yeah, the setting is one of the things that sold me on this house. There are only trees behind it and the houses on either side of me are far enough away so it’s private.”

“I wish it was still light out so I could see.”

“You’ll just have to come back when it is.”

I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss then stepped back and gestured for her to continue down the hallway. Starting at the far end, I showed her the three guest bedrooms before taking her into my room.

“Oh wow! This” She looked over her shoulder at me. “I think my entire apartment can fit in your bedroom.”

I was going to tell her I doubted that was true, but I’ve never seen her place so I couldn’t say for sure. Especially since I’ve lived in apartments that were smaller than my current bedroom.

Immediately inside the double doors is a sitting room, complete with a fireplace. One step down is my bedroom and ensuite bathroom. The king-sized bed called to me from across the room. I’d love nothing more than to skip dinner, lay Anjannette out naked on top of the Egyptian cotton sheets, and feast on her instead.

I ushered her out of the room and back downstairs before I could act on that. As much as I want her, we’re on her timeline here. She’s more important to me than a quick...or not so quick...roll in the hay.

“You’ve already seen the living room, kitchen, and dining rooms,” I said as we walked past and through those rooms. “This is my office.”

I turned on the light and stepped aside for her to enter. She walked over to the bookshelves lining the back wall and perused some of the titles then glanced back at me.

“Did you read all these?”

“I did.”

“You have quite the variety.”

That’s a true statement. My collection is a combination of biographies, how-to books, military thrillers, and whatever else catches my attention.

“Things can get pretty boring on the road and I can only watch so much TV before going totally brain dead. My e-reader has at least ten times what’s on those shelves.”

“Oh my gosh!”

“I know people who have more books than that,” I said with a chuckle.

“Not the books,” she said, taking a picture off the shelf. “Look at how adorable you guys are. You look so young.”

I looked over her shoulder at the picture of Trey, Clay, and me.

“We were young. That’s from our freshman year in college”

“What’s that you’re holding?”

“The trophy from the regional championship our team had just won.”

She placed the picture back on the shelf and inspected the others scattered throughout the room.

“This is your family?”

“That’s them.”

She looked at the photo of my siblings and me from when we were kids and the identical one we got taken to give to our parents as a Christmas present two years ago.

“You and your brothers look exactly alike. In fact, you all look exactly alike.” She let out a self-deprecating chuckle. “What a stupid thing to say. Obviously you know that.”

“It’s not stupid. Most people say something similar when they see us.”

“What’s the age difference between all of you?”

“My parents had six kids in seven years, so there isn’t much of one.” I pointed to each of my siblings as I spoke. “Nicky is thirty-five, Eleni thirty-four, I’m thirty-two, Marina is thirty, Chris is twenty-nine, and Angie is twenty-eight.”

“Things must have been pretty crazy at your house.”

“Still are most of the time.”

She studied the rest of the pictures as well as the trophies and awards Angie insisted on putting out, asking about each. We finished off the tour down in the still-unfinished basement before making our way back to the kitchen.

I peeked at the grape leaves.


While I transferred them to a serving plate and pulled the moussaka out of the oven, Anjannette moved the place settings I’d set on the dining room table onto the kitchen island instead. She said since we’d planned a casual evening, it was only right.

Between her lip licking and moans, I was in my own private hell while we ate. But it was worth it. She really enjoyed the food I’d prepared and my mom always says there’s no greater compliment than that.

She picked up her glass and drained the last of her wine then looked over at me.

“That is the best meal I’ve had in a long time.”

“Thank you.” I stood and distributed the rest of the wine between our glasses. “I also made milopita for dessert but we could watch a movie and have that a little later if you’re too full right now.”

“I’m absolutely stuffed, so watching a movie sounds great.” She leaned back and patted her flat stomach. “Plus, I’ll admit that I have no idea of what milo-whatchmacallit is.”

Milopita,” I said, adding an extra accent to the word. “It’s Greek apple cake.”

“You baked?”

I nodded and she looked at me, eyes wide, and shook her head.


“I know I said this before but it amazes me that you just seem like a normal guy.”

“And again, I am just a normal guy.”

“Leo, we were just in your office surrounded by baseball trophies and awards. Pictures of your signing day, championships, and action shots from games. You’re a professional baseball player. People collect cards with your picture on it and ask for your autograph. You’re not just a normal guy.”

Her hand gestures had gotten larger as the volume of her voice rose. I’m not sure how the fact that I baked dessert took us back to this point, but I need to nip it in the bud real fast.

I took her hands in mine, to stop them from flailing around.

“Anjannette,” I said in as soothing of a voice as I could muster. “You’ve been spending time with me for a few weeks and I hope by now you realize that I am just a normal guy. The fact that I play baseball for a living doesn’t change that.”

She blinked up at me, seeming to be hanging on my every word, so I kissed the back of her hands then released them and continued.

“Since you don’t know any other professional athletes, your perception is based on stereotypes and characters in movies. But I promise you, that isn’t me. I haven’t lived like a monk, but all my encounters and relationships have been above board. I have three sisters and I treat women with the same respect I’d expect any guy to treat them with. Including you, I hope.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to treat you like a stereotype. It’s just…”

She shook her head and looked down at her lap, dragging her hands through her hair. When she met my gaze again, the uncertainty in her eyes made my heart skip a beat.

“I’m not a good picker.” My raised brow prompted her to continue. “Every guy I’ve dated has had some major issue that should have stopped me from getting involved in the first place. You’re the first guy I’ve dated since three years of therapy made me aware of that, so I keep trying to figure out what your issue is.” She gestured helplessly. “But I’m coming up blank.”

“I’m not going to sit here and say I’m perfect, but I will tell you that I’ve never mistreated or cheated on a woman and none of my relationships have ended badly. They’ve just ended for one reason or another.” I leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her lips then pulled back far enough to look her in the eye. “I really like you, so hopefully you’ll keep coming up blank.”


“This cake literally tastes like fall.”I shoved a forkful of milopita into my mouth and chewed. “It’s so good.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

He picked up the remote and aimed it at the TV. Instead of watching a movie, we decided on Schitt’s Creek. After our heavy conversation, we needed the comic relief.

I finished my cake then leaned forward and placed my empty dish next to his on the coffee table. As I sat back, Leo held out his arm and I took him up on his invitation. Resting my head against his chest, I wrapped my arm around his waist and enjoyed the show.

My favorite episode came on, the one where Moira Rose is shooting a wine commercial and keeps messing up. I couldn’t stop myself from reciting every line. His snickers spurred me on and I sat and put my theatre degree to good use and gave him a real show, using my best Moira voice.

“In the lea of a picturesque ridge, lies a small, unpretentious winery, one that pampers its fruit like its own babies. Hi! I'm Moira Rose, and if you like fruit wine as much as I do, then you'll appreciate the craftsmanship and quality of a local vintner who brings the muskmelon goodness to his oak Chardonnay and the dazzling peach crabapple to his Riesling Rioja. Come taste the difference good fruit can make in your wine. You'll remember the experience, and you'll remember the name: Herb Irvling-ger. Burt Herngeif. Irv Herm-linger. Bing Liveheinger. Live Link. Burt Herkern. Burn...Agh! Bingo Lingfucker!”

By the end of the speech, his chuckles turned into full-blown belly laughs and I couldn’t help but join in. Eventually we settled down and caught our breath.

“You’re really good. I know you were a theatre major, but do you still act?”

I shook my head, trying not to obsess about the fact that Travis is the reason I stopped being active in local theatre.

“The last role I played was about seven years ago. I was Janet in a local production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

“I can totally see you in that role. You must have been perfect.” He tilted his head and seemed to study me. “Although I think you’d make a great Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Especially with those patent-leather boots you were wearing the first time I saw you.”

Sucking in a sharp breath, I pressed my hand against my chest and blinked back the tears that had embarrassingly appeared at his words.

“That is so sweet.”

With his brow raised, Leo shifted his eyes left then right before meeting my gaze again.


He raised his voice slightly, turning that single word into a question. I just smiled and settled back against his chest to watch more of the Rose family’s antics.

I’m sure he thinks my reaction is crazy, but no one I’ve dated ever said anything good about my acting. Which is really bizarre when I think about it. I was a theatre major, for chrissake, but even the guy I was with in college treated it like an annoying pastime. So the fact that Leo not only said that I must have been perfect in the role I played, but also mentioned another one he thought I’d be great at really touched me.

Speaking of touching, I couldn’t ignore the rock hard abs beneath my hand. My fingers curled of their own accord and soon I found myself slowly strumming his six-pack. Leo’s heartbeat quickened beneath my ear and his chest rose and fell as he took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. His fingers tightened on my shoulder and he pulled me closer.

His respect for the fact that I wanted to take things slow is probably the biggest aphrodisiac I’ve ever encountered. Since our train ride a couple weeks ago, I’ve had sex on the brain twenty-four-seven. But jumping into bed with him immediately after that whole third-date conversation wouldn’t have been a good idea no matter how much my body craved his.

I know this thing between us has the potential to be something. What that something is I have no idea, but I’ll admit I’m interested in finding out. Rushing into a physical relationship before my head was totally straight would have been a sure-fire way to screw it up.

The thing is, my head is straight now. As straight as it’s gonna get at any rate. When Leo invited me here for dinner, it was in the back of my mind that the night wouldn’t end with just a kiss. I got distracted with that amazing meal he cooked, but now that I’m all digested and have my hands on his incredible body, my dirty thoughts are back in full force.

Leo’s eyes shifted in my direction as I sat back to look at him. I dragged my hand over his abs and up his chest to cup his jaw. I’ve never initiated physical contact between us so his surprise was evident when I leaned forward and pressed my mouth against his. At first he remained perfectly still as I nipped and sipped at his lips, then with a low groan, he opened his mouth over mine and slipped his tongue inside.

From there, things escalated fast. I clutched his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around my back, pulled me against his chest, and kissed the ever-loving fuck out of me.

The kiss went on and on, long, hard, and deep. Slow, soft, and sweet. Our tongues tangled, giving and taking, demanding more with each stroke.

Needing to get closer, I shifted my leg and straddled his lap. Without missing a beat, his hands slid down to my hips and pulled me closer until his erection nestled against the apex of my thighs. My low groan vibrated between us as his impressive length pressed against my clit. His fingers tightened on my ass and held me in place as he thrust his hips up, multiplying the sensation by a million.

When I broke the kiss, desperate for a deep breath, Leo didn’t miss a beat. He dragged his open mouth down my neck, licking and sucking his way to where my heart pounded at its base. My nipples tingled as he made his way up the other side and nibbled on my earlobe before pulling back to meet my gaze.

“Anjannette.” His hoarse voice sounded desperate.

I shifted off his lap and stood, holding onto his shoulder for balance. Leo reached out to steady me, seeming okay with the fact that I’d ended our little encounter. Except I didn’t. At least I don’t want to.

“Maybe we can take this up to your room?”

His eyes widened then searched mine as he stood.

“Are you sure?”


He took my hand and led me up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom. Stepping aside, Leo gestured for me to enter the dark room ahead of him then placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the bed. He leaned down and with a soft click, the bedside lamp offered just enough light for me to make out the checked pattern on the dark gray comforter.

Besides the fact this will be our first time, it’s been three years since I’ve had sex, so I should be super nervous. But I’m not. The flutters in my stomach are from anticipation and the unknown, not uncertainty.

I felt Leo behind me. He placed his hands on my hips and moved closer until his erection pressed against my ass. I turned to face him, fighting the urge to wrap my leg around his waist and rub myself against him. Instead I lifted my foot and dragged it up and down along the back of his calf.

Dark brown eyes met mine and I sucked in a startled breath at the raw hunger in his gaze. He placed his hands on either side of my face, then used his thumb and forefinger to gently tug at my earlobes. With just the right amount of pressure, he rubbed them in a circular motion before slowly working his way around to the backside of my ear and stroking from bottom to top.

I closed my eyes and, with a groan, let my head fall back. His long fingers cradled my neck as his thumbs continued to caress me. I had no idea my ears were an erogenous zone, but when he brushed against my tragus piercing, my clit throbbed as if he’d given it the same attention.

My eyes flew open wide and met his. Leo flashed a sexy smile that promised all kinds of things. Hot things. Dirty things. And if the man could turn me on this much by just touching my ears, I definitely want to experience all the things.

That last thought must have shown on my face because Leo stopped fondling my ears and lightly stroked my cheeks. Even that innocent action sent erotic shivers down my spine.

“Are you sure?”

The fact that he asked me a second time makes me want him even more.

“I’m sure.”

“Me too,” he said, before crushing his mouth to mine.