Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 4

I had been trying Tommy’s cell since I left Jackson’s office. I had to leave him a message telling him we needed to talk. I knew things were going to go south with Jackson if I didn’t tell Tommy it’s over, but I can’t reach him. This was so frustrating that I started to panic. These past four months have been a total rollercoaster. First, my dad disappeared, then a month later, they arrest Laney for it, and the nerve of that broad; she tried to pin it on me as if I would want my father dead. I missed him, I really did. We weren’t close, but he was all I had since Mom left, over a decade ago. I had no reason for trying to kill him, and thankfully, the police knew that. Laney supposedly had a motive and the means to do it, so that is what they were going on. It may not stick because they haven’t found a body; which made me feel like he really wasn’t gone. Then, Tommy had been pressuring me for more. Now this whole thing with Jackson Blake, he is beyond anyone I could have ever imagined being with, and yet, he still wanted me, with a shit-load of intensity.

Most people would say he was too old for me, but all I saw was the most attractive man in the world. My heart was going about a mile a minute. It didn’t matter really because I probably ruined my chance to be with him. Honestly, how dumb could I be to tell him that I didn’t want to be together? Granted, at the time, I had my reasons. I was in a relationship and that should be reason alone. Then, it’s the fact that we just met, and I was so much younger and inexperienced with the opposite sex. I was excited and scared when he touched me. The kisses were a fantasy come true and, oh my, what he did with his hands? I was horny all over again, just from the thought. Damn the man.

Tommy had not called and was due to pick me up any minute now, but I still wasn’t sure if he’d be coming. I wondered if something happened, or that he was purposefully avoiding my call. I would call his parents but I didn’t have their number. I was getting ready one way or another. I put on a mid-length red dress that had one strap on my left shoulder. I wore my sexy black heels that wrapped around my calves. I knew that I was supposed to have a date with Tommy and his parents, but I couldn’t help hoping that Jackson would call or come over.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear the doorbell ring until there was a pounding on the door. I opened it to find Tommy there looking handsome in his dress slacks and black blazer, blue shirt, and silver tie. It was a sexy look for a guy like him, but for some reason, it did nothing for me.

“Hey, babe, sorry, I just saw the missed calls. I fell asleep after practice, so I decided to rush over here. Damn, girl, you look hot. You dressed so sexy for me.” Wow, the prick was lying to me. His excuse just spewed out of his mouth so fast. What the hell?


What the fuck was he doing here? I thought I told her ass to lose the fuck; I would get rid of him. Shock and delight illuminated her eyes when she saw me coming to stand beside that little pissant.

“Actually, she dressed up for me. Come on, baby, we are going to be late for dinner.” I never gave an inch when it came to what I wanted, and I never wanted a woman like this before. I sure as hell wasn’t going to start giving in now.

“Hey, gramps, this is my girl. You need to leave her the hell alone.” The little fuck.

I pulled Tommy by his lapels, “You can call me gramps all you want, but she is going with me. She’s not your girl, and had you answered your phone instead of getting head from that cheerleader earlier, you would have known that.” She looked at the boy who was flustered, and that told me he knew he’d been caught. Damn, I didn’t think about how she would feel before I said that shit.

“Sorry, baby, but I had to put somebody on him to make sure he stayed away from you.” I saw the hurt in my girl’s eyes, and that made me want to belt the fucker. I was glad he was cheating because it gave me the ammo to get rid of the loser, but it had hurt her; to what extent I didn’t know. I was hoping it was only the betrayal, and not because she had serious feelings for this fuck. That just wouldn’t do. The only feelings I wanted her to have were for me.

“Sleeping?” She was furious as she looked at Tommy.

“Beat it you little shit. She is mine, and I’m not giving her up. So get lost.” I came up to her and put my arm around her, clearly staking my claim to Elizabeth.

“Fine! I don’t need this bullshit! When he leaves you for his next little piece of ass, don’t come crawling back to me. Wait, better yet, do, because then you’ll be on your knees ready to suck my cock.” Before Tommy could say another word, I had left her side and silenced his punk ass with a punch to his jaw that sent the bastard on his back.

“Don’t you ever disrespect her, talk to her, or even look at her again.” Tommy ran to his car rubbing his jaw and thinking of ways to get even with me.

“Jackson, you hurt your hand. Come inside and let’s get it cleaned up.” She looked worried, and I liked that a lot. I wanted her concern to be for me, the way mine was for her.

“Babe, we can’t go inside. You look too damn sexy, and I’ll end up ripping that pretty dress from your hot little body and fucking you wherever we land.” I reached for her hand. “Come, I have dinner plans with you, and if you are a good girl, dessert too.”

She grabbed her purse and walked to my car. I needed to court her before I carted her off to Vegas to make her mine. Yes, that’s where I’m at, I want her for keeps. I gave her a peck on the cheek and helped her in. This was going to be a long and hard night. When I walked up to her door and saw her dressed like a sex kitten, I almost lost it. I didn’t think twice about acting on my anger, but then I saw the look in her eyes and knew she was mine. I had to know for sure, “Lizzy babe, did you dress up for me or him tonight?”

She looked nervous now, and that pissed me off. “Never mind, I don’t need an answer, the look on your face is enough. How can you look at me like you want me to devour you, and yet you dress like you are ready to fuck, for that fucker?”

“I didn’t really dress for him. I got dressed up in the hopes that you might not give up on my silliness.” The stain of blush across her pale skin told me more than she cared to reveal.

With that, I pulled to the side of the road, “Baby, you are not silly. I’ll always come for you, you are my girl.” I held her face in my hands and placed a gentle kiss on her beautiful lush lips that continued to escalate, almost to the point of no return. God, I had to slow down or I might fuck her in the truck.

“Enough. So, tell me all about you, Elizabeth.” I pulled away with a strength I didn’t know I had.

“I don’t think there is much to tell. I grew up in Seattle, and when I was seven, my mom left us. I lived alone with my dad until a few years ago when he and Laney met and married in Vegas. I moved out right after my father disappeared because he had gotten me an apartment.  Now that my dad is missing and presumed dead, I don’t know what to do. He told me that if something happened, I should still follow my dreams.” The mention of Laney’s name made me lose my erection.

“What are your dreams?” I inquired and she blushed.

“I want to go to school and learn about history. I know people think it’s silly and not useful, but I really enjoy learning about it.”

“Sweetie, if that is what you want, then that’s what will happen. We’re here.” I helped her out of the truck and handed my keys to the valet.

We walked into the restaurant that had become my favorite since I came here three months ago, and all turned their attention to my woman. I never wanted to blacken so many eyes at once. The hostess, who had tried to slip me her number numerous times, but with no luck, escorted us to the table and couldn’t take her eyes off me. I was getting pissed. I didn’t want anyone to disrespect my girl. First, these fuckers ogled what was mine, now, the hostess wouldn’t even acknowledge my girl. I looked up to call the manager but stopped short when I noticed my girl smiling at me. Wow, that was the first one of those I got, and if I hadn’t been sitting down, I would have fallen over.

“Thank you, Jackson,” she said smiling brightly.

“For what, baby?” Confused; she didn’t need to thank me when I knew I was the lucky old bastard that had her. I grabbed her hand and held it, making tiny circles with my thumb, letting all these fuckers know that she was mine. A pretty blush crept up her face. That boy’s words stung; I wondered if she thought I was too old for her.

“For taking me out.” The blush was in full force tonight; I liked it. The blush told me either I was really special, or she was more innocent than her stepmother made her out to be.

“It’s my pleasure.” Just then our waiter approached, and we ordered the food. As a new couple, we talked throughout the meal. I wanted to know everything about her. What her favorite color was? Blue. What type of television shows she liked? Comedy. I wanted everything she would give me.

I was trying to control my urge to toss the food off the table and take her on it. The sounds she made while eating had me hard as hell. I asked her if she wanted dessert, but she declined, saying she had class in the morning. So, I called for the check.

Damn, I forgot how young she was. Well, she graduates in two weeks. I would have to think of a good gift for her. She had a Mercedes that she got last year and she hardly drove it, so I guess that was out of the picture. Maybe a special necklace. Yes, that would work.

We waited for the valet outside, under a tented area, as the Seattle skies opened up. The valet held the umbrella for us as we entered my car. “I love living here, even with all the rain. I’m going to miss it,” Elizabeth said.

“What do you mean you are going to miss it? I thought you… we were going to see where thing takes us.” The rain was streaming down the front of the car. “I’m going to Vanderbilt in the fall. I got accepted right before my dad disappeared.” Was she clueless? Did she think I would let her walk away from us?

“You are not going to Vanderbilt. What the hell do you want to go so far away from me for?” Hell, I know I’m being an ass, but fuck, didn’t I just say we were going to be together?

“I rejected other offers after I got this one.” She seemed frustrated with me, but I didn’t care. She needed to understand that Vanderbilt wasn’t an option.

“Well, if you want to be mine, you sure as hell are not fleeing the state. Do you want us to be together?” I was truly worried about her response.

“Of course I do. I’m scared that you are going to get tired of me, like your other women, and leave me. Then what the fuck am I supposed to do? I can’t start college in the middle of the semester when you toss me aside.”

“What did I tell you about that mouth of yours? Wait until I get you alone. Fine, if you are afraid I’m going to leave you, you keep your plans for now, but they will be for nothing because I promise I’m not letting you go anywhere. You are different than the others. You are special to me and that is a new thing for me. I’ll give you time to get used to us, but you are mine.”

We had arrived at her apartment and briefly kissed goodnight, any more than that and I wasn’t leaving. I understood her reasoning, but I couldn’t undo my past. I was sure there was nothing that was going to change my feelings for her; in fact, I felt that they would get more intense. She probably didn’t feel the same way and that did hurt a bit, but I would get her there. Perhaps she was too young to understand, or maybe I was insane to be chasing after a little girl. We hardly knew each other. What the hell was wrong with me?

I told her I would call her tomorrow before she left for school, but I changed my mind. I decided to drive her there, or rather my driver would take us. I’d surprise her when she was about to leave the house; that was the plan.

When I got home, I worked off the massive erection threatening to rip through my pants, in my home gym. I showered and hit the bed, but tossed and turned for hours until I took care of the tent in my boxers that refused to leave without motivation.


“Good morning, sunshine. I hope you slept well.” I said beamingly into the phone.

“I didn’t. Are you always this sunny after a long night out?” She was very agitated, not a morning person I guess, or she was cranky when she didn’t sleep well.

“Babe, it wasn’t that late, and actually, I slept terribly because I couldn’t get a certain sexy, dirty blonde out of my head. Why couldn’t you sleep?”

“I was thinking of some mysteriously handsome man all night.” I could feel her smile through the phone.

“Who the hell is he, and do I have to go kick his ass for you to stop it?”

“Oh, please don’t. You see, I think he looks sexy in that black suit with the purple tie. He’s so delicious, and he didn’t give me enough kisses last night.” She sounded put out by that, fuck yeah!

“Well, open your door and let him rectify that.” I smiled as I looked to the window and spotted her staring at me.

She opened the door, only to be pushed inside and slammed backwards into it. “Miss me, baby?” She nodded. I took her mouth with a forceful passion. Elizabeth slid her arms around my neck and into my hair as she slid her tongue into my mouth. I pinned her with my body and let my hands roam free, caressing her thighs and lifting her into my erection. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I ground my pelvis into hers.

“Ahhh…”  I was lifting up her shirt and sucking her nipple through her bra when my phone rang. “Jackson, your phone is ringing.”

“Baby, I don’t care. I want you.” The phone rang again, but I ignored it. We continued for another five minutes when the alarm on her phone rang. That shook us out of our mindless dry fucking. “If you didn’t have to go to school, we would be continuing this in your room; and not ending until I came in your pussy at least twice.”

“Ready, babe?” I said as I headed to the door. 

“Sure, Jackson, just let me get my jacket and purse.”

She had just put on her cute little jacket when I pulled her back into my arms and whispered, “One more.” Giving each other a quick and chaste kiss, we headed out the front door. In front of a beautiful town car stood one of the largest men I was sure she’d ever seen. Mike was all suited up and serious looking as always when he was working.

“Elizabeth, this is Mike. Mike, this is my Elizabeth. Sweetie, he or his brother Milo will be driving you to and from the school, and wherever else you would like to go.”

I listened to the message from my mother as Elizabeth spoke with Mike. It was just a reminder about the party this weekend; which I sure as hell had forgotten. Shit, I wasn’t going to leave her for that long.

On the way to school, I informed her that I had to fly out to Maine for a party my mom was having for my little sister’s birthday. It was a big deal, she was eighteen. Damn, she was older than my woman. I never thought any of my sister’s friends were remotely appealing. The smile that had been on my girl’s face had faded. “Babe, what’s the matter? Don’t you want to come with me?”

She looked up at me damn near tears. She must be close to feeling what I was feeling. The thought of being without her would make me want to punch a fucking wall or someone’s face. “You want me to go?” she whispered and blushed. Damn, that innocent thing she does was really hot.

“Elizabeth, of course, I want you to come. So pack for the whole weekend, and don’t you dare bring that red number, or you’ll end up fucked in the closest room, even if it’s crowded.”


I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. It had taken me two months to officially meet Tommy’s parents, and they lived nearby. Jackson and I just met, and we hardly knew each other. Granted, I did find out a great deal about him from our dinner last night. I wondered what they would think of me. Had they had someone better picked out for their son? The Blake’s were a well-known and wealthy family in Maine. I came from a wealthy family, but it was new wealth, and with my dad missing, people were looking at me weird, always thinking I was guilty or something. There were rumors that he had stolen our wealth from his investors, and that was why he was missing. When I asked the police about it, they told me it wasn’t true, so I hoped they were right because I sure didn’t want to profit at the expense of others.  

My face spoke of complete dread. “Don’t worry, they will love you. We will be back on Sunday night, so you can make it to school on Monday.” We spent the next five minutes kissing and caressing until we reached the school. After righting each other’s clothes, we stepped out of the car. Jackson turned me to face him and told me with a stern countenance, “If anyone fucks with you, you tell me, you hear? And don’t talk to that fuck, Tommy, because I might have to end him.” The age thing would be an issue for many. Hell, it bothered me that I was claiming this child, but it couldn’t be helped, and if anyone didn’t fucking like it, to hell with them. Jackson let them know if anyone fucked with me, heads would roll.