Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 5

I got to the office early to meet with Caleb, just to go over the case with him, then I was washing my hands of this shit. I wanted this big case, but I wanted my Elizabeth more. She still didn’t quite get my feelings for her, but she would. Elizabeth was my forever.

Caleb’s door was open, and he was going over the file I had given him yesterday. Knocking on it, I walked right in. “Caleb, how’s it going?” He lifted his head with his “I’m a jackass smile”.

“Good morning to you, Sunshine. You seem chipper. I wonder why that is? Are your lips swollen?”

I actually smiled and grinned like a fool, “I kissed her.”

“Dude, did you really? A real kiss? Ha! You sound like you are in Jr. High. Is her age rubbing off on you?” The fuck had the nerve to laugh; asshole.

“Fuck off. I can’t get enough of her and it’s pretty fucked up. I’m pathetic. Now, I know how those women who wanted more than my cock felt; that feeling isn’t cool.”

Caleb kept laughing until I whacked him with the file. “How is the case looking?” This sobered him up. I couldn’t wait until he found someone; payback’s a bitch.

“Good, I like a good mystery, and it seems we have one. You were right, something doesn’t ring true. According to the records gathered, he makes a call to a disposable number and then heads out, at two in the morning, after having a heart to heart with his little girl? Fishy. There has been no movement on his credit cards or his vehicle. Duke and Benson have been checking the highway and neighborhood cameras, and looking into his financials. It seems that before he disappeared, he was spending more than he was making. It looks like your girl will be broke in the next few months. She won’t have money to go to school in the fall.”

“How do you know she is going away?” I wondered what they talked about before I got into the office yesterday. I could trust him with my life, but I was jealous.

“It was in the file with the info that was gathered for the case. Did you actually read it?” Caleb inquired.

“Well, she won’t be going to that school, so I’ll get it refunded, and she can go somewhere close to home or online because fuck if I’m letting her go. She won’t be broke because she will be mine.”

I was serious and it made my friend laugh harder. “Congrats Jackson, you crazy SOB. Does she know? Or are you going to just pirate her off to Vegas?”

“She will find out soon enough. We are going up to see my parents this weekend.” I was a proud, fucking peacock.

“Now, I came in here to help get some shit done, on this case, because the less my girl has to deal with the better. Okay. So what are we to do about the Homan case? I don’t think the prick is dead, and if he isn’t, I’m going to kill the fucker myself because he left my girl all alone and sad. What evidence is there to really blame Mrs. Homan?”

I sat back down, propping my feet on Caleb’s desk, which he promptly kicked off.

“Nothing really, the fact that they were on the verge of a divorce may have been the motive they were looking for, but according to her statement to police, it was her who was doing the divorcing. I’ll ask her about it when we meet today. Do you want to be in on that?”

I got up and walked to the door, turned and replied, “I will; just to transition, but briefly. If she was looking for a rich man, she was trying to find it with me, another reason to be off the case.” The hell if I was going for that. I didn’t want that woman anywhere near my dick. I had what I needed in Elizabeth.”

I went back to my office to work on the pile of cases that had been dumped on my desk. My idea was to select the cases I would like to handle and redistribute the rest to the team in their meeting this afternoon. Most of our cases were lawsuit types in nature. Rarely were they dealing with any serious criminal cases like with the Homan’s. It had rocked the media that a former model had been arrested and charged with her husband’s disappearance and supposed murder. They had no body and really no case. It was some eager-ass DA and the Mayor that thought it would be great for their careers.

There were two cases that seemed challenging, so those were mine. I didn’t have time for more since I wanted to spend time with Elizabeth, but as the head of the firm, I liked to lead by example. My family was wealthy, but it wasn’t their money that helped launch this firm. I started out just like every other young lawyer but flew up that ladder like an angel with wings. I had won all of my cases and worked long and hard to achieve my goals. My dream was to be independent of my parents. Not that I didn’t appreciate my heritage or family wealth, it was just something that had to be done as a man. I wanted to see the value in myself instead of the wealth that shrouded me, and the only thing that everyone else saw in me.

As a young man, I learned quickly what females wanted. At eighteen, I learned a lesson that had given me the strength to push the envelope. I had been dating this chick and things were going well; she had been my first lover, but I wasn’t hers. I saw her chatting with some friends but they hadn’t noticed me, and she mentioned how she had it all in the bag. That she would have a ring on her finger in no time, and that she would roll in the family money, but she would still keep her side lover because his cock was smaller and she could handle it better. The look on her face had been hilarious, if I hadn’t been so pissed. The bitch had been cheating on me and laughed about it. I got even with her ass. What she didn’t know was that I wasn’t planning to marry her, and I told her so in front of her friends.

“Fucking whore, go crawl back to your lover. I don’t want shit to do with you. But you there, Patti is your name, right, do you want to ride on my big cock?” I grinned at the hot little friend of my ex. I wasn’t in love with that girl, I hardly liked her, but I had enjoyed that she was sweet in bed. She should get an academy award for acting.

I scooped up her friend, Patti, and took her on the hood of my car. That started my emotionless sexcapade until I met my Buttercup. Hell, I hadn’t even had sex with her, and all my emotions were involved. It’s been a long stretch for me; almost a year without some pussy. I was in need. My girl was going to have to give me some soon.

My staff met in the conference room where I ravished my woman the day before and damn, my dirty thoughts! How the hell was I to conduct a meeting with a fucking hard-on?

“Everyone take your seats. I know that you are all busy, so I won’t keep you long. I would like to introduce to you our two new lawyers that have joined us. We have Matthew Ryder, who has just graduated from Harvard Law, and Sophia Rinaldi, who is joining us from the Chicago Law Firm of Hoyt, Wells and Michaels. Please help me welcome them.” I turned and spoke to them directly “For the next two cases you will be working alongside some of our more experienced lawyers. We have 18 new cases that have been accepted. I divided them up according to everyone’s current case list. Matthew, Sophia, if you can’t handle your new cases, or if you need assistance, let myself or Caleb know. Thank you, everyone, and have a great day.”  Caleb’s assistant/new office manager, Kristen, passed out the cases to the corresponding lawyers as they exited.


I was tired; loving a woman was draining. How the fuck had my dad done it? I took my usual seat, laid my head back to relax, and closed my eyes. I had twenty minutes before the meeting with Laney Homan. Damn, that bitch made me tired. I must have nodded off because Caleb walked in with Mrs. Homan and startled me awake.

“Sorry to disturb you, sleeping beauty. See that is why we are having some changes made around here.” He laughed it off as he called on the intercom to his assistant to bring us some coffee; he was going to need it.

“Had a rough night, Jackson?” purred Laney. Damn that woman! When would she get that I wasn’t interested in a gold digging whore?

“My activities outside the office are none of your concern, and for the record, my activities in my office are no longer your concern.” I was getting testy with the broad. She was like a pit bull; once she saw what she wanted, she bit and locked her jaw on it until it submitted. But that shit wasn’t going down with me. I was like a fucking shark that would chew you up and spit you out because I could.

Caleb put a hand on my shoulder, to let me know he would take over. “Mrs. Homan, I’ll now be handling your case. Mr. Blake has other obligations that will take him away and may be conflicting with his ability to give you the best chance of winning the case.”

“But I want him, or I’ll look for a different law firm to represent me,” she huffed in an all-out spoiled brat fashion.

Caleb put a stop to that by saying, “About that Mrs. Homan, we have been looking into your husband’s assets, and it seems that you won’t be able to afford our fees soon. If you wish to look for different representation, please be our guest. But if you still want us to work your defense, then I suggest you calm down and get the notion out of your head that Jackson Blake will be anything more intimate to you than your former lawyer.” I wanted to add stepson, but that bitch would have nothing to do with Elizabeth when we married.

Pissed, she let them have it. She tossed the water that was brought to her, at Caleb. “I don’t believe a word you say! I want Blake as my lawyer and since you won’t do it, I’ll look elsewhere.” Laney Homan stormed out the door in a hurry.

“What the hell just happened?” Caleb was pissed; that was his favorite silk tie. “Fucking bitch ruined my tie. I’m glad to wash my hands of her.”

I was laughing my ass off. As I stood and got ready to leave the office, Caleb stopped me. “Jacks, be careful, something isn’t right about this case, and that crazy broad really seems interested in you; a bit too much, if you ask me.”

“Do you think she found out about Elizabeth and me? They don’t talk anymore, so it’s not likely unless she saw us together, but I doubt it.”

“Probably not, because she wouldn’t have left that topic untouched. Let’s just send out Duke to follow her and make sure she doesn’t give you and the misses any trouble.”

“Good thinking, man.”

The rest of the work day had gone pretty uneventful. My girl stayed late at school, to finish her final project, and then would be heading back to my place. I had to convince Elizabeth to spend the night. I mean, she was an adult and lived alone. What’s the big deal? So, I would see about that at dinner; my cook made us something special. I was going to let her eat, maybe, depending on if I could let her out of my arms when I saw her. I waited patiently by the door when Mike entered the gate, with my woman in the back of the car.

Just then, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Mike calling; he had to know that I could see that he was pulling into the gate. Why was he calling? “Hey boss, I was wondering if we could talk briefly when you have a chance. It’s kind of important.”

“Is anything wrong with Elizabeth?” I was panicking. Nothing could be wrong with my girl or I would lose my shit. 

“No, Sir, she is fine. In fact, she must have been tired because she is napping in the back seat.”

“Okay, don’t wake her. I’ll meet you out front.” I rushed out the front door and down the steps. Mike stepped out of the car and looked nervous. Damn, that was scary, when a big guy like him seemed apprehensive.