Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Fifteen


I tappedmy thumb against the steering wheel to the opening beat of Stone in Love by Journey as I exited 80E heading toward my New Jersey house. I’d normally be there by this time, but there was no way I was getting out of bed earlier with Anjannette snuggled against me. It was a slow, sexy morning, followed by a big breakfast and an extra-long shared shower.

After what was basically weeks of foreplay, the sex was as incredible as I knew it would be. From the first moment I laid eyes on Anjannette, there was a chemistry between us that I’ve never felt with anyone. She was a little slower to realize it, but the more time we spend together, and especially after last night, I’m convinced she does.

She’s definitely more relaxed than when we first met and it’s so much fun watching her personality come to life. When she recited Schitt’s Creek lines, then sat back and acted out the scene, I saw a side of her she hadn’t shared with me before. And after that, we shared something even more amazing.

I’m not normally so sappy when it comes to women, but this is different. She’s different. And as I pulled into my driveway next to three familiar cars, I tried to focus on anything but her so I can get rid of the goofy smile that’s been on my face since I woke up this morning.

As I walked through the back door, rapid-fire conversation assaulted my ears that I knew could only mean one thing. I made my way to the living room and my suspicions were confirmed when I spotted my three sisters each talking over each other.

I stood in the doorway and listened to them bitch about my mother pressuring them to get married and have babies. The six of us are regularly reminded that by the time she was our ages, she was already married with whatever number of children, but I’ll admit the “girls” definitely get the brunt of it. They have a biological clock to consider, after all. Those are my mother’s words, not mine.

“What’s that smile for?” Eleni asked.

Before I could answer, Angie chimed in.

“More like who is it for?” She smirked. “I’m guessing things are progressing with Anjannette.”

I walked across the room and settled into the oversized chair and put my feet up on the ottoman.

“What happened to call for this coven?” I asked.

“You’re not going to answer?” Marina chimed in.

Looking pointedly at each of my sisters, I said, “When have I ever talked to you three about my love life?”

“Never,” Eleni said. “But Angie said this one is different.”

I rolled my eyes and looked over at Angie.

This one? You make it sound like I’m some kind of gigolo.”

“Please, you’re a single professional athlete. I’m not that stupid,” she said. “But Anjannette does seem different, and I’m sure that’s not something you want us mentioning to mom.”

“Are you blackmailing me?”

Angie shrugged. “That’s a strong word. We’re just curious.”

“Whatever you call it, it’s not gonna work. Mom already knows about Anjannette, remember?”

As if we summoned her by saying her name too many times, my mother walked through the back door like a maternal Greek Beetlejuice. She stopped at the edge of the family room, her gaze scanning my sisters before landing on me.

“I was worried,” she said.

“I called and told you I’d be here later than usual.”

“Leonidas, I knew when you bought that house this would happen.”

“Mom, I’m here.”

“It’s Saturday evening. The first few weeks, you were here Friday afternoon. Then it was Saturday morning. And now this.”

Her accent thickens when she’s tired or upset. She’s probably both right now.

I stood and walked over to give her a hug, throwing her a bone in the process. Even if it is a bit of a white lie.

“Sorry, mom. I had a breakfast date this morning.”

I heard my sisters snicker and glared at them as I released my mother and led her to the chair I’d just vacated. She sat then looked up at me with manic hope in her eyes.

“That same girl?” I nodded. “Anjannette, right?”

As if there’s any doubt in my mind she knows her name. I’m just glad my mom doesn’t go on the internet or she’d know Anjannette’s entire history.

“Right. Anjannette.”

“Is she coming for Thanksgiving dinner to meet the family?”

“Oh uh, I don’t know.”

“You didn’t invite her? Of course she’d be welcome. There’s always room for one more.” She narrowed her eyes. “Does she eat?”

“Yes, she eats.”

I told her about the dinner I made last night and she smiled.

“See, you were angry with me for making you help in the kitchen, but a girl likes a man who can cook.” Before I could comment, she shifted her eyes to my sisters. “What are you all doing here?”

Eleni made up some bullshit excuse about discussing a job opportunity with Angie. Which was enough to distract my mother from asking why Marina is here, too. Not that it’s unusual for my sisters to be together, but as far as my mother knows, this isn’t usually the place they gather. They use my house as a safe haven when they want to bitch about something, and they do it in secret so no one bothers them.

My phone buzzed as Angie was explaining that she’s still exploring her career options. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at the caller ID then held it up for my mom to see.

“I’m gonna grab this, it’s Trey.”

She nodded and turned her attention back to my sisters.

“Hey, what’s up?”

I stood and walked toward the kitchen to get away from the chattering.

“Uh oh, are you already hanging at Chez Marakis?”

“No, my mom and sisters are here at my house.”

I explained how that happened and heard the expected chuckle.

“You know you’re a lucky son of a bitch to have them, right?”

“I’m well aware.”

Trey’s blueblood family looks great on paper, but they’re totally messed up. He couldn’t count on them to give him anything but a hard time. No one in my family would hesitate to give me a limb. Having them constantly up in my business is a small price to pay for that kind of loyalty and support.

“I won’t keep you,” he said.

“Oh please, feel free to keep me.”

“Are you doing anything the first weekend in December?”

“I don’t think so. Why?”

“Remember that golf tournament fundraiser Jack and Hannah’s foundation is hosting?”


Hannah mentioned it to me, but since I didn’t plan on being in Myrtle Beach and they had enough interest, I didn’t plan on attending.

“I need a fourth.” I groaned. “Don’t act like you totally hate the idea of coming down here.”

“What I hate is golf.”

“If you really don’t want to, I’ll find somebody else. I just figured it might give you a reason to whisk your new lady love away for a few days and hang out with your friends. Plus, even though you complain about the game, you’re really good at it.”

As much as I hate golf, I do like the idea of getting away with Anjannette. If she’ll go. She does have a business to run after all.

“Count me in,” I said.

“I’ll tell Hannah. You know she always likes to have a shit-ton of swag for us at these things.”

“I’ll let you know my plans after I speak to Anjannette,” I said. “Speaking of plans. Are you and Nori coming to Thanksgiving dinner?”

“I think we’re going to hang here. Nori is looking forward to cooking. Don’t mention it to your mom yet though. I’ll call and let her know.”

“I won’t say a word.”

I shook my head as I hung up. In the last ten minutes, I was handed two opportunities to spend a weekend with Anjannette. As thrilled as I am about the prospect, I’m just not sure how she’ll feel about it. After all, we’ve only spent the one night together.

All I can do is ask and see what she says. Hopefully it doesn’t freak her out too much, because I really want her to say yes.


The last classof the day ended and I was left alone in the studio. Not for long though. I have a bachelorette party coming in a couple hours and Keera should be here soon to help decorate.

After slipping into a pair of leggings and a cropped sweatshirt, I finished up some computer work then grabbed the tote of decorations from the closet. I stepped out of the office just as Keera walked into the studio.

“Hey,” I said.

Without answering, she closed the door behind her, never taking her eyes off me.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” She narrowed her eyes. “You tell me.”

“Yeah, everything’s okay. Why?”

I bent down to place the tote on the floor, wincing as I stood. I’m in pretty decent shape, but what Leo and I did last night and again twice this morning has muscles I didn’t know I had protesting. Not that I’m complaining. What happened between us is worth every single ache. Scenes flashed through my mind, memories of Leo’s hands, mouth, and body on mine but I was ripped from my trip down memory lane by Keera’s shriek.

“I knew it! You and Leo…” She finished the sentence by thrusting her hips forward a few times.

“What makes you say that?”

“At first it was just a hunch, but that twinge when you stood gave it away.”

“Maybe I’m just sore from class.”

“That is a possibility, but class wouldn’t explain the sappy smile.”

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking in my flush cheeks and the smile I haven’t been able to get rid of since last night.

“Maybe I’m just happy today.”

She slowly walked toward me until we were nearly nose to nose.

“Or maybe it’s because Leo Marakis knocked your bottom off last night.”

“Keera!” I half-screeched, half-laughed. “You’re awful.”

“That may be true, but I’m also right.” She bobbed her eyebrows. “Right?”

I shrugged then nodded. “Right.”

She pulled me into her arms and squeezed, rocking us back and forth.

“I’m so happy for you.” The rocking abruptly stopped and she stepped back, still holding

my shoulders. “Oh my God! You had sex with Leo Marakis.” She wrinkled her nose. “And you’re not going to tell me one detail, are you?”

Chuckling, I pulled away from her.


I squatted and dug through the tote, pulling out the decorations for tonight. The maid of honor requested the “Miss to Mrs. with all my bitches” banner and also asked if she could bring champagne, so I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun night here at the studio. And after the party breaks up, Keera and I are going out for tacos and Margaritas.

“If you want to see him again tonight, we can go out some other night. After your three-year dry spell, I’d totally understand if you want another night with him.”

She followed me to the wall and we each took an end of the banner and taped it up. I shook my head.

“He visits his family on the weekends, so he’s in New Jersey. Remember?”

“When’s he coming back?

“Tomorrow or Monday, I guess. He usually has yoga Monday afternoon, so I assume he’ll be back by then.”

I stepped back and checked our handiwork, making sure the banner was hanging straight.

“Don’t you have plans for when he gets back?”

“Nothing specific. Should we?”

“I don’t know if you should or not, but I’d think you would. With the way he looks at you, I doubt Leo is going to be satisfied with just one night. And I know you’re not a one-night kind of girl.”

I grabbed some more decorations from the tote and looked over at her.

“This is the new me, remember? I’m not obsessing over or expecting anything from Leo.”

“It’s just hard to believe that the first man you’ve had sex with in three years is just another guy. Throw in that it’s Leo Marakis and I believe it even less. I imagine a night with him would bear repeating.”

“I didn’t say he’s just another guy. We’ve been dating for a few weeks now and I have no reason to think that won’t continue. I’m just not packing up my stuff to move in with him like I would have been before.”

“I like how you ignored my last comment.”

“Keera, we’re not college freshmen anymore. I’m not gonna kiss and tell.”

“Can’t you make an exception?” When I shook my head, she placed her hands together like she’s praying. “Just please tell me if his ass is as spectacular as it looks.”

I couldn’t stop my mouth from curling into a knowing smile at the thought of Leo’s naked ass. It’s like a perfect peach and more than once, I had the overwhelming urge to bite it. But I restrained myself and just squeezed it instead.

“It’s pretty great,” I said, figuring I wasn’t telling her something that isn’t obvious.

We finished decorating and sat on the floor facing each other, talking about our plan of attack for the party. When we first started offering bachelorette parties, we figured we’d just show the women some moves, and they’d hang out and twirl around the pole a little bit. But after doing a couple, we realized we needed something more structured.

“I think they’ll like the new dance you choreographed. It’s fun and everyone should be able to do it,” Keera said.

With my legs straight out in front of me, I reached forward and wrapped my hands around my feet, giving my hamstrings and lower back a good stretch.

“They should all be good with it. I had my beginner’s class do it and no one had a problem, even the first timers.” Spreading my legs, I walked my hands forward and rested my elbows against the floor. “They’re bringing champagne, so we need to make sure they don’t try to climb the poles after they start drinking.”

“If they try to climb at all, we’ll stop them just in case they primed the pump on the way.”

“Good idea.” I sat back and smiled. “If they want to climb, they can sign up for a class.”

“You’re turning into such a boss bitch.”

Keera held up her hand for a high five and I didn’t leave her hanging.

“Boss bitch, bitchy boss. Po-ta-to, po-tah-to.”

Resting back on my hands, I looked around the studio. This has been my dream for years and sometimes I still can’t believe it’s a reality. The road to get here has been long and bumpy and uphill, but I finally made it to a place where I’m happy and comfortable in my own skin.

“Hey, where’d you go?” I shook my head in answer to Keera’s question. “Your whole vibe just changed. Why?”

I looked up at the ceiling and shook my head then met her gaze.

“Leo is really great.”

“Yeah.” She raised her voice slightly, turning the word into a question.

“I just need to make sure I don’t get totally sucked into his vortex and lose myself again.”

“You won’t.”

“I wish I felt that positive.”

She crawled over to sit next to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me in for a side hug.

“Aside from the fact that Leo is a good guy, you’re not the same person you were three years ago.”

“I can’t help but feel like a recovering addict and getting really involved with anyone will make me slide back to where I was before.”

“You’re too strong now and if we’re talking about Leo, he wouldn’t want that to


I nodded at her words, hoping like hell she’s right because no matter what I keep saying, I don’t do casual and where Leo is concerned, I’m already in pretty deep.