Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 2

It was Friday and we were all getting together to hang out. I had just walked the edge of the school entrance when I practically started drooling. Omg! He was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. TDH all the way! Tall, Dark, and Handsome, dressed in an expensive suit that was tailored to his body. Seriously, the guy was incredible. He had to be over six feet, built like a football player, with black hair that was trimmed neatly and begged to have my hands run through it. He walked out of the hotel across the street and was staring directly at me with his bluish-gray eyes. All of the sudden my heart was pounding and my panties were moist. That’s new, I never had that reaction before, not even when Tommy and I make out and he touches my breasts. I wonder what would happen if he touched them. I felt like giggling.

What the hell! Of all the people he had to leave the hotel with, it had to be the shrew! It had to be the murderous shrew, damn it! I couldn’t continue to stare at the heartbreakingly handsome man anymore. I joined my girls and the fellas, and we went to the mall.

“Hey, baby, what’s wrong?” That was Tommy, my boyfriend for the last six months. He was really a jock, and all the stereotypes that go with the title. He was dumb but super cute and, of course, had probably screwed most of the cheerleaders. I was an exception to the rule, as he put it. He mentioned to me several times that I wasn’t his type because I didn’t take four hours to get ready every morning. I don’t really give a shit. I thought that if my father wasn’t wealthy, he would have never turned his eyes to me. Oh well, I needed the experience. I was heading off to Vanderbilt in the fall and wanted to learn some things before I met tons of co-eds with more experience. I have a figure that should be in playboy, according to the shrew. She even told my dad, several times, that my curves could land me any wealthy man looking for a sexy young wife. Sometimes, I thought she was trying to prostitute me out. Thankfully, my father had put the kibosh on her attempts to turn me into a slut. She even introduced me to some “scouts” as she called them.

“Nothing, I just saw Laney and her latest lover leaving the hotel. Skank,” I grumbled.

“It’s ok, babe. They will get her for it.” He put his arm around me and all I could think about was the man in his sexy suit. On Saturday afternoon, I went back to the house I had shared with my parents to get some more of my things. I had moved out right after my dad disappeared. It wasn’t that I was callous or anything,  but my father wanted me to live on my own for a bit, and see if I could handle the solitude before I went all the way to Tennessee. I could have stayed at the house, but it had been too big to be alone in. Laney had moved to the apartment on top of her spa in town because the police were constantly in the big house, and she didn’t want to deal with them. I had grown apart from my dad since he married her, but I still missed him.

When I got to my apartment that was just a mile from the school, I met with Brian, my neighbor, and close friend, and we met with the rest of our group a little while later. Our little get-together had run its course earlier than usual since some of us had projects due on Monday. It was only eight when I went back to my two bedroom apartment. I spent the rest of the night thinking about Mr. Sex-on-a-stick. The way he was looking at me earlier had me ready to run into his arms. Damn it. Why did she have to ruin everything for me? First, she takes what very little time my dad had for me, then she tries to pin my father’s disappearance on me. Now, it’s the man I don’t even know, who just from a glance has my heart pounding out of my chest.

After a whole weekend of dreaming, I headed off to class. Tommy and I met up at the convenience store, down the street from my apartment, and we walked the rest of the way together. It wasn’t until I reached the corner before the school that I felt a tingling sensation and turned to see my exasperating distraction staring directly at me. It was because of him that I was going to mess up on my final exams today. I was all prepared, but no... Mister “I have to look at you like dessert” had kept me awake with wicked fantasies and horrible nightmares. Now, I might fall asleep during the tests.

I asked Tommy to go ahead because I wanted to talk to one of my teachers about a final project grade I had gotten, and the teacher happened to be at the Starbucks across the street from the school; which was where handsome also stood. As soon as Tommy walked away, I marched up to him and gave him a piece of my mind. I thought Laney was having me followed by her buff new boy toy, and I let him know. 

Damn it, he was better looking in person. Did he just tell me he wanted to fuck me? Did I hear that correctly? I needed to get away before I took him up on his threat. Gross, the thought of the two of them together not only made me want to vomit, it made me want to cry. I huffed away and realized I still hadn’t learned his name.


Today I had a meeting after school with Laney’s defense attorney. Why, I don’t know, but I would see what kind of bull they were going to try and pull. Maybe they would try to get me to say something bad about my father or nice about Laney; not going to happen. I didn’t know if she actually killed my father, but they had circumstantial evidence that made her the prime suspect. When he didn’t show up to work the next day, his assistant called and Laney, herself, had told him that they had a fight, and he had taken off.

I dressed a little nicer today since I was going to be meeting with some suits. I wore a cute floral dress that Laney actually picked out. I guess she was an okay stepmother, if she wasn’t a cheating, murderess slut. I traveled downtown on the bus. I could have taken my Mercedes Dad bought me for my last birthday, but traffic was crazy, and I’d have to find parking. I loved my car but since my apartment was so close to campus, I usually walked to school. 

Downtown was bustling with the five o’clockers leaving their jobs. The walk to their office wasn’t too far from my stop, I arrived at the law offices of Blake, Thompson, and James, LLC a few minutes earlier than I’d plan, but early was better than late. I walked towards the front desk where the security guard directed me to the 13th floor. When I took the elevator, I got the same strange feeling I had right before I saw him. I looked up and noticed that this well-lit and fancy elevator had a camera. That’s probably what the feeling was; being monitored by the security system. For some reason, I couldn’t help but think he was watching me.