Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Sixteen


I shiftedthe pizza and six-pack into one hand and rang the doorbell. The door opened and Anjannette stood in front of me, looking adorable in a pair of gray joggers and a white sweatshirt with the Peaches & Pole logo on the chest.

“Let me help you with that.” She reached for the beer and moved back, standing in front of the door to hold it open. “Come on in.”

I stepped over the threshold and heard the door close. Anjannette stepped around me and I followed her through the living room and into the kitchen. I’ve never been inside her apartment. We’ve always gone out and I dropped her at the door. And of course, last week, we were at my house.

“This is it,” she said, holding her arms out wide. “I told you it could fit inside your bedroom.”

I looked around the space. We’re basically in one big room, with the kitchen separated from the living/dining room combo by a breakfast bar. Stairs along the side wall lead up to a loft bedroom that looks over the living room area.

“It’s not that small. I think that’s an exaggeration.”

“Not much of one.” She reached into an upper cabinet and pulled out two dishes then set them on the table. “But honestly, it’s perfect for me.”

“I like the open concept, especially the loft.”

“Yeah, I really like it, too. It’s one of the things that sold me on the place.”

She gestured for me to sit and added two slices to a plate and handed it to me. After adding one to the other dish, she sat across from me.

“Beer?” I asked.


I pulled two bottles from the six pack.

“Do you have a bottle opener?”

She shifted her chair sideways and grabbed one that doubled as a magnet from the refrigerator and handed it to me. I popped the top off two bottles and held one out to her.

Her mouth curled into a smile as she checked out the label.

“Eat a Peach?”

“I like the beer from Susquehanna Brewing and when I saw this one, I couldn’t resist.” I ended the sentence with a wink and smiled as her cheeks turned pink. “Considering your last name and all.”

She rolled her eyes, but the smile she tried to conceal spoke volumes. Instead of commenting, she lifted the bottle to her nose and sniffed then took a small sip.

“Mmm, pretty good.”

She took a longer drink then set the bottle down and picked up her pizza and took a big bite. I did the same and looked around the space as I chewed.

“How long have you lived here?” I asked, before taking another bite.

“Three years.” She hesitated for a few seconds then added, “I’ve been looking at houses for the last year or so, but haven’t made any offers. This is the first place I’ve ever lived by myself and I’m kind of emotionally attached, as silly as that sounds.”

I finished my first slice and moved onto the second.

“It doesn’t sound silly.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Says the man who owns a gazillion houses.”

“Four,” I said, punctuating the word with my beer bottle before taking a drink.

“And here I am hesitating about buying one.”

“It took me a while to buy my first place, too. It’s definitely a big commitment.”

“Where was the first house you bought?”

“In Jersey, and I didn’t buy that until six years ago. I used to stay with my parents during the off season before that. Then once I signed with the Waves, I bought a house in Myrtle Beach and a condo in St. Pete.”

“So why’d you buy the house here instead of staying down South when you’re not playing?”

“My family. Despite the fact that I decided to live in Scranton off season, I do like spending time with them. Living within driving distance is a good balance.” I chuckled. “Besides, my mother would never forgive me if I stayed away year round. She likes all her children within a certain radius. I’m not sure what she’d do if one of us moved away permanently.”

“That’s actually very sweet,” she said. “And it’s even sweeter that you care so much.”

“I wouldn’t be where I am without my parents. They always encouraged me and made a lot of sacrifices so I could play travel ball and take lessons. They won’t let me send them on fancy vacations or buy them anything, so I spend time with them and help out at the store when I’m around, which is what they really want.” Anjannette stared at me, eyes wide. “What?”

She shook her head.

“I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“Is that a good thing?”

Instead of answering, she stood and walked over to sit on my lap. Looping her arms around my neck, she pressed her soft lips against mine, then pulled back just far enough to look into my eyes.

“It’s a very good thing.”

She rested her hand on my cheek and leaned in for a lingering kiss. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer, nibbling at her bottom lip before fully opening my mouth over hers and tasting her for the first time in nearly a week. Our tongues tangled and soon the lingering taste of peach beer disappeared and was replaced with her even sweeter essence.

Moving my hand up to twist into her hair, I pulled her closer and feasted. No teasing. No playful nips. Just our mouths pressed together, wet, hot, and demanding.

With our mouths still joined, she shifted back then returned, fully facing me, straddling my lap. I slid my hands down and cupped her ass, pulling her flush against me. Anjannette curled her fingers into my hair and held tight as she pressed her hips forward, grinding against the erection that was doing its best to bust through the zipper of my jeans.

We continued to devour each other as she rode me, the pleasure so sweet, I didn’t want to stop. But it just feels too good. Much more of this and I’ll really embarrass myself. I dug my fingers into her ass to slow down her movements. She got in a couple more good thrusts before breaking the kiss and dragging in a deep breath.


I didn’t need her to tell me twice.

“Hold on.”

She shrieked and wrapped her legs around my waist as I stood and practically sprinted toward the stairs. Navigating them as quickly as possible, I reached the top and took the few steps to put us next to her bed, loosened my hold, and let her slide down my body. She slapped my hands away when I went to remove her shirt.

“Last time, you promised I could play.”

My heart skidded to a halt then pounded uncontrollably when she dropped to her knees in front of me. Her fingers brushed against the tip of my erection as she unbuttoned my jeans and I closed my eyes while she carefully eased the zipper down. Shifting her hands around, she squeezed my ass and lowered them, taking my jeans along for the ride.

“I know what I promised, but—”

That sentence ended on a long groan when my dick bobbed forward and she caught it in her tight grip and stroked.

“Nope. A promise is a promise.”

I watched, fascinated, as she licked her lips then shifted closer, taking me into the warmth of her mouth in one slow, torturous slide. The heat and the drag of her tongue were enough to push me over the edge, but her little moans vibrated right through my balls, kicking the sensation up a million notches.


Dragging my fingers through her hair, I held on tight, because it was pretty obvious she had no intention of stopping any time soon. She licked and sucked, her hand stroking my cock while her lips and tongue drove me crazy.

I mentally conjugated Greek verbs, trying to distract myself from the goddess in front of me, but eventually gave up. What she was doing just felt too damn good.

Her fingers tightened around the base of my shaft and she slowly pulled her mouth back. But instead of releasing me, she alternately sucked at and twirled her tongue around the head over and over again. My fingers tightened against her skull as my hips jerked forward.


“Hmm?” she asked, without losing rhythm.

That little sound resonated right through my overly-sensitive dick. I managed to hold on, but know I won’t last much longer.


Her eyes shifted up, and the sight of her big blue eyes looking up at me with her pink lips wrapped around my cock literally weakened my knees. She released me with an audible pop and backed me up until my legs hit the bed.


I did as she ordered and leaned back on my elbows, taking advantage of the break in action to gain some control. She removed my jeans and tossed them aside then crawled forward and settled between my legs.

“Your body is amazing.” Her fingertips trailed up my thighs to my abs before splaying out over my chest and moving back down again. “And this is truly spectacular.”

She grabbed hold of my shaft with both hands and slowly stroked.

I closed my eyes and groaned, then opened them again when I felt her warm breath brush against me.

“Anjannette. I’m so close to the edge. If you put your mouth on me again, I’m gonna burst.”

Her smile was temptation itself.

“Just lie back, relax, and enjoy.”

She wrapped her mouth around me and slowly slid down until I hit the back of her throat, then reversed the process. Swirling her tongue around the head, she sucked before moving back down again and settling into a rhythm intent on pushing me over the edge. Her head bobbed up and down, faster and faster, and I fell back against the bed, dug my fingers into her hair, and did what the lady said.

I enjoyed until she dragged her tongue over the sensitive spot on the underside of my head and flicked.

“I’m gonna…”

My words trailed off as she slid her mouth down over me and sucked. Hard. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I came with a loud groan, my hips bucking forward. Anjannette stayed with me until I settled back against the bed, eyes closed, totally spent.

The mattress dipped as she crawled onto the bed next to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she rested her head against my chest. Her fingers traced a lazy pattern on my abs as my heartbeat slowly returned to normal. Pulling her closer, I kissed the top of her head and shifted slightly sideways to wrap my other arm around her waist.

“When I recover from that, it’s payback time.”

She settled into the nook between my shoulder and neck, letting out a long sigh before I felt her mouth curl into a smile.

“Can’t wait.”


Light filteredthrough the window and I opened my eyes and groaned, cursing the fact that I didn’t pull the room-darkening shade before going to sleep last night. My mouth curled into a smile at that thought. I didn’t fall asleep so much as I passed out after going three rounds with Leo. The man promised payback and he absolutely delivered. And then some.

I rolled onto my side and studied him asleep beside me. His thick, dark hair is a glorious mess after being clenched in my fingers most of the night. I resisted the urge to lean over and kiss his slightly swollen lips. He looks so peaceful, I don’t want to disturb him. We had quite a workout last night.

My stomach let out a loud growl at that thought. I only had one slice of pizza for dinner and we burned a lot of calories. Between the acrobatics and all the orgasms, I’m pretty sure I lost a few pounds.

I got out of bed and closed the shade then grabbed Leo’s discarded T-shirt from the floor. Holding it up to my nose, I inhaled his clean, sexy scent before slipping it over my head. After donning my fuzzy unicorn slippers, I headed downstairs to use the bathroom. If I use the one upstairs, I’ll definitely wake him. The toilet makes an obnoxious banging noise when it flushes. I’m used to it at this point, but I know it’s startling to people who aren’t.

After taking care of business, I washed my hands and examined myself in the mirror. I’m not as pretty as Leo this morning. Just-fucked hair doesn’t suit me. I dried my hands and retrieved a brush from the drawer then dragged it through my hair in an attempt to bring order to the chaos. It wasn’t much of an improvement but at least I cleared the knots enough so I could put it up into a messy bun without getting my fingers stuck.

I made my way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to see what I could scrounge up for breakfast. The shelves are pretty empty, but there is a half a loaf of cinnamon swirl bread and a pound of bacon. Thankfully I also have a few eggs and the milk is still fresh. I make a pretty decent French toast and since Keera’s mom showed me how to cook bacon in the oven, it comes out perfect every time.

After starting a pot of coffee and preheating the oven, I turned on some music and got to work. David Bowie sang about changes as I beat eggs and milk together in a large bowl then added the bread and set it aside to soak.

I pulled a baking sheet from the cupboard and placed the bacon on top, thinking about how my life has changed in the past month. The pole studio celebrated its year anniversary, our first recital was a resounding success, and despite my initial reluctance, I started dating Leo.

When I said yes to that first date, I thought it would be one and done. I had no idea I’d like him so much. But seriously, what’s not to like? He’s sweet, thoughtful, and the sex is extraordinary. I could definitely get used to having him around. Which makes me equal parts thrilled and terrified.

After popping the bacon into the oven, I quickly washed my hands then set the timer and got to work on the French toast. I just set the platter full of golden slices in the microwave to keep warm when I heard Leo behind me.

“It smells delicious in here.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and dragged his nose along the curve of my neck then placed a kiss behind my ear. “And you smell even better.”

I turned in the circle of his arms and kissed his jaw.

“Better than bacon?” I raised my right brow.

“MmmHmm. Better than anything.”

He pulled me against his chest and opened his mouth over mine, applying a wonderful suction that nearly brought me to my knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck, melting into his hard body as our tongues met. Things were just getting good when we jumped apart as the timer went off.

“Bacon’s done,” I said, pressing my hand against my chest, as if it would slow my pounding heart.

“I’ll get it.”

I watched him pick up the hot pads and open the oven door. He pulled out a pan of

perfectly-cooked bacon and set it on the trivet I’d set out earlier. Bare-chested and barefoot, the man looks like a wet dream come to life in his well-worn jeans. The fact that he’s so comfortable in the kitchen just makes him more attractive.

Shaking my head to knock me out of my Leo-induced trance, I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out three plates. Leo reached over and took one then ripped a couple paper towels on the roll and placed them on top. I handed him a fork and he used it to transfer the bacon to the plate. When he was done, he picked up a piece and took a bite.

“Mmm, perfect.”

Leo held out the half that was left and I opened my mouth. He pushed it inside with his forefinger and before he could retreat, I wrapped my lips around it and sucked, twirling my tongue over the tip for good measure before letting go.

I chewed the bacon, my mouth curled into a smile.

“You’re right, it is perfect.”

Before he could respond or push me onto the table and fuck me senseless, I gestured toward a chair.

“Have a seat.”

He grabbed the plate of bacon and placed it on the table as he sat. I retrieved the French toast and grabbed the syrup and set them down, then filled two mugs with coffee before joining him.

“This looks delicious.”

We filled our plates and he made appreciative sounds as he quickly cleared half of his. He paused to take a drink.

“And it’s even better than it looks,” he said.

“I’m glad you like it. I figured I owed you a decent meal after the feast you made for me last week.”

“You don’t owe me anything, but feel free to make this for me anytime you like,” he said with a wink.

“I’ll be sure to keep the ingredients on hand.”

“Does that mean I’m welcome to spend more time here?”

“You’re definitely welcome, but I have no idea why you’d rather spend time here instead of at your amazing house.”

“I’ll spend time wherever you are.”

I nibbled at my bottom lip, turning his words over in my head. He’d said them so casually, as if he didn’t just utter the sweetest thing any man has ever said to me. Instead of spiraling into memories of every shitty guy I’ve ever dated, I just smiled.

“We’ll have to mix it up so we don’t get bored hanging out in the same place.”

“Sounds like a plan.” He popped a piece of bacon into his mouth and rested his forearms on the table as he chewed. “Speaking of mixing up locations, I know it’s late notice, but do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?”

“I’m going to Keera’s. Why?”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to come spend it with me and my family.”

“Oh.” I blinked, processing his words. “I appreciate the invite, but I already made plans to go to Keera’s.”

“That will probably be a good time.”

“Yeah, her family is great, especially her grandmother. I always have fun with them.”

“Do you have plans the following weekend?”

“Just work. Why?”

“Trey asked me to be a fourth in a charity golf tournament and I was wondering if you’d like to be my date.”

“To a golf tournament?”

“There’s the tournament, then a reception later that night, and a brunch on Sunday. So you wouldn’t just be bored stiff watching golf.”

“Where is it?”

“In Myrtle Beach.”

“Oh wow. Um…” I looked at him and shook my head. “I don’t think I can get away for a whole weekend.”

“I kind of figured that, especially with the late notice but wanted to ask just in case.” His mouth twisted into an adorable frown. “It just sucks that I won’t see you for two whole weekends. Think you can squeeze me in during the week?”


I forced a smile, but it felt wobbly so I picked up my mug and took a sip of coffee before Leo could see it. I’m not sure how I feel about meeting his whole family right now, but a long weekend in Myrtle Beach sounds amazing. But I have a business to run and I don’t want to fall into past behaviors and drop everything for a man, even if he seems different from all the others.