Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Fourteen


We devoured each other,finally giving in to the hunger we’ve tried to ignore for weeks. I opened my mouth wider and deepened the kiss, moving my hands down her body then back up, dragging her T-shirt along with them. I stepped back just far enough to pull it over her head. She watched, panting, as I knelt before her and slipped my fingers into the waistband of her leggings and tugged. I pulled them off one leg then the other, taking her socks off in the process.

Sitting back on my heels, I let my eyes take a lazy tour up her body, pausing at her pale pink bra before continuing up to meet her gaze. I stood and stepped forward, forcing her to back up until the backs of her thighs bumped against the bed. Sliding my hands around and down to her ass, I lifted then set her onto the soft mattress.

“You’re so beautiful. Soft. Sexy as hell.”

My eyes followed as I traced my fingertips along her belly, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Resting my knee on the bed next to her, I leaned down to nip at her navel before licking my way up to the edge of her bra. Through the lace, I teased her right nipple with my tongue before drawing it into my mouth, sucking it into a tight peak while pinching and plucking the left between my thumb and forefinger. She tangled her fingers through my hair as I moved back and forth, offering each equal attention as her low moans cheered me on.

I shifted between her thighs and kissed my way across her chest. Our eyes met and held as I ran my tongue down the edge of her bra and over to spiral around her nipple. She tightened her hold on my hair, trying to direct my mouth, but I wouldn’t budge. Instead of giving her exactly what she wanted, I ran just the tip of my tongue around her nipple in slow circles, spiraling to its edge before shifting away. Her little mewls were the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard and I wanted to hear more.

Opening my mouth wider, I lapped then sucked, feasting on her sweet lace-covered flesh. At the same time, I slid my hands down and gripped her ass, pulling her against my hard cock. Her back arched and she let out a long, low moan that ended on my name.



She let out another little groan and pressed her pussy against me, dragging my erection against her moist heat. Even with two thin layers between us, it was sweet torture.

I slid my hands up and around her back, fumbling to unhook her bra. I must be really out of practice because I couldn’t get the damn thing to budge. Anjannette let out a sound of protest when I released her nipple with an audible pop and backed away.

Kneeling back, I pulled her up and hugged her to me then reached around with both hands and was finally successful. I laid her back down, sliding her bra off in the process. My mouth watered at the perfect pale pink nipples I’d uncovered and I couldn’t wait to taste them without the lace between us. When I went to settle back between her thighs, she put her hand against my chest and pushed me back.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m lying here in my underwear and you’re still fully dressed.”

I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face when I looked down and checked out the amazing, nearly naked woman in front of me.

“I don’t see a problem with that.”

She reached down and tugged at the hem of my shirt.

“Take it off.”


Leo stoodand reached back with his right hand, grabbed his T-shirt by the neck, and yanked it over his head. He doesn’t have bulky, bulging muscles, but he’s solid with a six-pack and cuts in all the right places. As I admired his chest, he slipped out of his joggers until he stood in front of me in a pair of black boxer briefs that weren’t doing much to contain his erection.

My fingers itched to explore, but as I started to sit to do just that, Leo grabbed my hands and dragged them over my head as he settled back against me.

“You can play next time, I promise.” He dragged his hot mouth down my neck and sucked at its base. “If you touch me right now, this will be over before it starts.”

I was about to tell him that it’s already started, but he placed his mouth over mine and once again, kissed me senseless. His hips thrust against mine, a scrap of lace and thin layer of cotton the only barriers between us.

Pulling his mouth from mine, he skimmed it down my body, giving each nipple a little nip, before nibbling at my navel, making me squirm. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of my underwear then backed away just enough to pull them slowly down my legs. Leaning forward, he dragged his mouth up my leg, alternately kissing and licking on the way up. When he settled between my thighs and opened his mouth over their juncture, I nearly jumped off the bed. Leo placed a restraining hand on my belly as his hot gaze met mine.

Once again, I twisted my fingers into his hair as he licked and sucked until I whimpered with need. He shifted slightly giving me a reprieve from his sensual torture, but that only lasted a second before he kicked things up a notch. Slipping his middle finger through my slick folds, he started a steady in and out rhythm while the tip of his tongue circled my clit.

I arched toward him, my breath coming in shallow pants. When his tongue slid directly over that tiny nub of nerves and flicked, I tightened my hold on his hair and let out a long, low moan. Leo glanced up and I caught his devilish smirk as he repeated the action, eliciting the same response.

His index finger joined in the action as he increased the tempo. My nipples and clit tingled, sensation zapping between them with his every stroke and suck. Shifting back, Leo kissed his way up my stomach to my breasts, never once losing the rhythm between my thighs. His thumb took over clit duty, circling as his fingers pumped in and out. As if that wasn’t enough to push me over the edge, he opened his mouth over my nipple and sucked.

It was all too much.

I dug my fingers into his shoulders as pleasure concentrated in that magic spot between my thighs then burst through my entire body. Leo stayed with me, drawing out each ripple of pleasure with his fingers and mouth.

When the last of the aftershocks subsided, Leo placed a sweet kiss on the swell of my breast then moved back and removed his underwear with a quick swipe.

“Oh wow.”

The corner of his mouth kicked up at my words, but the smile looked strained. I can’t even imagine how he’s feeling. Even after that amazing orgasm, I’m still on edge and want more.

Since I’ve been rubbing against him for a few weeks now, I was pretty sure Leo’s packing in the penis department, but still wasn’t prepared for the sight in front of me. The man is truly magnificent. Long and thick, his dick bobbed against his equally impressive abs as he leaned forward to retrieve a foil packet from the bedside table.

My pussy clenched as I watched him rip it open and roll the condom down his spectacular length. I was so mesmerized by the sight, it took me a second to realize Leo was poised at the edge of the bed, seemingly waiting for something. Permission apparently, because when I met his gaze, he raised his brow.

Holding out my arms, I reached for him, pulling him back between my legs. After that, there was no hesitation and he plunged inside.


That growled word was followed by a hiss of breath against my forehead as he held himself perfectly still over me. The man is large and despite the fact that I’m soaking wet, he’s a tight fit. I focused on breathing as my body adjusted to the delicious invasion.

Leo pulled back just enough to look into my eyes.

“You okay?” I nodded. “You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

I held on to his bulging biceps as he slowly pulled out and pumped back in at the same measured pace.

“You’re so tight.” Out and in. “It feels incredible.” Out and in. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

The combination of those sweet words and the feel of him had my inner muscles clenching each time he retreated, trying to hold him inside me.

“You won’t,” I said.

He flashed a smile that looked equal parts pained and sexy as hell.

“If you knew what I wanted to do right now, you wouldn’t sound so confident about that.”

I met his gaze.

“Do it. Because I guarantee that I want it as much as you do.”

He paused, holding himself perfectly still seeming to consider my words. Then his mouth took mine in a scorching kiss and he pulled out and plunged back in, giving us both what we craved. I lifted my hips to meet his every thrust as he slammed into me over and over again, taking me higher and higher.

Pulling his mouth from mine, his sexy voice rasped against my ear.


I groaned in response and dug my fingers into the perfect globes of his ass.

He pistoned his hips even faster, picking up the pace, giving us both more of what we needed and I got sucked into a whirlwind of sensation. Wanting even more, I shifted my arms up to circle his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. The new position had his pelvis pressing against my clit and his chest brushing my nipples with each thrust.

That did it.


His name started as a gasp and ended on a moan as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my entire body. Some part of my sex-muddled brain registered the fact that Leo had let out his own shout just before he collapsed on top of me.